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Invited Review

Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Volume 00 Number 0
Pathophysiology of Acute Liver Failure xxxx 2019 1–10
© 2019 American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1002/ncp.10459
Victor Dong, MD1 ; Rahul Nanchal, MD2 ; and Constantine J. Karvellas, MD, SM3,4

Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare syndrome resulting from an acute insult to the liver in patients without known underlying chronic
liver disease. It is characterized by loss of synthetic function in the form of jaundice and coagulopathy and development of hepatic
encephalopathy. Multiorgan failure (MOF) eventually develops, leading to death. Many different etiologies have been identified,
with acetaminophen (APAP) overdose and viral hepatitis being the most common causes worldwide. The pathophysiology of ALF
can be divided into cause-specific liver injury pathophysiologies and pathophysiology related to occurrence of secondary MOF. In
terms of liver injury pathophysiology, APAP toxicity is the most well known. Secondary MOF is often a result of the initial massive
proinflammatory response generating a systemic inflammatory response syndrome followed by a compensatory anti-inflammatory
response leading to immune cell dysfunction and sepsis. As the liver is a tremendously important metabolic organ involved in energy
metabolism, protein synthesis, fat metabolism, and glycemic control, multiple aspects of nutrition also need to be considered as
part of the overall pathophysiology of ALF. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2019;00:1–10)

acute liver failure; liver diseases; nutrition support

Introduction and Definition hyper-ALF (jaundice to HE within 7 days), ALF (jaundice

to HE within 1–4 weeks), and sub-ALF (jaundice to HE
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare syndrome characterized within 4–26 weeks).3 Such subcategories are important
by rapid deterioration of normal liver function following because they can inform possible etiologies of ALF and
an acute insult in a patient with no previously known help to predict outcome. Overall, patients with hyper-
underlying chronic liver disease.1 Incidence is about 1– ALF are at highest risk of cerebral edema but also have
6 cases per million in developed countries.2 It leads to the greatest chance of spontaneous recovery without LT,
jaundice, coagulopathy, and hepatic encephalopathy (HE) whereas patients with sub-ALF have the lowest risk of
along with multiorgan failure (MOF). Clinical course varies, cerebral edema but the highest risk of mortality without
depending on etiology, and ranges from spontaneous re- LT.8 Table 1 summarizes the clinical features and prognosis
covery to need for emergency liver transplantation (LT).3 of the different subcategories of ALF.
Mortality is around 30%.4
Trey and Davidson’s initial definition of ALF in 1970 as
fulminant liver failure was a clinical entity that is potentially
reversible and arose from acute and severe liver injury From the 1 Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care, University of
resulting in the appearance of HE within 8 weeks of the first Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 2 Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care,
signs of symptoms in a patient without preexisting chronic and Sleep Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin and the Medical
Intensive Care Unit at Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
liver disease.5 However, it has become clear that this defi-
USA; 3 Division of Gastroenterology (Liver Unit), University of
nition is too restrictive and does not encompass the entire Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; and 4 Department of Critical Care
spectrum of patients with ALF. Currently, the definition of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
ALF is a condition in which an acute hepatic insult leads Financial disclosure: None declared.
to rapid clinical deterioration, with HE occurring within
Conflicts of interest: None declared.
26 weeks of the first onset of symptoms of liver dysfunction
This article originally appeared online on xxxx 0, 2019.
(jaundice).6 If HE occurs 26 or more weeks after the initial
onset of signs of liver disease, it is classified as chronic liver Corresponding Author:
Constantine J. Karvellas, MD, SM, Department of Critical Care
Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology (Liver Unit), University of
Within the overall cohort of ALF patients, subcate- Alberta, 1-40 Zeidler Ledcor Building, Edmonton, Alberta T6G2X8,
gories exist based on the speed of progression from initial Canada.
onset of jaundice to development of HE. These include Email:
2 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0)

Table 1. Clinical Features and Prognosis of Acute Liver Failure Subcategories.

Clinical Course of ALF (Onset of Symptoms to Hepatic Encephalopathy)

Features of ALF Hyperacute ALF (within 7 Days) Acute ALF (8–28 days) Subacute ALF (5–26 weeks)

Etiologies Acetaminophen, hepatitis A/E, ischemia Hepatitis B Nonacetaminophen DILI

Transaminases +++ ++ +
Bilirubin + ++ +++
INR +++ ++ +
Cerebral edema Highest risk Intermediate risk Low risk
Survival without liver High Intermediate Low

ALF, acute liver failure; DILI, drug-induced liver injury; INR, internationalized ratio; +, present, more plus signs mean higher.

Table 2. Cause, Prevalence, and Evaluation of Acute Liver Failure.

Cause Prevalencea (%) Evaluation

APAP 45 History; APAP level

HBV 7 Anti-HBc (IgM and total), HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBV DNA, anti-HDV
AIH 5 ANA, ASMA, anti-LKM, immunoglobulins
HAV 4 Anti-HAV (IgM and total)
Shock liver 4 Echocardiogram, brain natriuretic peptide
Wilson disease 3 Serum ceruloplasmin and copper; urine copper; slitlamp eye exam
BCS 2 Doppler ultrasound of liver
Malignancy 1 Contrast-enhanced CT; MRI (preferred)
AFLP/HELLP 1 Pregnancy test
HSV 0.5 Anti-HSV 1/2, HSV DNA
Other 4 Anti-HCV/HCV RNA, anti-CMV/CMV DNA, anti-EBV/EBV DNA, toxicology screen
Indeterminate 14 All of above negative
Idiosyncratic drug 13 History; all of above negative

AFLP/HELLP, acute fatty liver of pregnancy/hemolysis-elevated liver enzymes–low platelet syndrome; AIH, autoimmune hepatitis; ANA,
antinuclear antibody; Anti-HBc, anti hepatitis B core antibody; anti-HBs, anti hepatitis B surface antibody; anti-LKM, anti–liver kidney
microsomal antibody; APAP, acetaminophen; ASMA, anti–smooth muscle antibody; BCS, Budd-Chiari syndrome; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CT,
computed tomography; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HAV, hepatitis A virus; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV,
hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IgM, immunoglobulin M; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
a Prevalence of causes are estimates based on the US Acute Liver Failure Study Group Cohort.

Epidemiology and Etiology APAP Overdose

ALF is a rare condition with approximately 2000–3000 APAP is an intrinsic hepatotoxin with a narrow therapeutic
cases per year in the United States.9 Most affected indi- window and dose-dependent toxicity.13 APAP accounts for
viduals are young, with a median age of 38.10 The ma- 45% of ALF cases in North America.14 About half of
jority of patients are female.11 Caucasians are the most APAP overdoses are intentional and attributable to suicide
commonly affected race.10 In terms of etiology of ALF, attempts, whereas the other half are unintentional overdoses
acetaminophen (APAP) toxicity is the most prevalent cause in patients consuming higher than recommended daily
in developed countries, whereas viral hepatitis accounts for doses of APAP for chronic pain.15 Liver injury secondary
the majority of ALF cases in developing countries.4 Other to APAP overdose is categorized as hyperacute and begins
causes of ALF include non-APAP drug-induced liver injury within 8–12 hours of the ingestion, leading to an extreme
(DILI), ischemic hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), rise in aminotransferases that is similar in elevation to
fulminant Wilson disease (WD), pregnancy-associated in- ischemic hepatitis and higher than for other causes of
jury, and indeterminant etiology.12 Table 2 summarizes ALF.16 Metabolic acidosis and acute kidney injury due to
the prevalence and evaluation of different etiologies of acute tubular necrosis can also occur in the early stages
ALF. of disease presentation.17 Patients with ALF secondary to
Dong et al 3

APAP toxicity have much higher rates of cerebral edema but Patients present with lower rises in aminotransferases but
also higher rates of spontaneous recovery without need for higher bilirubin concentrations.25 Once HE develops, <25%
LT compared with other etiologies of ALF.18 of patients with DILI-induced ALF have spontaneous
recovery with LT.18 Risk factors for DILI-induced ALF
Viral Hepatitis include age, gender, nutrition status, concomitant drugs,
alcohol use, and certain genetic predispositions.28 Table 3
Hepatotropic viruses (hepatitis A, B, D, and E) have all
summarizes the different types of idiosyncratic reaction.
been reported to cause ALF with the risk of progressing to
ALF variable depending on the certain type of virus.19 ALF
secondary to viral hepatitis can present with moderate (5–
Other Etiologies
10 times the upper limit of normal) or severe (>10 times the Ischemic hepatitis as a result of inadequate liver perfusion
upper limit of normal) elevations in transaminases.19 (heart failure, hypovolemia, sepsis, hypoxia) usually leads
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) accounts for <3% of ALF cases to a hyperacute liver injury that is most often self-limited
in developed countries and is a result of poor sanitation as long as the cause of low perfusion is reversed in a
and fecal-oral transmission.20 ALF secondary to hepatitis timely fashion.4 Hepatic injury and ALF is character-
A has a 70% spontaneous recovery rate.20 Risk factors for ized by a severe transaminitis that improves rapidly once
progression to ALF following acute HAV infection includes perfusion is restored.29 However, in cases of mechanical
age over 40 years, history of intravenous drug use, alcoholic hepatic circulatory compromise, LT may be required to treat
liver disease, and underlying chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) ALF.29
or hepatitis C virus infection.21 AIH usually occurs in younger female patients and
HBV causes approximately 8% of cases of ALF in accounts for up to 6% of cases of ALF.30 AIH is often
developed countries with two-thirds from acute infections associated with other autoimmune conditions that include
and the rest from reactivation of chronic infection following Hashimoto thyroiditis, celiac disease, and inflammatory
immunosuppression or chemotherapy.22 HBV transmission bowel disease.31 Patients may present with mild symptoms
occurs through sexual contact and use of needles or razors responsive to corticosteroids but may also progress to
contaminated with infected blood.19 Rates of spontaneous ALF with no reversibility of injury with corticosteroids.32
recovery once ALF develops is significantly lower than for Overall, 10% of patients with acute AIH require LT for ALF
HAV-induced ALF.19 treatment.31
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) requires the presence of hep- WD is an autosomal-recessive disease characterized by
atitis B surface antigen for replication and transmission.23 copper buildup in the liver and other end organs.33 Patients
HDV is acquired in a similar fashion to HBV and can present with neurologic symptoms, chronic liver disease,
may be acquired simultaneously with HBV (coinfection) or ALF.34 Fulminant WD represents about 3% of ALF
or in a patient with underlying chronic HBV infection cases and usually occurs in young female patients within the
(superinfection).23 The presence of HDV infection leads to first 2 decades of life.12 In the setting of ALF, spontaneous
a 2-fold to 5-fold increase in the rate of ALF compared with recovery is rare, and LT is required for survival.35
HBV infection alone.23 Pregnancy-associated liver dysfunction that can progress
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is endemic in parts of northern to ALF includes acute fatty liver of pregnancy, preeclamp-
Africa and southern Asia and rarely seen in Western coun- sia, and HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low
tries. It is transmitted enterically via contaminated water platelets) syndrome.12 With any of these conditions, there
and food.12 Young adults and pregnant women (especially is significant risk of placental abruption, disseminated
in the third trimester) are particularly vulnerable to HEV- intravascular coagulopathy, and death.36 ALF is often re-
induced ALF.24 Overall mortality is close to 20%. versed upon delivery of the fetus.12

Drug-Induced Liver Injury Pathophysiology of Acute Liver Failure

Non-APAP, idiosyncratic DILI is the second most common The pathophysiology of ALF can be divided into primary
etiology of ALF and accounts for 10%–20% of ALF in liver injury specific to the etiology of ALF and secondary
developed countries.14 Patients present with a subacute pat- MOF. In terms of the primary liver insult, APAP-induced
tern of liver failure and have higher rates of mortality with- ALF has the best-understood mechanism. APAP in non-
out LT.25 The majority of affected individuals are younger toxic doses (<4 g/d) is primarily glucoronidated and sul-
adults and women.26 Antibiotics are responsible for 50% of fated by uridine 5’-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase and
DILI-induced ALF, neuropsychoactive agents account for sulfotransferase into nontoxic compounds that are excreted
10%–15% of ALF, and over-the-counter dietary and herbal via the urine.37 The remaining APAP is converted by cy-
supplements are implicated in 10% of ALF cases.27 Liver tochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) into the toxic metabolite
injury usually occurs within 1–2 weeks of drug exposure.26 N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone (NAPQI), which is immediately
4 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0)

Table 3. Types of Idiosyncratic Drug Reactions.

Type of Reaction Effect on Cells Examples of Drugs

Hepatocellular Direct effect or production by enzyme-drug Isoniazid, trazodone, diclofenac, nefazodone,

adduct leads to cell dysfunction, membrane venlafaxine, lovastatin
dysfunction, and cytotoxic T-cell response.
Cholestasis Injury to canalicular membrane and Chlorpromazine, estrogen, erythromycin and
transporters its derivatives
Immunoallergic Enzyme-drug adducts on cell surface induce Halothane, phenytoin, sulfamethoxazole
IgE response
Granulomatous Macrophages, lymphocytes infiltrate hepatic Diltiazem, sulfa drugs, quinidine
Microvesicular fat Altered mitochondrial respiration, β-oxidation Didanosine, tetracycline, acetylsalicylic acid,
leads to lactic acidosis and triglyceride valproic acid
Steatohepatitis Multifactorial Amiodarone, tamoxifen
Autoimmune Cytotoxic lymphocyte response directed at Nitrofurantoin, methyldopa, lovastatin,
hepatocyte membrane components minocycline
Fibrosis Activation of stellate cells Methotrexate, excess vitamin A
Vascular collapse Causes ischemic or hypoxic injury Nicotinic acid, cocaine,
Oncogenesis Encourages tumor formation Oral contraceptives, androgens
Mixed Cytoplasmic and canalicular injury, direct Amoxicillin-clavulanate, carbamazepine, herbs,
damage to bile ducts cyclosporine, methimazole, troglitazone

IgE, immunoglobulin E.

conjugated to glutathione (GSH) to detoxify it.38 How- as continuing to cause liver injury. Proinflammatory cy-
ever, when there is an excess amount of APAP, as in tokines recruit neutrophils and promote extravasation into
the case of overdoses, GSH is depleted by the surplus the hepatic parenchyma. Once within the parenchyma,
NAPQI and results in covalent binding to hepatocellular they release ROS and proteases, which induce hepato-
proteins, mitochondrial oxidative stress, and hepatocellular cyte damage.41 Dysregulation of systemic vascular tone
necrosis.39 Toxic effects of APAP overdose are augmented leads to low systemic vascular resistance, causing hypoten-
by conditions that increase NAPQI production or deplete sion and peripheral microcirculatory vasodilation results
GSH availability. Ethanol and certain medications, includ- in poor pulmonary oxygen exchange, impaired peripheral
ing antibiotics and antiepileptics, activate CYPs and result tissue oxygen delivery, and lactic acidosis. Cerebrovascular
in greater NAPQI generation. Fasting and malnutrition and renovascular tone are most affected leading to cere-
result in reduced GSH production.38 bral hyperperfusion and HE along with functional renal
Regarding secondary MOF, the pathophysiology ap- failure.40
pears to share many features with severe sepsis. The innate Sepsis also plays a major part in secondary MOF. A
immune response is initiated early in the disease course and late compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
can be a reaction to pathogen-specific molecular patterns mediated by anti-inflammatory cytokines including IL-4,
(PAMPs) from heterotropic viruses as well as a response IL-10, and transforming growth factor-β leads to immuno-
to damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), such suppression and increased risk of infection and late sepsis.41
as histones, DNA, and high mobility group box-1 pro- Monocyte dysfunction and inactivation as a result of high
teins released from injured cells upon hepatocyte death circulating IL-10 levels is a major factor in development
secondary to toxic etiologies.40 Many different immune cells of late sepsis. Reduced serum complement levels also oc-
participate in the innate response, including monocytes, cur as the liver is the predominant site of complement
macrophages, dendritic cells, leukocytes, and natural killer synthesis, which decreases the chemoattractant ability for
cells. These cells recognize and respond to PAMPs and neutrophils and increases the risk of infections by encap-
DAMPs.40 They produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) sulated organisms.41 Neutrophils have functional impair-
along with proinflammatory mediators, such as tumor ment with decreased ROS production, reduced ability for
necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6, which phagocytosis, and less complement receptor expression.42
stimulate a systemic inflammatory response.40 IL-17 and IL- Plasma fibronectin, a glycoprotein made in the liver that
10 also play a role in the overall inflammatory response.40 helps Kupffer cells clear circulating microbes, is diminished
ROS and cytokines subsequently lead to MOF as well as well, leading to Kupffer cell dysfunction.43
Dong et al 5

Nutrition Aspects of Acute Liver Failure causes difficulties with glycemic control and persistent
hypoglycemia. Because of the rarity of ALF, there have
The liver is a significant metabolic organ with a role in been minimal studies of nutrition interventions in ALF,
many nutrition-related functions. It is involved in energy with the decision between enteral and parenteral nutrition
metabolism, protein synthesis, fat synthesis, as well as largely based on overall gastrointestinal tract functionality.
glycemic control.44 Overall, the liver is responsible for up
to 24% of energy expenditure.45 Normally, glucose is taken
up into hepatocytes by glucose transporter 2 membrane Conclusions
transporters during the fed state. It is then phosphory- ALF is a rare syndrome resulting from an acute insult to
lated via glucokinase and utilized by glycogen synthase to the liver in patients without known underlying chronic liver
form glycogen.46 During short periods of fasting, glyco- disease. It is characterized by loss of synthetic function and
gen is hydrolyzed in the liver by glycogen phosphorylase development of HE along with eventual MOF. Multiple
to produce glucose. When fasting is prolonged, glycogen etiologies can be the culprit, with APAP overdose and viral
stores are depleted and glucose synthesis has to occur via hepatitis being the most common causes worldwide. Cause-
gluconeogensis using lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, and amino specific pathophysiologies exist, with APAP toxicity being
acids.46 Insulin inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis, whereas the most well known. Secondary MOF is often a result
glucagon promotes it. The liver is the site of nonessential of the initial massive proinflammatory response generat-
amino acid production and synthesis of plasma proteins, ing a systemic inflammatory response syndrome followed
including albumin and coagulation factors. It is responsible by a compensatory anti-inflammatory response leading to
for metabolizing ammonia and amino acids. Fat metabolism immune cell dysfunction and sepsis. In addition, multiple
also occurs within the liver. Dietary fatty acids are taken up nutrition aspects need to be considered in the overall
by hepatocytes and converted to triacylglycerol or choles- pathophysiology of ALF because the liver is an important
terol esters.46 These substances are then either stored in metabolic organ that is involved in energy metabolism,
hepatocytes or released into systemic circulation. Glucose protein synthesis, fat metabolism, and glycemic control.
can also be converted to fatty acids in the liver depending
on availability of carbohydrates.46 Statement of Authorship
In response to ALF, energy expenditure increases by up
V. Dong and C. J. Karvellas contributed to the conception and
to 30%.45 Initially, there is activation of neuroendocrine design of the work; V. Dong and C. J. Karvellas contributed
pathways. This results in medullary sympathetic stimula- to the design of the work; V. Dong and C. J. Karvellas
tion, leading to increased norepinephrine and epinephrine contributed to the acquisition and analysis of the data; V.
levels along with stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary Dong, R. Nanchal, and C. J. Karvellas contributed to the
axis to release adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid- interpretation of the data; and V. Dong drafted the manuscript.
stimulating hormone, and growth hormone.47 Release of V. Dong, R. Nanchal, and C. J. Karvellas critically revised
cortisol and catecholamines leads to a hypercatabolic the manuscript, agree to be fully accountable for ensuring the
state.48 Proinflammatory cytokines including tumor necro- integrity and accuracy of the work, and read and approved the
sis factor, IL-1, and IL-6 also stimulate hypercatabolism.49 final manuscript
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