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Group report

This project was ordered to be done in a group effort, 5 students who have similar interest in

the selected topic were given the task to generate a group report. There were a few obstacles that

were faced when completing this task such as difficulties meeting, selection of topic, and the

failure to work cohesively. The group saw it difficult to successfully meet on a regular basis due

to the onslaught of the Corona Virus pandemic which placed a strain on gatherings. Even the use

of social media alternatives was futile since some members of the group had connectivity issues.

The selection process of both the title and artefacts were also complicated seeing that everyone

wanted to voice their opinions and share their thoughts. These obstructions intricately affected

the group’s performance in compiling the SBA.

Once the group resolved their internal issues and delegated the respective tasks to each

member, the assignment became much easier. The group came to an agreement that the internet

and books were going to be the primary source of information and thus found three suitable

pieces of artefacts to analyse. The group chose a video which was an episode of the TVJ show

“Talk Up Yout”, a poem entitled “Slam for suicide Awareness and Prevention” by the poet Self

harm Artist and an internet article entitled “Emotional abuse”. The video was selected because of

the first hand information that was being shared. The video had victims of child abuse

anonymously sharing their experiences of being abused. The poem had descriptive methods of

writing which made the poem realistic and allowed the group to feel what we were reading. The

internet article had a lot of factual information and the use of strong language.

These pieces clearly described the negative impact that child abuse has on children. They

implore that victims speak up and that persons who know of any child that is being abuse to
speak up as well. From the pieces that were gathered, the group can conclude that child abuse

can have a deleterious effect on children, from their social structure to their mental wellbeing.

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