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Name: Zaniyah Ofei Date: 3 - 27 - 2023 Period: 1st

Unit 3 Common Writing Task

- Review the rubric in Google Classroom for the assignment.
- Use your writing outline to respond to the prompt below in a 6 paragraph essay.
- Be sure to separate your paragraphs!

“To what extent did the US fulfill the ideals of the Declaration of Independence for all people
from 1815-1850?”

Some of the changes that happened in 1815 and 1850 is that African Americans and Women
didn’t have as many rights as white men did. For example African Americans were made into
slaves and were broken apart from their families and Women had to live under the rule of men
and couldn’t even vote. The United States didn’t fulfill the ideals of the Declaration of
Independence for all people from 1815-1850 because Women and African Americans
experienced inequality.

Between 1815 and 1850, African Americans experienced inequality because an African
American named Peter John Lee was being kidnapped to become a slave even though he was
free. According to the Anti- Slavery Almanac, A Northern Freeman Enslaved by Northern
Hands in 1839, Anti-slavery societies were being outnumbered by those who didn’t oppose
slavery. Some evidence that proves African Americans were experiencing inequality is
because Peter John Lee was a free African American and is being kidnapped to become a
slave. This piece of evidence from above means that even though Peter John Lee was a free
man the white group of men cleary didn’t care and took him away from his family.

Between 1815 and 1850, African Americans experienced inequality because more than half of
the African American population was being enslaved. Based on the Growth of the African
American Population made by Digital History in 2016, Some evidence that proves African
Americans experienced inequality is because the more the African American population rises
the more they will be enslaved. This piece of evidence from above means that as the African
American population was rising, so way slavery and even though there were free African
Americans 86% were being enslaved.

Both pieces of evidence support the subclaim about African Americans experiencing
inequality because they show how they struggled like how Peter John Lee got kidnapped even
though he was a free man and how slavery keeps increasing.

Between 1815 and 1850, Women experienced inequality because Women had to follow very
strict rules and couldn’t make their own decisions. In 1848 Bill Bigelow wrote The Rights of
Women : Laws and Practices. Some evidence that showed Women were experiencing
inequality is because Women had to follow very strict rules such as “if a women has children
and her husband dies the women will have her child/ren taken away from her.” This piece of
evidence above means thats Women aren’t allowed to make their own deductions and are
“puppets” in the eyes of men.

Between 1815 and 1850, Women experienced inequality because Women had very few rights
and “didn’t have a voice.” Declaration of Sediments was made by Seneca Falls Convention in
1848. Some evidence that supports my claim is that Women had to share everything with her
husband and had very few rights like when it mentioned how “he has forced her to follow
laws, in creation of which she had no voice.” This piece of evidence from above means that a
Women is just a “tool” to be used by their husbands and not even be able to live their own

These two pieces of evidence supports the subclaim because even though Women had more
rights and freedoms than African Americans they still had their own struggles like how
Women had to follow very strict rules and how they “didn’t have a voice” and how it was very
hard for them to make their own choices.

Today Women and African Americans have more rights then before. Women are now allowed
to vote and some are even running for president, meanwhile African Americans are no longer
enslaved and have their own jobs some even have their own business.

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