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Overview and History Bacon is. racket sport tht “+ adsnton originated in India i the played ona cour divided by a net S mid 1800 feet high, + is popularity increased wien English The game is played with a shutlsock ary ofices stationed in India me transported the game to England. ‘+ InEnglad it was called “badnintin’, Can be played singles or doubles. ee ‘© Eventually it spread othe United States. The object ofthe ze if hit he shutlesock over the net so that eventually the opponcot is unable to return the shot Equipment Bost quality shuttlecocks are made with goose feathers and that could he ved for world grade tournaments, Duck feather shutlecocks are great for practice since they tre cheaper. Plastic Shuttlecocks offer the best durability and are great for beginner and outdoor se, Hale the shutlecocks carefully IPbirds ot sck in the net remove them carefully 0 that hey don't. Safety Make sire to alwys have frm grip on the racket Bo carol nt tit your partnar with the racket Stay on your own court. Stop playing if others enter your cout. [your bird goes into nother court, wait until their play stops [Be carefil and aware of your suroundings (poles, walls ee) The rackets are not toys, so ne fooling around “The badminton racket fame is normally made from lightweight, man-made metals such as graphite or aluminum, This is because most players believe tht th lighter the racket the more manageable and ma Rackets are fragile Avoid hiting the floor, walls, posts, nos, and othor people. Techniques 2 Basic Grips «Forehand * Serve — long or short Smash * Drive Clear Drop Shot Techniques Techniques «Forehand grip to hit forehand shots. Grips + Backhand rip to hit backhand shots ee Techniques + Forehand « For right handed players: A stroke hit when the shutile is on the right side of the body. « For left handed players: A stroke hit when the shuttle is on the left side of the body. Techniques = Serve = Long serve - release shuttle, left shoulder facing net, back swing, contact shuttle knee high, follow through with racquet over left shoulder = Short serve - contact shuttle hip high, follow through should end with head ai uct ome ret.

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