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2 Marks

1. How will you convert an ER model to relational schema?

2. Differentiate universal quantifier and existential quantifier.
3. List down various DDL commands in SQL
4. What is dynamic SQL?
5. Examine the purpose of triggers in DBMS
6. How will you convert an ER model to relational schema?
7. Differentiate universal quantifier and existential quantifier.
8. List down various DDL commands in SQL
9. What is dynamic SQL?
10. Examine the purpose of triggers in DBMS

Big Questions

1. Conversion of ER model to relational model with proper example and steps

2. Write a PLSQL program to find Fibonacci series of a given number
3. Explain Joins and its types with an example
4. Explain the functionalities of PL/SQL. Write a PL/SQL program to print the numbers
from 10 to 1 using a while loop.
5. Create employee and student table and perform
i) Employees with 60K and above salary and Dept= marketing or experience
< = 10
ii) Update salary = salary * 10% for experience =>10
iii)show primary key of employee table. And foreign key for student table
6. Explain all types of DDL, DML commands with syntax

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