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BBA-040 Software Engineering Lecture 8

Chapter 8
Windows Form Application (Codes)

Shown the names of months regarding their numbers.

string[] k = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
textBox2.Text = k[listBox2.SelectedIndex];

Or with other way

if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 0)
textBox2.Text = "January";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 1)
textBox2.Text = "February";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 2)
textBox2.Text = "March";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 3)
textBox2.Text = "April";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 4)
textBox2.Text = "May";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 5)
textBox2.Text = "June";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 6)
textBox2.Text = "July";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 7)
textBox2.Text = "August";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 8)
textBox2.Text = "September";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 9)
textBox2.Text = "October";
else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 10)
textBox2.Text = "November";
textBox2.Text = "December";
BBA-040 Software Engineering Lecture 8

From Textbox to Listbox tool.

if (textBox3.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("Enter any name");
textBox3.Text = "";

Clear function
label1.Text = "";

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