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Kintana, Angelica D.


Instruction: Essay can be handwritten or typewritten.

Based on your perspective as a student/learner, what are the factors that affect you in
your learning process? Enumerate them and expound.

 Teachers approach
 Attention span
 Environment
 Messy table
 anxiety

For me, I think the first factor that affects me in a bad way is how our teachers
approach us. For example, if a teacher is just discussing the topic without
explaining it to the extent that we understand the topic, I can’t really tell if we
really learned something. And vice versa, next is my attention span. I'm aware
that I don't have a long attention span. So I get distracted easily. But when a
topic catches my attention, I listen, even if it's kind of hard. The third is my
environment. It's really hard to focus on my studies when my surroundings are
too noisy. Also, when my study table is too messy, when I need to use my
calculator, I can't see it right away, so sometimes I can't follow the discussion.
I think my anxiety is also a factor that affects my learning because I lose focus
when it attacks, and sometimes I forget what I'm doing at that time and spend
more time thinking about something else.

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