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Perez, Kenneth S. Assignment no.


What are the importance of estimating and quantity surveying in the field of

A deep understanding of the potential outcomes or project design decisions at early

stages Is important to obtain good value for the resources to be expended. So far as the
traditional approach is concerned, quantity surveying is about contracts and controlling
constructions costs through accurate measurement of the work required. No matter what type of
commercial construction project is about to embark upon, the objective will always be the same:
to fulfill the vision and accomplish the goals set out to achieve. However, before these ambitions
can become a reality, a company needs to carefully examine real-world finances in order to
determine the feasibility of a proposed construction project. The only successful way to pursue
this is with an accurate construction estimate.
Before diving into construction estimates, it is essential to highlight that everything from
a renovation to an add on and even construction of a new project requires an evaluation. It is the
only way to see a partial picture of the project before it is completed. Construction
estimates provide an in-depth description of the project and the expenditures needed for the
project. Moreover, estimates give clients a projected cost estimate of how much they’ll need to
spend to attain their vision.

When a company is considering development – whether it’s expanding into a new facility
or adding square footage to their existing floorplan – the budget isn’t always their primary
concern. Although companies will eventually arrive at a feasible budget, identifying whether or
not their spending cap is enough to turn their visions into reality cannot be achieved without an
accurate and well-researched construction estimate.
It is crucial that clients and other stakeholders in construction projects understand that
estimates are subject to change. Simply put, estimates are an essential step in the construction
process but can be affected by unforeseeable factors. For instance, weather changes and market
value fluctuations could cause a project to delay or go over budget.

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