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Follow the Leader – Body Percussion

Level: 3rd grade

STRAND:Respond: Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They
will interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic
work and process (Standards 4.M.R.1–8).

STANDARD 4.M.R.1: Listen to and interact with a variety of contrasting music.

Materials: Recorded music: “Popcorn” from Phyllis Weikart’s Rhythmically Moving, RM 7

Preparation (Concepts that must be mastered or physical considerations):

Class standing scattered in space

Process (Step-by-step teaching sequence):

1. Leader instructs class to “Do what I do”.
2. Perform sequence of movements that move down the body in a predictable pattern.
3. Upon repetition, vary one element:
 Number of repeated moves
 Macro to micro beat
 Alternating sides

Evaluation (Things you will OBSERVE that demonstrate the you have taught your
1. Students will copy leader’s movements without talking.
2. Students will identify and perform body gestures in prescribed patterns.

Engine, Engine Number 9
Level: 1st grade

PERFORM (1.K.M.P.) Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for
performance. They will develop techniques and concepts to refine artistic work, and express
meaning through the presentation of musical works (Standards 1.K.M.P.1–4).

Standard 1.K.M.P.3: Develop these skills and concepts essential to music performance:
b. Sing a variety of simple songs in tune.
i. Respond to the conductor to start, stop, and stay together.


Discuss concepts of “freezing” and “stopping”
Class standing scattered in space

1. Walk between students without touching and chant:

Engine, Engine Number 9 Engine, Engine Number 9

Going down Chicago Line Going down Chicago Line
See it sparkle, see it shine. If the train should jump the track,
Don’t forget to stop on time! Will I get my money back?

2. On last word, stop directly in front of and facing a student.

3. Ask new student to be the engineer so that former leader becomes the caboose.
4. Class chants verse as new leader repeats the activity, stopping in front of another
5. The train now has an Engineer (new student), middle car (second student) and caboose
6. Continue until all students have had a turn.

1. Students follow the person directly in front of them, walking between obstacles without
2. Leaders will plan movement to end facing a new person, stopping on the final word of the

If students are not able to move without bumping, review that skill.
Ask for the next student to be an engineer only, forming a new train.
When the game can be played successfully, challenge the students to build 2 trains
Passing Games
Level: 4th grade

Students will conceptualize, generate and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete
and refine musical works (Standards 4.M.CR.1–6)
Standard 4.M.CR.1: Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas.

Standard 4.M.CR.6: Evaluate and refine work; apply teacher-provided criteria and collab-
oratively developed guidelines and feedback; and present the final
version of created music and describe connection to expressive intent.
Button or penney
Keys or small objects suitable for passing

Distribute objects
Class seated in circle

1. Place objects on floor to free hands
2. Place left hand on left knee
3. Preparation: With right hand, say “take” while grasping pretend item from left hand
and then “pass” while placing item in palm of person on right.
4. Establish steady pulse by speaking “take, pass, take, pass.......” PRACTICE
5. When every student is synchronized, begin to pass object (button) around circle.
Teacher gives a verbal cue to begin passing: “Let it go.”
6. Layer on song, “Button You Must Wander” from 120 Singing Games and Dances
by Choksy & Brummitt.
7. When song ends, individual with object must go into center of circle. Repeat game
and “it” guesses where the object is at end of song. Three guesses. “It” changes
place with the person who has the object OR game is repeated.

1. Every individual will speak and move simultaneously.
2. Students will continue movement in steady beat even if there is no object to pass.

Use items which are easy to grasp.
Begin with ONE item only passed around circle.

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