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Test 1

(Total score: 100)

I. Complete the following sentences by filling in each blank with an appropriate

word or phrase from the box below. Change its form if necessary. (10 points)

hinge on outweigh rally be worthy of

in the interests of underpin deteriorate pay lip service
rectify be commensurate with

1. When a gentleman errs, his mistake is as visible as a solar or lunar eclipse, but
when he corrects it, he __________________ respect again.

2. If a dynasty cannot continue to rise, it will fall; if a country cannot improve its
governance, the state of order will __________________.

3. The forces of peace far __________________ factors causing war, and the trend of
our times towards peace, development, cooperation, and win-win outcomes has
gained stronger momentum.

4. In protecting the environment, we must pay out every penny required. We must
ensure that our investments in pollution control __________________ the level of
difficulties of the tasks concerned.

5. We must adopt a holistic approach to the realization of the common ideal of

building Chinese socialism and the long-term goal of realizing communism, stand
firm against various erroneous views aimed at abandoning socialism, and
__________________ all erroneous and unrealistic mindsets, policies and measures
that go beyond the current primary stage of socialism.

6. We have always been and will always be obligated to do everything

__________________ the people and rely on their strength, and carry out the
principle of “from the people, to the people,” translating the Party’s policies into the
people’s conscientious action and implementing the mass line in all government

7. It is a political proclamation and action plan with which our Party will
__________________ and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in marching
along the path of Chinese socialism and complete the building of a moderately
prosperous society in all respects.

8. The future of the world rests in the hands of the people of all countries; the future
of humanity __________________ the choices they make.

9. We should not go through the motions, take impractical measures, be encumbered

by red tape, or __________________.

10. By raising the moral integrity of our people as a whole, we will create a favorable
humanistic environment to __________________ the rule of law in China.

II. Translate the following sentences into English, paying special attention to the
meaning of the expressions in bold. (20 points)
1. 我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,正处在转变发展方式、优化

2. 科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法深入推进,法治国家、法治政府、法
治社会 建设相互促进,中国特色社会主义法治体系日益完善,全社会法治观念

3. 要坚持独立自主的和平外交方针,坚持把国家和民族发展放在自己力量的基


4. 前进道路上,我们必须增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”,坚决维护党中

III. Read the following documents written by different authors and answer the
questions in your own words, using continuous prose of 200-300 words to answer
each question. (30 points)

1. Summarize the claims and reasons the author of Document 1 mentions for Chinese
path to modernization.
2. Document 1 and Document 2 both talk about issues related to Chinese path to
modernization. In which aspects does Document 2 echo Document 1?

Document 1

China’s peaceful rise, unprecedented in both scale and speed, has demonstrated
that there has never been a one-size-fits-all modernization model, and the Western
model is not the only viable route to modernity. As President Xi rightly points out,
“There is no fixed model when it comes to the path to modernization. The one that
suits you well will serve you well. And cutting the feet to fit the shoes will lead
nowhere.” In a similar vein, Martin Jacques, former senior fellow at Cambridge
University, argues, “Modernity is not simply a product of the market and technology,
but is shaped by history and culture. In a world where many developing countries are
in the process of rapid economic transformation, we are witnessing the birth of
diverse modernities. The idea that China, a huge country with a very long history, will
somehow be ‘like the West,’ a clone of us, is an illusion.”
It is no exaggeration to say that China has provided the world with a new and
unique path to modernization, different from the much-touted Western path to
modernization. According to Boris Tadic, former president of Serbia, “When China

set the goal of the Four Modernizations decades ago, the world did not dream that
China would change the very meaning of the word ‘modernization’ in the 21st
century. Today when we talk about China’s modernization, we are not just talking
about the rapid and multilevel development of China—we are talking about China
setting the new global criteria for modernization.”
The Chinese modernization is for the prosperity of all people. While Western
modernization’s primary driver was capital which resulted in enlarging wealth
inequality and social polarization, Chinese-style modernization, a people-centered
modernization, aims to bring common prosperity to all Chinese people and enable all
of them to enjoy the fruits of development in a fair way. The CPC will allow no one in
China to be left behind in the process of advancing China’s socialist modernization.
The Chinese modernization is based on a harmonious coexistence between
humans and nature. While Western modernization brought about enormous
environmental damage, Chinese modernization seeks to enable people and nature to
coexist in harmony. China is inspiring other developing countries to be devoted to the
transition to a carbon-neutral economy. It will take effective measures to accomplish
its goals of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality
by 2060. Neal Kimberley, a UK-based columnist, believes that a succession of
practical measures taken by China to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2060
might well prove an attractive template for other developing nations.
The Chinese modernization features peaceful development and win-win
cooperation. China will not follow the Western path of aggression, colonization and
expansion to achieve its modernization. Marek Hrubec, director and senior fellow of
the Centre of Global Studies in Prague, points out that “China’s development can be
seen as a unique kind of modernization continuing the trend of constant interactions
between itself and other civilizations for thousands of years particularly via the
historical Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road Initiative revitalizes and updates the
historical Silk Road, presenting opportunities for many people and countries to
cooperate with China on the basis of mutual respect and multilateral cooperation.”
As stated in the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the
Past Century, “The Party has led the people in pioneering a distinctively Chinese path
to modernization, creating a new model for human advancement and expanding the
channels for developing countries to achieve modernization.” Tadic echoes such a
proclamation. He says, “Compared with what China is doing today, the term
modernization sounds outdated. More than just achieving modernization, China is
actually overcoming the mistakes and consequences of the Western type of
modernization. That means China is offering an example to the whole world, which is

struggling with the consequences of what once was set as ‘modern’ and ‘prosperous.’”
Indeed, the Chinese path to modernization offers a new option to other countries that
seek to speed up their development while preserving independence.

Document 2

Xi Jinping stated at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
(CPC) that the central task of the Party is to promote the great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation with the Chinese path to modernization in a comprehensive manner. In
other words, China will continue to adhere to the Chinese path to modernization,
contributing to a new form of human civilization and providing an inspirational path
for other countries that is different from Western modernization.
As a latecomer to modernization, China has suffered from the bullying of those
who were the first to achieve development and modernization. Because the West took
the lead in the industrial revolution, driving dramatic changes in production relations,
interaction behavior and ways of thinking, and the transformation of national history
into world history, people tend to use westernization as synonymous with the
modernization process. In fact, although Western modernization has driven the
transformation of traditional societies into industrialized and urbanized ones, such
modernization is ultimately capital-driven, in which capital (wealth) is at the center of
almost everything.
It is clear, in the discussions of the 20th National Congress of the CPC that China
wants to follow another path. China after a century of exploration has finally found a
new type of modernization that takes the free and comprehensive development of
human beings and human liberation as its fundamental value pursuit.
In recent times, some Western countries, led by the United States, have
experienced frequent negative problems in the economic, political, cultural and social
fields, with polarization, materialism, ecological deterioration, foreign expansion and
plunder, and other ills. Capital domination is the main reason for the West’s deep-
rooted predicament. The nature of capitalism determines that many aspects of Western
countries must follow the logic of capital domination. In essence, the nature of capital
is to achieve value appreciation through movement. When the dividends of market
space and technological innovation saturate at a certain stage, capitalism comes in
trouble. The answer to the chaos of today’s Western world can be found in this
institutional predicament dominated by capital.
The Chinese path to modernization differs from classical Western modernity and
postmodernity. Although modernization is a global trend and the common desire of all
peoples, it cannot and should not be forced to be uniform. Due to different national
conditions, history and culture, there is neither a definite modernization model nor a
universal modernization standard in the world.
The effort to achieve common prosperity is one of the characteristics of the
Chinese path to modernization, which has not only changed China’s own destiny but
also influenced the value orientation and trend of world development. Western-style
modernization is centered on private ownership of the means of production, while the
Chinese path to modernization is centered on public ownership and adheres to the
goal of benefiting all people. This does not mean that the Chinese path to
modernization is insulated from the capital, but that it accurately adjusts the
relationship between capital and labor, fully utilizes and activates the civilizational
side of capital under the premise of socialist public ownership and common
prosperity, and serves the goal of modernization. In this sense, the Chinese path to
modernization has broken through the single-choice model of Western modernization
and given an alternative model centering on human beings and promoting economic,
political, cultural, social and ecological civilizations in concert.
The Chinese path to modernization is predicated on the overall ideological
change and interest of the people and is driven by the main aspirations of the people.
The Chinese people themselves have chosen a development path in line with the
Chinese reality. This people-oriented approach fundamentally distinguishes the
Chinese path to modernization from Western modernization in nature.
At the same time, the practice of human modernization also shows that some late-
developing countries blindly copy the standard model of so-called modernization,
eventually fall into various traps and find it difficult to extricate themselves. The
middle-income trap and the dependency trap have emerged seriously in many
countries that followed the Western modernization path, causing serious economic
and social problems, and the lessons are very profound.
In contrast, the Chinese path to modernization has enabled the country to grow
stronger and brought benefits to its people, while contributing stability and hope to the
world. Xi Jinping has shown in his speech that the job of achieving common
prosperity and the modernization of Chinese society is not done yet and China needs
to tussle with the temptation of individual capital accumulation as the West is
It is meaningful for developing countries to be inspired by the Chinese path to
modernization and join the ranks of expanding the breadth of human civilization.

IV. Write an essay on the following topic. (40 points)

Today, China has embarked on a new long march to realize the Chinese Dream of
national rejuvenation. To realize that, President Xi has called on us to march towards
the Two Centenary Goals. In the past decade, we eradicated absolute poverty and
finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, thus completing the
First Centenary Goal. By galvanizing the entire nation to carry out targeted poverty
alleviation, we have won the largest battle against poverty in human history.

Suppose you are a college student who is invited to write an article about China’s
targeted poverty alleviation for The Youth, a magazine for the worldwide young
readers. You should cover the following points:

 China’s actions of targeted poverty alleviation;

 changes of impoverished areas through China’s targeted poverty alleviation;
 significance of targeted poverty alleviation in China.

You should write at least 300 words.

1. is worthy of 2. deteriorate 3. outweigh 4. are commensurate with
5. rectify 6. in the interests of 7. rally 8. hinges on
9. pay lip service 10. underpin

1. China’s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of
high-quality development. This is a pivotal period for transforming our growth
model, improving our economic structure, and fostering new drivers of growth. It is
imperative that we develop a modernized economy. This is both an urgent
requirement for getting us smoothly through this critical transition and a strategic goal
for China’s development.

2. Further progress has been made in ensuring our legislation is sound, law
enforcement is strict, the administration of justice is impartial, and the law is
observed by everyone. Our efforts to build a country, government, and society based
on the rule of law are mutually reinforcing; the system of distinctively Chinese
socialist rule of law has been steadily improved; and public awareness of the rule of
law has risen markedly.

3. We should continue to follow the independent foreign policy of peace, always

pursue the development of the country and the nation by relying on ourselves, and
follow our own path unswervingly. While pursuing peaceful development, we will
never relinquish our legitimate rights and interests, or allow China’s core interests to
be impaired.

4. On the path ahead, we must enhance our sense of the Four Consciousnesses, the
Four-Sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds. Party leadership should be
exercised and manifested in all areas, including reform, development, stability,
domestic affairs, foreign policy and national defense, and in governance of the Party,
the country and the armed forces.

1. (For reference)
China’s unprecedented endeavor towards modernization has validated a
distinctive Chinese path different from the Western model. President Xi vividly

compares the total imitation of the Western model to cutting the feet to fit the shoes,
which is bound to fail.
China’s unique and efficient path to modernization has impressed Boris Tadic,
former president of Serbia, who marvels at China’s rapid and multilevel development.
By combining economic development with Chinese characteristics, China has set new
global criteria for modernization.
The Chinese modernization facilitates the common prosperity of all people,
which is different from the Western capitalist system that incurs widening social
inequality. Under the leadership of the CPC, everyone in China is well on the way to
socialist modernization.
The Chinese modernization seeks a harmonious coexistence between humans and
nature that attaches great importance to environmental protection. China not only
earnestly fulfills its pledge to realize carbon neutrality by 2060, but also plays an
exemplary role in inspiring other developing nations to follow suit.
The Chinese modernization builds on peaceful development and win-win
cooperation instead of resorting to aggressive colonization typical of the Western
model. The Silk Road serves as the historical proof of China’s long-held aspiration to
bind different civilizations together through mutual respect and multilateral
cooperation. China’s Belt and Road Initiative today has won widespread international
To sum up, China has pioneered a distinctively Chinese development path, thus
avoiding the mistakes and consequences of the Western type of modernization.

2. (For reference: The following are some of the aspects that the two documents
share. Students’ performance can be assessed based on whether they put forward at
least three of the aspects below or other aspects that make sense, and whether their
argument is supported with good evidence.)
(1) China has pioneered the modernization of Chinese style, a new way far removed
from the Western counterpart. China’s experience manifests that modernization is not
a uniform paradigm.
Document 1: China has provided the world with a new and unique path to
modernization, different from the much-touted Western path to modernization.
Document 2: The Chinese path to modernization differs from classical Western
modernity and postmodernity.

(2) Attaining common prosperity is one of the fundamental parameters of Chinese

path to modernization.
Document 1: Chinese-style modernization aims to bring common prosperity to all

Chinese people and enable all of them to enjoy the fruits of development in a fair way.
Western modernization eventually results in “enlarging wealth inequality and social
Document 2: The effort to achieve common prosperity is one of the characteristics of
the Chinese path to modernization. Western-style modernization is centered on private
ownership of the means of production, while the Chinese path to modernization is
centered on public ownership and adheres to the goal of benefiting all people.”

(3) The essence of China’s path to modernization is people-centered; the pith of the
Western counterpart, capital-driven.
Document 1: Western modernization’s primary driver was capital... Chinese-style
modernization, a people-centered modernization, aims to...
Document 2: …such modernization (Western modernization) is ultimately capital-
driven, in which capital (wealth) is at the center of almost everything. …a new type of
modernization (Chinese path to modernization) that takes the free and comprehensive
development of human beings and human liberation as its fundamental value pursuit.

(4) Chinese path to modernization provides an inspirational paradigm for other

developing countries.
Document 1: China is offering an example to the whole world, which is struggling
with the consequences of what once was set as ‘modern’ and ‘prosperous.’
Document 2: Some late-developing countries blindly copy the standard model of so-
called modernization, eventually fall into various traps and find it difficult to extricate
themselves. In contrast, the Chinese path to modernization contributes to the stability
and hope to the world.

IV. Omitted


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