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List of 50 Most Important Phobias:

1. Acousticophobia - Fear of sounds 22. Gynaephobia -Fear of women

2. Ailurophobia - Fear of cats 23. Haematophobia -Fear of blood

3. Algophobia - Fear of pain 24. Hydrophobia - Fear of water

4. Androphobia -Fear of males 25. Hypnophobia -Fear of sleep

5. Astraphobia - Fear of lightning 26. Kleptophobia -Fear of stealing

6. Cacophobia -Fear of ugliness 27. Kleptophobia - Fear of thieves

7. Callophobia - Fear of beauty 28. Logophobia - Fear of speech

8. Chromophobia - Fear of colours 29. Logophobia - Fear of study

9. Chronophobia -Fear of time 30. Logophobia - Fear of words

10. Cynophobia - Fear of dogs 31. Metrophobia -Fear of motherhood

11. Dermatophobia -Fear of skin 32. Ochlophobia -Fear of crowd or mob

12. Dipsophobia -Fear of thirst 33. Odontophobia -Fear of teeth

13. Entomophobia -Fear of insects 34. Ophthalmophobia -Fear of eyes

14. Ergophobia - Fear of work 35. Paedophobia -Fear of children

15. Erythrophobia -Fear of the colour red 36. Pathophobia -Fear of diseases

16. Gamophobia -Fear of marriage 37. Peniophobia - Fear of poverty

17. Genophobia - Fear of birth 38. Pharmacophobia -Fear of medicine

18. Genophobia - Fear of sex 39. Phasmophobia -Fear of ghosts

19. Geraphobia - Fear of old age 40. Plutophobia - Fear of wealth

20. Gerontophobia -Fear of old men 41. Pyrophobia - Fear of fire

42. Scelerophobia -Fear of burglars
21. Graphophobia -Fear of writing 43. Spectrophobia -Fear of mirrors

Compiled By : Muhammad Awais | 03137650422 1
44. Thalasophobia -Fear of oceans
45. Thermophobia -Fear of heat
46. Toxicophobia -Fear of poison
47. Triskaidecaphobia -Fear of the
number '13'
48. Xenophobia - Fear of foreigners
49. Xenophobia - Fear of strangers
50. Zoophobia - Fear of animals

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Compiled By : Muhammad Awais | 03137650422 2

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