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One woman, Fram Dar, has found a cosy spot one the floor next to a vending machine for well over
a year now, it has been her home and she isn't the only one.
Eram, a middle-aged ex-law student who became homeless after she could no longer pay her rent
She says, I liked it here immediately. I have never felt lonely because there. are so many people. We
all recognise each other, but I just like to keep to myself." There are showers in every terminal
where Eram can stay clean and presentable. She can sometimes. help herself to food, passing by the
caterers.It's hard to believe she's truly satisfied with this way of life Buying food at the airport is
expensive", She says. " I don't eat at breakfast.Loud announcements and bustling passengers .It's
illegal to sleep at Heathrow unless you have a flight to catch, so Eram has to not stand out from the
crowd and be detected. If she is, she faces a night in the cold bus terminal. The builders cleaners
don't report the homeless to the authorities Also, Broadway, a homeless charity that helps them. But
fact, many of Hearthrow's homeless will stay there. I don't really see a different future" = Eram Dar
Culture Corner The Swamp People OF Louisiana the state of Louisiana, USA, reptiles. When
they've caught a gator, the hunters pull it in Atchafalaya Swamp, by hand. You are surrounded by
snakes.Despite the danger, the Cajuns frogs, turtles and wild alligators – all 1.5 million of them!
The cajuns catch over 30,000 wild alligators during this season. However, the 'swamp people', have
lived a laid-back life along the river Cajuns, more than 300 years. They moved from Canada in the
18th century. In their stilt houses above the Swamp People worked with authorities to protect
alligator marshes, they grow their own vegetables such as okra and after they almost became extinct
in the 1920s when their skins were fashionable. One alligator hunter, Troy Landry, once caught 82
alligators in one day. . The 30-day alligator hunt takes place in September. Travelling the waterways
in their boats, hunters try to spot alligators under the water. The community is facing some
problems, however the hunters throw outlines with rotten meat.Prices for skins are always
changing, which means the hooked onto them to hunters have to look for other work

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