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Crossword Puzzle p.

Across: 3. vital 9. sovereignty 11. sites 13. exploitation 14. lured 15. pollute 17. remote 18.
handful 19. treaty 20. dismissed 20. conflicting
Down: 1. ban 2. negotiated 4. inhospitable 5. depletion 6. mere 7. binding 8. unparalleled 10.
deprive 12. irresistible 16. contend

Chapter 11: The Mystery of the Iceman

Prereading p. 186
Answers will vary.

Fact Finding p. 190

1. T 2. F. The Iceman was discovered in Europe by hikers. 3. T 4. F. Scientists learned a lot from
5. T 6. T 7. F. We have an idea of what the Iceman looked like. 8. T

Reading Analysis p. 191-194

1. a. 1 b. 2. a. 2 b. 1 3. a. 3 b. 4. a. 2 b. 1 c. 2 d. 2
5. a. an ax, a knife, a backpack, a bow and a quiver, a small bag with a flint lighter and kindling,
and an arrow repair kit. b. 1 c. 3 d. 1 6. a. 3 b. 2 7. a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 8. b 9. a. 2 b. 3 c. 3 d. 2 10. a 11.
a. 2 b. 1 c. 2 12. a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 13. a. 2. b. 3 14. b

Vocabulary Skills
Part 1 p. 195
1. alerted (v.) / alert (n.) 2. released (v.) / release (n.) 3. damaged (v.) / damage (n.) 4. repaired
(v.) / repair (n.) 5. did not return (v.) / return (n.)

Part 2 p. 196
1. a 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. b
1. had little reason to 2. in the course of 3. far and away 4. as well as 5. For the time being
Vocabulary in Context p. 197
1. unprecedented 2. Clearly 3. for the time being 4. violent 5. revelation 6. alerted 7. remnants 8.
disclose 9. survive 10. gear

Reading Skill p. 198

Original Information from 1991 Recent Information from 2010
When the Iceman 4,000 years ago 5,000 years ago
The age the Iceman the Bronze Age the Middle Stone Age
lived in
a bronze ax, a knife, a wooden a bronze ax, a knife, a wooden backpack,
equipment backpack, a bow and a quiver, a small a bow and a quiver, a small bag
bag containing a flint lighter and containing a flint lighter and kindling,
kindling, and an arrow repair kit in a and an arrow repair kit in a leather
leather pouch. pouch.
He did not appear to have starved or An arrowhead was buried in his left
physical condition frozen to death. He did not appear to be shoulder.

The marks on the tattoos on his back and behind his knee He had an arrow wound.

The contents of the unknown His stomach was full. He had eaten the
meat of a kind of wild goat.
The cause of the unknown He had been shot with an arrow.

Other information He came from a society built around He had brown hair and brown eyes.
small stable villages. He had berries
with him, and a mat of grass to keep
him warm.

Information Recall p. 199

1. He was wearing the remnants of leather garments and boots stuffed with straw.
2. He had everyday gear with him: a bronze ax, an all-purpose stone knife, a wooden backpack, a
small bag containing a flint lighter and kindling, and an arrow repair kit in a leather pouch.
3. He might have been hunting, or searching for metal ore.
4. Some of the findings were that the Iceman had eaten a large meal, including the meat of a wild
goat. They also learned that he had brown eyes and brown hair.
5. The autopsy revealed how he died, the color of his eyes and hair, what he had eaten just before
his death, and that he had lived 5,000 years ago, not 4,000 years ago.

Writing a Summary p. 200

Answers will vary but may include:
In September 1991, the well-preserved, freeze-dried body of a man was discovered. At
the time, scientists believed he had lived 4,000 years ago. His body and the everyday gear he had
with him provided important information about his biology and his society. An autopsy in 2010
revealed that the Iceman actually lived 5,000 years ago. Scientists also learned his hair and eye
color, that he was murdered, and that he had eaten a full meal before he was killed.

Topics for Discussion and Writing p. 200

Answers will vary.

Critical Thinking p. 201

Answers will vary.

Crossword Puzzle p. 202-203

Across: 1. thaw 5. insulated 7. remnants 10. yet 12. perspective 13. corpse 15. survive 18.
furthermore 19. unprecedented 20. clearly
Down: 2. astonishing 3. elements 4. garments 6. disclosed 8. theorize 9. revelation 11. preserved
14. everyday 16. alerted 17. gear

Chapter 12: The Federal System of Government

Prereading p. 204
Answers will vary.


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