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1. Percakapan tersebut termasuk  kalimat colloquialism, karena pada percakapan tersebut
tidak formal terdapat pemendekan kata can not menjadi can't, did not menjadi didn’t,
was not menjadi wasn’t pilihan kata/diksi.
2. Topik pada percakapan tersebut tentang teman yang tidak sengaja bertemu dan
menanyakan kabar update yang sedang mereka kerjakan dan bagaimana pengalaman
interview yang telah di lakukan oleh Jane.
1. hallo everyone how are you to day? To day i will tell you a little bit about where im
working. My office located in the center of Bandung west java, specifically in asia afrika
road. oh ya by the way i working in investment office. My working space its so clean and
feel homey. I desaind it on my own. Because my office its like my second home so I think
I have to make it feels very comfortable, I have white clean wall and I have some plant
on the corner, just like the other offices but the best view where the night goes down,
we will see amazing city light of bandung. especially if we see it after the rain it feels
more romantic.
1. The sender of the memo is manager
2. The memo is for all employees
3. The memo is about invitation to attend farewall ceremony for marketing manager Jesse
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Thasya Nur Asyfa, I am a 22 year old female from Bandung.
(isi/content/body email)
I am planning to enter the My City Got Talent competition and I went through your website but
could not locate the application forms to download. Can you please send me the forms or
maybe just let me know where I can download from the website?  
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Best Regards,
Thasya Nur Asyfa
BMP Bahasa inggris

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