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See DU elit) eee een ‘Our location has a place that you feel is cursed or bad oe ee err Pea ad fear en pe ge ees SEO eee se ae : . peer a, Fy Se Se a feted , 7 Where in our location do you go to let off steam and Da ee 3 ee (Our locaton lost an important figure. Who did we lose| 4g ‘Someone vital left our location but returned. Why did eer they leave? What brought them back? ‘Someone in our location isin direct competition with : Re ee ed you or one of your friends. Who is it? you. Who is it? What do they remind you of? Senet ee ead p You have unfinished business with someone in our Cer ee eee otc) ur location occasionally participates in acompetitive | Ordre eee en Se eee ees Peer Cee ees Where are those who break rules in our location sent? |g Pen eee aed retin ee a eee eee Someone we trusted betrayed our location. Who was |g See ene ee it and how did they betray us? reer ete ee Someone you idolized in our location let you down. Po nad Ree anced ‘are they inspirational? ated aise ase ice || Cc || li cass ca t ea Cee eee eas ered ge eee rae en en ets bce Pe eee ed You impressed a group that is important to our See eae eens location. What did you do and who was it? CER) fener eae ent Sent ren td ee ea PRO ene a rn eee eee er LOCATION CARDS: COINS Ca eee ee does it help us? ‘Our location had a valuable resource but itis gone Pea eee Ree SE aa eet id Coenen ‘Someone has lots of ideas for our location but might have shady motives. Who is it? Ce ey Caen gee eC ed ‘everyone in a solemn mood. What is it? eee et eta ee eT ecient enti eee ee eter eet ee net Pee ao eg damaged something. What was damaged? Why? ee eae cee ‘Who are they and what do they want? eeu oe Perr de ‘Our location was generous with someone but they Se ne en ad See ea eee Ce eee eee Bee ae td Renee aga cy cere enc Something is censored in our location. What is eer What resources are squandered in our location? What Parrtree natcid Ree eee tay they honest? area ce earns eee eee Orde ee eee) here? Cae en Coa Poeun ts See nea ns tne eG ae age ‘ther locations like it. What is that benefit? (Our location has @ major flaw compared to other Pe aed ne eat i? Crete ee Eee tes destroyed. What was it and who destroyed it? See ea ee eee em Re ees rd Someone in our location is obsessed with wealth, Who? What rumors have you heard about them? MAJOR ARCANA - GROUP DYNAMICS How did our group first meet, and what went well? How did our group first meet, and what went wrong? What does the group believe is the reward for good een) TOT) De en ee eee ee Cee ee eee eee re eens HIGH Coy Ce ee ea ee cee Se ty pore ea ad So coca eee eee aca oe ee toe Soke anus Cd Cir oes sad establishment and why are we against them? De en oe ee PT Dee eee See een eee) Cee es See ee eee eee ieee ‘Together, our group reached an important milestone Sree Str eet cd Together, we failed to reach an important milestone ee et ec eo ard Ser eee ance Bran oe cee or ae Conn ata ee eee nee Cen eos CC ee ce (Our group was given information that we ignored. DOES Re Rad err ee een ed Raed oats ‘Our group had a streak of bad luck and nearly ended, ieee Each person in the group should pick one word to Eee en ae aoe ee et eee ere Eee eee et arene Pee eer them in the group or returning to the group. (Shared roe) Prey fo ae ee ee eee pect acento MAJOR ARCANA, CONTINUED RIGHT SIDE UP UPSIDE DOWN eee eae ome) eonerer een Cee tae ca changing. What is changing and why do we want it to Some ur group talked our way out of a serious situation. Pee eee TEMPERANCE | OU g'°uP fought our way out ofa serious situation. iene ee Ce ee eT ion eet ee ee Enea eeu a re a Smee (Our group saved something important. What was it rece eee See nn erty Ee ec Something happened that broke the trust within our ‘group. What was it and how did we get past it? Cpe eee eet oa Pen nt ee eee ee reed Crete eae eee) Cee een ee ree ed Presta AOE et end eee eer ee Oecd pom Ce eae eterna Pte ee ne ter JUDGEMENT | about our group. Who was it and what did they et eae nee Dee Leer eee We were involved in a mystery that was never solved. ieee nan eee Cen

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