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March 2013 Name, Course Write the correct question. Ask about the underlined and bold words, ONLY THOSE. The bold words don't usually appear in the question. QUESTIONS ANSWERS: HOW LONG DOES THE FILM LAST? The fim ests 2 HOW MUCH ARE THEY? They're «walpouinds 3 HOW MANY POUNDS DO THEY COST? They cost fi pounds 4 WHAT DOES HE D0? He is a doctor 5 HOW FAR IS THE SCHOOL? The school is 20Umni1es WHATS YOUR PHYSICAL APPEARANCE [WHAT DOYOU_ |. saortang stim LOOK LIKE? hort and slim 7 WHAT ARE YOU LIKE? \am unfriendly 8 How are You? am quite well, thanks 9 HOW MANY BOYFRIENDS HAVE YOU GOT? Ihave 16 10 WHO BOUGHT YOU THAT PRESENT? Peter bought me that present 11 WHAT DID PETER BUY YOU? Peter bought me that present 12 How BIG IS THE BOOK? The book is very, very big. 13 HOW TALL IS HE? He is 4m 36 tall 14 WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE? It's cold and it’s snowing 18 WHOSE IS THIS CAR? / WHOSE CAR IS THIS? This car is John’s 18 wHo Do You OFTEN Go WITH? | often go with them 17 WHO ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? They are talking about Rif, 18 WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Live in Boston 19 WHEN IS THE CONCERT? The concert is on 1 May 20 WHat TIME IS THE CONCERT? The concer is at 3:30 21 ARE THERE ANY APPLES? No, there are none left 22 WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES? My eyes are blue. 23 OW OFTEN DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? | go to school twice a week 24 HOW MANY TIMES A WEEK DO YOU GOTO SCHOOL? —_|I go to school twice a week

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