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1. It was a typical cool autumn day.

Peter stood near the edge of the pinched

bridge, watching brown leaves drifiring down the river. He felt a tingling
sensation under his fingers, but couldn’t tell why. Something in his rogue
nature told him about the approaching changes, he was sure of that. Lost in his
thoughts and stroking his whiskers, he didn’t notice the man hobbling behind
him. Turning around at the poke, Peter saw a short old man dressed in shabby
clothes. The first thing that came to his mind was that this man was invalid: he
was leaning on a cane. He was about to scold this old man for distracting him
from his thoughts, but something in the oldster’s face stopped him. Instead of
walking away from the intruder, Peter asked if he needed help. This simple
question made the old man’s face much gayer, and he said “Would you like to
walk abreast with me listening to the story of my life?”. Peter was taken aback
by such a question and could do nothing but nod in agreement. In the blink,
there was no sign of this strange encounter, and only the leaves were still
drifting down the river.

2. The story ends with the words: “But whten she put the lid on she thought she
heard something crying”.  I think that Miss Brill was so lonely that she heard
her crying as if from a third person, without realizing that it was herself. Only
when she came home, she realized the hurtful words spoken by the couple and
couldn’t hold back tears. The worst thing is that she only understands the
meaning of the words, but not the essence of the problem. Being absolutely
lonely, Miss Brill saw the world as a performance in which she considered
herself one of the participants, but turned out to be only the third wheel with
“an old silly mug”.

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