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Two poems that were explored which had the personas going through uncomfortable

situations.Were “once upon a time” an poem about a father struggling to get back his old
sincere ways an wishes for his son to help him get them back and “mirror” an poem about a
woman who can’t accept the truth the mirror is showing her.
In the poem 'mirror' the woman struggles to accept the truth that the mirror gives
her,every time she looks into it, which is the fact that everyday she has to search harder to find
herself in the mirror because she's aging and losing the young her, she knows.
Whilst in the poem “once upon a time’ the persona is struggling to accept the fact that
the world around him is changing and that he changed with it, and is now seeking for his young
son to help him find back the genuine ways that once was in him but is now lost.
In “Once upon a time’ the persona deals with the situation of the world around him
becoming cold and insincere by just changing and becoming insincere and ingenuine himself
by saying things he does not mean and putting on fake faces,he is then faced with an other
situation which is that he regrets changing because now he cant find it in him at all to be
genuine and sincere which he tries to overcome this by seeking help from his young son who
still has these values intact.
Smilies and metaphors were heavily used to show how people change their ways by
comparing them to deceitful things like snakes or inanimate objects like dresses.Use of similes
can be seen in lines (20-21) and lines (38-39). Similarly like in once upon a time,
metaphors,similes and personification were also the prefered way of conveying the persona’s
situation in “mirror”, it was used to show how the woman's old age was catching up with her,
personification was used to show things from the mirror's perspective of just reflecting what it
sees,examples of the these devices being used can be found in lines (1-4) and lines (15-18)
In conclusion the both poems featured personas who were faced with adverse
situations but dealt with them in two different ways, and similar devices were used in both to
describe the situations .

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