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Global Demography Demography - statistics Global Demography - Present condition of population 3 Factors - Fertility Rate - Death/ mortality Rate - International Migration Average lifespan is based on INFANT MORTALITY RATE MALTHUSIAN THEORY Thomas Robert Malthus (1746-1834) Population increase- Geometric Progression Exponential Food production- Arithmetic Progression Malthusian Trap - compeld to settle intoll ratio of Food supply to the Population Increased Moral Restraint - Isa lang dapat ang asawa Demographic Transition Theory able to survive of malthusian theory because of technologies Stage 1 (Preindustrial) - Agrarian Farmer, Fishing - High Birth Rate Economic assetsang children - High Death Rate - no technologies, no medical care - Population Growth is Very slow stage 2 (Early Industrial) - Malthusian Theory was created - Started in Reading Mary Antoinette was beheaded people realized the need of enhancement. - Population - Rapid Stage 3 (Mature Industrial) - High living standard - This is the time they address the fertility growth. -affluence in expensive children is economic liability -women started working Working Mom is a trend stage 4 (Post-industrial) - Stable - Higher lifestyle - consequence of before that's the reasons of billions of population - Population Growth-Very slow The reason we survived in this ERA because of TECHNOLOGY

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