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Name: Philippe Sebastian H. Hardillo Year & Section: 3BSN-B Date: May 19, 2023

Directions: Identify the fallacies of relevance in each of the following passages. Justify your

1. The President of Lander University will be severely disappointed if Lander does not get
more funds from the state next year. For this reason the state appropriations should be
- Ad Misericordiam: The president’s feelings are not logically relevant to the
proposed policy. The policy should be supported or rejected on logical

2. I am sure that you will agree that we should all work together to increase the profit of this
company. Anyone not agreeing with this policy will be fired immediately.
- Ad Baculum: The threat of being fired is used to obtain agreement with the
proposed policy of working to increase profits. Logically, reasons should be
given for the support of the policy or why being fired is relevant to not
supporting the policy.

3. Everyone believes that Lander University is improving its academic programs yearly;
therefore, I conclude that Lander will be a much higher rated school several years from
- Ad Populum: Simple because most people believe something does not make
what they believe is true.

4. Whenever I wear green socks my logic grade goes up. That is why I save my green socks
to wear only on the days of the test.
- Non Causa Pro Causa: this false cause results from no proposed causal

5. How can we balance the budget, help our farmers, and return to full employment? Only
one way is clear: vote Republican.
- Complex Question: The argument presupposes that these conflicting
economic factors can be solved at the same time.

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