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How to remember what is male or female?

There are some rules to follow to help you decide whether the noun takes the
masculine or feminine form.

All rules have exceptions and the Spanish language is no different. Typically
you will need to memorize these exceptions as there is no logic that is
immediately apparent. A few are listed below, but be advised that this list is
not exhaustive.

el día – day
el mapa – map
el sofá – sofa
la mano – hand
la radio – radio
To avoid doubt, it is always best to learn the article (el, la, los, las, un, una,
unos, unas) as it is the article that will confirm the gender of the noun .

Finally, it’s important to remember, just because you think something may
typically refer to a man, it does not necessarily follow that the noun is
masculine, eg. la barba – the beard.

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