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The film shows us the brothers reunited after the release of Jack Blues (Belushi) from prison. The brothers
learn that the orphanage they grew up in is going to be closed because the Church didn't pay taxes and they
owed $5,000. So they decide to get their band together to raise the money with concerts. While trying to
fulfill their "mission from God", they will be persecuted by the police, the Chicago Nazis, a Carrie Fisher in
the times of "The Empire Strikes Back" and even a Country music group. Just as they will meet renowned
musicians such as Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Cab Calloway and others.

Comedy is not boring, it has effective gags that don't get old. All the events lead to a frenzy with
big chase scenes and music, with a hilarious climax. The movie turns chaotic and the best thing is
the impassive attitude of the brothers. Their acting is comical and makes for a fantastic duo.
In turn, the humor is very (sooooo) American . Perhaps enough so that some jokes are not funny to
those who are not internalized with his more regional humor. It is also a feature film of its time,
with comedic elements that have gradually fallen out of use. cartoon stylesclassic, crazy chases and
an overwhelming amount of extras for the climax; exaggerations that we will hardly see in a current
comedy. The younger viewer may find these resources as something new, which is interesting.
The cameos are well placed and do not overshadow the protagonists, but complement them well and
give quality musical numbers. They are enjoyed, especially if R&B music is to your taste. The
soundtrack is very good, with some unforgettable songs (if they even added their Everybody Needs
Somebody To Love to a Just Dance.

Without a doubt, the film is a classic of (American) comedy, with characteristic leads, funny gags,
chases to laugh out loud and good music (more enjoyable if the genre is to the listener's
liking). Recommended for a good laugh, and the occasional dance. If you don't like humor that is
too "American", give it even a chance, it doesn't affect the remarkableness of the film.

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