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TITTLE: They can wait!!!


A little before noon Jennifer a bar server assisted a new guest on the bar counter. She
had to seek Steven, the bartender, out in the back service pantry to inform him that he had a
new guest. Jennifer noticed that during the service one of the guests had to call the attention of
Steven twice to get another round of drinks.
Later, another guest expressed its displeasure because it had not been approached by a
bartender. Jennifer went to the back and found Steven watching a Tiktok from the cellphone,
slowly he responded by saying,” Yeah, yeah. I’m going, just relax, Take a Valium (medicine for
treatment of anxiety)

1. What do you think the reasons for Steven’s action? (10 pts)
In this case, Steven’s action was wrong in terms of giving a service to its
customers. As one of the biggest responsibilities of a bartender was to make drinks
to the guest, and Steven did not do this responsibility that have given to him as a
bartender. Steven’s action was a wrong way of giving a service to its customer or to
the guest. In that way, guest would never be satisfied and would be disappointed on
the bartender’s servicing process.
As a group, we think that there would be a reason behind this action of a
bartender which is Steven. There is a possibility that Steven didn’t want his work as a
bartender. Also, maybe he wants to rest a little because working as a bartender is
difficult for him as an everyday work. One of the reasons also, maybe the new guest
was being mean to him in order for him to stay in the back service pantry. Another
reason was the low pay where Steven the bartender will lose interest on his work
because of the low paying process in this work that he does. According to
Kokemuller (2022), although bartending is somewhat flexible and may lead to tips in
some work settings, the pay is typically not high enough to provide a high quality of
life. Also, another reason for this action of Steven as a bartender was the repetitive
of his work where he was able to do this work each hour and each day. As a
bartender, they tend to do works and repeat this works like mixing drinks quickly to
their customers, and also their routine task like filling the containers, placing napkins,
toothpicks, garnishes on the counters and simply turn on fountains and set the cup
under the tap. This are some possible reasons through Steven’s action towards its
guest. And instead of giving a good service at the customers, he was able to watch
TikTok at the back service pantry.
All in all, there are so many reasons behind this wrong action of Steven. And
this action that he has done was wrong and will make his customer unsatisfied in
terms of his service. Working as a bartender in not easy to do but we also need to
know that the responsibilities in our work must be done. And one of this responsibility
is to give our customer a satisfaction of our good servicing system. And always
remember that giving a good service to the guest can avoid us from any problems.
2. If you were Jennifer, what would you do? (10 pts.)

In this scenario, If I was Jennifer, I would approach Steven in the most

professional way possible and let him know that his actions and behavior are
harming not only the quality of his service but also the service of the bar in general,
which might affect the reputation of the bar itself. If Steven was dealing with personal
matters and it is affecting his work performance and service, as Jennifer, I would
offer him a helping hand and some guidance, in that way the customer wouldn't be
unsatisfied with the bar quality services. 

In other case scenario, if Steven continued in behaving irresponsibly and

refusing to adhere with the customer's demands, I will report his behavior to the
higher ups and let the management address the issue. In that way, the management
can discipline their workers and for the customers to have satisfying customer
service. Other than this, he may be subject to disciplinary action and be suspended
for his behavior. As Jennifer, I will remind him regarding the roles, duties and
responsibilities in the bar.

3. How does the behavior of Steven’s affect’s the service quality? (10 pts.)

Customer’s expectations of the service and their opinions of the service

providers actual performance can be used to measure service quality. This scenario
Steven’s behavior might be affects the service quality such as opposite of consumer
happiness and loyalty, and a key element in customer satisfaction was the level of
service provided.

As a group, we believe that no matter what our business we should always

gave our best as we commit it. The higher the service quality, the higher is the
customer satisfaction. In other words, customers ultimately decide how to perceive
and respond to marketing messages when a company builds its brand and markets
its products.
The company's reputation might be impacted by Steven's actions. One of their
loyal clients might leave because it affected one of them. Even though Steven may
actually suffer from anxiety, this should not be used as justification for him to neglect
his job and negatively impact others with his personal problems by watching TikTok
while at work. Steven's handling of his problems and job in this situation lacked any

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