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Judul Journal:

The title of the journal is "Qualitative Research in Financial Markets".

Tujuan Penelitian:
The purpose of the research discussed in this PDF is to propose an account of the use of
numbers and mathematical formulae, and more generally, of the quantitative aspects in the
qualitative equity valuation model of Philip A. Fisher.

Teori yang digunakan:

The PDF does not explicitly mention a specific theory used in the research. However, it
discusses the use of conceptual analysis as an analytical technique to formulate hypotheses about the
mental operations used by successful and less successful students and teachers of mathematics.

Subyek Penelitian:
The subject of the research discussed in this PDF is Philip A. Fisher's qualitative model of
equity valuation and how it incorporates quantitative reasoning.

Uji yang digunakan:

The PDF does not mention any specific test or experiment used in the research. Instead, it
describes a conceptual analysis conducted on the basis of the major writings by Philip A. Fisher.

Metode Penelitian:
The research discussed in this PDF uses a qualitative research method, specifically conceptual
analysis. The authors aim to describe the mental operations used by Philip A. Fisher when he uses
numbers and mathematical formulae in his qualitative equity valuation model. They analyze the
qualitative aspects of Fisher's thought on equity valuation and present the results of their conceptual

Sampel Penelitian:
The research discussed in this PDF does not involve any sampling as it is a conceptual analysis
of the qualitative equity valuation model developed by Philip A. Fisher. Therefore, there are no
participants or samples involved in this research.

Hasil Penelitian:
The main result of the research discussed in this PDF is the description of "Fisher's sense of
numbers," which refers to the way in which Philip A. Fisher uses quantitative reasoning in his
qualitative equity valuation model. The authors present the results of their conceptual analysis of
Fisher's writings and describe the mental operations he carries out when using numbers and
mathematical formulae in his model. They aim to enable readers to understand and possibly adopt
Fisher's approach to equity/business valuation.
Kekuatan Penelitian:
The strength of the research discussed in this PDF lies in its detailed analysis of Philip A.
Fisher's qualitative equity valuation model. The authors conduct a thorough conceptual analysis of
Fisher's writings and provide a clear description of his approach to using numbers and mathematical
formulae in his model. This research can be useful for investors and financial analysts who are
interested in adopting Fisher's approach to equity/business valuation. However, it is important to
note that this research is limited to the analysis of Fisher's writings and does not involve any
empirical testing or validation of his model.

Kelemahan Penelitian:
One potential weakness of the research discussed in this PDF is that it is limited to the analysis
of Philip A. Fisher's qualitative equity valuation model and does not involve any empirical testing or
validation of his approach. Therefore, it is unclear whether Fisher's model is effective in practice or
whether it can be applied to different contexts. Additionally, the research only focuses on one
author's approach to equity valuation, which may limit its generalizability to other models or
approaches. Finally, the research does not discuss any potential limitations or criticisms of Fisher's
model, which could be important for readers to consider when evaluating its usefulness.

Penjelasan secara detail isi jurnal:

The PDF contains multiple articles from the journal "Qualitative Research in Financial
Markets". Each article focuses on a different topic related to qualitative research in finance. One
article, titled "Philip Fisher's sense of numbers: An account of the use of quantitative reasoning in
Philip Fisher's qualitative model of equity valuation" by Carlo Massironi, provides a detailed
analysis of Philip A. Fisher's qualitative equity valuation model and his use of quantitative
reasoning. The author conducts a conceptual analysis of Fisher's writings and presents the mental
operations he carries out when using numbers in his model. The article also discusses the strengths
and weaknesses of Fisher's approach to equity valuation. Another article, titled "The role of
emotions in financial decision-making: Evidence from socially responsible investment funds" by
Maria Consuelo Pucheta-Martinez and Jose Luis Sarto, examines the role of emotions in financial
decision-making among socially responsible investment (SRI) fund managers. The authors conduct
interviews with SRI fund managers and analyze their responses to identify how emotions influence
their investment decisions. A third article, titled "The impact of corporate social responsibility on
firm value: Evidence from European companies" by Maria Consuelo Pucheta-Martinez and Jose
Luis Sarto, investigates the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm
value among European companies. The authors use regression analysis to examine whether CSR
activities have a positive impact on firm value. Overall, the journal provides a range of articles that
explore different aspects of qualitative research in finance, including equity valuation models,
emotional influences on financial decision-making, and the relationship between CSR and firm

Hasil dan Kesimpulan:

The PDF contains multiple articles from the journal "Qualitative Research in Financial
Markets", each with its own results and conclusions. In the article "Philip Fisher's sense of numbers:
An account of the use of quantitative reasoning in Philip Fisher's qualitative model of equity
valuation" by Carlo Massironi, the author concludes that Fisher's qualitative equity valuation model
is effective because it combines both qualitative and quantitative aspects, allowing investors to make
informed decisions based on both subjective and objective factors. In the article "The role of
emotions in financial decision-making: Evidence from socially responsible investment funds" by
Maria Consuelo Pucheta-Martinez and Jose Luis Sarto, the authors find that emotions play a
significant role in financial decision-making among socially responsible investment fund managers.
They identify several emotional factors that influence investment decisions, including empathy,
moral obligation, and personal values. In the article "The impact of corporate social responsibility on
firm value: Evidence from European companies" by Maria Consuelo Pucheta-Martinez and Jose
Luis Sarto, the authors find that there is a positive relationship between corporate social
responsibility (CSR) activities and firm value among European companies. They conclude that CSR
can be an important factor for investors to consider when making investment decisions. Overall, the
journal provides a range of insights into different aspects of qualitative research in finance,
highlighting the importance of considering both qualitative and quantitative factors when making
investment decisions, as well as the influence of emotions and CSR on financial decision-making.

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