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Functions of Retailer 1. Always looking for good source of supply. 2.

Further bulk breaking, and selling in

smaller quantities. 3. Offers variety of goods from different producers. 4. They sell to the end customer.
5. Might be involved in branding and packing. 6. Might provide home delivery (small scale retailers). 7.
Might provide informal credit to trustworthy customers (small scale retailers). 8. Provides after sale
services to the customers. 9. Provides information to the customers about the new products and
schemes. 10. Inform the wholesaler or producer about the reaction of market towards a certain product.
11. Deals with complaints from customers. 12. Warehousing. 13. Display products to the customers
Large Scale Retailers 1. Purchase from the producer in bulk. 2. Normally work on the basis of public or
private limited companies. 3. Involve a lot of capital. 4. Invest heavily in the fixed assets. 5. Employ
specialist staff. 6. Arrange transportation from the producer. 7. Pay cash to the producer at the time of
purchase. 8. Sell on cash to end customers (i.e. no credit is offered). 9. Provide impersonalized services
to the customers. 10. Do not provide home delivery.

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