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Team 1 Report

 Data Information

Raw and unorganized fact that is required to be Knowledge that is changed and classified into an
processed to become meaningful intelligible type

Individual units of information It is utilized in the method of deciding

It is represented by variables When it ends up being purposeful when conversion, it

is referred to as info

To derive meaning, it is always interpreted by a It informs and provides a solution to a specific question
human or machine

It contains numbers, statements and characters in Can obtain from numerous sources like newspapers,
a raw form internet, television, people and books

Data is a collection of individual statistics or facts, information is knowledge gained through

research, study, instruction, or communication.

The term big data is used in the data definition to describe the data that is in the petabyte range or

5Vs: variety, volume, value, veracity, and velocity. 

2 major categories of software


Types of data based on the sources of data collection:

1. Primary data is the kind of data that is collected directly from the data source without going
through any existing sources. It is mostly collected specially for a research project and may be
shared publicly to be used for other research.
A common example of primary data is the data collected by organizations during market
research, product research, and competitive analysis. This data is collected directly from its
original source which in most cases are the existing and potential customers.

2. Secondary Data is the data that has been collected in the past by someone else but made
available for others to use. They are usually once primary data but become secondary when used
by a third party.
Secondary data are usually easily accessible to researchers and individuals because they
are mostly shared publicly. For example, when conducting a research thesis, researchers need to
consult past works done in this field and add findings to the literature review. Some other things
like definitions and theorems are secondary data that are added to the thesis to be properly
referenced and cited accordingly.

Types of Data
1. Quantitative Data. It relates to numeric variables, involves a measurable quantity.
 Age
 Height
 Weight
 Income
 University Size
 Group size
 Self-efficacy test score
 Percent of lecture attended
 Clinical skills performed
 Number of errors

2. Qualitative Data. Instead of using statistics, descriptive judgment is used when analyzing
qualitative data. It involves the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
 Gender
 Religion
 Marital status
 Native Language
 Social class
 Qualifications
 Type of Instruction
 Method of Treatment
 Type of Teaching Approach
 Problem-solving strategy used

Types of Quantitative Data

1. Continuous Data(counting). Data that can be measured and calculated. Has infinite probable
2. Discrete Data(measurement). It can only have discrete values, values that are counted and

Types of Qualitative Data

1. Nominal Data
 Cannot be measured.
 Has no order, example you cannot say black-haired people are better than white-haired
 Not Equidistant or you cannot compare two categories, black haired vs white haired.
 Has no meaningful zero, example a person has 0 hair.

Ordinal Data
 Cannot be measured.
 Has order and can be sorted, example are the sizes of shirts: S,M, L, XL, etc.
 Not equidistant. Example you cannot say S is better than M.
 Has no meaningful zero, example there is no such thing as 0 shirt size.

Information is the summarization of data. Technically, data are raw facts and figures
that are processed into information, such as summaries and totals. But since information can also
be the raw data for the next job or person, the two terms cannot be precisely defined, and both
are used interchangeably. It may be helpful to view information the way it is structured and used,
namely: data, text, spreadsheets, pictures, voice and video. Data are discretely defined fields.
Text is a collection of words. Spreadsheets are data in matrix (row and column) form. Pictures
are lists of vectors or frames of bits. Voice is a continuous stream of sound waves.
Information is defined as knowledge gained through study, communication, research, or
instruction. Essentially, information is the result of analyzing and interpreting pieces of data. 

What are the Key differences between Data and Information:

The terms "data" and "information" are sometimes misinterpreted as referring to the same
thing. However, they are not the same. Data is a collection of values. Those values can be
characters, numbers, or any other data type. If those values are not processed, they have little
meaning to a human. Information is data that was processed so a human can read, understand,
and use it. 
 Data is a collection of facts, while information puts those facts into context.
 While data is raw and unorganized, information is organized.
 Data points are individual and sometimes unrelated. Information maps out that data to
provide a big-picture view of how it all fits together.
 Data, on its own, is meaningless. When it’s analyzed and interpreted, it becomes
meaningful information. 
 Data does not depend on information; however, information depends on data.
 Data typically comes in the form of graphs, numbers, figures, or statistics. Information is
typically presented through words, language, thoughts, and ideas.
 Data isn’t sufficient for decision-making, but you can make decisions based on

Information Technology Systems and Their Role in Converting Data to Organizational

The five components that make up the collective information system of an organization:
 Hardware
 Software
 Data
 People
 Process

How data and information systems support collaboration and innovation to drive
organizational success?
Organizations of various shapes, sizes, and specializations may utilize information
systems to store vital information and then use that information to make important choices based
on actual facts. Information systems aid in data and information dissemination by allowing
managers and other organizational leaders to store data in folders and documents that can be
easily shared with the right personnel. Most information systems also allow users to
communicate remotely, allowing employees to get information and respond appropriately no
matter where they are. Information systems are important because they process data from
corporate inputs to provide information that can be used to manage your operations.

Short Quiz Questionnaire:

Instruction: Read the questions or statements carefully and choose the correct answer.
1. It is defined as knowledge gained through study, communication, research, or instruction.
a) Data
b) Information
c) Primary
d) Secondary
2. What type of data includes the five senses?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Nominal
d) Qualitative
3. What type of quantitative data are measured and calculated?
a) Continuous
b) Discrete
c) Nominal
d) Ordinal
4. What type of quantitative data are counted?
a) Continuous
b) Discrete
c) Nominal
d) Ordinal
5. It is a collection of individual statistics or facts.
a) Information
b) Quantitative
c) Data
d) Secondary
6. What type of data involves numeric variables and measurable quantity?
a) Qualitative
b) Primary
c) Quantitative
d) Secondary
7. What is the data collected directly from the data source without going through any
existing sources?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Information
d) Data
8. What type of data uses descriptive judgment when analyzing?
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) Secondary
d) Primary
9. These are data that has been collected in the past by someone else but made available for
others to use.
a) Information
b) Primary
c) Secondary
d) Nominal
10. What type of data cannot be measured?
a) Discrete
b) Continuous
c) Information
d) Qualitative

Dave Andrew Abapo
Kurt Lana Ancheta
Jessica Clarisse Abang
Mary Elleany Cabana
Robert Izaiah Bance
Josh Barruela

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