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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, mythology or myth is a traditional story of early history or

explaining a natural event, especially involving supernatural beings. It is a story told about the creation
of the universe or how the world has been created. Philippines Mythology was one of which is believed
to have plenty of those, from Gods to Goddesses. Biblical examples that we grew upon were Adan and
Eve and Bathala, which believed to be the beginning of humankind. In contrast, folklore arises on a
small scale and involves more with the events, surroundings, and character of a particular region or
specific place. Folklore depicts the way main characters manage their everyday life events, including
conflicts or crises. Folk literature is about individual experiences from a particular society. Although
some folklores depict universal truths, unfounded beliefs and superstitions are also essential elements
of folklore tradition. A very personal example was Mt. Mayon's Panginurun (Ulap)and Daragang
Magayon (Beautiful) folkloric story and a tragic love story of Daragang Magayon, considered the most
beautiful damsel of her time in the Bicol region, which emphasizes the bravery and love of a young man
from Bicol Panginurun to her Daragang Magayon.

Similarly, Characters in mythology are often broader and more impossible figures than characters
commonly found in folklore. Both mythology and folklore involve fictional stories and characters, but
the people in myths are often divine or immortal beings who fight fantastical monsters and are involved
in events that shape the world's very nature. Folklore describes how the main character copes with
everyday life events, and the tale may involve crisis or conflict.

Growing up in a Province where Myths and Folklore are considered a day in the sun, childhood was a
mixture of joy to behold. Every day our Grandparents will be sharing stories of heroic deeds of all the
characters they knew way back when they are young, and at night it will be a story of all mysteries and
fantasies. They often told us about how Adan and Eva and Bathala and Snake of the forbidden fruit
started the sin and the lesson passed on until to the latest generation of our era and the mysteries how
an Aswang or Mananangal and Encanto shifts from a man to an unexplainable form of creature can turn
our world literally upside down.

Mythology and folklore provide a basis for moral boundaries and establish the basic guidelines for the
way people within a society live. As we learn about these from around the world, we will find that many
even not all have similar stories and somehow amazes us all and gives us hope that perhaps one day we
will also be winning this war that we are currently battling and will be the ruler, the God /Goddess of our
From the concept given, I chose Femininity and Heroism.

Femininity from Merriams Dictionary is the fact or quality of having characteristics traditionally thought
to be typical of or suitable for a woman. Throughout hundreds of decades and ages, We women have
often been questioned about our significance to the world and rarely noticed as being at the forefront of
all battles, our bravery protecting our people, our loved ones, land, and our position in the society we
lived. Nevertheless, we never failed to justify our stands and the recognition we worked. Mythologically
speaking, we are known as women warriors who had been historically strong, proud women with
unfailing courage. These are the tradition of women warriors deeply rooted in ancient Greek, Celtic, and
Norse Mythology. From the Amazonas to the goddesses and queens of Celtic of the first century A.D, to
the valkyries and down to the very first woman offered her life to us, our Mother, whom just like
Demeter a mother of Persephoe that when she was is carried off into the underworld by its god Hades,
Her Mother searches for her while fasting, causing a famine on the earth will do everything for her child.

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