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I'm sory it's not corect sir

cau 1, 2 cos 15s answer
cau 3 co 30s answer
at 3 there is
happen, take place... thay doi

phan2 express opinion

- answer straight to the main point
- leading to keypoint: i choose this... because of following reason
-keypoint1, 2, 3 (firstly, secondly, finally)

listening 4p: 50 cau

-ques respond (20 cau)

- 5 conversation (21-35)
- 5 talk
reading 50 cau part 6, 7
- fill the grap
- reading compre
double 2
triple 2
trac nghiem 100 cau
1 bai essay (20%)
introduction: pharaphrase the ques
thesis statement inclue keywork

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