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1. the boy with the flute is leading the band's singing.

2. the girl in the white shirt is recording with her mobile phone.
3. the lady with the black bag is checking the shots she took with her
mobile phone.
4. I am recording with my mobile phone the instrumental band.
5. the boy with the long hair is playing the acoustic guitar.
6. the girl behind the leader is playing the bass.
7. the man in the grey shirt is enjoying the show while walking his pet.
8. My parents are behind me listening to the music.
9. The girls in tropical dresses are waiting their turn to join the stage.
10.In the white tent they are selling food.
11.The man in the white jacket is adjusting the tent.
12.The guy behind the speaker is controlling the sound.
13.The girl in the dark blue shirt is walking her dog.
14.The grandmothers of the 3rd age are listening to the show.
Food sharing

1. My colleagues and I are buying food to share.

2. My partner Harold is holding his suitcase.
3. My partner Mayra is carrying some doritos in her hands.
4. My partner Katherin is closing her suitcase.
5. I am holding a soda along with my mobile phone.
6. My partner Santiago is making a gesture with his hand.

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