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• Examples of diffusion: spraying aerosols, and perfumes.

• High concentration (inside of the can)—the molecules are packed

tightly together….
• To a LOW concentration – when sprayed, the molecules are released to
a more free environment
• The particles SPREAD OUT

• Diffusion These particles move from an area of high

concentration to an area of low concentration(down
concentration gradient).
• Passive process where no energy is needed.
• Random movement of particles
How root hair cell transport minerals when there
is low concentration of minerals in the soil?
Cell Membrane:
• Cell membrane separates the components of a cell from its
environment—surrounds the cell
• “Gatekeeper” of the cell—regulates the flow of materials into
and out of cell—selectively permeable
Cell Membrane
• Has Proteins embedded within it.
• Semi or Selectively Permeable (only certain molecules are
allowed to pass)
How active transport occurs?

 A transport protein called a carrier protein

first binds with a particle of the substance

to be transported.

 Each type of carrier protein has a shape

that fits a specific molecule or ion.

carrier proteins
 Carrier proteins are also called
transporters or carriers.

 Carrier proteins are proteins that

carry substances from one side of a
biological membrane to the other.

 Carrier proteins are important

because they must transport the
molecules in and out of the cell.
what is active transport?

• Active transport is defined as

movement of molecules from a region
of lower concentration to a region of
higher concentration, against a
concentration gradient, across a cell

• Active transport requires cellular

energy, which is created by
respiration to achieve this movement.
Active transport in plants
• Plants need to absorb mineral
elements such as nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium from
the soil for healthy growth.
• When the concentration of
minerals in soil is lower than
inside the plant, active transport is
used to absorb the minerals
against the concentration
What would happen if plant relied on diffusion
to absorb minerals?

• The cells would

become drained of
minerals because they
would travel down the
concentration gradient.
Active transport in plants

 For plants to take up mineral

ions, ions are moved into
root hairs, where they are in
a higher concentration than
in the dilute solutions in the
 Active transport then occurs
across the root so that the
plant takes in the ions it
needs from the soil around
 Mitochondria provides
energy for active transport
How active transport occurs in humans?
Active transport in the gut

• During digestion, the villi absorb the

soluble nutrients. Overtime, the
concentration of nutrients in the villi
reach an equilibrium with the
concentration of gut.
• In the gut, there will be low
concentration of nutrients and passes
into the blood which has a high
concentration of nutrients
• Active transport is used to continue the
transport of small amounts of nutrients
against the concentration gradient.
Active Transport

 active transport :Movement of materials through a membrane against

a concentration gradient and requires energy from the cell.

Cellular energy

membrane Concentration

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