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By Coral Frost Webb wife of her son Karl Webb

She truly become my Mother since my own Mother had passed away a few
months after I was 16. I was her first daughter-in-law.
One summer nite before Karl and I were married, be came to snowflake and
picked me up to attend a dance in Pinedale. He and his Dad and brother's were
operating a sawmill a few miles east of town. Karl needed to move Dave and Nell,
the log team to Lakeside. So, we took a midnite to dawn ride after dancing for hours.
The horses were harnessed and made a jangling sound as they walked then trotted
along. I had changed into a one-piece jump suit I had made.
Karl knew where gates were in and out of different fields and property. We
reached ShowLow and by the time we got to Ellsworth Lane, 1 had enough. Karl
helped me off I could hardly stand I was so stiff Finally got my legs going and
walked on to the ranch, over three miles. There was a faint glimpse of dawn as Karl
took me in the house. My first visit. Dear Mother Webb tucked me in bed with his
little sisters. It was so warm and comfortable, and 1 was so tired I slept for hours.

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