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Gyorgy Ligeti Sonate for Viola Solo /fiir Viola solo / pour alto solo (1991-1994) ED ISMN M.001-111928, SCHOTT Mainz « London yo « Toronto Sonata fitr Tabea Zimmermann 1. Hora lunga (994) Lento rubato e motto dolente, 3 = 76 "R sempre sul IV - al fine v sO (p molto espr —f = Pp Gyorgy Ligeti +1923 P —= w =f “01 -{ indicate downward microtonal departures from normal intonation: | is about a quarter tone lower, as with the 1th harmonic (which is 49 cents lower); is about a sixth of a tone lower, as in the 7th harmonic (wich is 31 cents lower); | the very stight deviation (14 cents lower) which is the difference between the major third of the tempered scale and the natural scale. (The harmonics of the C string serve here as a model for the harmonic series of F “4,44 zeigen mikrotonale Intonationsabweichungen nach tnien an: | enspricht eta einer Viereltonverticfung, wie beim 11. Oberton (49 cent tiefer); | entsprcht etua einer Sechstelionvertiefung, wie beim 7. Oberton (31 cent tefer; { entspricht etioa der sehr kleinen Abweickung (14 cent tie- Jer), dem Unterschiedzzvischen temperiertergrofer Terz und Naturterz. (Die Flageoltt-Tone der C-Saite dienen hier als Modell fir die ObertOne von F.) i A a 201 Soe Mus nema Maine wy 2 v Q 5 ——= pif appassionato dolente = ff cree. va zo = Sf intenso fff pocodim— = _pp—y (always with the full length of the bow) (stets mit der ganzen Lange des Bogens) poco a poco dim. = = Ppp morendo Durata ca. 4'50 (play even if the uppermost harmonics hardly sound) (spielen, auch wenn die obersten Flageoletts kaum mehr klingen) 14 Alfred Schlee zum 90. Geburtstag 2. Loop (1991) Molto vivace, ritmico - with swing, 2 = 320 i658 18 ie? & 8 p> changing of bur sim : 5 5 a . —— a iz: —— psub. Double stoppings always with one open string. Doppelgriffe stets mit einer leeren Saite. Accentuate each note. Jeden Ton akzentuiert spielen. ———= ffs. psib, Sf sub. psub. = Sf sub. p sub. as if tom off wie abgerissen SF psu. 93 silenzio assoluto Durata ca. 2'10" Veress Sandor entlékére 3. Facsar (1992) Andante cantabile ed espressivo, with swing, » ca. 84 sul IV sin al segno-@ mf legato 7 ‘molto espr Vv 4 >= n i _ = ff erese. e accel. poco a poco ~ ~ a p a (eres) — pif [ a= — * = dim. e rit 7a S - s al nf —— ddim. poco a poco — (dim) 2k * > 7 (dim) ap motto m 0 n v My 89 — ‘y PP Durata ca. 6 ) Den Akkora nach wie *) The chord is broken downwards. fiir Klaus Klein 4. Prestissimo con sordino So schnell wie méglich cA EP | allacorda mlty. sim pox 2 > PP mfp “aif pp sempre sim. SP Sp>pp pp —mfpp sim. mfpp pp mf pp sim. hp Fp FP hp —S=f—P FP T SH HP SS Pm fp sin ate Otte 2 pant f Pp =i Pub pen string. ") Doppelgriffestets mit einer lee >> > > > > > 4s, =p =F = hp f—— 3s oy z > % > 2 eres. ~~ = SF =— fF pP>— pe mtpp — pp nfp—f P 15 z bephe 2 abe > > zit # zfs tp S= SeH> ep fp S pute f—f— ote be iz ut > otha, = = eer ween PP sub, 18 3 > > . >> | oF F—I— IF Pp ub. mf pp sim. —— frp frp FP 19 = en om >_> > > >> >, > Soe TSPIP FP sm —= Sir fr sim. > > > oboe Bias Pea, > oy tbsp za be abode, —=SPSP FP sim —= Sp frp—SP ms wp ute Ey ne 19a sub-pp sim. 28 Safe in. —————— Fp=fp f= SP of pp of pp— —— 8 PP——= > via sord. *) 34 (very quickly / sehr schnell) ‘attacca il Lamento — SF Pp —— SF pps. mf pp mf pp SE sub. Durata ca. 115" *) Simply throw the mute away. *) Den Daimpfer einfach wegroerfen. 20 fiir Louise Duchesneau 5. Lamento (1994) ‘Tempo giusto, intenso e barbaro, 2 = 152 senza sord., alla corda ie ie ° on V 50 subito gfff con tutta la forza, feroce = on sul tasto, flautando - op da txdane sub. fff (feroce) B v A nv 985 8 oe Dany 8 sul tasto, flautando 4 Rn fn sul tasto, flautando, - Meno mosso, 2 = 112 < . go out € EE od V m ¢ PP th one open string where possible, *) Doppelgrife mit einer leoren Saite iberall co mol! poco rall... sempre pp sul tasto, flautando, 7 ‘arracca. ord. Durata ca. n fiir Tabea Zimmermann 6. Chaconne chromatique (1994) Vivace appassionato (molto ritmico e feroce),*) J ~ 144 3 a ao 7 a v oO a v va p misterioso =| a a: oT cresc. pocoa pocom, =e *) Bring out the impetuous, dance-like character with *) Den wilden Tanzcharakter mit reicher und differen- copious, differentiated accentuation ierter Akzentuierung zur Geltung brinigen, va e (eres) — o 2 a ferese) cresc. expr — tutta la forza Sof srandioso . o = Ss z aoe aa Ba, = alla. — _- ~~~ Meno mosso, molto cantabile riven Vata! 2 sul tasto, crese. molto. SP pp sub. da lontano™ con espressione Al 5 = - Whe s« «= «= ¢ # 2 # ew Durata ca. 2'40" Sto Ms nematona Mains 854

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