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Level 6

Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 1 The Mystery of
Going into Business the Missing Money 1
Going into Business

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H ey, Henry! Come out here!”
Henry looked out the window and saw his
Puzzle Pirates. All he had to do was solve one
more puzzle, and he would reach Level Ten.
cousin waving at him from the sidewalk in front “Just come down here!” Maggie yelled again.
of his house. Maggie was nine years old and Henry sighed. He was two years older than
lived next door. Her mom and Henry’s mom were Maggie, but that didn’t stop her from bossing him
sisters. around. His best friend, Cole, always told him that
“What do you want?” Henry called down to he should just ignore her. But Maggie was usually
Maggie. “I’m busy.” so loud and dramatic, she was hard to ignore!
He glanced at his computer. He’d just finished Henry turned off his computer and headed
lunch, and now he was playing his favorite game, outside.
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Maggie was waiting for him and holding a Maggie was very artistic. She’d drawn a glass
handmade cardboard sign. of lemonade below the words. It looked so realistic
“Look at this,” she said. “Isn’t it awesome?” that it made Henry thirsty.
The sign read: “Great sign,” Henry said. “Maybe I’ll buy a
MAGGIE’S LEMONADE STAND “You won’t have to,” Maggie said. “You’ll get
ONE CUP: 25 cents your lemonade for free.”
TWO CUPS: 45 cents Henry was instantly suspicious. If Maggie was
BELLTOWN’S BEST BEVERAGE! running a lemonade stand to make money, why
would she give away the lemonade for free?
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“What do you mean?” he asked. riding lessons if I pay half of the cost myself,”
She grinned. “You’ll get it for free because Maggie explained. “I figured I could make lots
you’re an employee,” she said. “I hereby hire you of money selling lemonade while it’s hot out. I’ll
to help me with my lemonade stand.” switch to hot chocolate when the weather turns
Henry rolled his eyes. “Are you kidding me?” cold.”
he said. “Lemonade stands are for babies.” “Sounds like a good plan,” Henry said.
Maggie scowled. “No, they’re not!” “So you’ll help?” Maggie looked excited.
“Yes, they are,” Henry said. “Why do you want “Nope,” Henry said.
to do something like that anyway?” Maggie tried to change his mind. She promised
“Mom and Dad said I can take horseback- him all the free lemonade he could drink. Then she
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told him he could have 10 percent of the profits. front of Maggie’s house. Two teenage girls were
Henry just shook his head. “No, thanks,” he standing nearby sipping lemonade from paper
said. “Good luck with your new business. I’m cups. A boy with a skateboard was chugging his
going to Cole’s.” lemonade. A little boy clung to his mother’s hand
He walked over to Cole’s house on the next while she leaned against the table and talked on
block. The two of them played soccer for a while her cell phone.
in Cole’s yard. Then they headed back to Henry’s Maggie was nearby chatting with a kid named
house to play Puzzle Pirates. On the way they Nathan and his little sister, Nora. It looked as if
passed Maggie’s lemonade stand. Nathan and Nora had just returned from the local
The stand was a table set up on the sidewalk in swimming pool. Their bathing suits were still wet.
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When Maggie spotted Henry and Cole coming, “Fine. I wasn’t thirsty anyway,” Henry said,
she hurried to meet them. “Want some lemonade?” rolling his eyes. “Come on, Cole. We have plenty
she asked. “It’s a dollar per cup.” of soda at my house.”
“A dollar?” Henry said. “I thought you were They started to walk away. But Maggie ran
charging 25 cents.” after them.
“Yeah!” Cole pointed to the sign. “It’s written “Stop. I was just kidding,” she said. “I’ll sell
right there. See?” you lemonade for fifty cents per cup.” When the
Maggie tossed her head. “That’s the price for boys kept walking, she tried again. “Okay, okay!
normal people. Rotten cousins and their friends get Twenty cents. That’s my special price for cousins
charged extra.” and friends of cousins.”
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“You have a deal,” Cole said, turning around. She opened the cashbox on her table to put the
Henry and Cole headed back to the lemonade boys’ money away. When she looked inside the
stand. Maggie poured them each a cup of box, she gasped.
lemonade. Henry fished some change out of his “Oh no!” she cried. “My money is gone!”
pocket to pay for it.
Cole took a sip. “Hey, this lemonade is really
Maggie smiled. “It’s the best in town,” she
bragged. “Everyone says so. I’ve made a ton of
money already!”
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 2 The Mystery of
Where's the Cash? the Missing Money 2
Where's the Cash?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W ho stole my money?” Maggie yelled loudly.
“Maggie,” Henry warned, “you have to
“No way!” Maggie looked really upset now.
“There was a lot of cash in here five minutes
have proof before you start accusing people of ago when Mrs. Martin paid for little Marty’s
stealing.” He looked into the cashbox that Maggie lemonade.”
was holding. It was completely empty. She pointed to the woman standing nearby,
“Are you sure you didn’t take the money out who was still talking on her cell phone. The little
and put it in your pocket or something?” he asked boy, Marty Martin, had dropped his mother’s
her. hand. He was staring at Maggie and banging a toy
“Yeah,” Cole said. “You probably put the suitcase against his knees.
money somewhere.” “Okay,” Henry said. “Then maybe the money
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blew away when you opened the box.” “No,” one of the girls said. “We’re not crooks.
“It’s not even windy today,” Maggie said. Come on, Jill, let’s get out of here.”
She shook her head. “I think someone stole my “Yeah.” Her friend giggled. “Before she
horseback-riding money. And I want to know who accuses us of something else!”
it was!” The two of them laughed and walked off.
By now everyone except Mrs. Martin was Maggie glared at them, and then looked around
staring at her. The two teenage girls giggled and again.
whispered to each other. Maggie looked at them. “Maybe it was Ryan!” she said. Ryan had
“Was it you two?” she asked. “Did you take finished chugging his lemonade. Now he was
my money?” jumping his skateboard on and off the curb.
3 4
“Did you steal my money when I wasn’t Maggie could say anything to him. “I promise.”
looking?” Maggie asked. “Are you sure?” Maggie said. “It had to be
He stopped and stared at Maggie. “Dude, I someone!”
didn’t take your money. Maybe you should have Nora poked her brother. “I think I hear
watched it better,” he said. Then he skated off Mommy calling us,” she said.
down the street. “I didn’t hear anything,” Henry said.
“Hey! Get back here!” Maggie yelled. But “Me neither. But I’d better go check,” Nathan
Ryan ignored her, skidding around the corner. said. “Come on, Nora, let’s go home.”
Nathan and his little sister Nora were listening “No!” Nora said. She loved to argue. “I don’t
to everything. “It wasn’t me,” Nathan said before want to!”
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Nathan was used to her, so he just ignored her. “I don’t think you need to accuse Mrs. Martin
But when he rushed off toward their house, she of being the thief,” Henry said. “She’s a police
hurried after him. detective, remember?”
Maggie was looking around for more possible Cole nodded. “She catches thieves—she’s not
thieves. “Where did Mrs. Martin and Marty go?” one herself,” he said.
she asked. “Maybe you’re right.” Maggie frowned. “But
“They left.” Cole pointed down the block. someone stole my money, and I want to know who
Henry looked and saw Mrs. Martin wandering it was.”
away. Her cell phone was still pressed to her ear. “Calm down,” Henry told his cousin. “You’re
Little Marty was skipping along after her. not going to figure it out by yelling at everyone.”
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“How else am I going to get an answer?” if the three of us work together, we can figure out
Maggie asked. who took the money.”
“Think about it logically,” Henry said. “We’re just kids,” Maggie said. “How are we
“Whoever took that money is a thief, which means supposed to think like detectives?”
he or she is probably a liar too.” “I know!” Cole said. “I watched a mystery
“Good point,” Cole said with a nod. “Guess movie on TV last week. The detective started by
you’d better say good-bye to that money, Maggie.” figuring out who the suspects were.”
Maggie scowled at him. “Be quiet, Cole!” “We already know that,” Maggie interrupted.
“She doesn’t need to give up,” Henry told his “It had to be someone who was nearby when the
friend. “We just need to think like detectives. I bet money disappeared.”
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Henry smiled. “See? We’re already thinking Maggie shook her head. “Nope. Just the people
like detectives,” he said. “Okay, so we know you saw.”
approximately when the money disappeared. Who Cole bit his lip. “That means the thief had to
was nearby during that time?” be someone we know.”
“You just saw them,” Maggie said. “Nathan They all looked at each other.
and Nora, Mrs. Martin and Marty, Ryan, and those “It’s someone from our very own neighborhood!”
two teenage girls. Oh, and you two of course.” said Henry.
“Nobody else stopped by before Henry and
I got here?” Cole asked. “Like a stranger or a
suspicious-looking deliveryman?”
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 3 The Mystery of
First on the List the Missing Money 3
First on the List

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
I t’s weird to think that someone from our
neighborhood is a thief,” Cole said.
Ryan, and those two teenage girls.”
“I doubt it was Nathan,” Cole said. “He’s a
“I know,” Henry agreed. “But Maggie’s money nice kid.”
is gone, which means that someone stole it. All we Henry nodded. Nathan was the same age as
have to do now is figure out who it was.” him and Cole, and everyone liked him. Kids liked
“Who are the suspects again?” Cole asked. him because he was always smiling and loved to
Maggie sighed. “Weren’t you listening?” she have fun.
said. “There were only a few people close enough “That little sister of his is kind of weird
to the lemonade stand to grab the money. They though,” Maggie pointed out. “She’s always
were Nathan and Nora, Mrs. Martin and Marty, making up crazy stories and dressing up in funny
1 2
costumes and stuff.” Ryan very well.
“Nora is a bit strange,” Henry agreed. “But “What kind of trouble?” Henry asked Maggie.
being weird isn’t the same as being a thief. Plus She shrugged. “Mostly teachers get mad at him
she’s only five years old. That’s pretty young to for goofing off and not paying attention in class.”
steal money from a cashbox.” “I heard he skateboarded into his neighbor’s
“What about Ryan, that kid who skateboards flowers,” Cole said. “He got in big trouble for that!”
all the time?” Maggie said. “He’s always getting in “That doesn’t make him a thief,” Henry said.
trouble at school.” “But he seems like a better suspect than the others.
Ryan was three years younger than Henry. Let’s go find him and talk to him.”
Henry had seen him around, but he didn’t know Maggie put a cover on her pitcher of lemonade
3 4
so bugs wouldn’t get in it. Then the three kids We’re just going to ask him a few questions, like
headed down the block in the direction that Ryan my dad does when he’s interviewing someone.”
had gone. Henry’s father was a journalist who wrote
“What are we going to say when we find him?” stories for the local newspaper. He liked to say
Cole asked. that his job was one part writing, one part asking
“I know what I want to say.” Maggie frowned. questions, and three parts listening. That was
“I want to tell him to give me back my money! because he spent so much time interviewing
Otherwise I’ll break his skateboard in half!” people and listening to their answers.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Maggie,” “Wait. We’re going to ask Ryan a few questions?”
Henry told her. “We’re not going to threaten Ryan. Cole said. “I can only think of one question: Did
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you take the money?” listening to his answers.”
“Yeah,” Maggie said. “And I already asked The other two looked skeptical. But Henry
him that.” hurried forward.
Henry had just spotted Ryan up ahead. The “Hi, Ryan,” he called out. “Can I talk to you
skateboarder was practicing kick flips. His baggy for a second?”
shorts fluttered when he jumped, and his sneakers Ryan finished his flip, and then rolled over to
squeaked when he landed. Henry on his skateboard. “Sure, dude. What do
“Just listen and play along,” Henry whispered you want to talk about?” He grinned, shoving both
to Cole and Maggie. “I’m going to interview Ryan, hands in his pockets.
just like Dad would. We might learn something by Henry smiled back. “We’re just trying to find
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out what happened to Maggie’s money. Since you don’t you just admit it?”
were there, we thought you might have seen who “No way.” Ryan glared back at her. “Why
took it.” should I admit to something I didn’t do? I didn’t
“Nope. Sorry.” Ryan shrugged. take your money!”
“Okay,” Henry said. “Then did you see anyone “Well, somebody did,” Cole pointed out.
hanging around the lemonade stand? Maybe a “It was probably her.” Ryan laughed and
stranger or something?” pointed at Maggie.
“I already told you there was nobody else “What?” Maggie screeched. “Don’t be ridiculous!
around, Henry,” Maggie interrupted. Then she Why would I steal my own money?”
glared at Ryan. “I know you stole my money. Why Ryan shrugged again. “How should I know?”
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Henry looked away, thinking. He still believed
that Ryan was the most likely suspect, but this
interview wasn’t going well so far. Henry tried
to think of another question. What would his dad
ask? He couldn’t think of anything. Besides he
was pretty sure that Ryan wouldn’t answer any
more questions. Not after Maggie had just accused
him of the crime again.
So how could they figure out if Ryan had done
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 4 The Mystery of
A Tricky Test the Missing Money 4
A Tricky Test

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A re you guys ready to stop accusing me of
stealing your money?” Ryan asked. “Because
money, there must be a way to prove it.”
“I know.” Cole cracked his knuckles. “Ryan’s
I’m not going to stand here all day. See you later.” a lot smaller than us. We could hold him down and
Without waiting for an answer, he skated off. Maggie could search him.”
He stopped about half a block away and went back “Great idea!” Maggie’s eyes lit up. “Let’s go
to practicing skateboarding tricks on the sidewalk. get him!”
“Well, that was a waste of time,” Cole said. “Hold on.” Henry grabbed Maggie’s arm
Maggie watched Ryan do a fancy flip. “I still before she could rush down the block. “We can’t
think he did it,” she muttered. do that.”
Henry was thinking hard. “If Ryan took that “Why not?” Maggie said. “He took my
1 2
money!” For a second it looked as if she were Cole nodded. “And maybe you should put a
about to cry. “I need that money for horseback- lock on your cashbox,” he suggested.
riding lessons.” “Good idea,” Maggie said.
“We don’t know for sure that he’s the thief,” Henry couldn’t believe his ears. “You mean
Henry reminded her. “And it’s not fair to gang up you guys are ready to give up already? But we’re
on him. If he didn’t take your money, we’ll get in only on our first suspect!”
big trouble.” Maggie shrugged. “Like you said, the thief is
Maggie sighed. “I’m starting to think this never going to admit to it. So what’s the point?”
investigation isn’t worth it. Maybe I should just go “There has to be a way to figure out what
back to the lemonade stand and start over.” happened.” Henry turned to look at Ryan.
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Ryan was still ignoring them and practicing “Good point.” Cole nodded. “Does that mean
his skateboard tricks. He did a couple of flips, and you want to hold him down and search him after
then jumped the skateboard off the sidewalk. all?”
Henry stared at the shorts. He could see the “No. I have a better idea.”
pockets open every time Ryan moved. Henry hurried off toward Ryan before Maggie
“If Ryan did take the money, he must have and Cole could respond. Ryan stopped skating
stuck it in his pockets,” he murmured. “There’s when he saw him coming.
nowhere else he could be holding it. And he “Oh, it’s you again,” he said, not sounding
probably didn’t have time to hide it anywhere very happy.
between then and now.” “Don’t worry. I’m not here to ask you any
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more questions.” Henry smiled at the younger kid. muttered.
“Actually I was just watching you skate. You’ve “I can do tons of cool stuff,” Ryan bragged.
got some nice moves.” “Way more than anybody from Oakview.”
“Thanks, dude.” Ryan looked suspicious but a “I saw that kid do a handstand on his
little proud too. skateboard,” Henry said. “Can you do that?”
“So can you do some of the harder tricks?” “Sure. Watch me.” Ryan skated a short
Henry asked. “I saw a kid from Oakview School distance away from them. Then he turned around
do some awesome tricks last weekend.” and headed back toward them, kicking off with
Maggie and Cole had caught up to him by one foot to build up speed.
now. “Who cares what tricks he can do?” Maggie “Who cares if he can do a handstand?” Maggie
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said. turned inside out.
“Shh.” Henry hushed her. “Just watch.” “I think you lost the stuff that was in your
As he got closer, Ryan leaned down and pockets,” Henry said. “I’ll help you pick it up.”
grabbed the edges of the board with his hands. Henry stepped forward. A little pile of stuff lay
A second later, he was upside down with his in the spot where Ryan had flipped himself upside
legs in the air. down. There was a peppermint candy, a house key,
“Awesome!” Cole cheered, clapping. “You’re and a couple of snail shells. Henry grabbed it all
really good.” and handed it back to Ryan. Then he said good-
“Thanks.” Ryan flipped back onto his feet and bye and hurried off around the corner.
stood up. His face was red, and his pockets were His friends followed. “What was that all
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about?” Cole asked.
“Don’t you get it?” Henry smiled. “I just
proved that Ryan isn’t our thief. If he’d stolen
Maggie’s money, it would have fallen out of his
pockets along with all that other stuff.”
Cole’s eyes widened. “Whoa! You’re right!”
Maggie looked impressed too. But she didn’t
look happy.
“So now what?” she said. “If Ryan didn’t take
my money, then who did?”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 5 The Mystery of
Suspicious Shoppers the Missing Money 5
Suspicious Shoppers

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry, Maggie, and Cole stood on the sidewalk
staring at one another. They’d just proven
whispering together the whole time they were
at the lemonade stand, like they were planning
that Ryan hadn’t stolen Maggie’s cash. But they something.”
weren’t any closer to solving the mystery. “Do you think they could have taken the
“I guess we should check out some of our money when you weren’t looking?” Henry asked
other suspects,” Henry said to Maggie and Cole. her.
“What about those two teenage girls?” Cole “Sure,” Maggie said. “I had my back to the
suggested. “They left the scene of the crime pretty cashbox while I was talking to Nathan. Anyone
fast.” could have grabbed the money then.”
Maggie nodded. “True. Plus they were “Okay, let’s see if we can track down those
1 2
girls,” Henry said. watering flowers on her front porch. She smiled
They walked back to the lemonade stand. and waved when she saw them.
There was no sign of the two teenagers. “Hot day, isn’t it?” she called.
“I think they walked away in this direction,” “It sure is,” Henry replied politely. “Mrs.
Cole said. He pointed down the street. Smith, did you happen to see two teenage girls
The three of them walked to the end of the walk past here recently?”
block, and then stopped. “Do you mean Jill and Ashley?” Mrs. Smith
“Which way should we go now?” Maggie nodded. “Yes, they passed by about ten or fifteen
wondered. minutes ago. They were heading toward town.”
Henry looked around and spotted Mrs. Smith “Thanks,” Henry said. Then he looked at his
3 4
friends. “Come on. Let’s go.” “True.” Maggie was looking around too.
They walked another few blocks until they “And it’s the middle of the afternoon, so they’re
reached Main Street. Lots of people were going in probably not at any of the restaurants.”
and out of the shops and restaurants. “I bet they’re in the drugstore or the bakery,”
“How are we supposed to find those two girls Cole said. “Maybe we should check the bakery
now?” Cole asked, looking around. “They could first,” he added, licking his lips.
be anywhere.” Henry grinned. He knew that Cole loved the
“Not really,” Henry said. “I doubt they’re in bakery’s doughnuts more than almost any other
the dry cleaner’s or the hardware store. Teenage food.
girls don’t usually go to stores like that.” But Henry didn’t want to waste any time. “The
5 6
drugstore is closer,” he pointed out. “Let’s go there aisle. Jill and Ashley were halfway down the aisle,
first, and then we’ll look in the bakery. If they’re looking at a display of brightly colored nail polish
not in either place, we could start checking some and lip gloss. They didn’t notice Henry watching
of the other stores.” them because they were too busy grabbing stuff
The three friends headed across the street to from the shelves.
Herman’s Drugstore. As soon as he stepped inside, “This is nice,” Jill exclaimed, tossing a bottle
Henry heard loud giggles. of sparkly nail polish in a shopping basket.
“Listen! That sounds like them,” he whispered “It’s kind of expensive, isn’t it?” Ashley said.
to his friends. Then she giggled. “Oops, never mind. Who cares
He followed the giggling sounds to the makeup if it’s expensive? We have plenty of money!”
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“Yeah.” Jill giggled and reached for some lip Henry’s eyes widened. The teenagers were
gloss. “I think I’ll buy this too.” acting as if they had lots of money to spend!
Ashley grabbed two more tubes of lip gloss. “I knew it! Those two did it!” Maggie said
“We might as well get a few extras. After all we from behind him. “They stole my money!”
can afford it!” Her voice was kind of loud. The two older girls
“True,” her friend agreed with another loud heard her and looked over.
giggle. “After we finish here, let’s go pick out “Hey, it’s that girl with the lemonade stand,”
some candy.” Jill said. “Shouldn’t you be home squeezing
“And then I want to look at the magazines,” lemons or something?”
Ashley said. Ashley started giggling all over again.
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Maggie marched over and pointed into their
shopping basket. “Where’d you get the money to
buy all that stuff?” she demanded.
Ashley shot a look at Jill.
Jill frowned and looked down at the floor.
For a second neither of them answered.
Henry traded looks with Cole. “Is it my
imagination,” he whispered, “or are those two
acting awfully suspicious?”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 6 The Mystery of
A New Lead the Missing Money 6
A New Lead

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
I t wasn’t Henry’s imagination. The two teenage
girls were definitely acting suspicious. They
“Just hold on,” Henry told her over his
shoulder. “Don’t start accusing them of stealing
grabbed their shopping basket and rushed away, your money until I get a chance to ask them some
disappearing around the end of the aisle. questions.”
“Hey, wait!” Henry called after them. “Come They caught up to Jill and Ashley near the
back here! We want to talk to you.” back of the store. The two girls seemed annoyed
He rushed after the girls, with Maggie and when they saw the younger kids coming again.
Cole right behind him. “Why are you following us around?” Ashley
“They did it!” Maggie exclaimed. “They stole demanded.
my money! I should have known it was them!” “We just wanted to say hi,” said Henry.
1 2
“Maggie likes to keep in touch with her best “That’s right,” Ashley agreed quickly. “We’re
customers. Right, Maggie?” not really buying all this stuff. See? We’re putting
“Right,” Maggie said, glaring at the older girls. it back.”
Henry was afraid she was going to say something She reached into the basket, grabbed lip gloss,
rude to them. But she kept quiet. and stuck it back on the shelf. Jill did the same
“So you guys are doing a lot of shopping thing with a pack of gum.
today, huh?” Henry said, glancing into the girls’ “That’s weird,” Cole said. “Why would you
shopping basket. pick up all that stuff if you weren’t planning to buy
“Not really.” Jill shot a look at Ashley. “We it?”
were just kidding around.” Ashley shrugged. “I told you. We were just
3 4
goofing around, having fun.” “You two aren’t fooling me,” she burst out.
“That doesn’t seem like much fun to me,” Cole “I know what you were doing. You were getting
commented. ready to spend my money!”
“Well, playing soccer doesn’t seem like fun to “What are you talking about?” Jill asked.
me,” Ashley snapped. “And boys do that all the “You know what I’m talking about!” Maggie
time, right?” went on. “Someone stole the money from my
Cole was surprised. “What do you mean? lemonade stand!”
Soccer is a blast!” Ashley laughed. “Oh, right. I forgot about
Henry glanced over at Maggie. She was getting that.”
that impatient look on her face again. “You mean you never found that money?” Jill
5 6
added. “Did you ask Ryan, that kid who’s always her face. Then she shrugged. “But what’s the big
skateboarding? He’s a troublemaker. He crashed deal?” she asked Jill. “We already agreed we’re
into my mom’s flowers a couple of weeks ago.” not going to use it.”
“It wasn’t Ryan. It was you two!” Maggie “Use what?” Henry asked, feeling confused.
insisted. What were the girls talking about?
“No, it wasn’t,” Ashley said. “Why would we Jill had a guilty expression too. She reached
need a few dollars? We already have—” into the shopping basket and grabbed a candy bar.
“Quiet!” Jill hissed, elbowing her friend in the She stuck it on a nearby shelf.
ribs. “It’s nothing,” she said.
“Oops.” Ashley had a guilty expression on “Maybe you’d better tell us,” Cole suggested.
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“Because you two are acting pretty suspicious.” shrugged. “So thanks, I guess.”
“It’s no big deal,” Ashley said. “Jill’s mother Henry smiled. “You’re welcome,” he said.
gave us a fifty-dollar bill. We were supposed to use Maggie was staring at them. “You mean you
it to buy sunscreen and some other stuff we need really didn’t take my money?”
for summer camp.” “Nope,” Jill said. “Besides we could buy a lot
Jill nodded. “We thought my mom wouldn’t more with my mom’s fifty dollars than we could
notice if we bought a few extra things. But I guess with your two or three dollars.”
we got carried away.” “It was much more than that,” Maggie
“Yeah. We realized it when you guys started corrected her. “That’s why I want to get it back! I
asking us all those annoying questions.” Ashley need it so I can take horseback-riding lessons.”
9 10
“Oh. Good luck,” Ashley said. She sounded Henry and Cole looked at each other. “I guess
more sympathetic now. we know who to investigate next,” said Henry.
Jill seemed thoughtful. “I just remembered
something,” she said. “I saw that little girl Nora
grabbing something off the table while you were
busy talking to her brother. I thought she was just
getting a napkin or something, but she was pretty
close to that cashbox. And she was acting kind of
“Really?” Maggie said.
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 7 The Mystery of
A Confession . . . Maybe the Missing Money 7
A Confession . . . Maybe

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
D o you really think Nora took the money?”
Cole asked.
was in such a hurry to reach Nathan and Nora’s
house that she was almost jogging.
“I don’t know,” Henry said. “She’s just a little “Hurry up!” she called over her shoulder.
kid. And she has always seemed pretty honest to “I want to get my money back and open up my
me. Remember? She even told the bus driver that lemonade stand again.”
his hairpiece looked fake.” Henry walked a little faster until he caught up
Cole laughed. “I almost forgot about that,” he with Maggie. “I wonder why Nora would steal
said. “Good thing the bus driver has a sense of your money,” he said. “She seems pretty young to
humor!” do something like that.”
Maggie was several steps ahead of them. She “That’s true.” Cole had caught up by then too.
1 2
“It’s hard to believe that Nora suddenly decided Nathan and Nora were in cahoots, then Nathan
to rob Maggie’s lemonade stand all by herself.” could have distracted Maggie on purpose by
He looked worried. “I just thought of something. talking to her. He kept her distracted long enough
What if Nora and Nathan were in cahoots?” for Nora to grab the money out of the cashbox.
“In cahoots?” Maggie echoed. “What the heck Then once they got away, the two of them could
does that mean?” have split the cash between them.”
“I heard it on that detective movie I saw on Maggie’s eyes widened. “Do you really think
TV,” Cole said. “When someone’s in cahoots, it that’s what happened?”
means they’re working together.” “No,” Henry said. “I don’t think Nathan is like
Henry nodded. “I see what you mean. If that.”
3 4
“Yeah, I don’t either,” Cole agreed. “Maybe Besides they were almost out of suspects.
it was just Nora after all. We already know she’s Soon they were turning the corner onto Nathan
a weird kid. Nathan says she acts sneaky and and Nora’s street. From halfway down the block,
secretive all the time. Maybe she’s a thief too.” they spotted Nora talking and laughing with
“Maybe.” Henry still had a hard time believing another girl.
Nora was the culprit. Something was bugging “Looks like Nora has a friend over,” Cole
him about the whole situation, though he couldn’t commented.
figure out what it was. Then again those teenage “I don’t care,” Maggie said. “I’m going to get
girls had seen Nora grab something off the table. my money back.”
That definitely made the little girl seem guilty. “Slow down.” Henry grabbed her by the arm.
5 6
“You can’t just march up to her and demand your suggested.
money back.” “Yeah. Like a stakeout!” Cole grinned. “The
“Oh yeah? Says who?” Maggie said. detectives in that mystery movie did that. They sat
“Think about it,” Henry said. “We already in their car in front of a suspect’s house all night!”
know that Nora likes to argue. If you accuse her of “I don’t want to sit around here all night.”
being the thief, she’ll just argue, whether she did it Maggie still sounded a little grumpy. But she
or not.” followed the boys as they tiptoed behind a hedge
“Well, what else can I do?” asked Maggie. that ran along the side of the yard.
“She and her friend haven’t seen us yet. Let’s The three of them crouched down behind the
hide and spy on them for a little while,” Henry hedge. They could see Nora and her friend through
7 8
the branches, but the little girls couldn’t see them. “I am the prettiest princess in all the land,” she
“What are they doing?” Cole whispered. said with a giggle.
Henry watched the two little girls. Nora was “So what? I’m the richest princess in all the
holding a stick in one hand. The other girl had a world!” Nora cried. “I have more jewels than all
crown made of vines on her head. the other princesses!”
“It looks like they’re playing princesses,” That was all Maggie needed to hear. “Give it
Maggie whispered. back!” she hollered, jumping out from behind the
Nora and her friend still didn’t see them. The hedge. “You took what’s mine, and I want it back
friend was picking dandelions to weave into her right now!”
crown. Nora and her friend glanced up in surprise.
9 10
The friend looked confused—and a little
But Nora instantly burst into tears. “I’m
sorry!” she sobbed. “I didn’t mean to take it!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 8 The Mystery of
Now What? the Missing Money 8
Now What?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W ow,” Cole said as Nora started crying even
harder. “It looks like we just solved the
“You didn’t think I’d mind?” Maggie echoed in
disbelief. “Are you crazy? Why wouldn’t I mind?
mystery.” You took my money!”
“Yeah,” Henry agreed. “Huh?” Nora blinked and sniffled. “What
“So my funny feeling was wrong,” he thought. money?”
He’d been convinced that Nora was too little to be “The money you grabbed from the cashbox,”
the thief. But now, here she was, confessing to the Cole said. “Those two older girls saw you take it.”
crime. Henry was starting to get that funny feeling
“I’m sorry, Maggie!” Nora blurted out between again. “Wait,” he said. “The girls didn’t say that.
sobs. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I took it.” They just said they saw Nora grabbing something
1 2
from the table and looking sneaky. What did you “You can’t make me,” Nora yelled back.
take, Nora?” “Yeah!” Nora’s friend added. “You can’t order
“None of your business,” Nora said. She her around. She’s a princess!”
wasn’t crying anymore. Now she was starting to Just then Nathan hurried out of the house.
look stubborn. “What’s going on out here?” he asked.
Henry stared at her. Something about this “Hi, Nathan,” Henry said. “We were just talking
didn’t make sense. He just wished he could figure to your sister.”
out what it was. “No, they weren’t!” Nora started to cry again.
“You’d better tell me right now, Nora!” “They were trying to drag me off to jail!”
Maggie exclaimed. “What?” Now Nathan looked really confused.
3 4
“She’s exaggerating,” Maggie said. “We were of lemonade!”
just trying to get my money back. Nora stole it!” Everyone looked surprised. “Extra lemonade?”
Nathan shook his head. “Nora didn’t take that Cole said.
money.” “Oh . . .” Henry nodded. “That must be what
“Yeah!” Nora stuck out her tongue at Maggie. those teenage girls saw her doing. Nora wasn’t
“I didn’t take your money.” sneaking around to steal the money. She was just
“Yes, you did!” Maggie said. “You just sneaking some extra lemonade.”
confessed, remember?” “How do we know she didn’t do both things?
“No way.” Nora looked stubborn again. “I She just admitted that she’s a lemonade thief,”
didn’t take any money. All I took was an extra cup Maggie said. “She might be a money thief too!”
5 6
“Come on, Maggie,” Nathan said. “Nora might “Wait, I didn’t say that!” Cole chimed in.
be sneaky enough to grab some extra lemonade. Maggie didn’t pay any attention to him.
But she wouldn’t steal your cash.” She was still staring at Nathan. “You two were
“Maybe not on her own,” Maggie said, wandering past and saw that I was making tons of
glancing from Nora to Nathan and then back money at my lemonade stand,” she said. “So you
again. got greedy.”
Nathan folded his arms across his chest. “What She narrowed her eyes and looked around.
do you mean?” he asked. Henry could tell she was pausing to make her
“Cole was right. It was probably all your story sound more dramatic.
idea!” Maggie burst out. It was definitely a dramatic story. But Henry
7 8
still wasn’t convinced that it was true. That funny known that.
feeling inside him was stronger than ever, and he Maggie was still staring at Nathan. “Then you
needed time to think about it. started talking to me, distracting me on purpose.
“Maggie . . . ,” he started to say. That gave your sneaky little sister time to grab
“That’s when you made your plan,” Maggie the money out of the cashbox while my back was
went on, glaring at Nathan and ignoring Henry. turned. Then all she had to do was hide it and
“You walked over and bought some lemonade for pretend she didn’t know anything. I think she—”
yourself and Nora. You even borrowed money “Hold on, Maggie,” Henry interrupted. “I just
from Mrs. Martin to pay for it!” realized something. Nora couldn’t have taken your
“They did?” Henry was surprised. He hadn’t money.”
9 10
Maggie, Cole, Nathan, and even Nora all couldn’t hide it because she had nowhere to put
turned to stare at him. it. Remember? Nora and Nathan stopped by the
“What are you talking about, Henry?” Maggie lemonade stand on their way home from the
said. “Of course she did! Who else could have swimming pool. All they had on were their bathing
done it?” suits!”
“I don’t know.” Henry shrugged. “But it wasn’t
Nora. You said it yourself. All she had to do was
hide that money after she took it.”
“Right,” Maggie said. “So?”
“So don’t you see?” Henry continued. “She
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 9 The Mystery of
The Last Suspect the Missing Money 9
The Last Suspect

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
M aggie gasped. “Oh my gosh,” she said.
“You’re right, Henry! I forgot that Nathan
was a hot day.”
“That’s why you had to borrow money to buy
and Nora were only wearing bathing suits when lemonade, right?” Henry said.
they stopped at the lemonade stand.” Nathan nodded. “We didn’t bring anything
“Me too,” Cole said. with us to the pool,” he said. “But Mrs. Martin
“But I remember now,” Maggie went on. let us borrow enough money to buy two cups of
“Nathan dripped all over my shoes while I was lemonade.”
talking to him.” “So you guys really didn’t take my money?”
“Sorry about that,” Nathan said sheepishly. “We Maggie asked. She sounded kind of disappointed.
forgot to bring towels to the pool. Good thing it “You said yourself there was lots of money in
1 2
your cashbox,” Cole said to Maggie. “Was there “Cool,” Henry said, glad that Nathan wasn’t
too much for Nora to hide in her hands?” angry.
“Definitely,” Maggie said. “There were a “Sorry I took the extra lemonade, Maggie,”
bunch of dollar bills and lots of change too. Way Nora said. “I was just really thirsty after
too much for anyone to hide in their hands.” swimming.”
“I guess that proves it,” Henry said. “Nathan “That’s okay,” Maggie told the younger girl.
and Nora couldn’t have done it.” “But please remember to ask next time, okay?”
“Yeah,” Cole added. “Sorry we accused you “I promise!” Nora said.
guys.” “So now what?” Cole shrugged. “Nora and
“It’s all right,” Nathan said with a smile. Nathan didn’t take the money. Those two teenage
3 4
girls didn’t do it either. Neither did Ryan.” about that, remember? She couldn’t be the thief.
Cole stared at Henry and Maggie. They stared She’s a police officer.”
back. Nora wasn’t paying attention anymore. She
Henry knew they were all thinking the same and her friend were already back to arguing about
thing. “So who did it?” he asked. “We’re all out of who was a better princess. But Nathan was still
suspects.” listening to Henry and his friends.
“No, we’re not,” Maggie said. “What about “Not right now she isn’t,” he pointed out. “Mrs.
Mrs. Martin? She was hanging around when the Martin took time off from the police force. She’s
cash went missing.” going back to work when Marty gets a little older.”
“Mrs. Martin?” Cole said. “We already talked “I forgot about that!” Maggie exclaimed.
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“Me too, but that’s not the point,” Henry said. Maggie said. “They used to have two salaries to
“Mrs. Martin is an honest person and a mother. pay the bills, and now they only have one. Plus
She wouldn’t steal money, especially not from a they have a kid who’s growing and needs stuff all
kid.” the time.” She stared around at all of them. “Maybe
“How do we know that for sure?” Maggie said. they barely have enough to get by, and she’s
“What if she’s short of cash right now since she desperate. Desperate enough to steal any money
isn’t working?” she can find!”
“Don’t be silly,” Cole said. “Mr. Martin still Henry sighed. “That sounds more like
has a job. He’s a teacher at the college.” something from a movie than real life, Maggie.”
“But what if he doesn’t make enough money?” “Besides I don’t think Mrs. Martin is that
7 8
desperate,” Nathan added. “She bought lemonade Nora scowled. “When my mom babysits him
for Nora and me, remember? Plus she bought two at our house, he’s always grabbing my stuff and
cups for herself and one for Marty.” saying it’s his,” she complained. “He even tried to
“Marty?” Nora looked up suddenly at the take my microphone so I couldn’t play rock star
sound of Marty’s name. “Yuck! I don’t like Marty anymore!”
Martin one bit!” “No way!” her friend cried. “That’s mean!”
Maggie, Nathan, and Cole didn’t even look Henry hardly heard the other little girl. “That’s
over at her. But Henry did. it!” he cried.
“What do you mean, Nora?” he asked. “Why “That’s what?” Cole asked.
don’t you like Marty Martin?” “It was that little kid, Marty Martin!” Henry
9 10
exclaimed. “He’s our thief!”
“Are you crazy?” Maggie said. “How could
Marty be the thief?”
“Yeah,” Cole agreed. “Marty is only three years
old. He doesn’t even know what money is yet!”
“It doesn’t matter.” Henry grinned, certain that
he was right this time. “He probably doesn’t know
what a microphone is either, and Nora just said
he took hers. Now come on, guys. Let’s go get
Maggie’s money back!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Mystery of the Missing Money 10 The Mystery of
Case Closed the Missing Money 10
Case Closed

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry and his friends said good-bye to Nathan
and Nora, and then hurried down the street
lemonade stand was distracted, remember? Those
two teenage girls were giggling together.”
toward the Martins’ house. On the way Henry Maggie grinned. “They were probably
explained how he’d realized that Marty was the planning their shopping trip to the drugstore!”
thief. “Probably,” Henry agreed. “And Ryan was
“It’s the only possibility,” he said. “We already busy chugging his lemonade and doing tricks with
proved that none of our other suspects did it. his skateboard.”
Besides it makes perfect sense.” “And I was talking to Nathan and Nora,”
“It does?” Cole said. Maggie remembered.
“Sure,” Henry said. “Everyone else at the “Even Mrs. Martin was distracted by her cell
1 2
phone,” Henry said. “While nobody was paying “There was no reason to remember it,” Henry
attention, Marty must have grabbed the cash.” pointed out. “Little kids always have toys, right?”
“And then what?” Cole asked. “Like Maggie “So how come you remembered?” Cole asked.
said, there was too much money to hide in Nora’s “I didn’t at first,” Henry admitted. “But when
hands. And Marty’s hands are even smaller.” Nora was talking about Marty, I started thinking
“He didn’t need his hands,” Henry said. “He about him. That’s when I remembered the suitcase
stuffed it in that toy suitcase he was holding.” and realized what must have happened.”
Maggie gasped. “Henry, you’re a genius!” she They had almost reached the Martins’ house.
shrieked. “It’s the perfect hiding place! Why didn’t Henry could see Mrs. Martin out in the yard with
I think of that?” Marty.
3 4
She saw them coming. “We were just about to Mrs. Martin smiled. “I just discovered Marty
go back to your house, Maggie!” she called out. “I playing with all this cash. At first I couldn’t
discovered something very interesting in Marty’s imagine where it came from, but then I figured
suitcase.” out what must have happened,” she said. “Sorry,
“You did?” Maggie hurried over. Henry and Maggie. Marty likes to grab everything these days.
Cole were right behind her. He must have grabbed your money while I wasn’t
Marty’s suitcase was lying open in the front looking.”
yard. Cash was spilling out of it! “We just figured that out ourselves,” Henry
“My money!” Maggie cried happily. said.
“So Marty was the thief,” Cole exclaimed. “Yeah,” Cole chimed in. “Henry put together
5 6
all the clues and solved the mystery.” good work,” she said. “Now I’d better get Marty
“You did?” Mrs. Martin looked impressed. inside and explain to him why we don’t steal other
“Good work, Henry. Maybe you’ll be a police people’s things. It would be awfully embarrassing
detective when you grow up.” to have to arrest my own son!”
“It wasn’t just me,” Henry said. “These guys “Don’t worry, Mrs. Martin.” Maggie started
helped.” gathering up her money. “I won’t press charges.”
Cole grinned. “Yeah, solving mysteries is fun. Mrs. Martin chuckled. Then she picked up
It’s sort of like solving the puzzles on the Puzzle Marty and went into the house.
Pirates website, only better.” Maggie kept scooping up her money. Cole
Mrs. Martin smiled back. “Well, keep up the watched her.
7 8
“Aren’t you going to share some of that with should be?”
us?” he asked with a grin. “No,” Maggie said. “But I am thinking about
Maggie looked up. “Share my money?” she rewards. What if we turned the lemonade stand
said. “Why would I do that?” into a detective agency? That might be a faster
“Usually when people solve a mystery, they way to earn money for my riding lessons!”
get a reward,” Cole pointed out. Cole laughed. “The Lemonade Detectives?” he
Maggie didn’t say anything for a second. She joked.
had a thoughtful look on her face. “Why not?” Maggie smiled. “We did a great
“What’s the matter?” Henry asked her. “Are job solving this mystery. We could solve other
you trying to figure out how much our reward mysteries for people, and they could pay me.”
9 10
“Pay you?” Henry said. “That’s more like it.” Henry stopped and
“Okay, okay. Pay us,” Maggie said. “You guys turned around.
could each get 10 percent of our rewards.” So did Cole. “If you throw in all the free lemonade
Henry and Cole traded a look. Without a word we can drink, you have yourself a deal,” he agreed.
they turned and started to walk away. “Okay.” Maggie nodded. “So let’s have a
“Wait!” Maggie ran after them. “I meant to say cheer. Hooray for The Lemonade Detectives!”
15 percent.” “Hooray!”
Henry and Cole kept walking. Henry grinned. He liked the sound of The
“Fine!” Maggie sounded annoyed. “We can Lemonade Detectives. “Now all we need is another
split the money evenly.” case!”
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 1 The Case of
Looking for Mysteries the Sleepwalking Sister 1
Looking for Mysteries

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H i! I heard you guys are detectives.”
Henry glanced up from pouring a cup of
There were two handmade signs hanging by
lemonade. So did his cousin, Maggie, and his best the lemonade stand. The first sign was about the
friend, Cole. It was a hot summer day in Belltown, lemonade. The second sign was about the stand’s
and the kids’ lemonade stand was busy. latest business. It said:
A girl named Gail was standing there. Gail was
a year ahead of Henry and Cole in school and three The Lemonade Detectives
years ahead of Maggie. All Mysteries Solved, Guaranteed
“Yes, we are detectives!” Maggie told her. “We No Problem Too Large or Too Small
solve all mysteries, large and small. See our new $5 per case plus expenses
1 2
Henry thought the new sign looked great, Maggie looked disappointed. “Are you sure
but so far it hadn’t brought any customers with you don’t have a case for us? Hasn’t anything
mysteries to solve. The other sign, however, had mysterious happened to you lately?”
brought plenty of people looking for a cold glass “Nope. Sorry,” Gail said.
of lemonade. Henry reached for the lemonade pitcher. He
“Do you have a mystery for us?” Cole asked poured some into a cup and handed the cup to
Gail eagerly. Gail.
“No, my sister just told me that you three are “That will be 25 cents, please,” he told her.
detectives now,” Gail said. “I’d like to buy some “Enjoy your lemonade.”
lemonade though.” “Thanks.” Gail handed him a quarter. “Good
3 4
luck with your detective agency.” lessons!”
After she left, Henry sighed. “I’m starting to Maggie had started the lemonade stand because
think that there are no more mysteries to solve in she wanted to take riding lessons. Her parents had
Belltown.” told her they would only pay half the cost. She
“We’ve been sitting here all morning, and needed to earn enough money to pay the other half
haven’t gotten a single case!” Cole added. “We herself.
could have been playing soccer instead.” The lemonade stand was a success right from
“At least we’re making money.” Maggie the start. Maggie had made plenty of money
fanned herself with her hand. “It won’t be long selling her delicious lemonade. But then all her
before I have enough to start horseback-riding money had disappeared right out of her cashbox!
5 6
Henry and Cole had helped her track down the come some more customers.”
thief. That was when the idea for The Lemonade A group of boys was heading their way.
Detectives was born. “Four lemonades, please,” one boy said,
“We’d be making a lot more money if we had a holding out a dollar bill.
case,” Cole grumbled. “Besides Henry and I never “Here you go.” Maggie poured their lemonade.
agreed to be lemonade salesmen. We want to be “Did you know that we offer detective services
detectives!” now as well as lemonade?”
“Detectives need to be patient,” Maggie shot The first boy squinted at the new sign. “How
back. “Sooner or later we’ll get a case and then—” can you guys be detectives?” he asked. “You’re
“Stop arguing, you two,” Henry said. “Here just kids.”
7 8
A boy named Ryan, who never went anywhere “That’s good,” Henry said. “But I don’t think
without his skateboard, was standing there too. all three of us need to stay here for the whole day.”
“I bet it’s because they figured out who stole Cole nodded. “Henry and I could go play
Maggie’s money,” he said. “They thought it was soccer, and you could call us if someone shows up
me at first!” with a mystery.”
He began telling his friends about how he’d “No way!” Maggie said. “I need you to help
been a suspect as the boys walked away sipping me with the lemonade.”
their lemonade. “If we aren’t here, it means you get to keep all
“At least people are hearing about our the lemonade money,” Henry reminded her.
detective agency,” Maggie said, watching them go. Maggie hesitated, thinking about that.
9 10
“Here comes your next lemonade customer, When he got closer, though, Henry saw that
Maggie,” Cole said, pointing down the street. “He’s Nathan didn’t look very happy right now. In fact,
all yours.” he was frowning and looking worried.
Henry glanced at the boy hurrying toward “What’s up, Nathan?” Cole asked when Nathan
them. reached the lemonade stand.
“Hey, it’s Nathan,” he said. “Maybe we should Nathan pulled a five-dollar bill out of his
see if he wants to play soccer with us.” pocket and slapped it down on the table. “I’ve got
Nathan was a kid in Henry and Cole’s class a mystery for you!” he announced.
who lived nearby. Everyone liked him because he
was always friendly, nice, and happy.
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 2 The Case of
A Weird New Case the Sleepwalking Sister 2
A Weird New Case

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
R eally? You have a mystery for us to solve?”
Maggie asked Nathan eagerly.
with Maggie and Cole. Cole looked disappointed.
Maggie rolled her eyes.
Henry stared at the five-dollar bill that Nathan “What’s the mystery about that?” Maggie
had just slapped down on the lemonade stand. He asked Nathan. “No offense, but Nora always acts
felt a flutter of excitement. kind of weird.”
“Cool!” he said. “Yeah.” Cole laughed. “Remember when she
“What’s the mystery?” Cole sounded excited too. wore those pink pants every day for a week, and
“It’s about my little sister Nora,” Nathan told wanted everyone to call her Princess Pretty Pants?”
them. “She’s been acting weird lately.” “That’s nothing,” Maggie said. “What about
Henry’s excited feeling faded. He traded a look the time she pretended she was an alien from outer
1 2
space?” She begged for a puppy for her fourth birthday, but
Henry nodded. Nora was only five years old, Mom and Dad said no pets.”
but she was famous in the neighborhood for doing “So it’s no mystery that she’s acting weird,”
strange stuff. Cole told Nathan again.
“She argues with everybody about everything,” Nathan shook his head. “This is different,”
Henry added. “And she’s always dragging her he said. “Mom and Dad are really worried. They
stuffed animals around and pretending they’re think Nora has been sleepwalking! They’ve caught
real.” her a couple of times walking around outside after
Nathan grinned. “She pretends her stuffed dark.”
animals are real because she wants a pet so badly. “Nora’s been sleepwalking?” Henry said.
3 4
“That sounds kind of serious, but it’s not really a “I just want to find out the truth,” Nathan said.
mystery.” “Like I said, my parents are really worried about
“I said they think she’s been sleepwalking,” her. They’re planning to take her to the doctor next
Nathan said. “I think she’s faking!” week. If she’s really sleepwalking, that’s okay.
“Why do you think that?” Henry asked. But if she’s faking it, she’s making them worry for
“It’s just a feeling,” Nathan said. “I think she’s nothing! That’s not fair.”
up to something sneaky, but I’m not sure what it Henry still wasn’t sure that this counted as
is.” a mystery. But Nathan was their friend, and he
Maggie shrugged. “So what? Why do you care seemed pretty worried. Besides, investigating a
if she’s pretending to sleepwalk?” mystery was better than sitting around pouring
5 6
lemonade all day. He pointed to the line on their sign that read
“We can look into it, I guess,” Henry said. “All Mysteries Solved, Guaranteed.”
Cole picked up the five-dollar bill. “But you Maggie looked at it. “So what?” she said.
should take this back for now,” he told Nathan. “A guarantee means Nathan only pays us when
“What are you doing, Cole?” Maggie cried. he’s satisfied with our work,” Cole replied. “That’s
“This may not be much of a mystery, but that what my dad always tells his customers, and he’s a
doesn’t mean we’ll solve it for free!” businessman.”
“I know.” Cole gave the bill back to Nathan. “Well, we’re not businessmen,” Maggie said
“But The Lemonade Detectives have a guarantee, with a frown. “We’re just kids. And I need that
remember?” money for my riding lessons!”
7 8
“We’ll get the money as soon as we solve the pocket. “So does this mean you’ll try to solve my
case,” Cole said. mystery?” he asked.
“Cole has a point, Maggie,” Henry said. “It “Yes,” Henry said. “The Lemonade Detectives
doesn’t make sense for Nathan to pay us now. If are on the case!”
we can’t solve the case, we’ll just have to give the “Let’s go to your house and talk to Nora,” Cole
money back.” said.
Maggie still looked unhappy. But she nodded. There were no customers waiting for lemonade
“Fine,” she said. “I guess it doesn’t matter as long just then. Maggie took out a small sign that said
as we solve this case fast.” “Back in a While” and set it on the table. Then
Nathan tucked the five-dollar bill back into his they all walked over to Nathan and Nora’s house.
9 10
“Do you know where Nora is right now?”
Maggie asked Nathan.
“She’s probably in the playroom,” Nathan said.
“It’s at the back of the house so we can go in the
back door.”
He led the way around the side of the house.
They turned the corner just in time to see a
window slide open. A second later Nora climbed
out and tiptoed across the backyard!

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 3 The Case of
A Sneaky Suspect the Sleepwalking Sister 3
A Sneaky Suspect

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H ey!” Nathan yelled, rushing after Nora as
she tiptoed across their yard. “What are you
“Where were you going?” Cole asked Nora,
glancing around the yard.
doing? Why’d you climb out the window?” Henry looked around too. Nathan and Nora’s
“Come on,” Henry said to Cole and Maggie. backyard was really nice. There was a big maple
“Let’s catch up to them.” tree in the middle where Nathan and his dad had
The Lemonade Detectives ran across the yard built a tree house. On the left there was a short
after Nathan. By the time they reached him, Nora picket fence between their yard and the one next
had stopped and spun around. She glared at her door. A tall hedge on the right blocked the view
brother. of the other neighbors’ house. There were no
“It’s none of your business!” she yelled at him. neighbors at all at the back of the yard, just a thick
1 2
forest. Henry was pretty sure Nora was headed Henry winced. He didn’t think it was a very
there when they’d caught her. good idea to tell Nora that they were investigating
“Yeah,” he said. “Where were you going, her. But Maggie was impulsive. She often spoke
Nora?” before she thought.
Nora stared at Henry, then at each of the Nora stared at them all again. For a second she
others. She looked suspicious. “Who wants to didn’t answer.
know?” “Well?” Nathan demanded.
“The Lemonade Detectives, that’s who,” “I was just walking across the backyard,” Nora
Maggie replied. “We want to know what you’re up said at last. “What’s wrong with that?”
to!” “Why did you climb out the playroom window
3 4
instead of using the door?” Nathan pointed to the That was going to make their job as detectives
back door of their house. “It’s right there, you much harder.
know!” “It’s okay, Nora,” Henry said. “Go ahead and
“I was in a hurry,” Nora said. “I, um, saw a do whatever you were doing.”
butterfly and I wanted to catch it.” “I wasn’t doing anything,” Nora said. “I was
Henry glanced at Cole. He could tell his friend just about to go back inside.”
was thinking the same thing he was. Nora was She ran over and climbed back inside through
lying. the window. Maggie stared after her.
But how were they supposed to get her to tell “You were right,” she told Nathan. “She is
the truth now? She knew they were watching her. acting even weirder than usual.”
5 6
Cole shrugged. “So what do we do now? She hide and wait for Nora to sneak out again, we’ll
didn’t seem very eager to tell us anything.” be able to follow her. Then we can see where she’s
“We’ll have to figure out what’s going on in a going and what she’s doing.”
different way,” Henry said. “You mean we have to sit around here all
“Maybe we should try a stakeout,” Maggie day?” Maggie suddenly didn’t look very happy
suggested. “That worked last time we were about the stakeout idea. “What about my lemonade
suspicious of her.” stand?”
“No it didn’t,” Cole said. “Last time we staked Henry glanced at Nathan. “You said she’s been
out Nora’s house, she turned out to be innocent.” sneaking out at night, right?”
“True, but Maggie’s right,” Henry said. “If we “Sort of,” Nathan said. “Her bedtime is at
7 8
seven, so it’s not usually very late when she sneaks It hid them from view, but allowed them to see
out.” Nora’s house.
“Perfect.” Henry smiled. “All we have to do is “Does she usually sneak out the back door?”
come back at seven and wait!” he asked.
That evening at exactly seven o’clock, The “She used to,” Nathan replied. “But Mom and
Lemonade Detectives met behind the hedge along Dad started locking it once all this started.”
Nora’s yard. Nathan was waiting for them there. “Maybe she’ll climb out the playroom window
“Perfect timing,” he whispered. “Nora just again,” Cole said.
went to bed.” Nathan nodded. “Or she might use her
Henry nodded. He peeked through the hedge. bedroom window,” he said. “It’s upstairs, but she
9 10
knows how to climb down the house. It’s part of Henry looked too. He saw Nora climb out her
our family’s fire-safety plan.” bedroom window and jump to the ground. She
“Okay, let’s watch both windows,” Henry said. glanced around, and then scurried across the yard.
They all settled down behind the hedge to “She sure doesn’t look like she’s sleepwalking,”
wait. But they didn’t have to wait very long. About Henry whispered. “Come on, let’s follow her!”
twenty minutes later, they heard a window slide
Maggie peeked through the hedge. “It’s Nora!”
she whispered. “She’s climbing out her bedroom
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 4 The Case of
Where's Nora? the Sleepwalking Sister 4
Where's Nora?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry pushed his way through the hedge as
quietly as he could. Nora was halfway across
backyard. Henry rushed out and ducked behind the
closest one. A second later Cole joined him behind
the backyard by now. the shrub. Maggie and Nathan were right behind
“Shh!” he warned the others. “Don’t make too him.
much noise, or she’ll know we’re here. And try to “Where’s she going?” Cole whispered in
stay hidden!” Henry’s ear.
He realized that it wasn’t going to be easy to Henry peeked at Nora. She hadn’t heard or
follow Nora without being spotted. They would seen them yet. But she sure didn’t look as if she
have to be very careful. were sleepwalking. She stopped every few steps to
Luckily, there were plenty of tall shrubs in the look around.
1 2
“I can’t tell for sure, but it looks like she’s Henry yanked his head back behind the shrub.
heading toward the woods at the back of the yard,” Whew! Nora hadn’t spotted him. He put a finger to
Henry whispered back. “Come on, let’s try to get his lips to warn the others to be quiet.
closer. We don’t want to lose sight of her if she They waited silently for a few seconds. Then
goes into the woods.” Maggie peeked out.
They all dashed across the yard to another Her eyes widened. “Hey,” she said, sounding
shrub. When they were safely hidden behind it, excited. “It looks like she might be heading for
Henry peeked out again. Nora had stopped and Nathan’s tree house!”
turned around. She had a suspicious look on her Henry winced. In her excitement Maggie had
face. forgotten to whisper. And her voice was always
3 4
pretty loud. ever did anything anyone told her to do!
A second later he heard the sound of running Nora was a pretty fast runner for a little kid.
feet. When he jumped out from behind the shrub, She raced across the yard and disappeared through
he saw Nora running away. the hedge.
“She heard us,” he called to his friends. “Come “She’s in the neighbors’ yard,” Maggie said.
on, let’s catch her!” “Hurry!”
“Nora!” Nathan yelled as they all started Henry ran as fast as he could toward the hedge.
running. “Stop!” It was too thick to see anything on the other side.
But Nora didn’t stop. That was no surprise, at But he kept his eyes on the spot where Nora had
least to Henry. As far as he could tell, Nora hardly pushed through.
5 6
Cole was the fastest of all of them, so he got Nathan was out of breath after all the running,
there first. “Ahh!” he yelled as he pushed through so it took him a second to answer. “Probably,”
the hedge. “Hey, where’d she go?” he called from he said. “She likes to hide. Once she hid in the
the other side. basement and my parents couldn’t find her for over
Henry pushed through the hedge too. He an hour.”
looked around and saw Cole standing there. A Henry looked around the neighbors’ yard. It
second later Maggie and Nathan appeared. was smaller than Nathan and Nora’s yard, but there
But there was no sign of Nora. were plenty of places to hide. There was a large
“Uh-oh,” Cole said. “Do you think she’s vegetable garden with lots of big tomato plants,
hiding?” a patch of corn, and teepees covered with bean
7 8
vines. The rest of the yard had shrubs and flowers, “Okay,” Nathan said, and the others nodded.
a birdbath, and a sculpture of a dog. At the back of Then they split up.
the yard was the same forest that ran behind all the Henry hurried over to the vegetable garden. He
houses on the block. peeked behind every tomato plant and bean teepee.
“Let’s spread out and search for her,” Henry He looked into the corn patch. He even checked
decided. “Nathan, you go that way and search the under the wheelbarrow.
neighbors’ flower beds. Maggie, check the front But there was no sign of Nora. By the time he
yard and the other side of the house. Cole, make finished searching, his friends were coming back.
sure she’s not hiding out in the woods. I’ll check “I didn’t see her,” Maggie reported.
the vegetable garden.” “Me neither,” Cole said. “What about you,
9 10
“Nope,” Nathan said. “Did you find anything,
Henry shook his head and sighed. “It looks like
Nora got away from us.”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 5 The Case of
Tree House Spies the Sleepwalking Sister 5
Tree House Spies

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry could hardly believe that Nora had
outsmarted them. She had led them into the
He led The Lemonade Detectives through the
hedge into his own yard. They got there just in
neighbors’ yard and then disappeared. But he time to see Nora racing toward the house.
wasn’t ready to give up yet. “Stop right there!” Nathan yelled loudly. “We
“I have an idea,” he told Maggie, Cole, and caught you, Nora!”
Nathan. “Nora probably waited for us to start They ran toward her. Just then the back door
looking for her. Then she sneaked back through flew open and Nora’s parents rushed out.
the hedges. If we hurry, we might be able to find “Oh no!” Nora’s mom exclaimed. “She got out
her before she makes it to the house.” again!”
Nathan nodded. “Let’s go,” he said. Nora’s dad looked worried. “Hush, don’t wake
1 2
her,” he told his wife. “Someone told me you’re father scolded. “Your sister could get hurt if she
never supposed to wake a sleepwalker.” keeps sleepwalking like this. I wonder how she got
“She’s not really sleepwalking, Dad!” Nathan outside this time.”
said. “She climbed out her bedroom window,”
Henry had been watching Nora. As soon as Nathan said.
she’d seen her parents, she’d closed her eyes and “That’s enough, Nathan,” his father said. “This
held out both arms in front of her. Henry thought is no time for jokes.”
she looked more like a zombie than a sleepwalker. “Come with me, sweetie,” Nora’s mother
But her act seemed to be fooling her parents. said softly as she started guiding Nora toward the
“That’s not a nice thing to say, son,” Nathan’s house. “Let’s get you safely back to bed.”
3 4
“It’s time for you to come inside too,” Nathan’s politely. “See you tomorrow, Nathan.”
father told Nathan. Then he glanced at Henry, Now that Nora had been caught “sleepwalking”
Maggie, and Cole. again, Henry guessed that her parents would watch
“And you kids had better head home. It’s her very closely. She probably wouldn’t be able to
getting late.” sneak out again that night. That meant any more
“Late? It’s not even eight o’clock yet,” Maggie detective work would have to wait until the next
said. day.
Henry grabbed his cousin by the arm and The following morning Henry was eating
pulled her toward the front of the house. breakfast when Maggie hurried in through the
“Yes, we’d better go,” he told Nathan’s dad kitchen door.
5 6
“Good morning, Maggie,” said Henry’s the three detectives got there. “What’s the plan for
mother, who was also Maggie’s aunt. “Would you today?” he asked. “Do you have any theories about
like some scrambled eggs?” what Nora is doing when she sneaks out?”
“No thanks, Aunt Susan. I already ate.” Maggie “Not yet,” Henry admitted. “But at least we
sat down at the table across from her cousin. “Hurry know she’s not sleepwalking.”
up, Henry,” she said. “I want to go back to Nora Cole nodded. “She was wide-awake when she
and Nathan’s house and investigate.” ran away from us, that’s for sure.”
“Okay,” Henry said. “Let’s call Cole and tell “I still think she was heading for the tree house
him to meet us there.” when she heard us,” Maggie said. “Maybe we
Nathan was waiting in front of his house when should search for clues up there.”
7 8
Nathan seemed doubtful. “Why would she “You’re right, Maggie,” Henry agreed. “It’s
sneak around just to go to my tree house?” he worth checking out, just in case.”
asked. “She’s allowed to climb up there whenever All four of them hurried past the house to the
she wants, as long as she tells someone where backyard. Then they climbed up the ladder leading
she’s going.” into Nathan’s tree house.
“Really?” Cole said. “My friend Bruce never “Wow,” Cole said, looking around. “This
lets his little sisters in his tree house.” place is really cool, Nathan! You can see half the
“Nathan must be much nicer than your friend neighborhood from here.”
Bruce,” Maggie said with a laugh. “Anyway, I still Henry wasn’t very interested in the view. He
think we should look in the tree house.” was busy looking around for anything suspicious.
9 10
But all he saw were some empty candy wrappers out the playroom window again and is sneaking
and Nathan’s favorite comic books. There was no across the yard!”
sign that Nora had been in the tree house recently.
“Oh well,” Henry said. “I guess this idea isn’t
working. Maybe we’ll have to wait until tonight to
try another stakeout.”
“Okay,” Maggie said, and Nathan nodded.
Cole wasn’t listening. He was still looking out
the window.
“Hey, check it out!” he said. “Nora just climbed
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 6 The Case of
Mystery Solved—Or Not? the Sleepwalking Sister 6
Mystery Solved
—Or Not?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry rushed over to the tree house window.
Cole was right! Nora was tiptoeing across the
Nora reached the fence and stepped over it.
Then she kept walking.
backyard. She stopped every few steps and stared “It looks like she’s cutting across the Smiths’
around in every direction. yard,” Nathan said. “Let’s follow her!”
“Shh!” he warned the others. “Don’t let her They all climbed down from the tree house
hear us up here!” as fast as they could. Henry led the way as they
Nora didn’t look up as she passed beneath the hurried after Nora.
tree house. She turned left and hurried toward the “Will your neighbors mind that we’re in their
picket fence at the side of the yard. yard?” Cole asked Nathan as he hopped over the
“Where’s she going?” Maggie whispered. fence.
1 2
Nathan shook his head. “They’re really nice. “Not yet. Let’s stop and listen,” Henry whispered.
They said we can play over here anytime we want.” They all stopped and listened for a few
Henry was glad to hear that. But he was more seconds. There were a lot of sounds in the woods.
focused on keeping Nora in sight. Birds chirped in the branches overhead. A squirrel
“She’s heading for the woods,” he whispered rustled against pine needles as it scampered up a
to his friends. “Let’s go!” pine tree. Bees buzzed around looking for flowers.
They raced to the edge of the forest. There Then Henry heard something else: the crack of
was a trail just inside the tree line. Henry and his a twig somewhere deeper in the forest!
friends followed the trail as quietly as they could. “Did you hear that?” he whispered.
“Do you see her?” Maggie asked quietly. The others nodded.
3 4
Henry spotted a smaller trail that turned off was open—that was what had caused the thumping
the main one. Following the new trail, he walked sound. Standing in the doorway, with her back to
toward the spot where he’d heard the cracking them, was Nora!
sound. His friends were right behind him. “She’s here!” Henry cried.
Then they all heard another sound: THUMP! “Eek!” Nora spun around and let out a squeak
“What was that?” Maggie whispered. of fright. “What are you doing here?”
Henry didn’t answer. He was already running “We were following you.” Henry walked
toward the sound. It had to be Nora! toward her, glad that she wasn’t running away this
He burst out into a small clearing. There was time. “What are you doing out here?”
an old toolshed in the middle of it. Its rickety door “None of your business,” Nora said.
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Maggie, Cole, and Nathan rushed into the really surprised to see us, or are you faking?”
clearing. “What are you talking about, Henry?” Maggie
“There she is!” Maggie exclaimed. pushed past him. “Let’s see what’s in that shed.”
“You guys should stop sneaking around like Henry was still watching Nora suspiciously.
that!” Nora cried loudly. “You scared me! I had no But he was curious about the shed too. He followed
idea you were following me!” the others inside.
Henry stared at her. “Why isn’t she trying to “Aha!” Nathan pointed to something in the
run away?” he wondered. Last night she’d seemed corner. “That explains everything!”
desperate to get away from them. It was dark inside the shed. Henry had to lean
“What’s going on?” he demanded. “Are you forward to see what Nathan was pointing at.
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“Soda cans?” he said when he got a good look. more empty soda cans lying in the corner.
“I don’t get it.” “Please don’t tell Mom and Dad!” Nora
“Nora isn’t allowed to drink soda,” Nathan begged Nathan. “I’ll be in big trouble!”
explained as he picked up a can. “She must have Nathan sighed. “All right. But only if you
been sneaking out here to drink it.” promise not to do it anymore.”
Cole laughed. “I’m not allowed to drink soda Nora crossed her heart. “I promise I won’t
either. But I never thought of sneaking into the sneak out here to drink soda anymore,” she said.
woods to drink it!” Then she dashed out of the shed and disappeared
Henry opened the shed door wider. That let in into the woods.
more light so it was easier to see. He counted three “Case closed!” Cole grinned. “It looks like
9 10
The Lemonade Detectives solved another tough
“That’s right.” Nathan pulled a five-dollar bill
out of his pocket. “Here’s your payment. Thanks!”
“Wait.” Henry stepped forward and stopped
Maggie from taking the money.
“What’s the matter this time?” Maggie said.
“Keep your money for now, Nathan,” Henry
said with a frown. “Because I don’t think we’ve
really solved your case.”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 7 The Case of
A New Plan the Sleepwalking Sister 7
A New Plan

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W hat do you mean, Henry?” Cole looked
confused. “We just solved the case! Nora
“Did we?” Henry looked at each of them. “Or
is Nora even sneakier than we thought? Maybe she
was sneaking out here to drink soda!” saw us go up in the tree house so she sneaked past
“Nora confessed,” Maggie agreed. “We should on purpose.”
be happy that she didn’t argue for once.” “Why would she do that?” Maggie asked.
“But that’s just it.” The more Henry thought Henry shrugged. “To make us think we’d
about it, the more certain he was that he was right. solved the case. That way, once we stop paying
“Since when does Nora give up so easily?” attention to her, she can go back to doing whatever
“It does seem strange.” Nathan frowned. “But she’s really doing.”
she does love soda. And we caught her in the act.” “But Nathan said she’s not allowed to drink
1 2
soda,” Maggie said. “So it makes sense that she’d closer hiding places.”
sneak around for something like that. Remember “I guess so.” Maggie looked around. “But this
how she sneaked an extra cup of lemonade from shed is a pretty good spot. She could sit inside and
my stand?” drink the soda, and nobody would ever see her.”
“Yes,” Henry said. “But this still doesn’t make Nathan frowned again. “Now that I think about
sense to me. Why would she hide the soda this far it, she hates places like this shed.” He stepped
from her house?” inside. “It’s dark in here, and there are a ton of
“So her parents wouldn’t find it,” Cole said. spiders and other bugs. Nora does not like bugs!”
“That’s obvious.” “I forgot about that,” Maggie said. “When she
Henry shook his head. “There are tons of bought lemonade from me, she double-checked to
3 4
make sure there were no bugs in it.” She shrugged. Maggie still didn’t look convinced. “We
“But so what? Maybe she decided soda was more already know that Nora is weird,” she said.
important than bugs.” “Nothing she does makes a lot of sense.”
“Maybe,” Henry said. They started walking “It does seem strange that there are only four
through the woods, still talking about the case. “But empty cans in the shed,” said Cole. “How many
why would she sneak out after her bedtime just to times has she sneaked out?”
drink soda? She could do it just as easily during “More than four times,” Nathan said.
the day.” Henry could tell that his friends were starting
“I guess that’s true,” Nathan agreed, looking to believe him. “Also, when we saw her sneaking
thoughtful. out yesterday, she wasn’t heading toward the
5 6
Smiths’ yard,” he said. “Remember? She was Maggie sighed loudly. “Maybe you’re right,”
walking straight past the tree house toward the she told Henry. “Mom says you’re the most
back of her own yard.” logical person she knows. And Nora is definitely
“You’re right!” Maggie’s eyes widened. “Do the sneakiest kid in the neighborhood. We should
you really think she tricked us into following her make sure she’s not tricking us.”
here?” “Yeah,” Cole agreed. “But how?”
“But why?” Cole looked more confused than “Good question,” Nathan said.
ever. “What’s she really doing?” They all turned to look at Henry. He smiled.
“That’s what we still have to figure out before “Nora is sneaky,” he said. “That means we
we accept Nathan’s money,” Henry said. have to be sneakier than she is.”
7 8
“Okay,” Cole said. “But how?” “I have a plan,” Henry told his friends. “It’s
Henry thought for a second. The bad news was time for another stakeout.”
that they still had no idea what Nora was really Maggie groaned. “Again?” she said. “But my
doing when she sneaked out. Their investigation favorite horse show is on TV tonight! I don’t want
had failed so far. to miss it, especially since it seems like I’ll never
But the good news was that Nora thought earn enough money for riding lessons!”
she’d tricked them. She wouldn’t expect them to “You’ll have enough money before long,
keep investigating after they’d solved the case. Maggie,” Henry said, smiling. “And you can
That meant she wouldn’t be as careful next time record your show and watch it later. It’ll be worth
she sneaked out. missing it tonight.”
9 10
Cole looked doubtful. “Are you sure?” he said.
“Even if Nora thinks we gave up, she’ll still be
sneaking around so her parents don’t catch her.
How are we supposed to follow her without being
“Don’t worry,” Henry said. “I told you I have a
plan. This isn’t going to be an ordinary stakeout.”
“What do you mean?” Nathan asked.
Henry winked. “This time our stakeout is
going to have an extra-special, detective twist!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 8 The Case of
Watching and Waiting the Sleepwalking Sister 8
Watching and Waiting

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A re you ready?” Henry asked Maggie.
It was later that day. The Lemonade
believe it if Henry and I suddenly wanted to play
princesses with her!”
Detectives were hiding behind a car parked near “I guess you’re right,” Maggie said. “But being
Nora’s house. They were getting ready to put the a detective is harder than I thought!”
first step of Henry’s plan into action. “Good luck.” Henry peeked out from behind
Maggie made a face. “Why do I have to be the the car. “She just came outside. See if you can
one to distract Nora?” she complained. keep her in the front yard, okay?”
“You’re the only one who can distract her well “Okay.” Maggie stood up and waved at Nora.
enough,” Henry said. “Hi, Nora! What are you doing?” she called in a
“Yeah.” Cole laughed. “Nora would never super-friendly voice.
1 2
“Wow,” Cole whispered. “She’s a pretty good Henry picked up the bag of flour sitting by his
actress.” feet. Nathan had borrowed it from his family’s
Henry grinned. “Mom always says Maggie is kitchen. It was an important part of Henry’s plan.
very dramatic. I guess she’s right.” “I’ve got it,” Henry said. “Let’s go.”
He looked out from behind the car again. Nora That evening Henry and Maggie met Cole at
was twirling on her tiptoes while Maggie watched. Nora’s house again. They all hid behind the hedge.
“It looks like Nora is distracted,” he told It was time for step two of Henry’s plan.
Cole. “We should be able to sneak through the “Is Nathan coming?” Cole whispered.
neighbors’ yard so she won’t see us.” Henry shook his head. “I told him to stay
Cole nodded. “Don’t forget the flour.” inside and act normal. That might keep Nora from
3 4
getting suspicious.” “I’ll go first,” Cole said. “You two probably
“Good idea,” Maggie said. “If he’s home when won’t even have to take turns. Last time Nora
she goes to bed, she’ll never think we’re still sneaked out right after she went to bed.”
investigating her.” Maggie nodded, looking hopeful. “Maybe I’ll
Henry nodded. “Let’s get to the tree house.” get home in time to see my TV show after all,” she
Soon all three of them were in Nathan’s tree said. “It’s not on until eight-thirty.”
house. Cole went over to the window. “All we “I thought you were recording it,” Cole said.
have to do now is wait,” he said. “I am,” Maggie replied. “But I’d rather see it
“We can take turns watching for Nora to come live.”
outside,” Henry suggested. They all settled down to wait. Cole sat by
5 6
the window watching the house while Henry and getting tired from staring at the house.
Maggie played cards. “Maybe Nora isn’t going to sneak out tonight,”
Half an hour passed. Cole stretched. “I’m bored,” he said.
he said. “It’s time for somebody else to take a turn.” Cole looked up from flipping through one of
“I’ll do it,” Henry offered. Nathan’s comic books. “Or maybe she was telling
He traded places with Cole. When he looked us the truth,” he said. “Maybe she really was
out, the yard was quiet. From the tree house, it was sneaking out to drink soda in that shed.”
easy to see the back door, the playroom window, Henry still didn’t believe Nora’s story about
and Nora’s bedroom window. the soda. It didn’t seem logical. But Nora wasn’t a
Another half hour went by. Henry’s eyes were very logical person. Could Cole be right?
7 8
“It’s probably after eight o’clock by now,” said There’s no point in missing my show if Nora’s not
Maggie. “I’ll have to leave soon if I want to watch going to sneak out tonight.”
my show.” Henry was disappointed. He and Cole had
“Let’s just wait another few minutes,” Henry spent a long time setting up their special detective
said. “Maybe Nora is being extra careful. Her trick. They’d used the whole bag of flour!
parents are probably checking on her a lot.” “Maybe you’re right and she’s not going to
He looked out again. It was getting darker, and sneak out tonight,” he said with a sigh. He glanced
there were deep shadows in the woods. But it was at the house one more time. Then he gasped.
still easy to see Nora’s house. “Wait!” he whispered. “Here she comes!”
Finally Maggie stood up. “I’m going home. “Really?” Maggie said.
9 10
She and Cole rushed to the window. They all
watched Nora climb out her bedroom window and
hurry across the backyard.
“She’s heading straight for the woods,” Maggie
Cole nodded. “She’s definitely not heading
toward the soda shed!”
Henry smiled. His feeling had been right! Now
all they had to do was figure out what Nora was
really doing.
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 9 The Case of
Flour Power the Sleepwalking Sister 9
Flour Power

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
L et’s go after Nora!” Maggie whispered. She
sounded excited now. “She’s almost reached
Henry nodded. “That should make it a lot
easier to spot her. Come on, I think it’s safe to
the woods!” climb down now. She’s too far away to hear us.”
“No, let’s wait for a few seconds,” Henry said. He led the way down from the tree house. The
“We don’t want her to hear us following her.” three detectives hurried across the yard toward the
He watched Nora until she disappeared into the woods.
woods. A few seconds later there was a glow from “It’s getting kind of dark,” Maggie said,
just inside the tree line. peering at the trail that led into the forest. “I hope
“It looks like she brought a flashlight,” Cole we’ll be able to see.”
said. “Don’t worry. I brought a flashlight too.”
1 2
Henry pulled it out. Nathan’s parents don’t decide to bake a cake
He stepped onto the shadowy trail. It was time anytime soon.”
to put step three of his plan into action. “Using a lot of flour was the only way my plan
Henry waited a second longer, and then turned would work,” Henry explained to Maggie. “We
on his flashlight. He shined it around until he had to sprinkle enough on the ground so that Nora
found the flour that he and Cole had sprinkled on would be sure to step in it.”
the ground earlier that day. Cole nodded. “Now all we have to do is follow
“Wow,” Maggie said. “You guys sure used a her footprints,” he said. “I always knew Henry was
lot of flour.” smart, but this has to be the coolest plan ever!”
Cole grinned. “We used the whole bag. I hope “I hope Nora didn’t see the flour and jump
3 4
over it,” Maggie said, worried. Henry was shining his flashlight up and down
“I thought about that,” Henry said. “That’s why the line of flour. “There!” he cried, spotting some
we made sure to put it here in the woods, under the powdery, white footprints leading deeper into the
trees, instead of out in the yard. It gets dark here a woods. They had to be Nora’s!
lot sooner than it does out there.” He followed the footprints, keeping his
“Good thinking!” Maggie was impressed. flashlight aimed at the ground.
“Nora didn’t turn on her flashlight right away. So His friends crept along behind him.
she probably didn’t see the flour.” “The footprints are getting fainter already,”
Cole grinned. “That’s what we were hoping Maggie whispered. “I guess it didn’t take long for
she’d do.” most of the flour to come off Nora’s shoes. What if
5 6
the footprints run out before we catch up to her?” to hear us coming!”
“If that happens, at least we’ll know what Maggie and Cole stayed quiet after that. The
direction she’s going,” Henry whispered back. three friends tiptoed through the woods, following
“And it’s definitely not toward that shed where the faint flour footprints. It was getting so dark that
she pretended she was going before,” Cole added. the woods seemed a little spooky. Insects and frogs
“It’s a good thing that Henry was too smart to fall chirped all around the kids, and an owl hooted in
for that!” the distance.
“Are you saying I wasn’t smart enough?” But Henry stayed focused on the footprints.
Maggie asked, sounding insulted. They were getting fainter and fainter. Finally they
“Shh!” Henry hushed them. “I don’t want her disappeared completely.
7 8
“Uh-oh,” Cole whispered. “It’s the end of the Henry was in the lead as they emerged into a
trail!” clearing. On the far side was a huge oak tree. The
Henry turned off his flashlight and looked light was coming from the base of the tree.
around. It was hard to see anything in the darkness. Nora was there, leaning over. Her back was to
But then he saw something up ahead—a light! the detectives. She hadn’t heard or seen them yet.
“Look!” he whispered. “That must be Nora’s Henry squinted, trying to see what she was doing,
flashlight.” but he couldn’t tell.
“Let’s go get her!” Maggie whispered eagerly. He was about to whisper to his friends that
The three of them hurried toward the light, they should hide behind the trees and watch Nora.
moving as quietly as they could. But Maggie was already pushing past him.
9 10
“Freeze, Nora!” she said loudly. “We caught
Nora spun around and gasped. “Oh no!” she
cried in surprise.

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Sleepwalking Sister 10 The Case of
Another Case Closed the Sleepwalking Sister 10
Another Case Closed

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry hurried toward Nora, who was huddled
against the tree. “What are you doing over
“Kittens!” Maggie cried. “Look, there’s a
mother cat and a bunch of adorable kittens!”
there?” he asked. Nora burst into tears. “Please don’t tell
“None of your business!” Nora cried, looking anyone!” She sobbed. “If Mom and Dad find out,
upset. they’ll take Patches and her babies to the shelter!
“Do you guys hear something?” Maggie asked. They said I couldn’t have any pets!”
A high-pitched sound was coming from the Henry glanced at his friends. He remembered
tree trunk. At first Henry thought it was an insect what Nathan had told them about Nora wanting a
or a frog. Then he heard it again. pet. She must have found this cat and her kittens
“It sounds like—,” he began. and decided to take care of them in secret.
1 2
“It’s okay, Nora,” Maggie said. “We’ll make “Where’s Maggie?” Cole asked. “I was hoping
sure nothing bad happens to Patches and her for some lemonade.”
kittens. I promise.” “She’ll be here soon,” Henry said. “She offered
“Really?” Nora wiped her eyes. to walk over to Nathan’s house to pick up our five-
“Really.” Maggie reached in and tickled a dollar fee.”
kitten under its chin. “Aw, they’re so cute!” “Cool! I already know how I’m going to spend
“Come on, Nora,” Henry said. “We’d better my share.” Cole grinned. “I want glow-in-the-dark
get you home.” laces for my soccer shoes.”
The next day Henry met Cole at the lemonade “We definitely earned our fee this time,” Henry
stand. said. “That was a tricky case! At least now we
3 4
know why Nora sneaked out mostly at night. She “That was a year ago,” Henry reminded him.
didn’t want anyone to see her carrying cans of tuna “They didn’t think she was ready to take care
into the woods.” of a pet then. But she’s older now. They said if
Cole nodded. “I feel sorry for her. She seemed she promised to be good from now on, she could
really upset about losing her new pets.” keep Patches. And Patches’ kittens can stay until
“Actually she’s not losing them,” Henry said. “I someone adopts them.”
talked to Nathan this morning. He said his parents “Awesome!” Cole said. Then he pointed down
aren’t against having a pet after all.” the street. “Here comes Maggie with our money.
“Really?” Cole looked surprised. “But Nathan That’s even more awesome!”
said they told Nora she couldn’t have one!” Maggie hurried over, carrying a plate covered
5 6
in foil. “But where’s my money? Did Nathan pay you or
“Hi, guys,” she said. “Ready to sell more not?”
lemonade? I’ll run inside and get the pitchers.” “He paid me,” Maggie said. “But not with
“First things first,” Cole said. “Did you get our money. I, um, told him I’d take two kittens instead
fee from Nathan?” of the five dollars.”
Maggie hesitated. “Um, sort of.” “What?” Cole shrieked. “Are you kidding?”
“What do you mean, sort of?” Henry said. “Sorry,” Maggie said quickly. “I know I
Maggie smiled sheepishly. “Did you notice should have checked with you guys first. But the
how adorable those kittens were?” kittens are so cute, and they need homes . . . I just
“Yeah, they were cute,” Cole said impatiently. couldn’t resist, even if it means waiting longer to
7 8
start riding lessons.” “It’s a deal,” he said before Cole could respond.
Cole looked annoyed. “Okay, you got two “Great!” Maggie seemed relieved. “And look,
kittens for solving the case,” he complained. “What Nathan’s mom gave us these to thank us!”
do Henry and I get?” She uncovered the plate. It was full of
“You can split our next detective fee, just the chocolate chip cookies.
two of you,” Maggie said. “I promise.” “Yum.” That made Cole a little happier. “Just
Henry smiled. It hadn’t been fair for Maggie to ask next time, Maggie, okay?”
give away their fee without asking. But if she was Maggie nodded. “Sorry.”
willing to give up her share of the next one, she Meanwhile Henry had spotted Gail and her
must really want those kittens. older sister walking toward them.
9 10
“Uh-oh,” he said. “I think our first customers “You heard about that already?” Cole looked
of the day are coming. We’d better get some excited.
lemonade.” The three friends grinned at each other. Henry
“Be right back.” Maggie dashed into the house was glad that word was spreading about The
and returned a few seconds later carrying two Lemonade Detectives. That would bring them
pitchers of lemonade. more cases. He couldn’t wait to find out what the
By then the girls had reached the lemonade next one would be!
stand. “Two lemonades please,” Gail’s sister said.
“We heard you solved another case,” Gail
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 1 The Swimming Pool Riddle 1
A Surprising Arrival
A Surprising Arrival

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H ere’s your lemonade,” Henry said. He handed
a cup of ice-cold lemonade to a teenage girl.
mysteries so far.”
He pointed to two signs on the lemonade
“Please come again,” Henry’s cousin Maggie stand. One of the signs was about the lemonade
added. “And let us know if you have any mysteries they were selling. The other sign was about The
for us to solve.” Lemonade Detective Agency. Henry, Maggie, and
“Okay.” The girl took a sip of her lemonade. their friend Cole had started the agency a couple
“But nothing mysterious ever happens here in of weeks ago.
Belltown.” At first it had been just a lemonade stand.
Henry grinned. “That’s what you think!” he Maggie had started selling lemonade to earn
said. “The Lemonade Detectives have solved five money for horseback-riding lessons. Her parents
1 2
had promised to pay half of her lesson fees, but right. I heard you helped my neighbor figure out
she had to pay the rest herself. how a groundhog was getting into his garden.
Maggie’s lemonade stand had been a big That doesn’t sound like a very exciting mystery to
success from the start. On her very first day, she’d me,” the girl went on. “But if anything mysterious
made a lot of money. happens, I’ll let you know.”
But then the money had disappeared from her “Okay,” Henry said. “Enjoy your lemonade.”
cashbox! Henry and Cole had helped her figure out “Thanks.” The teenage girl took another sip,
who had taken it. After that the three of them had and then walked away.
decided to open the detective agency. “She’s right, you know,” Maggie told Henry.
The teenage girl looked at the signs. “Oh “Our last few mysteries have been kind of boring.”
3 4
“I know,” Henry said. “Finding Mr. Flinn’s horseback-riding fund.”
lost keys wasn’t very interesting. Neither was “You mean one-third of 25 cents,” Henry
the groundhog case, or the one about the missing corrected her. “You have to split the money with
library book. But we still got paid our detective fee Cole and me.”
each time, so we shouldn’t complain.” Maggie shook her head. “Cole doesn’t get to
“That’s true,” Maggie agreed. “If we solve a split the lemonade money when he’s not here. So I
few more cases, and keep selling lots of lemonade, get to keep one-half of 25 cents.”
I’ll have enough money for lessons soon.” She “Oops, you’re right,” Henry said. “I forgot that
dropped the quarter from the teenage girl into Cole has swim-team tryouts again today.”
the cashbox. “That’s another 25 cents for my “Why does he want to be on the swim team?”
5 6
Maggie wondered. “Hanging out at the lemonade did really well on the first day of tryouts. I bet he’ll
stand seems a lot more fun than swimming laps all make the team.”
day long.” “I know why he’s such a good swimmer,”
“Cole loves sports,” Henry reminded her. “And Maggie said with a laugh.
he’s a really good swimmer.” “Why?” Henry asked her.
“He’s lucky that someone on the team just “Because he spends so much time watching his
moved away,” Maggie said. “Otherwise he wouldn’t pet frogs swim around their tank!”
have a chance to try out until next summer.” Henry grinned. Cole was crazy about reptiles
Henry nodded. “Cole is the youngest kid trying and amphibians. He had several large tanks in his
to make the team,” he said. “But it sounds like he bedroom. One tank was full of frogs. Another tank
7 8
was for his turtles, and a third one held a snake. shouldn’t be over for hours.”
Cole took very good care of all his pets. Maggie shrugged. “Maybe the coach already
“Yeah,” Henry said, still smiling. “Frogs are told him that he didn’t make the team.”
good swimmers, and so is Cole!” “I doubt it,” Henry said, still watching Cole. “I
“Hey, here comes Cole now.” Maggie pointed don’t think they even started swimming yet today.
down the street. Look! Cole’s hair isn’t wet.”
Henry was surprised to see Cole running toward “That’s a smart observation, Detective Henry,”
them from the direction of the town pool. Maggie said with a laugh.
“I wonder why he’s back so soon,” Henry Cole was closer by now. Henry could see that
said. “Tryouts just started a few minutes ago. They he was very upset.
9 10
“What’s wrong?” Henry asked. “Why aren’t
you at the pool?”
Cole skidded to a stop in front of the lemonade
stand. “I need your help!” he cried. “Someone
dumped a bunch of frogs into the pool right before
tryouts started. And everyone thinks I’m the one
who did it!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 2 The Swimming Pool Riddle 2
At the Pool
At the Pool

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W hat do you mean, someone dumped frogs in
the pool?” Maggie asked.
of frogs you see around here.”
“Okay. If you say so,” Maggie said with a
“I mean just what I said,” Cole replied. “All shrug. “You’re the frog expert.”
the swimmers were helping the coach carry some “That’s the problem!” Cole looked more
stuff to the pool from his car. When we got to the worried than ever. “A few of the other swimmers
pool, we saw the frogs. About twelve of them were know I like frogs. That’s why they think I did it.
swimming around.” But I would never throw a bunch of frogs into pool
“Are you sure the frogs didn’t hop into the water. It’s not healthy for them.”
pool by themselves?” Henry asked. “Why not?” Maggie asked. “I thought frogs
Cole nodded. “I’m sure. These aren’t the kind liked water.”
1 2
“They do,” Cole said. “But pool water has pool with nets, still chasing the frogs. Someone
chlorine in it. That can be bad for them.” had put buckets of fresh water near the edge of the
“Did you tell everyone that?” Henry asked. pool. Whenever the swimmers caught a frog, they
“Yes, but most of them still think I did it,” Cole put it into a bucket.
said. “I need The Lemonade Detectives to help me “Are the frogs okay?” Cole called, rushing
clear my name!” over and looking into the buckets. “Do any of
“We’re on the case!” said Maggie. them look sick?”
Henry and Maggie closed down the lemonade A girl named Daisy looked at him. She was
stand. Then they walked to the pool with Cole. two years ahead of Henry and Cole in school.
When they arrived, a bunch of kids were in the “I think we got them out fast enough,” she
3 4
said. A couple of kids nodded. Others stared at Cole
An older kid named John gave Cole a dirty suspiciously or looked confused.
look. “Yeah. No thanks to you, frog boy!” he said. “Uh-oh,” Henry whispered to Maggie. “Cole
Coach Phillips stepped forward. He was a was right. He’s the main suspect! We’d better start
cheerful man, who was almost always smiling. But investigating!”
Henry could see that he wasn’t smiling now. “How are we supposed to figure out who put
“That’s enough,” the swim coach told John. the frogs in the pool?” Maggie asked. “We can’t
“Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.” check the frogs for fingerprints!”
“Okay, Coach.” John shrugged. “But everyone “Good point,” Henry said with a grin. “But
knows who the frog lover is around here.” we can split up and start talking to people. Maybe
5 6
someone saw what really happened.” “Hi, Henry,” Tiny said. “Did you come to help
“Okay,” Maggie said. “I’ll go question Daisy.” us catch these frogs?”
She walked away. Henry looked around. Henry smiled. “Sorry, I just came to watch the
Belltown was pretty small, so he knew almost tryouts. So I don’t have my swimsuit on.”
everyone at the pool. A kid who lived across the “That’s okay.” Tiny looked around the pool. “I
street from him was standing in the water. His think we got most of them already.”
name was Arnold, but everyone called him Tiny. Henry looked around too. He saw two frogs
The nickname was a joke because Tiny was the still swimming around. The rest were already in
tallest kid in the tenth grade. the buckets.
“Hi, Tiny,” Henry said, walking over. “Is everyone here trying out for the team?” he
7 8
asked Tiny. Henry carried a bucket closer. Tiny swam over
“Not exactly.” Tiny shrugged. “There are only to him.
six spots on the team, and five of them are already “How many people are trying out for the last
taken. I’ve been on the team all summer, so I have spot on the team?” Henry asked as Tiny put the
one of the spots. The Farley twins, Mary Martinez, frog in the bucket.
and John Miller are already on the team too.” “Four,” Tiny said. “Your friend Cole and three
Just then Henry saw a frog swim past. “There’s other people.”
one!” he cried. “Wow,” Henry said. “Four swimmers trying
Tiny swam after the frog. He chased it halfway out for one spot. That’s a lot of competition.”
to the other end and finally caught it. “If you ask me, Cole is the best swimmer of
9 10
the four,” Tiny said. “He’ll probably get the spot.”
Just then a young girl walked past. She was
one of the few kids that Henry didn’t recognize.
She stopped when she heard what Tiny had just
“Don’t be so sure!” the girl said, glaring at
Tiny. “Cole definitely won’t be getting a spot on
the team if I have anything to say about it!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 3 The Swimming Pool Riddle 3
New Suspects
New Suspects

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W ho was that?” Henry asked Tiny as the girl
stomped away.
ever since.”
“Hey, Tiny!” someone called from the other
“Lauren,” Tiny said. “She’s in college. Coach end of the pool. “There’s one last frog over here
Phillips hired her to be his assistant coach.” that we can’t catch.”
Henry was surprised. “I thought she was a “See you later, Henry,” Tiny said. Then he
high-school student. She looks really young.” swam away.
“That’s what Cole said when he met her Henry returned the frog bucket while he
yesterday,” Tiny said. “I guess Lauren doesn’t like thought about what he’d just learned. It sounded
being called young. She got really insulted when as if Cole had accidentally insulted Lauren and she
he said it, and she’s been giving Cole dirty looks was still mad about it. Could she be angry enough
1 2
to try to ruin Cole’s chances of making the team? joking around. I’m sure that’s another reason why
Soon Tiny and the others caught the last frog. some people believe he did this.”
Coach Phillips looked relieved. Maggie nodded. “Did you find out anything
“All right, people,” he called out. “Time to get useful?” she asked.
back to tryouts. Everyone in the pool!” “I was talking to Tiny when the assistant coach
Maggie walked over to Henry. “Daisy says she walked past . . .” Henry went on to describe what
didn’t see a thing,” she reported. “But she thinks Lauren had said. Then he told Maggie what Tiny
that Cole did it. Mostly because he put a plastic had said afterward.
toad in her lunch once.” “Wow,” Maggie said when he finished. “Lauren
“I remember that,” Henry said. “Cole loves must be really sensitive about looking young. Do
3 4
you think she was mad enough at Cole to do this?” the other three kids who were trying out had to
“I was wondering the same thing,” Henry said. stay in the water. The coach asked them to swim
“But how would she know that Cole liked frogs? all the different strokes.
She only met him yesterday. We shouldn’t assume “Wow. Cole really is a good swimmer,” Maggie
it was her until we know more. Maybe we can talk commented.
to other people when the team takes a break.” “Daisy and Kyle are pretty good too,” Henry
The two of them sat down to watch as tryouts said.
continued. The coach had all the swimmers do laps “But that last kid is terrible,” Maggie said.
for a while. Then he told Tiny and the other team “Who is he? He looks familiar.”
members to get out of the pool and rest. Cole and “That’s Tommy Miller,” Henry said. “He’s one
5 6
year ahead of Cole and me in school.” the family,” Maggie said.
Maggie shook her head. “He really stinks. Henry went back to watching Tommy. He was
Why would he try out for the swim team?” swimming the backstroke. But by the time he was
“Maybe it’s because his older brother is one halfway across the pool, he looked like he was
of the stars of the team.” Henry looked over at about to drown. He had to dog paddle to finally get
John Miller. Tommy’s older brother was sitting to the other end.
with Tiny and the others. John was bragging about “I just remembered something,” Henry said.
getting his driver’s license soon, when he turned “Tommy’s parents own the pet store at the mall.
sixteen. That’s where Cole buys food and supplies for his
“I guess John got all the swimming talent in pets.”
7 8
“So?” Maggie said. do that?”
“So Tommy knew about Cole’s interest in “Because Cole’s such a good swimmer,” Henry
frogs. Maybe he’s trying to frame him.” said. “And Tommy really wants the spot on the
“Frame him? What does that mean?” Maggie team.”
asked. Maggie thought for a second. “Yeah, but even
“It’s a detective word,” Henry said. “It’s when if Cole got kicked out of tryouts, there’s no way
someone tries to make it look as if someone else Tommy would make the team. Daisy and Kyle are
committed a crime.” both better than him too.”
“So you think Tommy framed Cole for the frog Henry realized she was right. Just then the
prank?” Maggie looked doubtful. “Why would he coach ordered Cole and the others out of the pool
9 10
for a rest. All four of them climbed out and hurried
toward the chairs where they’d left their towels
and sports drinks.
“Maybe Daisy and Kyle should be suspects
instead of Tommy,” Henry said to Maggie. “Do
you think they knew that Cole likes frogs?”
Before Maggie could answer, there was a loud
“Help!” Daisy screamed. “I’m being attacked
by ants!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 4 The Swimming Pool Riddle 4
Ant Attack
Ant Attack

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry spun around when he heard Daisy
scream. He saw her throw a towel onto the
crawling all over it!
“That’s weird.” Cole looked over Henry’s
ground. Tiny black insects were crawling up her shoulder. “How did those ants get there?”
arms! She raced toward the pool and jumped in. Henry was wondering the same thing. He
A second later she came up from underwater. shook off the ants, and then took a closer look
“Whew!” Daisy said. “There was a swarm of ants at the towel. It was white, but there was a purple
on my towel! Luckily I rinsed them off before they stain on it. When he sniffed the stain, it smelled
could bite me.” sweet, like grape juice.
Henry hurried over to look at the towel Daisy “What is it?” Maggie asked.
had dropped. Sure enough, dozens of ants were “Daisy must have spilled her sports drink on
1 2
her towel,” Henry said. “Ants love sweet stuff.” room. There will be ants everywhere! I’d better go
He went over to where Daisy was talking to check.”
Coach Phillips. “I have an extra towel in the office,” Lauren
Henry showed them the stain. “Did you spill told Daisy. “We’ll be right back, everyone.”
something on your towel earlier?” he asked Daisy. Coach Phillips, Lauren, and Daisy headed
“It’s not my towel,” Daisy said. “I forgot mine, toward the pool building.
so I borrowed that one from Tiny.” “Do you think the ants are connected to the
“Let me see that, Henry.” Coach Phillips frog prank?” Maggie asked Henry.
looked at the towel with an anxious frown. “I “I’m not sure,” Henry said. “Let’s go ask Tiny
hope someone didn’t spill their drink in the locker about his towel.”
3 4
Henry and Maggie walked over to Tiny. “Did “I was busy stretching, so John said he’d
you know there was grape drink on that towel you ask Tommy to get it,” Tiny said. “But I still feel
loaned to Daisy?” Maggie demanded. terrible about what happened.”
Tiny shook his head. “That towel was clean “Maybe Cole isn’t the only swimmer that
when I put it in my locker this morning. Maybe Tommy wanted out of tryouts,” Henry murmured
Tommy accidentally dragged it in something when to Maggie as they walked away. “Maybe Tommy
he took it out of my locker.” is trying to chase away all of his competition,
“You mean Tommy was the one who brought including Daisy!”
the towel to Daisy?” Henry asked. “Why didn’t “That’s the only way he could ever make the
you get it yourself?” team,” Maggie said. “Let’s go question him!”
5 6
She raced toward Tommy. “Why did you give quickly changed the subject.
Daisy that towel?” “Hey, Tommy,” he said. “Why did you decide
Tommy looked confused. “Because Daisy to try out for the swim team?”
forgot hers, and Tiny had an extra one,” he said. “My parents wanted me to get some exercise
“How did that grape stuff get on there?” this summer,” Tommy said. “I thought it would
Maggie demanded. “And all those ants?” be fun to swim with my brother. Too bad I stink at
“I don’t know,” Tommy said. swimming!” He laughed.
Henry couldn’t tell if Tommy was lying or Just then John came over to give him some
telling the truth. Either way Henry was afraid that swimming tips. Henry and Maggie wandered
Maggie’s questions might make him mad. He away.
7 8
“Do you think Tommy’s telling the truth?” out of tryouts,” added Maggie. “That way he’ll
Maggie asked. have a better chance to make the team.”
“I’m not sure,” Henry said. “Let’s go see what “Tommy?” Cole shook his head. “No way.
Cole thinks.” He’s a nice kid. Plus he’s not competitive like his
Cole was checking on the frogs. “Did you older brother. Tommy doesn’t care if he makes the
solve the mystery yet?” he asked. team or not.”
“Not yet,” Henry said, keeping his voice low. Just then Kyle marched over. He was two years
“But we have a couple of suspects. One of them is older than Henry and Cole.
Tommy Miller.” “You should go home and take your frogs with
“We think he might be trying to get you kicked you, Cole,” Kyle said loudly. “Fifth-grade nerds
9 10
don’t belong here! You should have tried out for
the junior swim team.”
“I’ll be in sixth grade in the fall,” Cole told
him. “That means I can try out for either team.”
Kyle took a sip of the purple sports drink
he was holding, and then smirked. “Oh yeah?”
he said. “I just heard Coach Phillips talking to
Lauren. She’s trying to talk him into kicking you
out of tryouts!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 5 The Swimming Pool Riddle 5
Back in the Water
Back in the Water

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W hat?” Cole exclaimed, staring at Kyle.
“No way!” Maggie said. “Does Lauren
knows that Kyle likes to cause trouble. What if
he’s just trying to make you worry?”
really want Coach Phillips to kick Cole out of Maggie nodded. “He’s probably upset because
tryouts?” you’re doing better than him in the tryouts. He
“That’s what I just said,” Kyle said with another could be another one of our suspects!”
smirk. He took one more sip of his sports drink, “She’s right,” Henry said. “Did you notice that
and then wandered away. Kyle was sipping a sports drink? I’m pretty sure it
Cole looked upset. “I have to go talk to the coach! was grape.”
I have to beg him to give me another chance!” “Really?” Maggie said. “That proves it! Kyle
“Wait a minute, Cole,” said Henry. “Everyone must have poured the grape drink on the towel.
1 2
Then he dragged it through an anthill to try to know for sure that Kyle did it. What if he’s telling
scare Daisy away. He probably framed Cole for the truth about what he heard? Lauren was already
the frogs too!” one of our suspects. Maybe she wants to get Cole
Cole shrugged. “I guess it’s possible. Kyle really kicked out because he insulted her yesterday.”
wants the spot on the team. He’s been teasing me Cole made a face. “Yeah, my big mouth sure
all day, saying I’m too young and stuff like that.” got me in trouble with her,” he admitted. “I tried to
“Case closed!” Maggie exclaimed. “Let’s go apologize, but she wouldn’t listen.”
tell the coach!” “Maybe we should go ask Coach Phillips if
“Wait,” Henry said. As usual Maggie was what Kyle said is true,” Henry said. “If it is, then
rushing things. “The case isn’t closed yet. We don’t Lauren should be our main suspect. Otherwise it
3 4
should be Kyle.” “You don’t have time right now,” Lauren said.
Cole looked around the pool area for the coach. “I’m in charge until Coach Phillips comes back
“He must still be inside. Let’s go!” outside. And I want everyone to run laps around
Henry, Cole, and Maggie headed toward the pool building. Now!”
the pool building. Just as they reached the door, She raised her voice for the last part so everyone
Lauren came out with Daisy. Lauren saw Cole and could hear. A few of the swimmers groaned. But
frowned. she ordered them to put on their sneakers and start
“Where are you going?” she demanded. running.
“Inside,” Cole said. “We need to talk to the Henry and Maggie watched as the swimmers
coach.” disappeared behind the pool building. Lauren
5 6
jogged away with them, leaving the pool area couldn’t see it from where they were standing.
deserted. “Lauren seems really mad at Cole,” he said.
“It makes me feel hot just watching people jog “She made everyone jog so he couldn’t go inside
in this weather,” Maggie said. “Let’s go stand in and talk to the coach. Do you think she guessed
the shade.” that we suspect her?”
“Okay.” Henry followed her around the corner “Maybe,” Maggie said. “But I still think Kyle
of the building. There was shade there from some could be the bad guy. He really wants to get on the
large trees, and they could see some walking trails team. Cole and Daisy are the only two people who
too. might stop him. And the two pranks today were
Henry tried to glance back at the pool. But he aimed at them.”
7 8
“We shouldn’t forget about Tommy though,” the pool. A few of the joggers, including Cole, had
Henry said. “He was the one who gave Daisy that made it back to the building by then.
towel. That means he’s still a suspect too.” “What’s wrong, Coach?” Cole called.
Maggie looked doubtful. “Cole thinks it Coach Phillips pointed to the water. “The
couldn’t be Tommy.” frogs!” he exclaimed. “They’re in the pool again!”
Henry was about to answer when he heard a Henry gasped when he saw the buckets tipped
shout. It came from near the pool. over at the edge of the pool.
“That sounded like Coach Phillips!” he said. The rest of the joggers appeared around
“Let’s go!” the corner. When they saw what had happened,
Around the corner the coach was staring into everyone started talking at once.
9 10
“Quiet!” the coach hollered. “I want to know
who did this!”
Nobody said a word. Lauren hurried toward
the edge of the pool and picked up something on
the ground near the buckets.
“Look!” she cried. “Whoever did it left a pair
of flip-flops behind.”
She held up two blue-and-white flip-flops.
Cole let out a gasp.
“Those are mine!” he blurted out.
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 6 The Swimming Pool Riddle 6
The Flip-Flop Frame
The Flip-Flop Frame

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry stared at Cole in shock. So did everyone
But Cole was shaking his head, looking more
upset than ever. “I didn’t do it!” he told Coach
“Your flip-flops were at the scene of the Phillips. “I swear!”
crime,” Kyle said, pointing at Cole. “That means That brought Henry back to his senses. Cole
you dumped the frogs back in the water!” might be a joker, but he wasn’t a liar. If Cole said
John nodded. “I bet he did it the first time too.” he was innocent, then Henry believed him.
“I knew it!” Lauren muttered. But he could tell most of the others didn’t.
Henry didn’t know what to think. Those flip- Even Coach Phillips had a doubtful frown on his
flops were a big clue. Could Cole be the culprit? face.
After all, Cole did love a good joke. “We’ll talk about it later,” the coach said. “First
1 2
we’d better get those frogs rounded up again.” “Who could have done that?”
The swimmers all jumped in the pool and “I don’t know.” Henry tried to remember who
started catching frogs. Henry and Maggie watched. had been near the pool when he and Maggie had
“This doesn’t look good for Cole,” Maggie returned. The coach had been there of course. So
whispered. had a few of the faster joggers, including Cole. But
“I know,” Henry whispered back. “If we don’t Henry couldn’t remember who else was in the fast
solve this mystery fast, Cole will never make the group.
swim team!” Maggie was staring at Lauren. The assistant
“Someone must have put Cole’s flip-flops by coach was watching the swimmers retrieve the
the buckets so he’d get the blame,” Maggie said. frogs.
3 4
“Lauren was the one who spotted the flip- “Nice to meet you. I’m Lauren,” Lauren said.
flops,” Maggie said. “Maybe that’s because she “Are you here to try out for the team? Because we
was the one who put them there.” usually recommend wearing a swimsuit.”
“Maybe,” Henry agreed. “Let’s go talk to her. Henry laughed. “No, we’re just here to watch
But let me ask most of the questions, okay? We our friends try out.”
don’t want her to know we’re suspicious of her.” “You didn’t bring your pet frogs with you, did
Maggie frowned. But she nodded. “Okay,” she you?” Lauren asked, smiling a little.
said. Henry’s dad was a reporter who had a lot of
They walked over to Lauren. “Hi,” Henry said. experience interviewing people. Henry suddenly
“I’m Henry, and this is my cousin Maggie.” remembered his dad’s advice: A good way to start
5 6
an interview is to ask people about themselves. work to do.”
“We heard you’re a student at Bellville Henry sighed as Lauren stomped away. “You
College,” Henry said to Lauren. “Do you like it already knew she was sensitive about looking
there?” young,” he said to Maggie. “Why did you have to
“Sure, it’s great,” Lauren said. “I’ve been there mention it?”
for three years. I’ll graduate next spring.” “Sorry.” Maggie shrugged. “I couldn’t help it.”
“Really?” Maggie blurted out. “Wow, you look Henry knew better than to get annoyed at his
much younger than that!” cousin. She had a habit of saying whatever was on
Lauren’s friendly expression instantly changed her mind without thinking about it first.
to a frown. “Excuse me,” she snapped. “I have “Forget about it,” he murmured, thinking hard.
7 8
Maggie was thinking too. “Lauren is so talking to Lauren. We think she might still be mad
sensitive about her age. She’s probably still mad at you.”
at Cole. Maybe even mad enough to try to get him “That makes her our top suspect for everything,
kicked out of tryouts!” including dumping the frogs again,” Maggie
“Right,” agreed Henry. “Let’s go see what added. “Especially since she was the one who
Cole thinks.” spotted your flip-flops.”
Cole was putting a frog into one of the buckets. Cole shook his head. “She might have done the
Henry and Maggie hurried to the side of the pool earlier stuff,” he said. “But I know she didn’t tip
before Cole could swim away. over the buckets.”
Henry bent down to talk to him. “We were just “How can you be so sure?” Henry asked.
9 10
“She was near me the whole time we were
jogging,” Cole said. “She ran right behind me,
yelling at me to go faster. She only slowed down
to check on the others when I was almost all the
way around the building.”
“Are you sure?” Maggie asked.
Cole nodded. “Lauren’s definitely still mad at
me,” he said with a sigh. “But she’s definitely not
the one who dumped those frogs back in the pool.”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 7 The Swimming Pool Riddle 7
Talking to Kyle
Talking to Kyle

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
S o Lauren wasn’t the one who dumped the
frogs back in the pool,” Maggie said. “But that
either,” Henry said. “Let’s talk about our other
doesn’t mean she didn’t do the other stuff. Like “You mean Kyle and Tommy?” Maggie asked.
put the frogs in the pool the first time. Or put ants “I still don’t think Tommy did it,” Cole said.
on Daisy’s towel.” “He’s my friend.”
“True,” Henry agreed. “But why would she do “Okay,” Henry said. “But he does have a good
that to Daisy? Did Daisy say something about her motive. If you get kicked out of tryouts, he has a
looking young too?” better chance of making the team.”
“I don’t think so,” Cole said. “It didn’t seem like he really cares about
“Then Lauren probably didn’t do the ant prank making the team,” Maggie said.
1 2
“Don’t forget that his brother is a star,” Henry suspects?”
said. “What if Tommy cares more about the team “Sure,” Henry said. “The other two people
than he’s showing? And it would be easy for him with good motives are Kyle and Daisy.”
to get the frogs from his parents’ pet store.” “Daisy?” Maggie said. “But she’s the one who
Maggie’s eyes lit up. “Plus Tommy was the one got attacked by ants!”
who gave Daisy that towel. He might have poured “She could have set that up herself,” Henry
grape drink on it, and then dragged it through an said. “That way nobody would suspect her of the
anthill.” frog prank.”
“That doesn’t sound like something Tommy “Maybe.” Cole looked unsure. “It doesn’t seem
would do,” Cole said. “Aren’t there any other very likely though. She almost got bitten. And ant
3 4
bites really hurt.” culprit?”
Just then Lauren wandered past. “Hey,” she Maggie’s voice was pretty loud. Henry didn’t
said, pointing at Cole. “Aren’t you supposed to be want everyone to hear them talking, so he led her
the frog expert around here?” over to the playground. The two of them sat down
He nodded. on the swings.
“Then help catch those frogs!” “I’m pretty sure,” Henry told Maggie. “Lauren
“Okay.” Cole waved to his friends and swam had no reason to make those ants swarm Daisy.”
away. “What if the ant prank was just a coincidence?”
“I guess Lauren knows that Cole likes frogs,” Maggie asked. “Maybe Tiny spilled grape juice on
Maggie said to Henry. “Are you sure she’s not the his towel, and then Tommy dragged it through an
5 6
anthill without noticing.” “And we saw him with a grape sports drink,”
“It’s possible,” Henry said. “But I’m still pretty Maggie said. “Plus we know he really wants the
sure about Lauren. She couldn’t have dumped the spot on the swim team. He has to be the culprit!”
frog buckets while she was jogging behind the “We have to be able to prove it’s Kyle,” Henry
pool building.” reminded her. “Let’s go talk to him and see what
“I guess that’s true.” Maggie said. “It had to we can find out.”
be one of the joggers who finished first. Who’s the They found Kyle chasing a frog in the pool.
fastest runner out of our suspects?” “Hi, Kyle,” Henry greeted him. “Can you believe
“Probably Kyle,” Henry said. “He was on the those frogs got in the water again?”
track team at school.” “I can’t believe it!” Kyle said. “Your friend
7 8
Cole is a troublemaker. I hope the coach kicks him “You’re afraid Cole will beat you.”
out this time!” “No way,” Kyle said. “I’m not afraid of anybody!
Maggie scowled. “Cole didn’t do it!” Having Cole out of the way just makes it easier.
“That’s not what everybody else says.” Kyle Maybe he should take some of these frogs home
grinned and puffed out his chest. “And once Cole’s with him so they can teach him how to swim.”
gone, that spot on the team will be all mine!” Kyle laughed loudly, as if that was the funniest
Henry traded a look with Maggie. He could tell thing anyone had ever said. But Henry frowned.
they were thinking the same thing. Kyle sounded “What do you mean?” he asked Kyle. “Cole
guilty! already has a bunch of pet frogs.”
“You’re a chicken, Kyle!” Maggie said angrily. “Really?” Kyle looked surprised. “So that’s
9 10
why John called Cole ‘frog boy.’”
Henry was still watching Kyle closely. “You
didn’t know that Cole has frogs?”
Kyle shrugged. “I don’t pay much attention to
fifth-grade nerds,” he said. “Speaking of which,
why am I standing here talking to you?”
He smirked and then swam away.
“What a jerk,” Maggie muttered.
“He might be a jerk,” Henry said. “But he’s
definitely not our culprit.”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 8 The Swimming Pool Riddle 8
A New Theory
A New Theory

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W hat are you talking about?” Maggie asked
Henry in surprise. “I thought we agreed that
“Everyone saw him drinking it all day.”
Maggie shrugged. “Maybe he’s not very bright.
Kyle was our top suspect.” Or maybe he was lying about not knowing Cole
“He was,” Henry said. “But he’s not anymore. liked frogs.”
He just told us that he didn’t know Cole was “Maybe,” Henry said. “But I don’t think so.
interested in frogs. That means he wouldn’t know We’d better check out our other suspects. Starting
that Cole would be blamed for the prank!” with Tommy. He definitely knew Cole liked frogs
“I didn’t think of that,” Maggie said. because of his parents’ pet store. Plus Tommy
“Plus it would be stupid for Kyle to use grape could have gotten the frogs there.”
sports drink for the ant prank,” Henry added. “Sure,” Maggie said. “But Cole isn’t the only
1 2
one who’s a better swimmer than Tommy. Why exclaimed. “That makes perfect sense! Let’s go
didn’t Tommy try to ruin Daisy and Kyle’s chances tell the coach!”
too?” “Hold on,” Henry said. “It’s just a theory. We
“Maybe that’s why Tommy did the ant prank,” haven’t proven anything yet.”
Henry said. “He was trying to get rid of the other “How are we going to prove it?” Maggie asked.
two swimmers that way. If Daisy got bitten by “I’m not sure yet. Let’s go talk to Tommy.”
ants, she might not want to try out anymore. And Henry looked over at the pool. Most of the
using grape sports drink meant Kyle might get the swimmers were chasing the last few frogs. Lauren
blame.” was watching them. Coach Phillips seemed to be
Maggie gasped. “Henry, you’re a genius!” she counting the frogs that were already in the buckets.
3 4
But Tommy was nowhere in sight. “Hi, John,” Henry said. “We’re looking for
“Where is he?” Maggie wondered. your brother. Where did he go?”
“I don’t know,” Henry said. “But there’s his “That’s a good question.” John looked more
brother John. Let’s go ask him if he knows where annoyed than ever. “I was just looking for him
Tommy is.” myself.”
John was climbing out of the pool. He had an “Why?” Maggie asked.
annoyed expression on his face. Henry wondered “Tryouts will start again in a few minutes, and
if that was because tryouts had been disrupted he needs all the practice he can get,” John said.
again. Everyone in town knew that John was a “Tommy isn’t taking these tryouts very seriously.”
very talented swimmer. Then he stomped away.
5 6
Maggie watched him go. “John sounded mad,” of the buckets. Most of the other swimmers were
she said. “And did you hear what he said about climbing out of the pool and grabbing their towels.
Tommy? Maybe John suspects his brother of “It looks like they caught all the frogs,” Henry
causing all the trouble!” said. “We’d better hurry if we want to talk to
Henry shrugged. “Brothers get mad at Tommy before tryouts start again.”
each other all the time. John is probably just “There’s Daisy. Let’s ask her if she’s seen
embarrassed because his brother is a terrible him,” Maggie said.
swimmer.” “I saw Tommy heading toward the pool
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Maggie agreed. building a few minutes ago,” Daisy told them a
Henry noticed Cole putting another frog in one second later. “He probably went inside to use the
7 8
bathroom.” I might want to come back and paint it later. So I
“Thanks,” Henry said. He wondered if he was one of the last ones to make it back.”
should ask Daisy more questions. She was still a “Oh.” Henry remembered that Daisy liked
suspect too. “Hey, Daisy,” he said. “When Lauren art. He’d seen some of her paintings displayed at
made you jog, did you make it around the building school.
first?” Daisy walked away. “Why were you asking her
Daisy smiled. “Not this time,” she said. “At about jogging?” Maggie asked Henry. “I thought
first I was keeping up with Cole, Kyle, and John. we were in a hurry to talk to Tommy.”
But then I saw a pretty flower growing beside the “I’m still trying to figure out who dumped
running trail, and I stopped to look at it. I thought those frogs the second time,” Henry said. “It had
9 10
to be the first person who got back from that jog.
So Daisy’s probably not our culprit.”
“I could have told you that!” Maggie rolled her
eyes. “Our top suspect is Tommy now, remember?”
“Okay. Let’s go find him.”
Before they could move, Henry and Maggie
heard an angry howl.
“Hey!” Kyle yelled. “Someone poured paint in
my gym bag!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 9 The Swimming Pool Riddle 9
The Final Clue
The Final Clue

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
L et’s go!” Henry said to Maggie.
Without waiting for her, he rushed over to
a puddle of green. The green paint was all over
Kyle’s sneakers, T-shirt, and other belongings.
Kyle. Coach Phillips was hurrying toward him too. “All my stuff is ruined!” Kyle complained.
Everyone else had stopped whatever they were The coach reached them. “This is outrageous!”
doing and turned to stare. he exclaimed as he looked into Kyle’s bag. Then
“What happened?” Henry asked when he he spun around. “Someone had better confess
reached Kyle. right now! Otherwise I’m going to cancel these
Kyle’s large blue gym bag was sitting on a tryouts!”
chair near the pool. Its zipper was halfway open. “Oh no!” Daisy exclaimed.
When Henry looked down into the opening, he saw Kyle glared at Cole, who was standing a short
1 2
distance away. “It was him!” he said, pointing. question is how it got there.”
“Everyone knows he’s the one who dumped those “Yes,” Coach Phillips agreed. “And I want an
frogs in the pool. He must have done this too! He’s answer to that question right now! I also want to
afraid I’ll beat him for that spot on the team!” know who brought those frogs to the pool.”
“Cole didn’t do anything!” Maggie said. “You Just then Tommy came out of the pool building.
probably put that paint there yourself, Kyle! If When he saw everyone staring at Kyle, he looked
there’s any paint in your bag, that is.” confused.
Henry realized that nobody could see the paint “What’s going on?” he asked, hurrying over.
except for him, Kyle, and the coach. “There’s “That’s a very good question,” Coach Phillips
really paint in here, Maggie,” he said. “The only said. “We’re trying to figure out who’s responsible
3 4
for all of today’s pranks.” this!”
“I know the answer,” Maggie declared. She Maggie didn’t back down, even though John
pointed at Tommy. “He did it!” was a lot older. “That’s not what we think!” Maggie
“What?” Tommy exclaimed. yelled back. “Right, Henry?”
Henry winced. He thought Tommy was probably “I don’t understand,” Tommy said, looking
the culprit too. But they still had no way to prove confused. “What happened? Are the frogs in the
it. Why did Maggie have to have such a big mouth? pool again?”
John looked angry. “How dare you accuse “No,” Tiny told him. “Someone poured paint
my brother of something like that!” he yelled at in Kyle’s bag.”
Maggie. “Tommy didn’t have anything to do with “You want to make everyone think that Cole
5 6
did all these pranks,” Maggie went on. “How did those frogs in the pool!” Cole added. “I would
you do it?” never do something like that. Pool water isn’t good
“That’s ridiculous.” John scowled. “It was Cole. for frogs!”
Everyone knows he has pet frogs.” Everyone started yelling at once. Maggie was
“Right!” Lauren jumped in. yelling at Coach Phillips about evidence. John
“You probably poured that green paint in Kyle’s was yelling that Tommy was innocent. Kyle was
bag too,” John went on. He looked around. “Or maybe yelling about his bag being ruined. Cole and Daisy
it was Daisy. Everyone knows she likes to paint!” were yelling that they hadn’t done anything wrong.
“What?” Daisy cried. “I didn’t do anything!” Everyone else was yelling out questions.
“And like I keep telling everyone, I didn’t put But Henry wasn’t yelling. He was thinking.
7 8
Something someone had just said didn’t make “You do?” Maggie asked.
sense. That was a clue. A big one! Suddenly he “Of course he does,” Kyle said. “Henry is
realized who was behind all the trouble. friends with Cole. He probably even helped Cole.
“Hold on,” he said. “I know who did this.” Why else would he hang around the pool all day?”
Nobody heard him. Everyone else was still “Yeah.” John rolled his eyes. “Why are we
yelling. So Henry stuck his fingers in his mouth even listening to him? He doesn’t know anything.”
and let out a loud whistle. “He might,” Daisy said. “Haven’t you heard
Everyone fell silent for a second. They all about The Lemonade Detectives? Henry and his
turned to look at Henry. friends helped my neighbor find his lost keys last
“I know who did this,” he said again. week.”
9 10
“Really?” Tiny asked. “That’s cool. Can you
guys find my lost cell phone?”
“Quiet!” Coach Phillips shouted. “Henry, do
you really know something about all this?”
Henry nodded. “Cole didn’t have anything to
do with the pranks,” he said. “Neither did Daisy or
Kyle or Tommy.”
“Then who did it?” Maggie asked.
Henry looked over at Tommy’s brother. “It was
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Swimming Pool Riddle 10 The Swimming Pool Riddle 10

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H ow dare you accuse me!” John exclaimed
as everyone else gasped. “You can’t prove
“That was just a lucky guess,” John protested.
“Daisy is always painting pictures of trees and
anything!” stuff. I figured she’d use green paint!”
“I can’t prove you dumped those frogs,” Henry But the coach was frowning. “Did you have
said. “But I know you poured the paint in Kyle’s anything to do with those frogs, John?” he asked.
bag. Kyle, Coach Phillips, and I were the only “His parents own a pet store,” Tiny spoke up. “I
ones who looked at the paint. But you just said it bet he got the frogs there and dumped them in the
was green paint. How would you know that unless pool when we weren’t looking!”
you poured it in there yourself?” “I just remembered something,” Cole said.
Daisy gasped. “He did say it was green!” “John was the fastest jogger. He got back to the
1 2
pool before the rest of us.” “Aha!” Henry said. “So John was behind the
“I remember that too,” Kyle said. “Cole and I ant trick too!”
got there next. But it took us a few more minutes Finally John hid his face in his hands. “Okay,
than John. He had plenty of time to dump the frogs you’re right. It was all me!” he blurted out. “I
back in the water.” stained the towel and dragged it through an anthill.
“And place my flip-flops near the buckets,” Then I folded it so nobody would notice the ants
Cole added. until Daisy used the towel. I dumped the frogs
Tommy stared at his brother. “Is that why in the pool too. I’m sorry. I thought if I got rid of
you said you’d go inside and get Tiny’s towel for everyone else, Tommy might make the team.”
Daisy, John?” Tommy stared at John. “Why would you do that?
3 4
You know I don’t care much about swimming.” parents.”
“If you don’t make the swim team, Mom and The next day Maggie and Henry were at the
Dad will let you take tennis lessons instead,” John lemonade stand. “The last day of tryouts is almost
said. “I heard them talking about how expensive over,” Maggie said. “I wonder if Cole made the
that is. They might not have enough money to buy team.”
me a car for my birthday!” Suddenly they heard a shout.
“Wow,” Maggie whispered to Henry. “John “That sounds like Cole,” Henry said.
had a motive we didn’t know about!” Cole raced toward them, grinning. “I made it!”
The coach looked very serious. “Come he cried. “I’m on the swim team!”
with me, John,” he said. “We’d better call your “Congratulations!” Henry and Maggie
5 6
exclaimed. “What about Lauren?” Maggie asked next. “Is
They each gave him a high five. she mad that you made the team?”
“Kyle must be mad that you got the spot,” “Not anymore,” Cole said. “I apologized again
Maggie said. for saying she looked young. This time she listened.”
“Nope,” Cole said. “He made it too! There was “That’s great,” Henry said.
an extra spot after Coach Phillips kicked John off “Another great thing happened,” Cole went on.
the team.” “John’s parents gave me the frogs John brought to
“Then Daisy must be mad,” Maggie said. the pool! They wanted to apologize for John trying
Cole shrugged. “Not really. Her parents said to get me in trouble. They even gave me free frog
she could take horseback-riding lessons instead.” food for one month!”
7 8
“That’s really generous,” Henry said. the two of us.”
Cole put his hand in his pocket and pulled out “What?” Cole protested. “That’s not fair!”
a five-dollar bill. “I almost forgot. Coach Phillips “The Lemonade Detectives are a team, Maggie,”
was really grateful that The Lemonade Detectives Henry reminded her.
solved the mystery. He offered to pay our detective “But I’ve almost got enough money to start
fee.” horseback-riding lessons!” Maggie argued.
Maggie looked away for a second. Then she “I need money too!” said Cole.
looked back at Cole. “You didn’t really do much to While they were arguing, a man walked over.
solve the case. Plus you got all those free frogs. So “Would you like to buy some lemonade?” Henry
Henry and I should just split the money between asked.
9 10
“No, thanks,” the man said. “My son Kyle told
me you three are pretty good detectives.”
“That’s right,” Maggie said. “Do you have a
case for us?”
The man sighed. “Yes. My wife’s birthday is
this weekend, and I forgot where I hid her gift.”
Henry smiled. Finding a lost birthday gift
wasn’t the most exciting case in the world. But that
didn’t matter. The Lemonade Detectives solved all
mysteries, large or small!
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 1 The Case of the Barn Bandit 1
A Backyard Barbecue
A Backyard Barbecue

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H ere, kitties,” Henry said. “Fetch!”
He tossed a cat toy across the family room. Two
Henry’s aunt Ellen sighed. “Yes, they are,” she
kittens ran over and pounced on it. Henry laughed as said. “But they get into everything! I’ll be glad
the tiny cats batted the toy under the sofa. when they’re a little older.”
Henry was at his aunt and uncle’s house. They One of the kittens started rolling on the rug.
lived next door to him and his parents. It was The other one jumped onto the sofa. Henry smiled
a nice summer day, and the two families were as he watched them. They were really playful! The
having a barbecue in the backyard. kittens belonged to his cousin Maggie. She was
“The kittens are cute, Ellen,” Henry’s mother nine years old, two years younger than Henry.
said as she picked up a plate of hot dogs in the “Should we head outside?” Henry’s father
1 2
asked. “I could start grilling the food while we All her clothes are already covered in cat hair!”
wait for Uncle Bruce and Maggie to get home.” “Sure,” Henry said. He scooped up one kitten
Henry’s father and Uncle Bruce both loved to in each hand. They wriggled and meowed, trying
cook on Uncle Bruce’s fancy grill. Whenever the to escape. But soon they were safely shut inside
families had a barbecue together, the two dads did Maggie’s bedroom.
most of the cooking. Henry headed outside. His parents and Aunt
“Good idea,” Henry told his father. “I’m hungry!” Ellen were setting food on the picnic table. They
“Henry, would you please put the kittens in were having hot dogs and hamburgers, corn on the
Maggie’s room before we go outside?” Aunt Ellen cob, and Henry’s favorite—watermelon.
asked. “They can’t get into too much trouble there. “I hope Maggie gets home from her riding
3 4
lesson soon,” Henry’s father said as he walked “I wonder what’s taking them so long,” Aunt
over to the grill. “I want some of her delicious Ellen said, looking at her watch. “Bruce left to
lemonade.” pick Maggie up from the barn almost an hour ago.
“Watch out, Dad,” Henry joked. “She’ll They should be home by now.”
probably charge you 25 cents per cup!” “Uh-oh,” Henry’s dad joked. “Sounds like a
Everyone chuckled. Maggie had started a mystery for The Lemonade Detectives!”
lemonade stand a few weeks ago to earn money Henry grinned. A few weeks ago, Maggie,
for horseback-riding lessons. Her parents had told Henry, and their friend, Cole, had started The
her they would pay half the lesson fees if she paid Lemonade Detective agency. They’d already
the other half herself. solved quite a few cases. Some cases were
5 6
interesting, like figuring out who’d dumped frogs She’s probably giving Uncle Bruce a tour and
into the town pool. Other cases were kind of making him meet all the horses before they leave.”
boring, like finding people’s lost keys or library “But I thought this was her third riding lesson,”
books. But so far The Lemonade Detectives had Henry’s father said. “Hasn’t Uncle Bruce been to
solved them all. They were even making money, the barn before?”
which was helping to pay for Maggie’s horseback- “Yes,” Henry replied with a shrug. “But that
riding lessons. wouldn’t stop Maggie from dragging him all over
“That’s not much of a mystery, Dad,” Henry the place!”
said. “We already know that Maggie loves being at Aunt Ellen smiled. “Good detective work,
the barn. We also know that she’s really talkative. Henry,” she said. “If you’re right, will we owe you
7 8
five dollars for your detective fee?” sleeping in a stall like a horse,” he said. “But I
“No,” Henry said with a laugh. “I’ll give you can’t imagine her eating hay. She doesn’t even like
the family discount. Just don’t tell Maggie!” salad!”
“It’s nice that Maggie is enjoying her lessons,” Just then the back door swung open. Maggie
Henry’s father said. “She worked so hard to earn came stomping into the backyard, still dressed in
the money for them.” her riding clothes. Her face was bright red, and she
“Yes, she’s definitely enjoying them,” Aunt did not look happy.
Ellen said. “I think she’d move into the barn if “There’s a rotten thief at the barn!” she cried. She
we’d let her!” pointed at Henry. “And I need the other Lemonade
Henry grinned. “It’s easy to imagine Maggie Detectives to help me figure out who it is!”
9 10
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 2 The Case of the Barn Bandit 2
Check It Out
Check It Out

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A thief at the barn?” Henry said. “What are you
talking about, Maggie?”
outside for our lesson. But when I got back, the
check was gone!”
By now Maggie’s father, Henry’s uncle Bruce, “Wait a minute,” Aunt Ellen said. “Are you
had come into the backyard. “There’s no need to saying you lost the check we wrote for today’s
be so dramatic, Maggie,” he said with a sigh. “Mom lesson?”
and I have talked to you before about this. You “Don’t worry, I wrote another one,” Uncle
need to be more careful with your things.” Bruce told his wife. “And I called the bank to
“But I was being careful!” Maggie exclaimed. cancel the first check.”
“I left the check on my bag, right on top of my “Oh, Maggie.” Aunt Ellen shook her head. “I
sandals. It was definitely there when I led my pony can’t believe you were so careless, especially after
1 2
what happened last week.” “Really? What else disappeared?” Henry asked.
Henry was surprised. Maggie could be careless “At my first lesson, I took off my charm
about some things. But she was really careful with bracelet and left it in the barn,” Maggie said. “I
her money. didn’t want to lose it while I was riding. When I
“What happened last week?” he asked. came back inside after my lesson, it was gone!”
“Maggie lost a few other things at the barn,” “I don’t know why you were so worried about
Uncle Bruce said. losing it,” her mother said. “You always let those
“Oh dear,” Henry’s mother said. kittens of yours use it as a cat toy!”
“I didn’t lose anything!” Maggie protested. Maggie frowned. “That’s different. The kittens
“Someone has been stealing things!” just bat it around. I always know where it is.”
3 4
“Did anything else disappear?” Henry asked. said.
He was already thinking like a detective. The first “Oh, right,” Maggie said. “I didn’t wear my
thing a good detective needed to do was find out riding gloves today because it was so hot. I left
the facts of the case. them with my stuff in the barn. Whoever took that
Maggie nodded. “At my second lesson, my check must have taken the gloves too.”
brand-new horse grooming brush disappeared,” “Maggie!” Aunt Ellen looked shocked. “Those
she said. “It happened the same way. It was in the gloves were expensive!”
barn when I went outside for my lesson, but gone “Everything about horseback riding is
when I got back.” expensive,” Uncle Bruce agreed. “We can’t afford
“Don’t forget about your gloves,” her father to keep replacing things.”
5 6
Henry could tell that Maggie’s parents thought mean, they don’t close the doors or anything. Any
she’d lost all those things. But he wasn’t so sure. rotten thief could just walk in.” She clenched her
Maggie was too careful with money to misplace fists. “I can’t believe someone is doing this to me!”
a check. She was so excited about riding that he She sounded so dramatic again that all the
couldn’t believe she’d lose a horse brush or her adults looked at each other. But Maggie’s words
riding gloves. And he knew she loved that charm made Henry think of another question.
bracelet. “Has anything else disappeared?” he asked her.
“Is anyone allowed inside the barn while “I mean, anything belonging to other people. Or is
there’s a lesson outside?” he asked Maggie. it only your stuff?”
“Sure, I guess so,” Maggie said with a shrug. “I “How should I know?” Maggie frowned.
7 8
“That’s what I need you to find out! Dad made me Henry’s mother cleared her throat. “Should we
leave the barn before I could investigate.” eat? Everything smells delicious, and I’m hungry,”
Uncle Bruce shook his head. “We were already she said.
late for this barbecue,” he said. “Besides, I don’t “Good idea, Susan,” Uncle Bruce agreed. “Go
think there’s a mystery here. It just means that you sit down at the picnic table, everybody. I’ll help
have to be more careful with your things.” Kevin bring the food over from the grill.”
“That’s right,” Aunt Ellen said. “I had to pull The adults were obviously ready to change
your favorite horse T-shirt out from under your the subject. But later, while everyone was eating,
desk this morning. The kittens were using it as a Maggie was still thinking about her missing things.
bed. It was absolutely covered in cat hair.” “I didn’t lose my stuff at the barn!” she said
9 10
loudly. “Somebody stole it! And The Lemonade
Detectives will figure out who it was!”
Aunt Ellen glanced up from her corn on the
cob. “I hope so, Maggie,” she said. “Because if
this keeps happening, you might not be able to
keep riding.”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 3 The Case of the Barn Bandit 3
At The Barn
At The Barn

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A h-choo!” Cole sneezed.
“Bless you,” Henry said.
kittens have never been in the car. But their hair
gets all over everything, especially Maggie’s
“Thanks.” Cole sniffed. “I’m allergic to cats.” clothes.”
It was two days after the family barbecue. “At least the car doesn’t smell like horses,”
Henry was in the car with Cole and Maggie. Uncle Henry told Cole with a smile. “Uncle Bruce makes
Bruce was driving them to the barn. Maggie had Maggie put on her riding boots at the barn.”
another riding lesson, and the boys were going He pointed to a bag on the seat beside Maggie.
along to investigate the mystery of her missing Her boots and socks were inside, along with her
stuff. helmet and other riding gear.
“Sorry, Cole,” Uncle Bruce said. “Maggie’s Cole was the first one out of the car when they
1 2
reached the barn. “Fresh air!” he cried happily. “I here,” Maggie said. “His name is Spot.”
can breathe again!” She stopped in front of a horse stall and set
Maggie rolled her eyes. “Don’t get too excited. down her bag. A pony looked out at them. When
There’s a barn cat who lives here. Look, there he Maggie patted him, he nibbled on her hair.
is.” She pointed to a cat who was sleeping in the Maggie giggled and gently pushed his head
sun on top of a hay bale. away. “Stop that, Spot!”
“That’s okay,” Cole said. “I don’t usually Henry heard a bark. A dog came running
sneeze when a cat is outside.” toward them. His tail was wagging.
They waved good-bye to Maggie’s dad and A girl Henry didn’t recognize came running
hurried into the barn. “The pony I ride is over too. “Come back here, Spot!”
3 4
“Hey! This dog has the same name as Maggie’s “We don’t mind,” Cole said. “He’s cute.”
pony!” Cole exclaimed. He stooped to pat the dog. “Thanks.” Eleanor picked up Little Spot. “See
Cole wasn’t allergic to dogs, just cats. you later. I need to get my pony ready.”
Maggie nodded. “Everyone calls the pony Big She hurried off.
Spot and the dog Little Spot,” she explained. “Little “Shouldn’t you be getting Big Spot ready?”
Spot belongs to Eleanor. She’s one of the other Cole asked Maggie.
riders in my group lesson.” “I want to show you around the barn first,”
By now Eleanor had reached them. “Hi,” she Maggie said. “That way you can start investigating.”
said breathlessly. “Sorry about that. But Little Spot “Good idea,” Henry agreed.
is friendly.” He and Cole followed Maggie down the aisle.
5 6
A horse or pony looked out of each stall they Zach was in Maggie’s class at school. Jill was
passed. Zach’s older sister. She and her friend Ashley
Then they saw a pony standing in the aisle. A sometimes came to the lemonade stand.
boy was brushing it while a teenage girl watched. “Hi, Zach,” Henry said. “I didn’t know you
The girl was holding a pitchfork. rode horses.”
“You’re not doing that right, Zach,” she “I just started.” Zach frowned. “My parents
complained. “You’re supposed to move the brush are making me because my sister has a dumb part-
in circles.” time job here.”
“Leave me alone, Jill,” the boy said. “You’d have fun if you had a better attitude,”
Henry recognized them from his neighborhood. Jill told him.
7 8
Just then a woman walked toward them. “Did not safe to wear sandals in the barn.”
you finish cleaning the stalls, Jill?” she asked. “Sorry, I was just about to do that,” Maggie
“Not yet, Ms. Wood.” Jill hurried off to finish said. “Come on, you guys.”
her chores. They headed back down the aisle. On the way,
Maggie introduced Henry and Cole to Ms. they passed another girl. Henry recognized her too.
Wood. “She owns the barn and teaches all the Her name was Daisy, and she was two years ahead
lessons,” Maggie explained. of him at school.
Ms. Wood smiled. “Nice to meet you, boys,” “Hi, Maggie,” Daisy said. “Am I late for our
she said. “Maggie, it’s time to get Big Spot ready. lesson?”
And you need to change into your riding boots. It’s “Not yet,” Maggie told her. “But you’d better
9 10
hurry.” suspicious. But he wanted to keep track of all the
Daisy rushed away. “I didn’t know Daisy was possible suspects.
a rider,” Cole said. They turned the corner and saw Big Spot’s
“She started taking lessons at the same time I stall. Maggie hurried to her bag and pulled out her
did,” Maggie explained. riding boots.
“How many people are in your lesson?” Henry “Oh no,” she moaned. “One of my socks is
asked. missing!”
“You just met them all,” Maggie said. “It’s
Daisy, Zach, Eleanor, and me.”
Henry nodded. So far he hadn’t seen anything
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 4 The Case of the Barn Bandit 4
Stolen Or Lost?
Stolen Or Lost?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A re you sure your sock is gone?” Henry asked.
“Maybe it fell into the bottom of your bag.”
He knew that his cousin had a quick temper.
If she started yelling about her sock, she might
Maggie dumped her bag out on the bench. “No, accidentally warn the thief that the boys were
it’s not here. Someone stole it! Just like all my investigating.
other stuff!” Maggie stopped in front of a horse stall. Daisy
“Why would someone steal one sock?” Cole was standing in the doorway holding a saddle.
wondered. “My sock is missing!” Maggie said. “Did you
Maggie didn’t answer. She was already stomping take it?”
down the aisle of the barn. Daisy gave her a surprised look. “Why would
“Uh-oh,” Henry said. “We’d better follow her.” I take your sock? I have my own.” She pointed to
1 2
her feet. Two pink socks were sticking out above “Okay,” she said. “But how am I supposed to
her boots. ride with only one sock?”
Henry grabbed Maggie’s arm as Daisy went Cole kicked off his sneakers. “You can borrow
into her horse’s stall. one of mine,” he said.
“Wait,” he said. “Yelling at people won’t get “Yuck. Boys’ socks stink.” Maggie made a
your sock back.” face. But she took the sock Cole handed her. “I
“Or any of the other stuff,” added Cole. “Let guess I’ll have to suffer if I want to ride.”
us investigate.” Then she stomped back toward Big Spot’s
For a second Henry didn’t think Maggie would stall. Cole took off his other sock and stuck it in
agree. But finally she nodded. his pocket. Then he put his shoes back on.
3 4
“Are we really going to investigate a missing do,” he said. “Let’s go see what socks everybody
sock?” he asked Henry. “She probably just left it else is wearing. For example, we know Daisy isn’t
in the car or something.” wearing Maggie’s missing sock. Her socks are
“You could be right,” Henry admitted. “Did pink, and Maggie’s are white.”
you notice if she had both socks in her bag when “Do you really think someone took that sock?”
we came in?” “Who knows?” Henry shrugged. “Maybe
Cole laughed. “No. I don’t usually go around someone forgot a sock and decided to borrow
counting people’s socks, especially when they’re Maggie’s since she wasn’t watching it.”
not even on their feet.” “Even if someone did borrow a sock, that
That gave Henry an idea. “I know what we can doesn’t mean that person is the barn thief,” Cole
5 6
said. “Do you know where Eleanor is?”
“True,” Henry agreed. “But we can watch for “Nope.” Zach adjusted the pony’s saddle.
other suspicious behavior while we check everyone’s Henry and Cole walked away. “Wrong socks,”
socks.” Cole whispered.
They walked back to Zach. By now he was Henry nodded. “Two suspects down, one to go.”
putting a saddle on his pony. “Only one?” Cole said. “What about Jill and
“What do you want?” he asked when he saw Ms. Wood?”
Henry and Cole. He sounded kind of grumpy. Henry thought about that. “I don’t think Ms.
“Nothing.” Henry looked at Zach’s feet. He Wood is a good suspect,” he said. “Why would an
was wearing athletic socks with stripes on them. adult steal a kid’s stuff? Plus she was going to get
7 8
the check from Maggie anyway. But we probably dropped the pony’s reins and yanked up both pant
should investigate Jill.” legs. Her socks were brown.
They wandered around until they found “Sorry, I guess I was wrong,” Cole said.
Eleanor. She was leading a pony out of its stall. Eleanor gave him an angry look. Then she
Henry looked at her feet. She was wearing grabbed her pony’s reins and hurried off.
short boots, just like the others. But her pants “Good trick,” Henry said with a grin. “I guess
completely covered her socks. Now what? it proved that nobody is wearing that sock. Maybe
Cole had an idea. “Hey, Eleanor,” he said. “Is Maggie did leave it in the car.”
that a bug crawling up your pant leg?” “Or maybe Big Spot grabbed it,” Cole suggested.
“What? Which leg?” Eleanor shrieked. She “Maggie left her bag sitting right by his stall.”
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“Yeah. Let’s go check.”
They hurried back to Big Spot’s stall. The
pony was gone. So was Maggie.
“I guess the riding lesson started,” Henry said.
Cole looked into the pony’s stall. “I don’t see
the sock in here. Maybe Spot ate it. He wanted to
eat Maggie’s hair, remember?”
Henry shrugged. “Maybe. But he definitely
didn’t eat that brush that disappeared or Maggie’s
charm bracelet. We have to find that thief!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 5 The Case of the Barn Bandit 5
Lesson Time
Lesson Time

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
L et’s go outside and watch Maggie’s riding
lesson,” Henry suggested. “Someone might do
ring is this way.” He headed toward the back door.
On their way out, the boys passed Jill. She was
something suspicious.” trying to yank a wheelbarrow out of a stall. It was
“Okay. Maybe you should bring Maggie’s piled high with horse manure.
sandals so they don’t get stolen,” Cole said. “Ugh!” Jill cried as the wheelbarrow almost
Henry was pretty sure Cole was joking. tipped over. Then she spotted the boys. “Hey,” she
But he picked up the sandals anyway. “That’s a said. “Will you two help me? My wheelbarrow is
good idea,” he said. “If these sandals disappear, stuck.”
Maggie’s parents will freak out.” “Sure.” Henry put down the sandals. Then
Cole nodded. “I think Maggie said the riding he and Cole grabbed the wheelbarrow. Working
1 2
together, they soon pulled it into the aisle. earn more cash! Then I could ride every day and
“Whew! Thanks.” Jill wiped sweat off her not have to clean a bunch of stinky stalls first.”
forehead. “I thought I’d never get it out of there.” Henry and Cole said good-bye to Jill and
“Cleaning all these stalls must be hard work,” headed outdoors. “Are you thinking what I’m
Henry said. thinking?” Cole asked as they sat down on a bench
“It is.” Jill frowned. “And Ms. Wood doesn’t outside the riding ring.
pay me very much.” “Yes, if you’re thinking that Jill should be
“So why do you do it?” Cole asked. a suspect.” Henry put Maggie’s sandals on the
“Because it’s the only way to pay for extra bench. “It sounds like she’d do anything to get
riding lessons.” Jill sighed. “I wish I had a way to more money for riding.”
3 4
“Including steal stuff?” Cole asked. suspected Jill of stealing during their very first
“Who knows?” Henry said. “She could mystery. She’d turned out to be innocent in that
probably sell Maggie’s gloves and charm bracelet. case. But that didn’t mean she was innocent now
And she might have thought she could cash that too.
check.” Henry glanced at the riding ring. “We should
“Okay, we’ll put her on the suspect list,” Cole be watching our other suspects.”
said. “But we’d better not let her know she’s on He and Cole watched the lesson for a while.
there. If she turns out to be innocent again, she’ll Ms. Wood stood in the middle of the ring and told
be really annoyed!” the riders what to do. First she had them walk their
Henry laughed. The Lemonade Detectives had horses around in a big circle. Then she told them
5 6
to trot. Henry noticed that trotting was faster, and lazy!” Eleanor called out. “I have to squeeze him
it looked kind of bouncy. so often, my leg muscles are tired!”
“This is no fun!” Zach complained loudly. “You’re doing fine, Eleanor,” Ms. Wood said.
“Every time my pony trots, I almost fall off.” “Daisy, please come back and join the others.”
“That kid really doesn’t want to be here, does “But I was just showing Zach how to trot,”
he?” Cole whispered. Daisy said. “I was doing it right, wasn’t I?”
“It’s easy, Zach!” Daisy called out. “Just watch “Daisy is pretty competitive,” Cole whispered
me.” to Henry. “She tried out for the swim team,
As Daisy trotted past the others, Eleanor’s remember?”
pony slowed to a walk. “Ms. Wood, my pony is Henry nodded. “Maybe she’s afraid Maggie is
7 8
a better rider. Daisy could be taking Maggie’s stuff about Eleanor?” he said. “She’s the only one who
so Maggie will get in trouble and have to quit.” doesn’t seem to have a motive. Maybe she thought
“Zach has a good motive too,” Cole said. “He that jingling Maggie’s charm bracelet at her pony
hates this place. Maybe he’s stealing stuff just to would make him go faster.”
cause trouble.” Henry laughed. “I doubt that. We don’t know
“Or he could be trying to get his sister in Eleanor very well,” he reminded Cole. “Maybe she
trouble,” Henry said. “If she gets fired, his parents has a motive that we haven’t figured out yet.”
probably wouldn’t make him ride anymore.” Cole nodded. “All we know is that she’s kind
Cole looked out at the ring again. Eleanor was of lazy and she has a dog.”
still whining about her pony being too slow. “What “Speaking of her dog, there he is.” Henry
9 10
saw Little Spot wandering toward them. The dog
stopped to sniff at something on the ground. Then
he came toward them.
“Here, Little Spot.” Cole held out his hand.
Little Spot ignored him. He grabbed one of
Maggie’s sandals and took off!
“Hey!” Henry cried.
“Aha!” Cole said. “I think we just caught the

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 6 The Case of the Barn Bandit 6
Another Surprise
Another Surprise

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
I wish Little Spot had turned out to be the thief
after all,” Maggie said with a sigh. “Then the
Henry smiled. “Little Spot did grab your
sandal,” he reminded Maggie. “But then I thought
mystery would be solved. And I wouldn’t still be of something. Why would a dog steal things only
worried that Mom and Dad are going to make me from you? It didn’t make sense. The other riders
stop riding.” leave their stuff sitting around too.”
Henry, Cole, and Maggie were at the lemonade “That’s why we questioned everyone after
stand talking about what had happened yesterday. your lesson,” Cole went on. “We wanted to make
“We thought Little Spot was guilty at first,” sure the thief wasn’t stealing stuff from everyone.”
Cole said. “But then Henry started thinking “Nobody else is missing anything,” Henry
logically again.” said. “Well, except for Ms. Wood.”
1 2
Cole nodded. “She said the barn cat’s bed has controls.”
been missing for a few days. But she’s pretty sure Maggie sighed again. “Well, it definitely
a raccoon took that.” wasn’t Big Spot either,” she said. “He might have
“We also did an experiment to see if Little been able to grab my sock. But he couldn’t have
Spot would try to grab anything else,” Henry said. taken my bracelet. I put it in my bag as I led him
“We used Cole’s sock. Little Spot sniffed it, but he out, and it was missing as soon as I got back.”
didn’t pick it up.” “Really? Then I guess we can rule out all of
“So we decided that Little Spot just likes to the animal suspects,” Henry said.
grab shoes,” Cole said. “My neighbor’s dog is Cole laughed. “Yeah. The barn cat couldn’t
the same way, except he only steals TV remote have picked up your grooming brush.”
3 4
“So who are our human suspects?” Maggie Maggie frowned. “You’re as bad as my parents!
asked. I didn’t lose that sock. I know it was in my bag when
“All the other riders in your class,” Henry said. I put the bag down!”
“Plus Jill.” Henry wasn’t so sure. He still didn’t think
“Right,” Cole said. “We found out that Jill Maggie was careless enough to lose the check or
wishes she had more money for riding. What if she the other stuff. But it would be easy for her to drop
stole your stuff so she could sell it?” a sock without noticing, especially when she was
“Who would buy one sock?” Maggie asked. excited about going riding.
“Nobody,” Henry answered. “We figured you He didn’t say that though. He didn’t want to
might have lost that on your way into the barn.” make Maggie angry.
5 6
“How well do you know Eleanor?” he asked as I am about my kittens. Someone like that has to
instead. be a good person.”
“Not that well.” Maggie shrugged. “We’ve “Okay,” Henry said. “But what about the
only had four lessons together. But I doubt she’s others? We noticed Daisy was acting kind of
the thief.” competitive.”
“Why?” Cole asked. “You just said you don’t “Yeah, she’s always like that.” Maggie rolled
know her very well. How do you know she’s not her eyes. “She wants to try everything first. And
sneaky?” she thinks she’s the best at whatever we do.”
“Because she takes such good care of her dog,” “Then there’s Zach,” Cole said. “He was
Maggie said. “She’s just as crazy about Little Spot complaining about everything. What if he’s
7 8
stealing stuff because he hates riding?” my last lesson for a while.” She sounded upset.
“I still think his sister, Jill, is a better suspect,” Henry didn’t blame her.
Henry said. “She has the best motive. She needs It was a few days later, and The Lemonade
money.” Detectives were back at the barn.
“I agree, Henry. But here come some customers.” “Do you have both of your socks today?” Cole
Maggie pointed to several people heading toward asked.
the lemonade stand. “We’ll have to finish talking Maggie made a face at him. “You already
about this later.” asked me that twenty times,” she said. “I told you,
“I hope we can solve the mystery today,” I stuck them in my boots today. There’s no way
Maggie said. “Otherwise Mom said this might be they can fall out.”
9 10
Henry noticed Ms. Wood hurrying toward
them. The barn owner had an anxious expression
on her face.
“Maggie!” Ms. Wood said. “There you are. I
need to speak with you about something serious.”
“I’m not late, am I?” Maggie asked.
Ms. Wood shook her head. “It’s not that,” she
said. “We have a problem. Right after you left
the barn the other day, I realized something: Big
Spot’s saddle pad is missing!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 7 The Case of the Barn Bandit 7
Henry's Trap
Henry's Trap

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
B ig Spot’s saddle pad is missing?” Maggie said.
“What do you mean? I put it back in the tack
“I’m positive!” Maggie insisted. “I remember
because it was kind of damp from Spot’s sweat.
room, just like always!” I could feel it through my shirt when I carried
“What’s a tack room?” Cole whispered to everything back to the tack room.”
Henry. Ms. Wood didn’t look convinced. “Well, I
“I think it’s where they keep the horses’ haven’t seen it since your last lesson. If it doesn’t
equipment,” he answered. turn up soon, I’ll have to speak to your parents
“Are you sure?” Ms. Wood was asking Maggie. about replacing it.”
“Because the other pads were there. But yours Henry looked at Cole, worried. Had the thief
wasn’t with them.” struck again?
1 2
“I put a different pad under Spot’s saddle,” Ms. “Why?” Maggie looked hopeful. “Are you
Wood went on. “You can use that one for today.” going to buy Ms. Wood a new one so she doesn’t
The barn owner hurried away. Maggie stomped tell my parents?”
toward Big Spot’s stall. The boys followed. “No. I’m trying to figure out whether the thief
“I can’t believe this!” Maggie cried. “It’s bad could sell that pad for a lot of money.”
enough that my parents might not let me ride “Probably not.” Maggie started changing
anymore. Now I have to worry about Ms. Wood into her riding boots. “The pad was kind of old.
kicking me out of the barn too!” And saddle pads only cost about 15 dollars when
“How much does a saddle pad cost?” Henry they’re new. I looked at some when Mom took me
asked. to the store to buy my riding clothes.”
3 4
“This case doesn’t make sense,” Cole said. “Who cares why someone did it?” Maggie said.
“The thief is stealing really weird stuff.” “We just need to figure out who did it. And fast!”
Henry nodded. “It’s weird that only Maggie’s “Don’t worry,” Henry told her. “I have a plan,
stuff has disappeared. And it’s even weirder that remember?”
some of the missing stuff is valuable and some “Good. I hope it works.”
isn’t.” Maggie started getting her pony ready, and the
“A thief could sell Maggie’s bracelet or her boys wandered off. “Do you think your plan will
new riding gloves,” Cole said. “And the check was work?” Cole asked.
worth money too, of course. But why steal one Henry stooped to pat Little Spot as the dog ran
sock? Or a sweaty old saddle pad?” up to them. “I don’t know. But it’s the best plan I
5 6
can think of right now.” Anyone could see it was worth a lot of money.
He was carrying a plastic bag. Reaching inside, Henry was planning to put the glove in the barn
he pulled out a baseball glove. aisle where everyone would notice it. Then he
“Are you sure you want to risk losing your and Cole would hide out and see if anyone tried
autographed glove?” Cole asked. “It’s really cool. to take it. With luck, they’d catch the thief before
Plus your parents will be mad if you lose it.” Maggie’s riding lesson started!
“I won’t lose it,” Henry said. “We’ll be hiding “If Jill is stealing because she needs money,
and watching it, remember?” she’ll definitely grab this glove,” Cole said.
That was his plan. The baseball glove had been “If Zach’s the thief, he might take it too,”
autographed by several famous baseball players. Henry said. “He loves baseball. And we don’t
7 8
know what Eleanor’s motive might be. Maybe she “Guess someone will come back to look for this.”
needs money too. My aunt and uncle keep saying He dropped the glove where he’d found it.
that riding is an expensive sport.” Then he kept walking.
He set his glove down. Then he and Cole hid “Zach didn’t take the bait!” Cole whispered. “I
in an empty stall nearby. guess he’s innocent.”
It wasn’t long before they heard footsteps. Henry nodded. “Shh! Here comes Eleanor.”
Henry peeked out and saw Zach coming down the Eleanor hurried down the aisle. “Spot? Spot,
aisle. where are you?” she called.
“Hey, what’s that?” Zach muttered. He stopped She was so busy calling her dog that she almost
and picked up the glove. “Whoa, cool!” he said. tripped over the glove before she saw it.
9 10
Then she stopped, looking confused. She
leaned down for a better look at the glove. Finally
she shrugged and hurried off, still calling Spot.
“Eleanor didn’t take it either,” Cole whispered.
Henry just nodded. He’d heard the sound of
Jill’s wheelbarrow rolling toward them.
The older girl saw the glove right away. She
stopped her wheelbarrow. Then she hurried over,
grabbed the glove, and took off down the aisle!

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 8 The Case of the Barn Bandit 8
A Missing Suspect
A Missing Suspect

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry gasped. “Jill took the baseball glove!” he
said. “She must be the barn thief!”
behind him. They got there just in time to see Jill
handing Henry’s baseball glove to Maggie.
“Let’s get your glove back before she hides it “I found this lying on the floor,” Jill said with
somewhere,” Cole said. a frown. “I assume it belongs to your cousin or his
Both boys jumped out of their hiding place. friend. You’d better tell them that this is a barn, not
Jill had already disappeared around the corner. But a baseball field.”
they could hear her calling Maggie’s name. “You can tell them yourself,” Maggie said.
“That’s weird,” said Henry. “Why is she “They’re right behind you.”
yelling for Maggie?” “Oh!” Jill spun around and saw Henry and
He ran toward Big Spot’s stall with Cole right Cole. “Does this glove belong to one of you?
1 2
Because I have enough to do around here without She led Big Spot out of his stall and down the
picking up after visitors.” aisle toward the riding ring. “Maybe we should
“It’s mine,” Henry said. “Sorry about that.” watch the lesson,” Cole said. “It doesn’t seem like
“That’s okay.” Jill shrugged. “Just don’t do it Jill is the thief. Or Zach or Eleanor. That means we
again, okay?” need to watch Daisy.”
“Oh well,” Cole said after she was gone. “That “Okay. I guess it’s safe to leave my glove here
plan didn’t work.” since nobody seems to want to steal it,” Henry
Maggie looked worried. “You’d better hurry said. “But should we take Maggie’s stuff with us?”
and figure out a better plan,” she said. “It’s already He picked up the bag. “I don’t want anything else
time for my lesson to start.” to get stolen.”
3 4
Cole sneezed. “No way! Put that down,” he bottom of the bag so the barn cat doesn’t grab it.”
said. “Cat hair flies out of it every time you touch “Yeah.” Cole grinned. “That’s all we need—
it. Maggie must have let her kittens sleep in it.” another thief!”
“Probably.” Henry set the bag down. “Aunt Leaving the bag behind, the boys headed
Ellen says the kittens get into everything.” outside to watch the lesson. They were halfway to
“I can tell.” Cole pointed to the bag. “Look, the riding ring when Little Spot ran over to them.
isn’t that a cat toy?” “Hi, Little Spot,” Cole said, rubbing the beagle’s
“Yes.” Henry laughed and grabbed the mouse- ears.
shaped toy. “The kittens probably batted it inside, Henry was looking at the ring. Ms. Wood was
and Maggie didn’t notice. I’d better stick it in the in the center with three riders trotting around her.
5 6
“It looks like Daisy isn’t here today,” Henry area where the boys were standing.
said. “Are you okay?” Henry called to her.
“Really?” Cole stopped petting Little Spot and “I’m fine,” Eleanor said. “I just need to go
stood up. “That means if she’s the thief, nothing inside and get a tissue.”
will disappear today.” She raced past, heading for the barn. Little
Henry nodded. “Right! That could be why my Spot barked and ran after his owner.
glove . . .” “That’s weird,” Cole said. “Couldn’t she wait
He stopped talking in the middle of his until the end of the lesson to get a tissue? That
sentence. Eleanor had jumped down from her pony could be suspicious behavior.”
and run out the gate. She had almost reached the “Maybe,” Henry said. “But Eleanor is always
7 8
complaining about how hard she’s working, back on her pony.
remember? Maybe she just used the tissue story as When the lesson ended, Maggie led her pony
an excuse to take a break.” over to the boys. “Did you solve the mystery yet?”
“Oh yeah.” Cole shrugged. “You’re probably she asked them.
right.” “Not yet,” Henry said. “But we noticed Daisy
Henry and Cole walked the rest of the way to is absent. If she’s the thief, nothing will get stolen
the ring. today.”
Maggie and Zach were still riding while Ms. “Oh! Good point.” Maggie nodded. “You just
Wood watched and gave them tips. A few minutes have to figure out a way to prove it.”
later, Eleanor came out of the barn. Soon she was “Don’t worry, we will,” said Henry.
9 10
“Okay.” Maggie didn’t look too sure about
that. Just then Eleanor led her pony up to them, so
The Lemonade Detectives had to stop discussing
the case.
They all walked into the barn. Maggie led Spot
into his stall, and then turned to put her riding
helmet in her bag. As soon as she leaned over, she
let out a shriek.
“I can’t believe this!” she yelled. “One of my
sandals is gone!”
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 9 The Case of the Barn Bandit 9
The Final Clue
The Final Clue

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
H enry looked over Maggie’s shoulder. One of
her sandals was in her bag. The other was
would steal one sandal?”
Cole grinned. “The same person who would
nowhere in sight. steal one sock!”
“The barn thief struck again!” Henry exclaimed. “This isn’t funny!” Maggie complained. “My
“Cole and I were looking at your bag right before parents are going to kill me!”
we came outside. Both sandals were definitely in “Not if we can catch the thief,” Henry said.
there then.” “This could be another clue.”
Cole nodded. “I guess this means Daisy isn’t “What do you mean?” Cole asked.
the thief.” “Daisy didn’t steal that sandal,” Henry said.
“It’s another weird theft,” Henry said. “Who “We also know it wasn’t Zach.”
1 2
“We do?” Maggie asked. “Aren’t you coming with us?” Cole asked.
“Yes,” Cole chimed in. “Zach was in the riding “I can’t.” Maggie stepped toward her pony’s
ring when the sandal disappeared, so he couldn’t stall. “I need to take care of Big Spot first. Ms.
have taken it. But what about Eleanor? She went Wood is already mad at me about that missing
back into the barn to get a tissue.” saddle pad, remember?”
“Exactly what I was thinking,” Henry replied. Henry was secretly relieved. Sometimes
“Jill could have done it too. She was inside Maggie got too excited when she was questioning
working the whole time.” people. They’d probably have better luck without
“So what are you waiting for?” Maggie asked. her.
“Go question them!” “We’ll be back soon,” he said.
3 4
Then he and Cole went to find their suspects. said. “I got a tissue, and then I stopped to get Little
They found Eleanor first. She was taking the Spot a drink of water. He was hot and thirsty from
saddle off her pony. running around the barn.”
“Hi,” Henry said. “Are you feeling okay?” “Oh.” Henry tried to think of another question.
“What do you mean?” Eleanor asked. But he couldn’t come up with anything. He looked
“We were worried because you were in the at Cole, who shrugged.
barn for a while,” Henry said. “You know, when “Okay,” Cole said. “See you later.”
you went to get a tissue. We thought you might be They walked away. “That didn’t tell us
sick.” anything,” Henry said. “Let’s find Jill.”
Eleanor gave him a funny look. “I’m fine,” she Jill was cleaning a saddle in the tack room.
5 6
“Hi,” Cole said. “Have you been in here the whole something to give herself away.
time?” But Jill just rolled her eyes. “Sorry. I told you
“What do you mean?” Jill sounded grumpy. before. I don’t have time to keep track of your
Henry thought fast. “We were wondering if stuff.”
you’d seen my baseball glove. I think I lost it Henry sighed. So far their questioning wasn’t
again.” going very well. Maybe it was time to think of
That wasn’t true. Henry’s glove was still sitting another plan.
near Big Spot’s stall. But Henry figured that if Jill He stepped out of the tack room. But he had
had taken Maggie’s sandal, she’d probably seen to stop suddenly as a furry shape raced past him at
his glove sitting nearby. Maybe she would say top speed. Another furry shape was right behind
7 8
the first one. her!”
“What was that?” Cole peered over Henry’s But Little Spot didn’t bite the cat. He licked
shoulder. her! The cat just sat there as the dog licked her
“I think Little Spot is chasing the barn cat,” again and again.
Henry said. “Let’s go rescue her!” Henry laughed at the grumpy expression on the
They chased the dog and cat down the aisle. cat’s face. “I don’t think she likes being licked,” he
The cat stopped at the end and turned to face the said.
dog. Little Spot lunged forward with his mouth “No,” Cole agreed. “But Little Spot is enjoying
open. himself!”
“Oh no!” Cole exclaimed. “He’s going to bite Henry watched the beagle for a moment.
9 10
“Come on,” he said. “I have an idea.” cat toy.
“What?” Cole followed as Henry rushed away. Cole looked doubtful. “Who would want to
Henry didn’t stop to explain. They didn’t have steal that thing, other than the barn cat?”
much time to test his new theory. When he reached “The same thief who would steal one sock or
Big Spot’s stall, he stopped. “Give me that cat toy one sandal.” Henry smiled. “I’ll explain on the
from your bag,” he said to Maggie. way. We’ve got to hurry!”
“What cat toy?” Maggie stopped brushing the
pony, looking confused.
Henry was already digging into her bag. “I’m
going to set another trap,” he said, pulling out the
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

The Case of the Barn Bandit 10 The Case of the Barn Bandit 10
The Cat Trap
The Cat Trap

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A re you sure about this?” Maggie whispered.
Henry didn’t answer. He, Cole, and Maggie
toy back on the ground. “I don’t get paid enough
to pick up after messy riders,” she muttered to
were crouched in an empty stall. They were herself.
watching the cat toy, which was lying in the aisle. Henry let out his breath as she hurried away.
“Shh,” Henry whispered. “Someone’s coming.” So far his plan was going okay.
Jill came into view. She spotted the cat toy and He heard a bark as Little Spot trotted into
stopped. She looked up and down the aisle, and sight. The dog paused to sniff the cat toy before
then leaned over to pick it up. lifting his head to look around the barn.
Henry held his breath. Was his theory wrong? Henry held his breath again. Was the dog going
Jill straightened up again, dropping the cat to walk away from the cat toy too?
1 2
But Little Spot finally lowered his head, Inside the shed, hay bales were stacked
grabbed the toy, and took off. halfway to the ceiling. At first Henry couldn’t
“Hurry!” Henry exclaimed. “We have to follow see where Little Spot had gone. Then he heard a
him!” muffled bark.
He ran after Little Spot. Maggie and Cole were “This way!” Cole rushed around the bales.
right behind him. They found Little Spot in a narrow space
The dog ran through the barn and out a side behind the hay. He was wagging his tail and sitting
door. He crossed a courtyard and ran into another on a dusty saddle pad.
building. “Big Spot’s saddle pad!” Maggie cried. “And
“He’s headed for the hay shed!” Maggie said. look! The rest of my missing stuff is here too!”
3 4
She grabbed her charm bracelet and slipped it halters,” Maggie said. “And here’s another
on, and then picked up the cat toy. Next she dug grooming brush!”
through the hay until she found her brush, gloves, Soon Ms. Wood arrived, along with Eleanor.
sock, and sandal. She even found the lost check. It “Little Spot!” Eleanor exclaimed, grabbing
was crumpled and had a few teeth holes in it. her dog and hugging him. “You rotten little thief!
“I’ll go tell Ms. Wood we solved the crime,” I’m really sorry, you guys. He does this at home
Cole offered, hurrying back out. sometimes, but I never thought he’d do it here.
Henry spotted something else in the hay. “Look, Usually he only steals stuff that smells like cats.
Spot must have stolen this stuff too.” For some reason he loves cats!”
“That looks like one of Ms. Wood’s spare Henry grinned. “Yeah, we just figured that
5 6
out,” he said. “I saw him licking the barn cat. cat hair on it and that’s why Spot took it.” She
That’s when I realized why he was mostly stealing noticed the halter. “Sometimes the barn cat knocks
from Maggie. All her stuff smells like cats!” down the spare halters and sleeps on them.”
Eleanor gasped. “I didn’t know you had cats, Maggie held up the second brush. “And I bet
Maggie!” someone used this to brush the cat.”
“I have two kittens,” Maggie said. “They’re “I’m sorry,” Eleanor said. “I promise to watch
really cute.” Little Spot more closely from now on.”
Ms. Wood picked up the saddle pad. “I owe “That’s okay.” Maggie shrugged. “It’s just a
you an apology, Maggie,” she said. “I’m sorry I good thing The Lemonade Detectives were here to
accused you of losing this. I guess you got some solve the case.”
7 8
“The Lemonade Detectives?” Ms. Wood “You don’t have to pay us,” Henry said.
looked at Henry, Cole, and Maggie. “I’ve heard “Maggie’s the one who wanted us to solve this
about you three! My neighbor hired you when he case.”
couldn’t remember who’d borrowed his tennis “I insist.” Ms. Wood handed him a five-dollar
racket. He said you tracked it down within an bill. “You found several of my missing things.
hour.” More importantly you proved that one of my
Cole nodded. “That was us.” favorite new students isn’t careless.” She smiled at
Ms. Wood put a hand in her pocket. “Then Maggie. “That’s worth at least five dollars, right?”
I’d better pay your detective fee,” she said. “Five “Definitely,” Maggie agreed. “Henry and Cole
dollars, right?” saved the day. If they hadn’t solved the case, I
9 10
might have had to stop riding!” She shook her
head and smiled. “And all because of a cat-loving
Little Spot barked and wagged his tail.
Everyone laughed.
“Thanks,” Henry said, taking the money from
Ms. Wood. “I guess that’s another case closed for
The Lemonade Detectives!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 1 Trouble on the Trail 1
A Good Cause
A Good Cause

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
I still can’t believe Mrs. Smith left her glasses in
her bird feeder,” Henry said.
trickier. But so far The Lemonade Detectives had
solved them all.
“I know.” His cousin Maggie laughed. “She’s “Here come some customers.” Henry saw two
lucky a bird didn’t peck them.” teenage girls walking toward them. “I wonder
“No, she’s lucky that The Lemonade Detectives whether they want to buy lemonade or hire us to
were around to track them down for her,” said solve a mystery.”
Henry’s friend Cole. The Lemonade Detectives “It’s a mystery to me!” Cole joked with a grin.
had been in business all summer. They’d solved “Not to me,” Maggie said, smiling. “Ashley
lots of cases. Some cases were pretty simple, like and Jill buy at least one cup of lemonade apiece
finding Mrs. Smith’s lost glasses. Other cases were almost every day!”
1 2
Sure enough the older girls ordered two Ashley laughed. “I know. That’s why we’re
lemonades. While Maggie was pouring their holding the fundraiser.”
drinks, Ashley took a piece of paper out of her Jill nodded. “We’re raising money before
pocket. school starts so we can get new uniforms.”
“Are you guys busy next Saturday?” She held Henry looked at the paper. It said:
out the paper. “Because we’re having a fundraiser
for the Belltown High School soccer team.” BELLTOWN
“Ugh!” Cole groaned. “Don’t talk about Enjoy the end of summer with a bike ride
school! It’s still summer, remember?” through beautifulMinsk
Belltown Park
“Only for a few more weeks,” Henry said. All profits used to support the girls’ soccer
3 4
team going, right?” he said.
$10 per person, snacks provided “I’d like to do it,” Henry said. “It sounds like
fun, and it’s for a good cause.”
Cole was reading over Henry’s shoulder. “Wow. “What about the lemonade stand?” Maggie
That sounds cool. I love biking on those trails.” asked.
“You can keep the flyer,” Ashley said. “If you “We probably won’t have many customers that
decide to come, just bring your bike, a helmet, and day anyway,” Cole pointed out. “Lots of kids will
ten dollars.” Then she and Jill wandered off with be at the park.”
their lemonade. “Maybe you’re right,” Maggie said. “Besides
Cole was still looking at the flyer. “We’re we made lots of money this week. I guess we can
5 6
donate some of it to a good cause.” teammates.
It was the day of the fundraiser. The Lemonade Henry walked over. “Hi. We’re here to ride.”
Detectives had just ridden their bikes into Minsk
Belltown “Great!” Jill smiled. “Ten dollars each, please.”
Park. Henry and his friends handed over their money.
“Wow. There are tons of people here!” Cole In exchange, Jill handed each of them a ticket.
exclaimed. “Make sure you don’t lose those,” she said.
“It looks like we sign in over there.” Maggie “Everyone who finishes the ride gets a T-shirt at
pointed to a table draped with MinskBelltown High the end.”
School’s colors, blue and white. Ashley and Jill “Really?” Maggie looked surprised. “How can
were sitting behind the table with some of their you afford that? I thought you were trying to raise
7 8
money.” “And some people from out of town too,”
Ashley heard her and looked over. “The Maggie added. “Look! Isn’t that a Valley High
T-shirts are being donated by Belltown Bikes,” she T-shirt?”
said. “They’re our sponsor.” She pointed to a sign She pointed to a teenage boy wearing a red-
advertising the local bicycle shop. and-gold Valley High shirt. Valley High was the
Meanwhile Henry heard someone calling his high school in a neighboring town.
name. It was his friend Nathan. Nathan pointed in a different direction. “That
“Are you guys riding too?” Nathan asked. dark-haired girl Tina goes to Valley High too,” he
“Yeah,” Cole said. “Just like everybody else in said. “She babysits my little sister sometimes.”
town!” “That’s weird,” Cole said. “Why would
9 10
people from Valley High want to raise money for “He doesn’t look very happy to be here,” Cole
Belltown? They’re our biggest rivals!” said. “He’s not smiling or talking to anyone.”
“If you think that’s weird, look at that guy.” Just then someone shouted for attention. It
Maggie was staring at a man standing by himself. was Ms. Hernandez, the girls’ soccer coach. “Is
Most of the riders were kids or teenagers. everyone ready to have some fun?” she called.
The adults were mostly teachers or coaches from That made Henry forget about everything else.
Belltown High. But Henry didn’t recognize this The ride was about to start!
man. He was in his twenties, with very broad
shoulders and dark sunglasses.
“Maybe he just likes bike riding,” Henry said.
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 2 Trouble on the Trail 2
The Ride Begins
The Ride Begins

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
I ’ll be leading the ride,” Ms. Hernandez said.
“Remember, this isn’t a race. Everyone who
Melanie, and she was a cheerleader at Belltown
finishes gets a prize.” Today Melanie wasn’t the only person
“Even if it takes me until tomorrow?” Cole cheering. Almost everyone let out a whoop as the
called out. bikers started down the trail.
Lots of people laughed, including Ms. Henry was trying to keep up with Cole and
Hernandez. “Even then,” she said. “Let’s get on Maggie through some pine trees when a shiny
the trail!” mountain bike rushed in front of him.
“Go, Belltown!” a blond girl cried. “Whoa!” Henry cried. He braked just in time
Henry recognized the girl. Her name was to keep from crashing into the other bike.
1 2
The rider was about his age. “Sorry,” the boy “He just moved here,” Daisy said. “His name
muttered, glancing back at Henry. Then he rode is William. My mom told me his family bought a
ahead quickly. huge house right outside of town.”
Henry’s friends had heard Henry cry out. They “How does she know?” asked Maggie.
stopped and turned around to see if he was okay. “She sells houses for a living,” Daisy
“Who was that kid?” Maggie asked. explained.
A girl named Daisy overheard her. “Are you A few more riders rode past, including Jill and
talking about that boy on the fancy mountain Ashley. “Giving up already?” Jill called out to
bike?” she asked. Henry and the others with a grin.
“Yeah,” Cole said. “We didn’t recognize him.” “No way!” Cole called back. “Come on, guys.
3 4
Let’s go!” “Maybe more than that,” Maggie reminded
He raced off. Henry and Maggie chased after him. “With all the lemonade business we lost
him, laughing. All three of them kept riding fast today!”
for a while. Then they slowed down to rest their Henry laughed, and then looked around.
legs. Lots of other people were riding slowly too, “Where’s Nathan? I haven’t seen him since we
enjoying the pretty scenery. started riding.”
“This is fun,” Maggie said. “I’m glad we “I think he was behind us,” Cole said. “Let’s
came.” wait for him to catch up.”
“Even though it cost you ten dollars?” Cole They stopped their bikes. Lots of other riders
teased. passed them. Most were smiling or chatting with
5 6
their friends. Everyone seemed to be having fun. Belltown High School as slow and lazy as you?”
Then William rode past again. He wasn’t Henry could tell that Nathan was trying to
smiling or talking to anyone. ignore the bully. But just then Nathan bumped into
“He doesn’t look like he’s having a good a rock on the trail. His front tire wobbled, and he
time,” Cole whispered. had to brake suddenly.
Henry didn’t answer. He’d just spotted Nathan “Looks like you’re quitting,” the bully said
coming. He wasn’t smiling either. The teenage boy with a smirk. “I guess that makes you a Belltown
in the Valley High shirt was riding alongside him. quitter!”
“What’s the matter?” the older boy teased “Hey!” Cole said. “Leave him alone!”
Nathan. “Can’t you keep up? Is everyone at Just then three other riders caught up to them.
7 8
They all went to Belltown High School. One was “They are not!” the bully retorted angrily.
Henry’s neighbor, Tiny, the tallest kid in tenth “Yours are!”
grade. “What’s going on?” Tiny asked. He sped away, still scowling. The others
“That Valley High kid is bothering Nathan,” shrugged and continued the ride. The trail wound
Maggie said. through the woods, up and down hills, and past
The bully heard her and scowled. “I was just wildflower meadows. Finally it widened into a big
joking around,” he muttered. field.
One of Tiny’s friends laughed. “That makes Many people had already stopped their bikes
sense, since Valley High’s sports teams are all a there.
big joke.” “This must be the first rest stop,” Henry said.
9 10
There were two stops planned during the ride. A he should invite William to sit with them.
local restaurant was providing drinks and snacks Before he could decide, William got up and
for all the riders at each stop. wandered away.
Henry and the others left their bikes in the field Finally Ms. Hernandez announced that it was
and walked up a narrow hiking trail. It took about time to continue the ride. But when they got back
five minutes to reach a picnic area near the river. to the bikes, someone let out a cry of surprise.
For the next half hour, everyone rested and “I can’t believe this!” Daisy shouted. “Someone
enjoyed the snacks and the view. Henry sat with slashed our tires!”
Cole, Maggie, Nathan, and some other friends. He
noticed William sitting by himself and wondered if
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 3 Trouble on the Trail 3
Who Did It?
Who Did It?

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
N o way! Who would slash our bike tires?”
Maggie cried, rushing over to her bicycle.
Lemonade Detectives can figure it out.”
He looked around, trying to see how everyone
“Wait,” she added. “I think my tires are okay.” was reacting. Most of the riders looked confused
“Mine too,” someone else called out. or upset. A bunch of kids were gathered around
Henry checked his bike. His tires were fine. “It Ms. Hernandez, asking her questions about what
looks like only some tires were slashed,” he said. had happened. Then Henry spotted the man in the
“Yeah. Like mine!” Cole sounded upset as he dark glasses. He was standing by his bike with his
looked at his tires. “Who would be mean enough arms folded, looking bored.
to do this?” Maggie noticed him too. “Hey, maybe it was
“I don’t know,” Henry said. “But maybe The that guy!” she whispered. “I didn’t see him while
1 2
we were at the picnic spot. He could have been watched everyone check their tires.
down here slashing tires the whole time!” “His tires look okay,” Cole said. “And we
“Maybe,” Henry said. “I didn’t notice him already know he doesn’t like Belltown. Remember
while we were up there either.” how he was teasing Nathan?”
“I bet it was those kids from Valley High “Yeah. He should be a suspect too,” Henry
School,” said Cole. “They probably came on the said. “Did anyone see him at the picnic area?”
ride to make trouble!” “I didn’t,” Maggie said. “So that proves it!
Henry looked around for the Valley High He’s guilty!”
teens. He couldn’t see the girl in the crowd, but he As usual, Maggie was jumping to conclusions.
spotted the boy right away. He was smirking as he “It doesn’t prove anything,” Henry reminded
3 4
her. “There were lots of people I didn’t notice Just then Jill and Ashley rushed over. “This is
while we were at the picnic area. We should start terrible!” Ashley cried. “Someone’s trying to ruin
questioning everyone and see who left.” our fundraiser!”
“I remember someone who left!” Maggie said. “You have to help us,” Jill added. “We want
“That rich kid, William. I saw him get up and walk to hire The Lemonade Detectives to solve this
toward the path leading down here.” horrible crime!”
Henry remembered seeing William leave the Henry smiled. “I don’t know if I’d call it a
picnic area too. “Okay,” he said. “But that doesn’t horrible crime,” he said.
prove anything either. Lots of people left to walk “But don’t worry. We’re already on the case.
down to the restrooms.” To start, we want to question you two.”
5 6
“What?” Jill looked outraged. “You don’t “So what do you want to ask us?” Ashley asked.
suspect us again, do you?” “Do you know how many bikes got damaged?”
“No!” Henry said quickly. “You’re not suspects Henry asked.
this time.” Ashley shrugged. “We’re not sure exactly,” she
He knew why Jill was annoyed. Somehow she said. “We’ll have to check with Ms. Hernandez.
ended up being a suspect in a lot of The Lemonade But at least six or seven bikes have slashed tires.”
Detectives’ cases. Ashley had been a suspect once “We were just trying to figure out who left the
too. Henry was pretty sure that they were innocent picnic spot,” Cole added. “Did you notice anyone
again now. Why would they try to ruin a fundraiser slipping away?”
for their own team? “Oh.” Jill looked less upset now that she
7 8
realized she wasn’t a suspect. “I don’t know. I investigating. What are you going to do about the
wasn’t paying much attention to that.” ride?”
“Yeah,” Ashley said. “I walked down to the “Good question.” Cole frowned as he looked at
restrooms with a couple of friends. The only person his bike again. “I can’t ride with a slashed tire.”
there when we left was your friend Nathan.” “I think Ms. Hernandez is calling Belltown
Henry nodded, remembering that Nathan had Bikes.” Ashley glanced over at the coach, who was
gone to the restroom alone. He was sure his friend talking on her cell phone.
hadn’t slashed those tires. But maybe Nathan had “She’s going to ask them to bring new tires to
seen something suspicious. replace the slashed ones.”
“Thanks,” Henry said. “We’d better start “Good,” Henry said. “That should give us
9 10
some time to question people before the ride
“Yeah.” Jill didn’t look happy. “But someone
will have to pay for the new tires. So if you guys
don’t solve the mystery, we might not raise enough
money to buy our uniforms!”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 4 Trouble on the Trail 4
On the Case
On the Case

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
A s Jill and Ashley hurried off, Henry looked at
his friends. “We’ll have to work fast if we
The Lemonade Detectives walked over to
William. “Hi,” Henry greeted him. “Did your tire
want to solve this mystery,” he said. “The ride will get slashed?”
probably start up again after those new tires get “Yes!” William scowled. “And it was really
here.” expensive.”
“Then let’s not waste any time,” Cole said. Just then Ms. Hernandez called for everyone’s
“Who should we question next?” attention. “I spoke to Belltown Bikes,” she
“How about William?” Maggie pointed to the announced. “They’ll be here in about 15 minutes
new boy, who was kneeling by his front tire. “He’s with replacement tires. The ride will continue once
one of our suspects. And he’s right over there.” everyone’s bike is fixed, so please be patient.”
1 2
“That doesn’t give us much time,” said Cole. can interview more people. Try to find out who
Henry nodded. He turned to ask William left the picnic area, how long they were gone, and
another question, but the boy had disappeared who was with them. We’ll meet back here in 15
while Ms. Hernandez was talking. minutes.”
“That’s odd,” Henry thought. His friends nodded and hurried off, and Henry
Maggie had noticed too. “Hey, where did looked around. Who should he talk to first? He
William go?” she asked. saw Tiny and his friends nearby.
Cole shrugged. “Never mind. We can’t waste “Hi, Henry,” Tiny greeted him. “How are your
time looking for him now.” tires?”
“Right,” Henry agreed. “Let’s split up so we “They’re fine,” Henry said. “What about
3 4
yours?” “Did they all walk there together?” Henry
Tiny sighed. “I got my front and back tires asked.
slashed,” he said, pointing to his bike. “Hey, One of Tiny’s friends laughed. “Of course!
you’re a detective, right? Maybe you can figure Girls always go to the bathroom together.”
out who did this!” “Yeah,” Tiny agreed with a grin. “That way
“I’m trying,” Henry said. “I want to figure out they can talk about us boys!”
who left the picnic area while we were all there.” Henry smiled. “Did you notice anyone else
“Not us.” Tiny glanced at his friends. “But disappearing for a long time?”
some of the girls we were sitting with went to the “No.” Tiny shrugged.
restroom.” “Wait, I did,” the other friend said. “It was that
5 6
weird guy with the dark glasses.” someone from the ride at all?” Tiny said. “This is a
“You’re right,” said Tiny’s friend with the public park. It could have been anyone.”
blond hair. “He’s hard to miss! I think that kid Daisy shook her head. “Who would follow us
from Valley High left for a while too.” He rolled all the way out here just to slash our tires? Besides
his eyes. “I don’t like him at all.” I bet I know who did it.”
Just then Daisy walked over. “Hi, Henry,” she “Who?” Henry asked.
said. “Are The Lemonade Detectives trying to “That guy with the sunglasses,” Daisy said.
solve the case of the slashed tires?” “Nobody knows who he is. Plus, he was only at
“Yes,” Henry said. the picnic area for a few minutes.”
“I just thought of something. What if it wasn’t Henry saw a flash of red and gold. When he
7 8
looked over, he saw the boy from Valley High He spent the next few minutes questioning
School hurrying toward the restrooms. The other several other people. Then it was time to meet the
student from Valley High School, Tina, was other Lemonade Detectives.
following him. “What did you find out?” Henry asked when
“What about Tina?” he asked. “Did anyone the three of them were together again.
notice if she left the picnic area?” “Almost everyone saw that guy with the
Daisy nodded. “I think I saw her leave for a sunglasses leave the picnic area,” Maggie said.
while. She’s really nice. Is she a suspect?” “A few people noticed that William left too, but
“I’m not sure yet,” Henry said. “I need to get nobody saw him come back.”
all the facts first.” “Hmm . . . ,” said Henry.
9 10
“I found out the same thing,” said Cole. “I also better confess!” she yelled at him. “You’re making
found out that Joey and Tina, the two kids from our school look bad!”
Valley High, left for a while. What if they planned
this prank to make Belltown look bad?”
“Maybe we should talk to them,” Henry said.
He and his friends found Joey and Tina
standing outside the restrooms. But they weren’t
laughing over the prank or plotting more trouble.
Tina looked angry as she glared at Joey.
“I know you slashed those tires, and you’d
11 12
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Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 5 Trouble on the Trail 5

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All rights reserved.
W e knew it!” Maggie yelled at Joey. “You
slashed those tires, didn’t you?”
pointing at Joey.
“I already told you dummies that I didn’t do
“It wasn’t me!” Joey pointed at Tina. “She it!” Joey yelled.
probably did it, and now she’s trying to blame it Maggie glared at him. “Why should we believe
on me!” you? We heard you teasing Nathan. So we already
Tina gasped. “I did not do it!” know you’re a bully!”
All the commotion was attracting attention. More people had arrived by then. “Wait,” the
“What’s going on?” Ashley asked, hurrying Belltown cheerleader named Melanie spoke up.
over. “He’s telling the truth. He didn’t do it.”
“This kid slashed the tires!” Maggie cried, “How do you know?” Jill asked.
1 2
“Because I saw him hanging out right here by “Oh.” Ashley shrugged. “Okay, I guess he
the restrooms,” Melanie said. “I was down here for couldn’t have slashed the tires after all.”
most of the break because I had a stomachache. He Just then Ms. Hernandez arrived. “What’s all
was here the whole time.” the yelling over here?”
“Are you sure?” Ashley asked. “Maybe he “Nothing,” Jill said. “We were just talking.”
sneaked away while you weren’t looking.” Joey and Tina stomped off in opposite
Melanie laughed. “Are you kidding? Those directions. Soon most of the other kids wandered
Valley High colors are so bright you can’t miss away.
them. I would have noticed if he left even for a Henry led his friends to a private spot. “I guess
second.” Joey didn’t do it,” he said. “He has an alibi.”
3 4
“What’s an alibi?” Maggie asked. for a while,” Cole added.
“It’s when someone can prove that he or she “She’s still a suspect, I guess,” Henry said. “But
wasn’t at the scene of the crime,” Henry said. we shouldn’t focus only on the Valley High kids.
“Joey’s alibi is that Melanie saw him by the There are other suspects.” Just then he spotted the
restrooms. That means he couldn’t have been stranger in the sunglasses walking along, muttering
down at the bikes slashing tires.” into a cell phone. “Like him, for instance,” he
“Okay,” Maggie said. “I guess he’s not the whispered. “Did either of you question him
culprit. But what about Tina? Melanie didn’t say earlier?”
anything about seeing her.” “Nope,” Maggie said while Cole shook his
“Yeah. And a few people said she disappeared head.
5 6
“Let’s talk to him now,” Henry said. “Why does he want to quit the bike ride?”
They hurried after the man, who was heading Maggie whispered. “Maybe he feels guilty because
toward the bike rack. On the way they passed Ms. he committed the crime.”
Hernandez talking to William. He looked upset. “But his tire got slashed too,” Cole whispered.
“Why can’t I leave now?” he whined. “My “Why would he ruin his own tire?”
bike is ruined, and I want to go home.” “Maybe he did it so nobody would suspect
Ms. Hernandez sighed. “Please be patient. The him,” Henry said. “We can question him after we
new tires will be here soon.” talk to the mystery man.”
“They probably won’t even fit my bike,” They kept going. The man in the sunglasses
William argued. “Anyway this ride is no fun.” stopped near his own bike and finished up his call.
7 8
“Hi,” Henry said, walking up to the man. “It schools. I didn’t know other people even knew
looks like your tires didn’t get slashed, huh? That’s about it.”
lucky.” The man looked away. “News gets around, I
The man shrugged. “I suppose so. But only guess,” he muttered.
nine tires were damaged.” Henry could tell he didn’t want to answer their
Henry traded a look with his friends. How did questions. That seemed suspicious too. Luckily
this man know exactly how many tires had been Henry’s father worked as a reporter at the local
slashed? It seemed suspicious. newspaper. He’d taught Henry a few interviewer’s
“How did you hear about this bike ride?” Cole tricks. One trick was rewording the same question
asked. “Most of the riders are from the Belltown in a different way.
9 10
“Did you see a flyer hanging up around town?” hurried off.
he asked. “I bet that’s how you heard about the Cole looked confused. “What was that all
ride. Or maybe you have a relative that goes to about? Does that man work with your dad,
Belltown High.” Henry?”
“Not exactly.” The man looked annoyed. “No,” Henry said. “I know all the reporters
“Actually I’m a news reporter. I’m here to cover at the paper, and that guy isn’t one of them. He’s
the story for the local paper.” lying!”
“What?” Maggie exclaimed. “But . . .”
Henry elbowed her in the ribs before she could
say anything more. A second later the stranger
11 12
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Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 6 Trouble on the Trail 6
Mysterious Motives
Mysterious Motives

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
N ow what do we do?” Cole asked, staring after
the mystery man. “Do you think he’s the
they steal. What’s that guy’s motive for slashing
our tires?”
culprit?” “I don’t know,” Cole said. “But I think the new
Maggie frowned. “I don’t get it. Nobody here tires are here.”
knows him. Why would some stranger slash our A van was pulling into the field. It had the
tires?” Belltown Bikes logo painted on the side. Several
“People get robbed by strangers all the time,” of the bike shop’s employees jumped out and
Cole pointed out. started helping people replace their tires.
“That’s different,” Henry said. “Robbers have Before long all the bikes were fixed. Ms.
a motive. They want the money or other stuff that Hernandez made the riders line up so she could
1 2
make sure everyone was there. Then she got on her “Why?” Maggie asked. “That mystery man
bike. “Time to get back on the trail!” she called probably did it. Why else would he lie to us about
out. being a newspaper reporter?”
“Hip, hip, hooray!” Melanie cheered, jumping “I don’t know,” Henry said. “He might have
up and down. “Go, Belltown!” other reasons.”
Soon Henry was back on the trail. But he Cole nodded. “Yeah. Maybe he’s a spy!”
wasn’t paying attention to the scenery. He was still Henry doubted that. But he had a feeling The
thinking about the mystery. Lemonade Detectives were missing an important
“We need to keep working on this case,” he clue. “Let’s split up and talk to people again,” he
told Maggie and Cole. said. “If we can prove everybody else didn’t do it,
3 4
we can investigate that mystery man.” “Hi, William,” Henry called. “Are you having
They spent the next few minutes talking to fun?”
people as they rode along. Henry questioned William looked over at him. “Sure, I guess so.”
different riders about what they’d seen during the “Good,” Henry said. “Because I heard you
break. The more he learned, the more he realized talking to Ms. Hernandez earlier. Why did you
that most riders had alibis. Either they hadn’t left want to quit partway through the ride?”
the picnic area, or they’d been with other people William looked surprised and then annoyed.
when they had. “None of your business,” he muttered. Then he
Then he caught up to William. “I guess Ms. sped up and rode off. His fancy mountain bike
Hernandez talked him out of quitting,” he thought. could go really fast. Henry was wondering whether
5 6
he should try to catch up when he heard Maggie. tires,” Cole said.
“Henry! Wait up!” Henry nodded. “I think we can cross Ms.
A second later she and Cole both caught up Hernandez off the list too. That leaves three
to him. The three of them discussed what they’d suspects: Tina, William, and the mystery man.”
found out. “I still think Tina did it,” Cole said. “Why
“It seems like there are only five people who would she come on the ride to raise money
don’t have alibis for the time of the crime,” Henry for Belltown High unless she wanted to cause
said. “Nathan, Ms. Hernandez, Tina, William, and trouble?”
the mystery man.” “I don’t know,” Henry said. “But we can’t
“We know Nathan would never slash people’s assume it was her. We thought it was Joey, and he
7 8
had an alibi, remember?” to fix it. Can you guys help?”
He rode around a curve in the trail. He was Henry shook his head. “I don’t know how to
thinking so hard, it took him a second to spot fix it either.” He looked at Maggie and Cole. “What
the rider stopped by the side of the trail. It was about you two?”
Nathan. He was standing beside his bike, looking They shook their heads too. “Maybe you can
worried. leave your bike here and ride double with one of
The Lemonade Detectives stopped beside him. us,” Maggie suggested.
“What’s wrong?” Maggie asked. Just then Joey rode toward them. He smirked
“It’s my bike.” Nathan pointed toward the when he saw them. “Having bike trouble, Belltown
gears. “The chain fell off! And I don’t know how losers?” he yelled. “Good, you deserve it!” He
9 10
sped around the next curve, making dirt fly at them Nathan’s bike, she steered toward him. “Your
as he passed. chain fell off, huh?” she said with a friendly smile.
“Go back to Valley High, you bully!” Maggie “Don’t worry. I can help you fix it.”
“Forget about him.” Nathan sighed. “What am
I going to do about my bike?”
A few more riders rounded the curve. Some
of them looked over at Nathan’s broken bike. But
nobody stopped.
Then Tina rode into view. As soon as she saw
11 12
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Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 7 Trouble on the Trail 7
Narrowing Down the Suspects
Narrowing Down
the Suspects

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
C an you really fix my bike?” Nathan asked
Tina. “Thanks!”
really appreciate it.”
“No problem. Enjoy the rest of the ride!” With
“You’re welcome. This will only take a a friendly wave to all of them, Tina pedaled off.
second.” “Wow,” Maggie said. “That was really nice of
Tina bent over the bike and expertly put the her.”
chain back in place. Then she turned the pedals to Cole nodded. “Yeah, and she’s one of our
test it. suspects,” he said. “Would someone who just
“Good as new,” she said. “It should be fine slashed a bunch of tires do something nice like
now.” that?”
“Thank you so much!” Nathan exclaimed. “I “I’m glad you guys are trying to figure out who
1 2
slashed those tires,” Nathan said. “That means “And so will the soccer team’s fundraiser,”
it won’t be long until the mystery is solved. The Cole said. “But don’t worry. We already have it
Lemonade Detectives solve all their cases!” narrowed down to three suspects, remember?”
He rode off, humming happily. Henry frowned, “Or maybe two,” Henry said. “It’s hard to
realizing that Nathan was right. believe Tina is the culprit. She seems too nice. And
“It’s true,” he said. “We’ve solved every case she seemed pretty mad when she accused Joey of
so far. But this one might be our toughest yet.” slashing the tires earlier.”
Maggie looked worried. “You’re right. What “But why would she help raise money for
if we can’t solve it before the ride is over? The Belltown?” Maggie said. “That doesn’t make
Lemonade Detectives’ reputation will be ruined!” sense.”
3 4
“I don’t know,” Henry said. “But I know They rode ahead until they caught up with
someone who might be able to tell us. I just Daisy. Maggie jumped right into questioning her.
remembered I saw Tina sitting with Daisy for a “We saw you sitting with that girl from Valley
while during the break.” High earlier,” she said to Daisy. “Do you know
“Oh yeah, I noticed that too,” Cole said. “I was her?”
surprised that Tina wasn’t sitting with that Joey “You mean Tina?” Daisy nodded. “We went to
guy since they’re both from Valley High. Do you the same summer camp last year. She’s cool.”
think Tina and Daisy are friends?” “Is that why she came on this ride?” Cole
“There’s only one way to find out,” Henry asked. “Because you two are friends?”
replied. “Let’s go ask Daisy.” Daisy shrugged. “I’m the one who told her
5 6
about the fundraiser. But she probably would have loves bikes, plus she’s really nice.”
heard about it anyway. She’s a really serious rider. “Yeah. We just figured that out.” Henry smiled.
She trains all the time, and she enters every local “Don’t worry. She’s off our list of suspects.”
ride and race she can find.” He, Maggie, and Cole rode off by themselves.
“Oh, that explains why she’s here!” Henry “So now we only have two suspects,” Cole said.
said. “It also explains how she knew how to fix “William and the mystery man.”
Nathan’s bike.” “Both of them have been acting suspicious all
“Wait a minute,” Daisy said. “You don’t day,” Maggie said.
suspect Tina of slashing those tires, do you? “But neither has a good motive,” Henry
Because she’d never do something like that. She pointed out. “At least not one we know about.”
7 8
“William isn’t having much fun on this ride,” you think his parents made him come?”
Maggie said. “He acts like he doesn’t even want to “I don’t know,” Henry said. “But I can’t stop
be here.” thinking about how that guy lied to us about being
“And he tried to convince Ms. Hernandez to let a reporter. Why would he do that?”
him quit at the first rest break,” Cole said. “Maybe “Good question,” Maggie said. “I just don’t
he slashed the tires because he thought the rest of know how we’re going to figure it out. He won’t
the ride would be canceled. Then when it wasn’t, tell us anything. And nobody else here knows
he had to figure out another way to quit early.” anything about him.”
“Why would he come on the ride at all if he Soon they reached the next rest area. Henry
didn’t want to be here?” Maggie wondered. “Do coasted to a stop behind the other bikes. This
9 10
picnic area was right beside a parking lot. That
was good since it meant that nobody could touch
the bikes without being seen.
“We’d better figure out how to solve this case,”
Henry said. “We’re almost out of time.”

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 8 Trouble on the Trail 8
Running Out of Time
Running Out of Time

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All rights reserved.
H enry, Maggie, and Cole walked over to the
picnic tables. People from a local restaurant
“Let’s split up and question our last two
suspects,” Henry told his friends.
were passing out snacks and drinks. “Okay,” Cole agreed. “I’ll try to talk to the
Henry took a bottle of water, but he felt too mystery man if you want.”
worried to eat a snack. What if The Lemonade “Fine. Maggie and I will find William.”
Detectives couldn’t solve this case before the end of They split up and started searching. The picnic
the ride? So far they’d done everything detectives area was crowded. At first Henry didn’t see either
were supposed to do. They’d figured out suspects, of their suspects.
motives, and alibis. But they still hadn’t solved the Then Maggie grabbed his arm. “There’s
case. William.”
1 2
Henry looked toward where she was pointing. Even though William was a suspect, Henry felt a
William was sitting by himself, staring out at the little sorry for him. It couldn’t be easy being the
woods and eating an apple. new kid in town.
“Let’s decide what we’re going to say before “Look, his bag is on the table behind him,”
we go over,” Henry said. Maggie said. “Come on, I have a plan!”
“We don’t have time,” Maggie said impatiently. “A plan? What is it?” Henry felt worried.
“Let’s just go tell him we know he did it. If he’s Maggie wasn’t usually the type of person who
guilty, he might confess.” came up with logical, well-thought-out plans. She
“I’m not sure that will work.” Henry glanced was the type of person who acted first and thought
at William. The new boy looked bored and lonely. about it later.
3 4
“There’s no time to explain,” Maggie said. “Just “Hi,” Henry said, trying to sound friendly.
talk to him to distract him, and I’ll take care of the “That apple looks good. Where did you get it?”
rest.” “Over there,” William said, pointing to a
“Maggie, wait!” Henry said. basket that the restaurant people had set out.
It was too late. Maggie was already rushing “Oh . . . great . . .” Henry was running out of
toward the picnic table where William was sitting. things to say. He shot a desperate look at Maggie.
Henry followed, hoping that her plan would work, She flopped down on the bench across from
whatever it was. William.
William looked up when he saw them coming. “Whew!” she exclaimed dramatically. “I’m so
He didn’t look particularly happy to see them. tired!”
5 6
She flung her arms out. One knocked into all the spilled items. There was a cell phone, a
William’s unzipped bag and sent it flying. The house key, and a few other things.
contents scattered everywhere. “There.” Maggie zipped the bag shut. “All
“Hey!” William exclaimed. “You spilled all fixed.”
my stuff!” “Thanks,” William muttered. “Um, did you
“Sorry,” Maggie said, leaping down and guys want to sit here, or what?”
grabbing the bag. She shook it upside down. “Oops, “Maybe later,” Maggie said. “Come on, Henry.
you’re right. Everything fell out! But don’t worry, Let’s go find Cole.”
I’ll clean it up.” The two of them made their escape. “What was
Henry and William watched as she picked up that all about?” Henry asked as soon as they were
7 8
out of William’s earshot. She frowned. “Why do you always have to be so
Maggie smiled. “Don’t you get it? There was logical?”
nothing in that bag that William could have used “Never mind. It was still a pretty good plan,”
to slash the tires. And his bike shorts don’t have Henry said. “If there had been a penknife in there,
pockets, so he couldn’t be carrying a penknife or it would’ve worked.”
anything that way.” “That’s true.” Maggie looked a little happier.
“I suppose you’re right,” Henry agreed. “But “So should we go back and try to talk to William
how do you know he didn’t drop the crime weapon some more?”
in the woods after he used it?” Before Henry could answer, he saw Cole
Maggie’s face fell. “I didn’t think of that.” rushing toward them, looking excited. “Big news!”
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he cried when he reached them. “Really?” Henry said. “Wow. That’s cool.”
“Did you talk to the mystery man?” Henry Cole nodded. “But that’s not all,” he said.
asked. “Everyone has noticed that the mystery man
Cole shook his head. “I never found him,” he follows William everywhere. What if he’s planning
said breathlessly. “But I did find out more about to kidnap William and hold him for ransom?”
him. And about William too.”
“Really?” Maggie said. “Like what?”
“Like William’s family isn’t just rich,” Cole
said. “His dad works for the government. He’s a
senator in the United States Senate!”
11 12
Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 9 Trouble on the Trail 9
No More Suspects
No More Suspects

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
Y ou think that mystery man wants to kidnap
William?” Henry wasn’t so sure about Cole’s
“But what does kidnapping have to do with
slashing tires?” Henry asked.
idea. “That kind of thing doesn’t happen in “Maybe the mystery man was trying to distract
Belltown.” everyone so he’d have a chance to nab William,”
“Daisy said William’s family is rich,” Cole said Cole.
said. “Or maybe the mystery man is mad about “Maybe.” Henry thought for a second. Then he
something William’s dad did as a senator. And shook his head. “I’m still not sure I believe any of
that’s why he wants to kidnap William!” this. But Maggie is right about one thing. This case
Maggie looked excited. “This could be our is much more serious than our usual cases. We
biggest case yet!” should warn William right away. Then we need to
1 2
tell Ms. Hernandez.” “No, we came to warn you that someone might
Cole nodded. “Let’s go find William.” be trying to kidnap you,” Cole said. “Have you
The Lemonade Detectives wandered through noticed that stranger with the dark glasses?”
the crowd, but William was nowhere to be seen. “He’s been following you!” Maggie added.
Finally Maggie spotted him. He’d wandered “We’re afraid he wants to kidnap you for ransom.”
off by himself into the woods. For a second William just stared at them. Then
They jogged toward him. he started laughing.
William saw them coming. “Oh, it’s you,” he Henry was confused. That definitely wasn’t the
said uneasily. “Did you come to knock over my reaction he was expecting!
bag again?” “What’s so funny?” he asked.
3 4
William kept laughing. Then he turned and walk away again.
walked away. Then Maggie poked William in the shoulder.
“Hold on a minute!” Maggie stomped after “Tell us!” she ordered.
him. “We’re trying to help you! The least you can “While you’re at it, tell us why you’re here,”
do is tell us what’s so funny!” Cole added. “We know you didn’t want to come
“Okay.” William finally stopped laughing. on this ride.”
“You don’t have to worry. That guy isn’t trying to William frowned. “I did want to come,” he
kidnap me.” said. “Well, I wanted to come at first. I thought
“How do you know?” Henry asked. it would be a good way to meet people since I’m
For a second he thought William was going to new around here.”
5 6
Henry nodded. “That makes sense. But you William said. “We’re new here so they weren’t
don’t look like you’re having much fun.” sure if the trail ride was safe for me. I didn’t want
“That’s because of Chuck,” William said. everyone to think I was some weird rich kid with
“Who’s Chuck?” Maggie asked. a bodyguard. So I decided not to come at all. But
“The guy with the dark glasses.” William then my parents wouldn’t let me back out.” He
hesitated. “He’s my . . .” shrugged. “Chuck promised he’d try to blend in
“Your what?” Maggie prompted him. with the other riders. But it didn’t really work.”
William sighed. “My bodyguard.” Maggie giggled. “Yeah. He sort of stands out
“What?” Cole exclaimed. in the crowd.”
“My parents made him come with me,” That made the others laugh too. Even William
7 8
smiled. “Professional what?” William asked.
Now Henry understood why Chuck had lied to “Detectives,” Henry said. “Which reminds
them about being a reporter. He’d been trying to me—we have to hurry if we want to solve this
protect William. case!”
William suddenly looked nervous. “Are you “What case? We have no suspects!” Maggie
guys going to tell everyone?” reminded him.
“No way,” Cole said. “Your secret’s safe with “Maybe we can interview everyone again,”
us.” Cole said. “Someone must have seen something
Maggie nodded. “You can trust us. We’re suspicious!”
professionals.” “What about those two kids who keep sneaking
9 10
into the woods together?” William asked. “That “Hi.” Nathan was friendly to everyone. “Are
seems kind of suspicious.” you new in Belltown?”
“What two kids?” Henry asked. Henry left the two of them chatting and
William shrugged. “I don’t know who they dragged his friends aside. “Who do you think
are. Some teenage guy and girl wearing school William saw sneaking around?” he said. “Did we
T-shirts.” miss some suspects?”
“Hi, guys,” Nathan said, walking over. “What’s “Maybe.” Maggie shrugged. “But it was
going on?” probably just high school kids sneaking away to
“We were just talking to William,” Henry said. kiss.”
“William, this is Nathan.” Just then Henry heard the sound of rustling
11 12
leaves deeper in the woods.
Cole heard it too. “What’s that? A deer or
Henry saw a flash of bright red and gold
through the trees. “No, it’s a Valley High person—
or people. Come on. This could be our last

Level 6
Level 6

The Lemonade Detectives

Trouble on the Trail 10 Trouble on the Trail 10
A Surprise in the Woods
A Surprise in the Woods

Copyright © 2013 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W ait a minute!” Maggie said. “I thought the
Valley High kids were innocent!”
suspects. Maybe Tina and Joey are plotting
against Belltown after all. She could have slashed
“Joey has an alibi since Melanie saw him at the those tires. And Joey could have hung around the
restrooms,” Henry replied. “And Tina seems too restrooms to make sure nobody went down the
nice to be guilty. But William said the kids he saw trail and caught her.”
sneaking around were wearing school T-shirts!” “Ooh! That’s sneaky!” Maggie exclaimed.
“Lots of people are wearing Belltown High “Come on!” Henry cried. “Before we lose them!”
shirts,” Cole pointed out. “How do you know The Lemonade Detectives took off, following
William meant Valley High ones?” the sounds of running feet and crunching leaves.
“I don’t,” Henry said. “But we’re out of other Every once in a while they spotted a new flash of
1 2
red and gold. But Henry still couldn’t see who they Cole gasped. “And Melanie!”
were chasing. Henry was surprised too. What was the
Finally they burst into a clearing. Two people Belltown cheerleader doing with the Valley High
were running across it, but only one of them was bully?
wearing a Valley High T-shirt. To Henry’s surprise “Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?” Maggie
they were holding hands. blurted out.
“Stop!” Henry yelled. “We see you!” “Please don’t tell anyone!” Melanie begged.
The two people dropped hands and spun “My parents think I’m too young to have a
around. “Leave us alone!” the boy yelled. boyfriend. Plus everyone at Belltown High will be
“It’s Joey!” Maggie exclaimed. mad if they know I’m dating someone from Valley
3 4
High.” “Those dumb kids from Belltown made me
Aha! Now Henry got it. mad,” Joey said with a scowl. “They said Valley
“It was you, wasn’t it?” he asked Joey. “You High’s sports teams were a joke!”
slashed those tires. Then you asked your secret Henry remembered hearing Tiny and his
girlfriend to provide your alibi!” friends kidding around about that earlier in the
Melanie gasped. “How did you know?” she day. “That’s because you were picking on Nathan,”
cried. he told Joey. “Anyway you still shouldn’t have
“I didn’t until right now,” Henry admitted. slashed anyone’s tires.”
Maggie frowned. “Why did you slash everyone’s “It’s all her fault,” Joey muttered, pointing
tires?” at Melanie. “She talked me into coming on this
5 6
stupid bike ride.” “Whatever,” Joey muttered. “You guys better
“What?” Melanie exclaimed. “How can you not tell anyone, or else!”
say that? I just wanted to spend time together!” “Or else what?” a deep voice asked.
Now Henry understood everything. Melanie’s It was Chuck the bodyguard! He’d just stepped
parents wouldn’t let her go out with Joey. So she’d into the clearing.
talked Joey into coming to the bike ride so they Joey looked surprised. “Who are you?”
could be together in secret. That’s why William “I’m the person who’s going to make sure that
had seen them sneaking away a few times during you pay for those slashed tires.” Chuck grabbed
the ride. But then Joey had ruined everything by Joey by the arm. “Come on, kid. You too, blondie,”
losing his temper and slashing the tires. he added, glancing at Melanie.
7 8
“Yes, sir,” she said meekly, scurrying along as Henry said. “That means the soccer team gets to
Chuck dragged Joey away. keep all the money they raised.”
Watching the scene, Maggie grinned. “I Henry noticed William hurrying toward them.
guess that’s another case closed,” she said. “The “Hi,” William said. “I heard I’d find you guys
Lemonade Detectives keep their perfect record!” here.”
The next day at the lemonade stand, Henry “Want some lemonade?” Maggie poured some
and his friends were still talking about the case. “I into a cup. “For you, it’s on the house.”
heard Melanie broke up with Joey,” Cole said. “Thanks.” William took a sip. “I’m on my way
“Good,” Maggie said. “He’s not very nice.” to Nathan’s house to hang out. But I wanted to
“I’m glad he’ll have to pay for those tires,” stop and thank you again for being so friendly to
9 10
me.” seemed happier. “Don’t worry, you can tell them
“You’re welcome,” Henry said. “Tell Chuck that Minsk
Belltown is a pretty safe place.”
thanks again for his help. If he hadn’t come along “Yeah.” Cole grinned. “Especially with The
when he did, Joey might have decided to beat us Lemonade Detectives always on the job!”
up to keep us quiet.”
“He’s just glad you kept our secret,” William
said. “And guess what? He helped me convince
my parents that I don’t need a bodyguard for most
of the stuff I do around town!”
“That’s great.” Henry smiled, glad that William
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