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Gabriela Ayovi Guevara

countable - uncountable nouns

make 8 sentences with countable

1. Alex has four pencils.
2. He has a car.
3. The car contains four seats.
4. I had a cat when I was young.
5. The cat used to eat a cookie every day.
6. I love listening to songs when I work.
7. Bring me a glass of water.
8. The book has 269 pages.
make 8 sentences with uncountable
1. I need some drinking water.
2. Have some juice, please.
3. We need a lot of money for the business.
4. I need rice, bacon, cream and oil.
5. I'd like to have a beer after lunch.
6. I need some more time.
7. Bring me a cup of soup.
8. I would like to know some information on the subject.

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