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Volume 00, Number 00, 2021

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2020.1950

First Record of Clinostomum sp. (Digenea: Clinostomidae)

in Danio rerio (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) and the Implication
of Using Zebrafish from Pet Stores on Research

Tony Silveira,1 Mateus T. Kütter,1 Camila M.G. Martins,1 Luis Fernando Marins,1
Robert T. Boyle,1 Vinicius F. Campos,2 and Mariana H. Remião2
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Many scientific studies still use zebrafish from pet stores as animal models, even cutting-edge researches.
However, these animals differ genotypically and phenotypically between them. The importance of the use of
standardized models is widely recognized. Besides that, another consequence of using zebrafish from unknown
origins is the acquisition of parasitized animals. This study aimed to relate the infection by Clinostomum sp. in
zebrafish. Animals sold as ‘‘high standard’’ were acquired from a commercial company. Swimming alterations
and superficial yellow dots were observed in five zebrafish with clinical signs, which were isolated, euthanized,
and necropsied. Muscular yellow cysts with metacercaria associated with lesions were observed. The muscular
cysts were responsible for the superficial yellow dots as well as the swimming alterations. The prevalence was
2.5%, and the mean infection intensity was 7 digeneans/host. The cysts measured a mean of 1251.43 lm
long · 784.28 lm wide. Metacercariae measured a mean of 4847 lm long · 1353 lm wide. This first report
about infection by Clinostomum sp. in zebrafish is globally relevant since the host and the parasite genus
currently overlap worldwide. Furthermore, this study sheds light on the importance of the specific pathogen-free
commercial creations or laboratory-reared zebrafish for research.

Keywords: laboratory animal, metacercaria, parasite, pet store, yellow grub

Introduction One of the most severe consequences of using zebrafish

from an unknown origin in research is acquiring parasitized

S ince the seminal popularization of Danio rerio

(Hamilton, 1822) (zebrafish) as an experimental model,1
the use of zebrafish in scientific research is growing rapidly
animals. The indiscriminate inclusion of healthy and sick
animals in the same experimental protocol leads to the mis-
interpretation of results and invalidation of the method,
around the world.2,3 Many studies, even cutting-edge inves- making experimental reproducibility impossible.7–10 Various
tigations, still use zebrafish from pet stores and commercial infectious diseases have been recorded in zebrafish.11 Several
fishkeeping providers for experimentation. of these pathogens interfere negatively in zebrafish breeding,
Many zebrafish strains, such as AB, Tübingen, the Uni- survival, welfare, and management.12 Furthermore, some of
versity of Toronto Mississauga strain, and the transgenic F0104 them have zoonotic potential,13–15 but few of these infectious
strain of Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), were es- agents are digenean.
tablished from the breeding of zebrafish obtained from local pet Clinostomum Leidy, 1856, is a genus of digenean parasites
stores.4–6 However, zebrafish purchased from typical pet stores distributed across all continents, except the Antarctic.16 Their
differ genotypically and phenotypically,5 which contributes to life cycles are indirect and involve at least three hosts: one
the lack of replicability. An alternative is to buy the zebrafish definitive host and two intermediate hosts. Several piscivo-
from pet stores, breed them, and establish a population for rous birds have been described as definitive hosts of Clin-
experiments.4 This procedure would help achieve a standard- ostomum spp.16 Also, gastropods are obligatorily required as
ized population with an adequate health history. the first intermediate host.17–20 Furthermore, many fish, frog,

Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande—FURG, Rio Grande, Brazil.
Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, Universidade Federal de Pelotas—UFPEL, Capão do Leão, Brazil.


newt, and salamander species are included in the cycle as were collected, counted, and processed according to Amato
second intermediate host.16,18–24 There is also the possibility et al.,27 fixed in alcohol-formaldehyde-acid solution (93 parts
of the occurrence of paratenic hosts in the ecology of Clin- of 70% ethanol, 5 parts of commercial stock formalin 37%–
ostomum spp. In this case, the parasite’s juvenile stage does 40%, and 3 parts of glacial acetic acid; Vetec, Rio de Janeiro,
not develop in the host after the infection, the host serving Brazil), stained with carmine (Dinâmica, Indaiatuba, Brazil),
only as a reservoir and transport carrier.25,26 The definitive cleared with beechwood creosote (Vetec), and mounted be-
host acquires the infection by ingesting the infected second tween a slide and a coverslip. Parasites were identified to
intermediate or paratenic hosts. genus level based upon their morphological characteristics
Although the increment in the use of zebrafish2,3 and the according to Bray et al.28 and Travassos et al.29 Para-
fact that digeneans are the largest group of monozoic sitological indices, prevalence, mean infection intensity, and
platyhelminths and possibly the largest group of internal variation of infection intensity, were calculated according to
metazoan parasites,26 the records of new infections by di- Bush et al.30 The morphometric values in micrometers (lm)
geneans in zebrafish are scarce. Parasites can threaten the are presented as a range of measures (minimum and maxi-
animals, researchers, methods, and results of the zebrafish mum values) followed by the average in parentheses.
research or the scientific method as a whole. Hence, the
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knowledge of a new parasitic agent able to infect zebrafish

has a capital relevance. In light of this, this study aimed to
relate, for the first time in Danio rerio, the infection by The main clinical signs observed in the animals were tor-
metacercariae of Clinostomum sp. using zebrafish as a tuous swimming (without the normal wave motion of the
second intermediate host and point the risks of using zeb- body, as if the movements of the tail were limited and im-
rafish from pet stores on research. paired), yellow lumps and swellings visible on the body
surface, and lateral curvature of the spine (Fig. 1A–D).
Muscular yellow cysts with metacercaria were found in all
Materials and Methods
zebrafish with these clinical signs. The metacercariae were
A batch of 200 six-month-old wild-type zebrafish (males identified as Clinostomum sp. The prevalence of infection
and females) was purchased from a Brazilian commercial was at least 2.5%. The cysts presented oval or subcircular
breeding company. These animals were received at Aquatic format and yellowish color, with measurement of 1080–1900
Bioterium of FURG and would be used in ecotoxicological (1251.43) long · 580–1200 (784.28) wide (based on 10 in-
tests (approved by the Ethics Committee of the FURG, tegrated cysts). The muscular cysts were responsible for the
Brazil, under the code Pq015/2018). These zebrafish were superficial yellow dots as well as the other signs observed in
sold as ‘‘high-standard animals.’’ Before transfer to the the fish.
recirculating housing system (Altamar Sistemas Aquáticos, The mean infection intensity was 7 encysted metacercariae
Brazil), the fish were quarantined in static aquaria, and some per host, and the variation of infection intensity was 1–16.
swimming alterations and superficial yellow dots were no- The lower infection intensity was observed in an animal,
ticed in some animals. No initial mortality was observed. which presented only one yellow dot with an associated cyst
The Aquatic Bioterium has recirculating housing systems on the left side of the dorsal musculature of the cranial third
for zebrafish. The recirculating systems have ultraviolet of the body at the immediately caudal level end of the
treatment (minimum dose 60,000 mWsec/cm2) for water operculum (Fig. 1A, C). The higher infection intensity was
disinfection. The water of zebrafish systems comes from local observed in a zebrafish with 16 cysts: 12 at the right side of
urban treatment system and undergoes dechlorination and the lateral caudal and dorsal musculature, with some super-
filtration before coming into contact with animals. Due to it, ficially distributed and others deeper; other 2 in the left side of
diseases caused by metazoans are not common. During the the body wall musculature at the middle level; and 2 at the
quarantine (14 days), the water conditions are maintained at ventral region, close to the caudal peduncle (Fig. 1B, D).
27 – 1C, pH 7.2 – 0.5, dissolved oxygen content of *7 mg/L, Some of the largest cysts were opened during the necropsy,
and photoperiod of 12 h-light/12-h dark. Water parameters and some metacercariae were still alive, showing vigorous
were daily measured, and zebrafish were fed twice a day with movements. Metacercariae of Clinostomum sp. from D. rerio
Ovo-vit flakes (Tropical, Germany). (Clinostomum sp. Dre) sampled in necropsy presented mor-
Five zebrafish with the suspected affections were isolated phological characteristics typical for the genus (Fig. 2A–C).
and euthanized with an overdose of buffered tricaine (tricaine The following description is based on six specimens: mor-
methanesulfonate, MS-222; Sigma; pH 7.2; 0.4 mg/mL). Later, phometric measures are shown in Table 1 as well as the data
the animals were necropsied to investigate the cause of the of other authors that described Clinostomum in the Americas.
clinical signs. Two female and three males (total length = Metacercariae bodies are stout, linguiform, flat, covered by
34.3 – 2.3 mm and weight = 408.2 – 38.6 mg; mean – standard thick cuticular spines, and convex dorsally and concave
deviation) were necropsied. The eyes, gills, heart, intestine, ventrally. Their greatest width is at the level of the genital
liver, spleen, kidney, gonads, and swim bladder were exam- complex and posses an evident oral collar surrounding the
ined. Coelomic cavity and body wall, as well as musculature subterminal oral sucker. The oral sucker is smaller than the
cuts, were also analyzed. It was not possible to investigate the strongly muscular ventral sucker. Intestinal ceca are lateral to
entire batch due to the necessity of returning the live animals to the ventral sucker and genital complex and extend from the
the company. Thus, only the suspect animals were investigated. terminus of the esophagus to the posterior end of the body.
The sampled material was distributed among Petri dishes, Testes are located on the posterior half of the body and at the
washed with 0.9% physiological saline in a 150 lm mesh middle third of the body, slightly triangular, with digitations,
sieve, and observed under a stereomicroscope. Helminths facing each other with a concave face. The anterior testis is
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FIG. 1. Danio rerio (zebrafish) infected by encysted metacercaria of Clinostomum sp. (A) View in toto of the parasitized
adult female. (B) View in toto of the parasitized adult male after skin dissection during the necropsy. (C) View of the cranial
half of the parasitized specimen evidencing the yellow cyst. (D) Lateral view of the parasitized specimen evidencing the
cysts in the caudal musculature. Dashed circle (C) and black arrows (D) indicate the cyst containing metacercaria of
Clinostomum sp., also known as yellow grub or yellow spot. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B); 3 mm (C, D). Color images are
available online.

located left of the cirrus sac. The cirrus sac is oval, opens into located dextrally in intertesticular space. Ootype is tangled at
a genital pore, is connected to a metraterm, and extends from intertesticular level, encircling the left margin of the anterior
intertesticular space to the middle right margin of the anterior testis and connecting to the posterior half of the uterus. Ex-
testis. The genital pore is ventral, located at the level of the cretory ducts connect at the posterior end, and the excretory
right external margin of the anterior testis (slightly to the right pore is terminal.
of the median plane). The ovary is oval and underdeveloped,

Clinostomum spp. is popularly known as yellow grubs or
yellow spot disease.42–46 This characteristic color of the cysts
and the metacercariae explains the clinical findings in this study.
The disease caused by Clinostomum spp. is widely noticed in
fishes, both in the natural environment and in commercial
creations. However, even the trematodes being present in Indian
territory, from which zebrafish is native,47 this infection by a
Clinostomum species has never been reported to D. rerio until
nowadays. Knowing a new infectious agent in zebrafish is very
important to adequate health monitoring in facilities, besides
having a capital relevance due to the current worldwide distri-
bution of zebrafish as a scientific research model.
Scientific experiments require animals in the best health
condition,3,12 which is not possible if parasitized. The pres-
ence of cysts of Clinostomum spp. lead to a loss of vigor and
appetite; retard growth; weight loss; behavioral alteration;
inflammatory response with vascular congestion, varying
from very mild inflammatory infiltrate to a severe acute le-
sion potentially fatal; eosinophil, lymphocyte, and granulo-
cyte proliferation; decrease in the content of hemoglobin and
erythrocyte count; adipocyte destruction; muscle fiber de-
formity; a decrease of innate immunity barriers; compression
malfunction; and may lead to death, mainly in the excystation
process.36,48–52 These local and systemic immunologic,
FIG. 2. Metacercaria of Clinostomum sp. from Danio re-
physiological, and metabolic alterations in fishes infected by
rio (zebrafish). (A) Whole mount, view in toto. (B) Anterior
end of the body evidencing the oral sucker, oral collar, Clinostomum spp. result in a significant limitation to the use
distance between suckers, and partial view of ventral sucker. of sick zebrafish in an experimental protocol.
(C) Middle third of the body evidencing the genital com- In another way, the treatment of the infected fish is
plex. Ventral views. Scale bars: 500 lm (A); 300 lm not recommended since many antihelminthics may be toxic
(B, C). Color images are available online. to zebrafish53 and can skew the research. Furthermore, the
Table 1. Morphometric Data of Clinostomum sp. Metacercariae from Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Compared
to Other Metacercariae of Clinostomum spp. Described in Fishes from New World by Different Authors
Parasite Clinostomum sp. Dre C. marginatum Clinostomum sp. C. heluans
Hosts Danio rerio Rhamdia quelen Poecilia reticulata Cichla temensis
Locality Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil
Reference Present study Vianna et al.31 Pinto et al.32 Vicente et al.33
OCW 677–737 (701) — — —
BL 4495–5250 (4847) 3050–7380 (4920) 3610–5553 (4224) 2000–2200
BW 1250–1438 (1353) 780–1470 (1050) 1031–1616 (1215) 640–740
BL/BW 3.17–3.84 (3.59) — — —
OSL 155–220 (188) 130–222 (191) 170–239 (213) 120–150
OSW 215–265 (241) 193–285 (255) 232–273 (251) 120–140
OSW/BW 0.15–0.20 (0.18) — — —
VSL 639–764 (685) 460–750 (603) 602–746 (685) 200–420
VSW 580–668 (629) 460–730 (603) 602–756 (684) 230–290
VSW/OSW 2.32–3.11 (2.63) — — —
VSW/BW 0.45–0.50 (0.47) — — —
DBS 542–662 (600) — 515–860 (659) —
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ATL 210–270 (233) 180–550 (345) 137–226 (142) 84–120

ATW 141–190 (167) 135–550 (311) 137–206 (159) 56
ATW/ATL 0.61–0.90 (0.72) — — —
PTL 166–294 (241) 180–510 (362) 116–311 (172) 84–120
PTW 130–220 (175) 148–440 (307) 178–259 (217) 56
PTW/PTL 0.49–1.33 (0.80) — — —
DBT 187–240 (218) — — —
OL 50–100 (77) 83–118 (143) 89–147 (110) 50–110
OW 42–55 (50) 55–220 (118) 68–120 (85) 90–150
OW/OL 0.47–1.06 (0.70) — — —
CSL 250–340 (306) 127–530 (334) 150–205 (183) —
CSW 80–126 (108) 82–290 (143) 89–164 (121) —
CSL/BL 0.05–0.07 (0.06) — — —
Parasite C. marginatum C. detruncatum Clinostomum sp. Clinostomum sp.
Hosts Pterygoplichthys pardalis Synbranchus marmoratus Characidium rachovii Crenicichla vittata
Aphanotorulus emarginatus
Locality Brazil Brazil Argentina Argentina
Reference Souza et al.34 Acosta et al.35 Montes et al.36 Montes et al.36
OCW — 1117–1371 (1263) 1028–1355 (1200) 774–994 (913)
BL 3820 – 354 8022–9271 (8436) 5603–8163 (6714) 3614–5215 (4398)
BW 1506 – 160 3220–3695 (3411) 1483–1824 (1647) 1037–1617 (1377)
BL/BW – 2.26–2.88 (2.48) 3.78–4.47 (4.08) 2.69–3.74 (3.13)
OSL 237 – 10 315–406 (383) 203–326 (286) 232–310 (266)
OSW 344 – 22 422–441 (433) 246–413 (327) 236–327 (295)
OSW/BW — — 0.17–0.23 (0.20) 0.20–0.23 (0.21)
VSL 695 – 31 1021–1073 (1042) 751–908 (832) 692–890 (784)
VSW 906 – 31 1050–1149 (1096) 748–894 (816) 654–921 (821)
VSW/OSW — 2.42–2.73 (2.53) 2.11–3.04 (2.54) 2.55–3.9 (2.94)
VSW/BW — 0.30–0.36 (0.32) 0.44–0.55 (0.50) 0.51–0.59 (0.56)
DBS 578 – 85 763–997 (893) — —
ATL 271 – 5 359–655 (498) 154–308 (244) 178–275 (227)
ATW 475 – 68 890–1266 (1113) 242–349 (317) 468–619 (546)
ATW/ATL — 1.73–3.39 (2.35) 0.98–1.55 (1.25) 2.2–2.95 (2.49)
PTL 254 – 38 528–708 (601) 150–335 (231) 237–341 (289)
PTW 462 – 30 802–1318 (1020) 238–443 (369) 493–646 (581)
PTW/PTL — 1.25–2.44 (1.72) 0.89–2.63 (1.78) 1.63–2.46 (2.03)
DBT 578 – 85 383–608 (461) 238–295 (270) 199–297 (243)
OL — 157–206 (186) 107–162 (138) 140–185 (166)
OW — 103–156 (131) 81–109 (90) 129–171 (150)
OW/OL — 0.55–0.85 (0.71) 0.54–0.76 (0.64) 0.74–1.08 (0.91)
CSL — 604–685 (649) 254–373 (302) 355–400 (377)
CSW — 181–226 (200) 157–205 (184) 118–131 (126)
CSL/BL — 0.07–0.08 (0.08) 0.04–0.06 (0.04) 0.09–0.13 (0.11)
Parasite Clinostomum sp. C. marginatum C. tataxumui C. caffarae
Hosts Gymnogeophagus balzanii Dormitator maculatus Dormitator maculatus Astyanax aeneus
Locality Argentina Mexico Mexico Mexico
Reference Montes et al.36 Sereno-Uribe et al.37 Sereno-Uribe et al.37 Sereno-Uribe et al.38
OCW 901–1117 (1036) 555–670 (594) 480–690 (541) 563–836 (675)
Table 1. (Continued)
Parasite Clinostomum sp. C. marginatum C. tataxumui C. caffarae
BL 3667–4821 (4384) 2770–4100 (3300) 2390–3950 (2940) 3692–6609 (5207)
BW 1329–1927 (1556) 600–850 (730) 340–840 (593) 840–1417 (1101)
BL/BW 2.5–3.25 (2.84) 3.5–6.21 (4.5) 3.98–7.9 (5.1) 4.16–4.66 (4.72)
OSL 162–265 (216) 160–220 (183) 140–210 (160) 213–328 (264)
OSW 208–299 (262) 170–220 (196) 150–210 (174) 220–347 (276)
OSW/BW 0.19–0.22 (0.21) 0.25–0.30 (0.26) 0.25–0.47 (0.31) —
VSL 608–707 (649) 430–620 (496) 350–560 (420) 607–937 (752)
VSW 748–1038 (886) 450–620 (530) 320–570 (431) 591–89.00 (735)
VSW/OSW 2.5–4.19 (3.35) 2.4–3.1 (2.7) 2.00–2.71 (2.4) —
VSW/BW 0.54–0.59 (0.56) 0.66–0.84 (0.72) 0.51–1.19 (0.76) —
DBS — 380–700 (539) 350–610 (468) 407–687 (563)
ATL 234–255 (245) 180–370 (224) 120–250 (171) 205–402 (319)
ATW 591–786 (658) 200–350 (247) 140–275 (200) 180–399 (315)
ATW/ATL 2.32–2.55 (2.43) 0.8–1.4 (1.12) 0.93–1.02 (1.24) —
PTL 302–562 (432) 170–270 (214) 115–230 (172) 174–526 (318)
PTW 627–1103 (785) 250–400 (280) 180–320 (230) 243–535 (393)
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PTW/PTL 1.26–2.08 (1.67) 0.60–0.96 (0.74) 1.03–1.06 (1.3) —

DBT 208–237 (223) 110–170 (137) 90–210 (136) 205–310 (244)
OL 166 80–120 (98) 72–130 (96) 144–258 (219)
OW 85 60–90 (73) 42–111 (70) 80–199 (151)
OW/OL 0.51 0.54–0.88 (0.75) 0.54–1.11 (0.73) 0.56–0.93 (0.69)
CSL 343–461 (402) 180–220 (200) 137–225 (179) 257–463 (375)
CSW 111–120 (116) 90–120 (106) 65–125 (91) 113–202 (168)
CSL/BL 0.09–0.11 (0.10) 0.05–0.07 (0.06) 0.05–0.07 (0.06) 0.07–0.08 (0.07)
Parasite C. arquus C. cichlidorum C. marginatum
Hosts Profundulus punctatus Cichlidae Menidia beryllina
Profundulus balsanus
Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii
Locality Mexico Mexico United States of America
Costa Rica
Reference Sereno-Uribe et al. Sereno-Uribe et al.38 Rosser et al.39
OCW 581–776 (646) 563–773 (655) —
BL 3200–4516 (3783) 3251–4221 (3631) 3128–5407 (3968)
BW 676–1074 (818) 841–1110 (962) 904–1303 (1068)
BL/BW 3.90–5.31 (4.67) 3.53–3.91 (3.77) —
OSL 189–291 (222) 200–254 (220) 192–281 (222)
OSW 198–317 (227) 190–228 (207) 191–241 (215)
OSW/BW — — —
VSL 452–604 (508) 451–549 (505) 468–666 (560)
VSW 479–676 (539) 483–608 (548) 485–606 (542)
VSW/OSW — — —
VSW/BW — — —
DBS 508–732 (604) 454–698 (579) —
ATL 180–309 (226) 179–330 (237) 130–242 (190)
ATW 174–277 (229) 225–325 (277) 213–361 (278)
ATW/ATL — — —
PTL 148–258 (206) 191–275 (230) 153–230 (189)
PTW 211–378 (271) 258–404 (336) 158–306 (239)
PTW/PTL — — —
DBT 180–246 (214) 121–223.00 (163) —
OL 113–175 (137) 92–139.00 (115.88) 121–171 (143)
OW 74–113 (90) 70–121 (96) 169–275 (233)
OW/OL 0.42–0.87 (0.68) 0.68–1.13 (0.84) —
CSL 162–276 (220) 197–248 (221) —
CSW 100–144 (125) 102–142 (125) —
CSL/BL 0.05–0.07 (0.06) 0.06–0.06 (0.06) —
Parasite C. album C. marginatum
Hosts Pimephales promelas Perciformes
Locality United States of America Canada
United States of America
Reference Rosser et al.40 Caffara et al.41
OCW — 502–874 (721)
BL 4081–4938 (4509) 4215–6346 (5402)
BW 737–874 (805) 979–1532 (1329)

Table 1. (Continued)
Parasite C. album C. marginatum
BL/BW — 3.05–4.40 (4.03)
OSL 227–267 (247) 238–599 (312)
OSW 268–297 (283) 194–586 (290)
OSW/BW — 0.82–1.05 (0.92)
VSL 593–666 (629) 510–757 (669)
VSW 548–673 (610) 571–804 (708)
VSW/OSW — 0.987–1.118 (1.060)
VSW/BW — 0.47–0.62 (0.53)
DBS — 959–1.49 (1.24)
ATL 270–294 (282) 231–413 (307)
ATW 333–334 (333) 264–498 (389)
ATW/ATL — 0.68–1.72 (1.29)
PTL 273–364 (318) 233–457 (327)
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PTW 287–301 (294) 295–492 (405)

PTW/PTL — 0.89–1.52 (1.25)
DBT — 196–393 (320)
OL 144–148 (146) 85–142 (115)
OW 125–132 (128) 62–97 (80)
OW/OL — 0.43–0.97 (0.71)
CSL — 172–343 (256)
CSW — 119–153 (137)
CSL/BL — 0.03–0.06 (0.05)
Data are expressed in micrometers (lm) as minimum and maximum values followed by the mean between parentheses, except for C.
heluans described by Vicente et al.33 and C. marginatum described by Souza et al.,34 measures of which are represented as minimum and
maximum values and mean – standard deviation, respectively.
OCW, oral collar width; BL, body length; BW, body width; OSL, oral sucker length; OSW, oral sucker width; VSL, ventral sucker
length; VSW, ventral sucker width; DBS, distance between suckers; ATL, anterior testis length; ATW, anterior testis width; PTL, posterior
testis length; PTW, posterior testis width; DBT, distance between testis; OL, ovary length; OW, ovary width; CSL, cirrus sac length; CSW,
cirrus sac width.

use of inappropriate animals leads to a violation of the re- Clinostomum is the most diverse clinostomid genus with
duction and refinement principles of the three Rs guiding 21 valid species.37,38,40,45,57,58 In this study, it was impos-
principles of laboratory animal science (Replacement, Re- sible to ascribe the Clinostomum sp. Dre to any known
duction, and Refinement). The use of animals with higher species. Currently, the main morphological characters used
standards represents a refinement and leads to improved to differentiate species are body size; ceca shape; position of
experimental procedures. The use of animals directly from the genital complex along the longitudinal axis; position of
pet stores, besides not contributing to the refinement, leads the ovary in relationship to the cirrus sac, cirrus sac size, and
to the need for a higher number of animals because some of position in relationship to the anterior testis; distance be-
these may not be used or considered in the interpretation of tween testes; post-testicular space; and presence of spines
results.8 on the tegument.37,38,59 Due to the observation of unique
The infected zebrafish reported in this study took the place characteristics in Clinostomum sp. Dre, we do not rule out
of the second intermediate host in the life cycle of Clin- the possibility that it represents a new species. This pos-
ostomum spp. For this, the infection occurred through the sibility should be investigated in future studies using
penetration of the skin or the mucous of fish by the cercariae, molecular approaches.
which developed in snails (the first intermediate host) and In fact, Clinostomum systematics has been revised recently
swam in freshwater by wagging their forked tails.20 Snails using integrative taxonomy techniques.32,35–38,41,57,59,60 For
could be used in zebrafish facilities to maintain water quality, example, C. complanatum, the most reported species of the
eating algae and detritus accumulated in the tanks.54 For this, genus, was considered a synonym of C. marginatum for
due to the high infectious risk, it is advisable not keep snails decades,31,61 before both being validated as independent
and zebrafish together in research facilities. If this is neces- species.60 Recently, it is consensus that C. complanatum is
sary, a reasonable sanitary control of both snails and fish is restricted to the Old World and C. marginatum to the New
essential to prevent emergent diseases as clinostomosis and World.37,41,57 Furthermore, several lineages and species of
centrocestosis.55 Alternatively, it is still possible that zebra- Clinostomum have been described in North and Middle
fish acts as a paratenic host. For this, the second intermediate Americas.37,38,40,45 In South America, new lineages have
host must suffer cannibalism. Cannibalism is a common sit- been described in Argentina and Brazil, suggesting that the
uation that causes concern in facilities around the world and biodiversity of this region may be underestimated.32,36
must be avoided.56 Thus, a noninfected zebrafish eats the cyst Future studies may reveal a higher diversity of Clin-
with metacercaria and acquires the parasitiasis. Although ostomum, especially for species with testes in the middle
infecting this new host, the metacercaria will not change the third of the body,32 like the specimens reported in this
stage of development. study.

Because of the recent elucidation of C. complanatum Encysted metacercariae are common in farmed ornamental
distribution, many previous records have been made for fishes and fishes commercialized in pet stores.71–76 In the re-
Brazil.35,62 This species has even been described in the same search ambit, infections by metacercariae are pointed as im-
area of this report; however, C. complanatum was considered portant in zebrafish facilities, but the identification of the
a synonym of C. marginatum.31,63 Probably all records of etiologic agent sometimes is not possible.11 In the wild, zeb-
C. complanatum from Brazil are actually C. marginatum or rafish are naturally parasitized by metacercariae of digenea
species not yet described. Nevertheless, several records of from Strigeida, Heterophyidae, Haplorchis sp., Acanthosto-
C. marginatum in fishes have been presented in Brazil.34,35,64 mum sp., and Centrocestus formosanus in Indian rivers.77 An
The parasites of this study have several morphometric charac- unidentified metacercaria has already been recorded infecting
teristics similar to C. marginatum, mainly that described by zebrafish commercialized in a pet store in Brazil.71 The first
Vianna et al.,31 and Caffara et al.41 (Table 1). However, Clin- record in the Americas of the digenean Transversotrema pa-
ostomum sp. Dre does not have the genital pore opening ante- tialense was in purchased experimental zebrafish in the United
riorly to the anterior testis at midline and has the distance States of America.78 Finally, parasitic gill infections by me-
between suckers smaller than that described by Caffara et al.41 tacercariae of C. formosanus in apparently healthy zebrafish
Furthermore, Clinostomum sp. Dre presents more deeply lobated were recorded in Italy,55,79 Thailand,80 and Mexico.81
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testes, diverticulated ceca, and higher post-testicular space. In light of this, due to the importance of the health moni-
The other species reported from Brazil are C. heluans and toring and traceability of the zebrafish used in science, Italy
C. detruncatum.35,65,66 Clinostomum sp. Dre have almost all and the European Union require that all zebrafish used in
measures higher than that observed in C. heluans and smaller experimental procedures came from authorized establish-
than in C. detruncatum (Table 1). Also, while Clinostomum ments.55 Another essential fact is that as Clinostomum sp.
sp. Dre has a genital complex in the middle third of the body, Dre, Haplorchis sp., and C. formosanus are digenetic trem-
C. heluans and C. detruncatum have in the posterior third of atodes that use zebrafish as an intermediate host and have
the body. Our specimens also have dimensions comparable to zoonotic potential. Thus, it is crucial that all researchers who
those presented by Clinostomum sp. described by Pinto handle zebrafish know about these parasites and their cycles.
et al.32 and with species that occur outside of Brazil, mainly Compared to the European, the current Brazilian legislation
with the metacercariae of C. caffarae38 and with the Argen- about laboratory fishes is not so strict regarding the origin of
tine lineages.36 However, Clinostomum sp. Dre have a the animals. The fish from this study, for example, were sold as
smaller testis and ovary; wider and deeply diverticulate ceca; ‘‘high-standard animals.’’ Still, they were sent without any
and more anterior genital complex, with a larger post- health certificate or veterinarian monitoring until the arrival in
testicular space. The cirrus sac is comparable in measures the facility. This gap in Brazilian legislation makes this type of
with C. caffarae and C. arquus, but with disposition similar to health problem not unusual or isolated. As previously said, a
that of C. tataxumui38 and C. marginatum described by metacercaria had already been reported in zebrafish purchased
Rosser et al.39 (Table 1; Fig. 2). from pet stores in Brazil.71 After returning the animals to the
The plasticity of the life cycle of Clinostomum spp. can be supplier company, no zebrafish kept in the facility showed new
perceived in the parasitological indices variation among its signs of clinostomiasis, indicating that the source of infection
hosts. The prevalence, the mean infection intensity, and the was not in our aquatic bioterium, but in the company plant.
variation of infection intensity may vary from 2.45% to This first report about infection by Clinostomum sp. in
60.8%, from 1 to 39 parasites/host, and from 0 to 1–585 zebrafish purchased from pet stores and commercial companies
parasites/host, respectively, in the same study area depending to use directly as scientific experimental models is globally
on the host.19 The prevalence in zebrafish was similar to the relevant since both hosts and parasites of genus Clinostomum
found in Squalius cephalus,46 Hoplias malabaricus, and currently overlap worldwide distribution. Furthermore, this
Loricaria sp.19 The infection intensity in zebrafish was close report sheds light on the importance of the specific pathogen-
to that found in Capoeta gracilis,67 Cichlasoma para- free commercial creations or laboratory-reared zebrafish and
naense,22 and Parauchenipterus galeatus.19 The variation of the difference between the standard of animals for ornamental
infection intensity in zebrafish was similar to that found in fishkeeping and use in scientific experiments. Thus, the general
Hoplosternum littorale19 and Myxocyprinus asiaticus.42 recommendation of acquiring zebrafish from a pet store to
Although until now only C. complanatum has been recorded breeding it and using only their descendants in experiments is
as zoonotic agent, all genus specimens are potentially zoonotic justified.4 Although the Aquatic Bioterium of FURG does not
and generate concerns about public health for over 80 yet adopt this practice for all zebrafish strains, the authors un-
years.35,46,68,69 In facilities and laboratories, the occupational derstand its importance since the first transgenic fish in Brazil
risk is low because the transmission depends on eating raw (zebrafish of F0104 strain) was created and maintained under
infected fish. Even so, the risk of infection exists. In the re- these conditions.6 Therefore, it is urgent that the researchers of
search environment, the researchers frequently are exposed to ‘‘zebrafish community’’ follow the footsteps of Louis Pasteur,
small in natura biological material that may keep in contact which replaced purchased animals by those raised in laboratory
with the mouth of the researcher if he is not careful (e.g., in at the end of the 19th century, toward the more refined use of
necropsy, sample collection, and removal of dead animal re- animals for scientific purposes.
mains from the tanks). Hence, the staff who handle zebrafish
should be aware of this risk to personnel safety.70 If the acci-
Data Availability Statement
dental infection occurs, humans act as definitive hosts.26 After
the ingestion, the metacercaria is freed in the stomach and Data supporting the conclusions of this article are included
migrates toward the esophagus or the oral cavity. Usually, the in the report. The complete data sets used during this study
parasitism causes acute pharyngitis or laryngitis.24,26 are available from the corresponding author.

Ethical Statement 10. Kent ML, Harper C, Wolf JC. Documented and potential
research impacts of subclinical diseases in zebrafish. ILAR
All procedures in animals were previously approved by the
J 2012;53:126–134.
Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande, 11. Kent ML, Sanders JL: Important parasites of zebrafish in
Brazil, under the code Pq015/2018. research facilities. In: The Zebrafish in Biomedical
Research—Biology, Husbandry, Diseases, and Research
Acknowledgments Applications, 1st ed. Cartner SC, Eisen JS, Farmer SC,
Guillemin KJ, Kent ML, and Sanders GE (eds), pp. 479–
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the
494, Elsevier-Academic Press, London, United Kingdom,
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tec-
nológico (CNPq) and Companhia Riograndense de Sanea- 12. Collymore C, Crim MJ, Lieggi C. Recommendations for
mento (CORSAN). The authors are grateful to Dr. Martin M. health monitoring and reporting for zebrafish research fa-
Montes; Dr. Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de León; Dr. Renato Za- cilities. Zebrafish 2016;13:S138–S148.
carias Silva; and Dr. Rogério Tubino Vianna for the help in 13. Haenen OLM, Evans JJ, Berthe F. Bacterial infections from
parasite identification. The authors also are grateful to the aquatic species: potential for and prevention of contact
anonymous reviewers who improved this study. zoonoses. OIE Rev Sci Tech 2013;32:497–507.
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