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Leader: Jesus

Jesus, the Son Of God, not sent by man nor the agency of man, but by God the Father.
During His lifetime, Jesus was known as Jesus The Nazarene, Jesus Son Of Joseph, or Jesus of
Nazareth. Later on after His death, He was given the name Jesus Christ. Soon after, society gave Him
other names as well.
He was known for preaching to the people and a healer.
His career didn’t last too long because He was destined to die on The Cross so that His children (also
known as us) could be saved.
He is unique because He came to fulfill His purpose and the Will of God. He managed to do it
successfully, though it was a very difficult task. He’s an icon, He’s a legend, and He IS the moment. Here
we have with us the One and Only Jesus Christ!

Intro: Do not be afraid, for it is I the Lord God who stands before you. Look at you! Are you not ashamed?
See the unholy things that you have been committing to in this nation. My dear sons, why do you not
listen to My voice? Why do you put your life to waste for these temporal gadgets? Do My Words not mean
anything to you? Turn away from these worldly things. Come to Me for I have in store for you something

Body: The Day Of Judgement is near and the hour will come. It is a day where all the wrongs and rights
that you have committed in your life will be put before the Righteous Father, God. In that time some will
rejoice, for they are aware that they did well in their life and that the Almighty God has invited them into
the Beautiful Gates. For their names were written in the Book Of Life. Others will be full of agony and
regret because they did not choose to follow Me and keep My commandments.

Do not conform to the crowd and be like the hypocrites that try to justify themselves. Truly, Truly, I say to
you, they are worse. Most of all, do not be like the idols of this world that sell their dear souls.

You do not want to hear My Heavenly Father say to you “Depart from Me, for I never knew you.” Do you?
In that case, come to Me, let Me restore your crushed heart for My arms have embraced you countless
times and will continue doing so. This is YOUR choice. It’s all up to you to accept Me into your life.

So friends, join together in loving one another and working together to have a relationship with the King
Of Kings. Follow His orders so that you may live a life full of Wisdom knowing that there is nothing for you
to fear.

End: My precious child, I am not saying these things to frighten you. I am telling you this so that you may
faithfully prepare yourself for this day. For if you don’t, I promise you will have great regret. You must
remember that I will never leave you nor forsake you. Thank you for hearing My voice, so that you may
recall it in your hearts. May you receive the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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