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Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No.110 Kampus 15A Telp/Fax (0725) 45963
Website : Facebook : MAN 1 Metro Lampung

Nomor : B-181/Ma.08.01/Kp.01.1/04/2023

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Kepala Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Metro
memberikan tugas kepada Bapak/Ibu guru yang namanya tercantum dibawah ini sebagai
pembuat soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) kelas X, dan XI peserta didik MAN 1 Metro
Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023.

NO Mata Pelajaran Nama Guru Kelas
1 Drs. Gufron, M.Pd.I X IPA/IPS
1 Al Qur'an Hadist 50 soal
2 Mustolah, S.Ag, M.PdI XI IPA/IPS
1 Edya Rosita, S.Ag X IPA/IPS
2 Akidah Ahlak 50 soal
2 Drs. H. Imam Syakroni XI IPA/IPS
1 Gunawan Santoso, S.Ag, M.PdI X IPA/IPS
3 Fikih 50 soal
2 Helyani, S.Ag, M.Pd.I XI IPA/IPS
1 Dra. Hj. Erniwati, M.Pd.I X IPA/IPS
4 Bahasa Arab 40 soal
2 Kasiman, S.Pd.I, M.PdI XI IPA/IPS
1 Drs. Gunawan RG. M.Pd.I X IPA/IPS
5 SKI 50 soal
2 Drs. Hi. Ridwan, M.Pd.I XI IPA/IPS
1 Wagino, S.Pd, M.Pd.I X IPA/IPS
6 PKn 50 soal
2 Darsahid, S.Ag, M.Pd.I XI IPA/IPS
1 Nita Hidayati, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
7 Bahasa Indonesia 40 soal
2 Feri Mitra Liana, S.Pd XI IPA/IPS
1 Susi Mayasari, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
8 Bahasa Inggris 40 soal
2 Lilis Odiah, S.Pd XI IPA/IPS
1 Dra. Sri Mulyani X IPA/IPS
9 Matematika Wajib 40 soal
2 Tati Aeris, S.Si XI IPA/IPS
Matematika 1 Cahya Kurnia Dewi, S.Pd X IPA
10 40 soal
Peminatan 2 Indri Wahyuningsih, S.Si XI IPA
1 Endang Purnawati, S.Pd X IPA
11 Fisika 40 soal
2 Drs. Hi. Kartana, M.Pd.I XI IPA
1 Endang Widaryati, M.P.Kim X IPA
12 Kimia 40 soal
2 Drs. Supadi XI IPA
1 Mustofa Khoiri, S.Pd, M.Si X IPA/IPS
13 Biologi 50 soal
2 Sri Astuti,S.Pd, M.Pd XI IPA/IPS
1 Sholeha, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
14 Sejarah Indonesia 50 soal
2 Yuni Wiyati, S.Pd XI IPA/IPS
1 Drs. Sudriyatmoko XI IPS
15 Sejarah Peminatan 50 soal
2 Dahlia, S.Pd X IPS
1 Suhandian, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
16 Geografi 2 Kartika Dewi, S.Pd XI IPS 50 soal
3 Akhmad Yusuf, S.Pd XI IPA
NO Mata Pelajaran Nama Guru Kelas
1 Miswanto, S.Pd, M.Pd X IPA/IPS
17 Ekonomi 2 H. Firman, S.Pd XI IPS 50 soal
3 Dra. Hj. Maryani, M.Pd XI IPA
1 Evi Kurniawati, SE, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
18 Sosiologi 50 soal
2 Eldi Asmi, S.Sos XI IPA/IPS
1 Silvia Listiana, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
19 Orkes 50 soal
2 Iwan Saputra, S.Pd. M.Kes XI IPA/IPS
1 Nanang Sukaryono, S.Kom X IPA/IPS
20 TIK 40 soal
2 Eva Kurniasih, SE XI IPA/IPS
1 Cahya Kurnia Dewi, S.Pd X IPA/IPS
21 Seni Budaya 40 soal
2 Adelia Rahmawati, S.Ag XI IPA/IPS
22 Prakarya 1 Suapartini, SE X & XI IPA/IPS 40 soal
23 Bahasa Lampung 1 Hepna Sari, S.Pd.I X & XI IPA/IPS 40 soal

Demikian surat tugas ini dibuat agar dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

06 April 2023

H. Sarjono

Catatan :
1. Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) dilaksanankan secara tatap muka, materi pelajaran yang
diujikan 30% semester ganjil dan 70% semester genap
2. Soal PAT merupakan soal HOTS dengan ketentuan :
a. Bentuk soal :
1. Pilihan Ganda 30 soal untuk mapel yang jumlah soalnya 40, dan 35 soal untuk mapel
yang jumlah soalnya 50.
2. Menjodohkan 10 soal untuk mapel yang jumlah soalnya 40, dan 15 soal untuk mapel
yang jumlah soalnya 50.
b. Tingkat kesulitan soal :
- LOTS 25% - MOTS 50% - HOTS 25%
c. Format kop naskah soal terlampir
3. Soal diketik dengan Font Times New Roman 12. Dengan kertas legal (21,59 cm x 33 cm).
4. Sebelum soal dikumpulkan agar diverifikasi terlebih dahulu sesama guru mata pelajaran
untuk meminimalisir terjadi kesalahan dalam pembuatan soal.
5. Kisi-kisi soal, Soal dan kunci Jawaban dikumpulkan kepada Bapak Sarbiyono, M.Pd atau
Wagino, M.Pd paling lambat 13 Mei 2023
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No.110 Kampus 15A Telp/Fax (0725) 45963
Website : Facebook : MAN 1 Metro Lampung


MAN 1 METRO T.P. 2022/2023


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas : XI Pukul :
Program : IPA/IPS Waktu :

PERHATIAN : 1. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan,

2. Gunakan waktu yang disediakan dengan sebaik-baikannya.

A. Pilihan Ganda

Text 1

The definition of a nightmare is a really bad and distressing dream that causes a strong feeling of fear. A
nightmare quickens a person's pulse and makes them sweat. Sometimes, the sleepers feel so frightened and
threatened that they wake up.

Sleep experts estimate that 30 to 50 percent of all kids have some nightmares, but luckily, they usually grow out
of them.
Nightmares can be fairly long and complex. The person senses a threat to safety or life. As the threat increases,
so does the sense of fear. A person tends to wake up just as the threat or danger reaches its peak.

About 3 percent of young adults have frequent nightmares. One in two adults has a nightmare on occasion. An
estimated 2 to 8 percent of adults are plagued with frequent nightmares. Stress, depression, and anxiety are
commonly associated with nightmares in adults. A major life-changing event can cause them, such as loss of a
job, financial worries, marital difficulties, death of a spouse, or moving to another house. Alcohol abuse or
abrupt withdrawal from alcohol can also lead to nightmares. Traumatic experiences, such as surgery, brain
injury, war, and combat, with their attendant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can bring on nightmares.
Stress is thought to be the most common source of nightmares, so relaxation techniques, such as yoga and
meditation, have proven helpful. And eating right before going to bed can increase the frequency of nightmares,
sin eating increases metabolism and brain activities
Adopted from: Larry Scheckel, Ask a Science Teacher 250 Ans to Questions You've Always Had about How Everyday Stuff Re
Works, New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2011

1. What is the topic of the text? 3. What can people do to avoid nightmare?
A. What nightmare is Exercise regularly

B. Why adults have frequent nightmares Have enough sleep


C. How we avoid nightmare Drink enogh water


D. How nightmare affects our health D. Feel happy and laugh

E. Why nightmare occurs Keep the mind relaxed

2. Why is a person who experiences a nightmare 4. The word ‘they” in “ sleep expert estimate
sweaty? that 30 t0 50 percent of all kids have some
A. He/she feels threatened nightmare but likely they usually grow out of
He/she feels comfortable
B. them
The atmosphere becomes hot
C. A. Kid
He/she knows that it is just a dream
D. Adult

He/she can’t sleep soundly.

E. Threats


Sleep experts

Cyber Bullying or cyber harassment is a threat or attack carried out through electronic messages as the media.
Bullying usually occurs only in the real worldoes d, but it also occurs now in cyber space.
Cyber bullying is a new event because of the development of communication technology. Nowadays it
interpreted as a hurtful act that is done intentionally through computers, cellular, phones, and other electronic
devices and those who are bullied cannot defend themselves.
Cyberbullying is done by sending comments that contain hatred on blogs, social media, e-mails, and post to
insult others. This can lead to reduced self-confidence of someone which lead to anxiety and depression

5. Cyberbullying is done by sending comments that 9. The underlined word “We expect your
contain hatred on blogs, social media, e-mails, presence in the entrepreneur class as the keynote
and post to insult others. ( paragraph 3) speaker” means …
What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. A person who is responsible for an
A. Anxiety important event
B. Resentment B. A person who I eager to attend the meeting
C. Dissipation C. A person who gives the most important
D. Dilapidation part at a large meeting
E. Carelessness D. The most important thing in the meeting
E. A credible speaker who invites people to
6. Where does cyber bullying usually occurs? start a business
A. In the real world
B. In our imagination 10. What will audience get after attending the
C. In social media event?
D. In public places A.An experience of successful person
E. In printed media B. A courage to start online business
C.An explanation what Unicom is
7. What are the impacts of cyber bullying? D.A theory on how star online business
A. Physical injuries, bruises and even fractures E.An experience of meeting a businesman
when we don.t wear any safety gears
B. Lack of self-confidence which causes Text 4
anxiety and depression
C. Unexplained physical problems, such as back Dapur Mama Resto
pains or headache Jln. Jendral Sudirman No 212
D. Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or too To : All employees
much sleeping
E. Memory difficulties or personality changes As a form of gratitude, the owner of Dapur Mama
Resto invites all of employees to go on an excursion
Text 3 to Malang for three days
PT Usaha Muda Gemilang
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara no 110 Metro Timur Day and Date Fryday – Sunday
To : Mr. Ahmad Mubarok M.Pd. December 7-9, 2023
Time of Leaving Thursday 9 pm
We expect your presence in the entrepreneur class Time of Arriving Sunday 9 pm
as the keynote speaker. We hope to hear your story
when establishing a startup company that now Free Charge
almost turns into a Unicom. It will definitely Please bring comfortable clothes and hat or umbrella I
motivate us to star our online business f it suddenly rains. Please enrole your participation to
Hadi Nata Wijaya your department leader not later than December 2
Head of 2023

Bambang M
8. Who is Mr. Ahmad Mubarok? Person in charge.
A. Teacher
B. Motivator 11. What makes employees join the event?
C. Story teller A. They love travelling
D. An attendance B. The need time to relax
E. A businessman C. They don’t need topay any fees
D. The event will be held for three days
E. They will receive interesting gift.
12. What should the employee do to join the event? 13. Who is Mr. Bambang?
A. Brings comfortable clhothes A. A person who has to prepare employee
B. Meet Mr. Bmabang B. The leader of the employee
C. Pay a sum of money C. The owner of the restaurant
D. Invites their family D. The manager of event organizer
E. Do registration E. A person who is responsible to the event

Text 5
How has modern science affected an everyday life? The world Wars inspired scientists to think of bigger and better
machinery. All wars fought after World Wars II have used more machinery and fewer humans. Since so many
people had dies in the world Wars, scientists want to develop machines that would take over much of the work.
Also after World War II factories began producing cheaper goods in larger numbers. This changed transportation.
From animal-drawn carriages, which had been the only lands vehicles for thousands of years, trains, cars, and
aircraft became common.
Space studies also improved, originally for military reasons. Within 25 years of World War II ending, man had
landed on the moon. Wired communication and signaling like Morse code and semaphore were not used anymore.
Satellite speeded up communication and personal computers connected millions of homes to the internet. Machine
such as washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens speeded up household work
Adopted from : Ella Fern and Flona Tulloch (eds), The Great Book of Questions and Answer, London, Arcturus
Publishing Limited, 2007

14. 15. What is paragraph 2 about? Text 6

What Is Our Life?
A. The end of the World War II (By Sir Walter Raleigh)
B. The invention of machinery
C. The used of wired communication What is our life? The play of passion.
D. The effort to land on the moon Our mirth? The music of division:
E. The development of modern science Our mothers' wombs the tiring-houses be
Where we are dressed for life's short comedy
16. From the text we know that The earth the stage; Heaven the spectator is
Who sits and views whosoe'er doth act amiss
A. People have used more machinery after The graves which hide us from the scorching sun
World War II Are like drawn curtains when the play is done
B. People need better machinery to create Thus playing post we to our latest rest,
peace And then we die in earnest, not in jest
C. Machinery have replaced people’s work
during the wars
D. Wired communication had developed very 18. What does the writer suggest?
rapidly A. Life is something unpredictable
E. After World war II factories stopped B. We should be grateful for our life
producing goods C. We must not waste time for playing
D. We should live our live passionately
17. How has modern science affected an E. There is another life we need to go
everyday life? ( Paragraph 1) through
The underlined word has the similar neaning
to …
19. What does the writer think of life?
A. Avoided A. It is merely play
B. Influenced It is burdensome

C. Improved It is complicated

D. Replaced It is long journey


E. Remove It is full of tears and laughter

20. The earth the stage; Heaven the spectator is” 22. What is probably experienced by the singer?
( line 5)
What can be inferred from the line? A. He is having a dispute with his parents.
A. People become the audience B. He is afraid of the future possibility.
B. The stage is created by Heavens C. He is in searching for his lost dream.
C. People on earth are players of life D. He is having a difficult time with his life.
D. People perform drama on a stage E. He is alone and needs a friend he can
E. There are many eyes watching us from count on.
23. What is suggested to the singer
21. Are like drawn curtains when the play is done
A. When we die A. To endure
B. When the show is over B. To keep moving
C. When we finish our show C. To forget
D. When we have no time to play D. To ignore
E. When no one watches the show E. To pray

Text 7 24. What does the singer do to ease his feeling?

Hold On
(Shawn Mendez)
A. He takes a rest
B. He returns home
Stop, take it in
C. He visits his parents
And I breathe for a minute
D. He calls his father
I think too much when I'm alone
E. He tries to remember his father
I never win when I
Keep all my thoughts inside 25. I think too much when I am alone …. I miss my
So I pick up the phone parents
And my dad said, A. Because
"Shawn, stay with me B. Because of
Everything will be alright C. So
I know I haven't seen you lately D. Due too
But you're always on my mind"
E. Since then
I don't know what
Lila : Do you have any agenda this week?
You're going through
Fadli : Um .. No way. Just review Mr. Hardi’s
But there's so much life
assignment about Photosinthesis..
Ahead of you Lila : I’ve finished it yesterday
And it won't slow down Fadly : I heard that Mr. Hardi will go to Malang
No matter what you do this week. So we can collect it next
So you just gotta hold on week. So I’m free.
All we can do is hold on, yeah Lila : What if we go to Dapur Putih Café?
These days are flying by I heard there is a life music there.
Weeks feel like minutes Fadly : The sound interesting
I can't remember being small
I try to figure it out
26. What will they do then?
I can't seem to find out how
A. Fadly cannot go the Dapur Putih
I guess I don’t know much at all
B. They go to Dapur Putih
Back to #
C. Both of them are bussy
I don't know what D. Lila want to sing a song
You're going through E. They cancel their schedule
But there's so much life
Ahead of you 27. What the Subject of the assignment are they
And it won't slow down talking about?
No matter what you do
So you just gotta hold on A. Biology
All we can do is hold on, yeah
B. Chemist
All we can do is hold on

D. Physic
Yeah, you just gotta hold on
E. English
Just, just hold on for me
Text 8
People old and young have one smartphone or even more than one smartphones nowadays. . They
consider this device is useful and powerful as they can do many things and browse any information they
wish. They can contact their relatives and friends easily and fast. Furthermore, they can take excellent
photos with it. Consequently parents should watch over their children with using their gadgets.

First they must ensure that their children only open good credible websites. It is to avoid them from
browsing bad contents, such as violence. Second, parents should remind their children not to use their
smartphone s for a very long time. This may harms their eyesight. Third, parents should ask their children
to do exercise after using smartphones. It is because children tend to be passive while operating their
gadgets. They tends to be lazy and reluctant to study.. Of course, this is not good for their health and
future. Fourth parents need to remind their children to put their cellphones away for a few hours, otherwise
they will become addicted. Such addiction gradually disturb their concentration and focus. It will disrupt
their studies which consequently makes them lack of knowledge and skill

As conclusion, parents must always supervise and accompany their children when using their
smartphones. They still have to remind them to use their phones wisely so that the gadgets can optimally
What is the best title for the text?
28. After reading the text the reader most likely

Guidance To Use Smartphones Wisely
A. A. Will change their habit when using
Student’s’ Attitudes When Using
B. smartphones
Smartphones Tell their parents about their

Good Effect Of Using Smartphones For

C. smartphones
Children Find any information quickly and easily

D. Supervising Children When Using May be inspired to have more


Smartphones sophisticated smartphones

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of
E. May use their smartphones more often

Using Smartphones
“They still have to remind them to use

How can we the use of smartphones affect

29. their phone wisely so that the gadget can be
children’s academic achievements? useful for them.
Smartphones can’t lead to achievement
A. The underline word has the similar
B. Smartphones can lead to addiction meaning to …
Children ‘s eye sight may be dmaged
C. Recala

Children should frequently be more active

D. Relate

Smartphones connect them to many people

E. Seem



B. Menjodohkan
31 “What if you study . Giving suggestion

English seriously?”
The sentence express

32 What should we do this semester? . Asking suggestion

33 What I means is , we need Giving opinion

mobile phone not only for
entertainment but also for
getting information and
34 1’m wondering if you could share
your happiness with us
Formal invitation

35 That very kind of you, I don’t think

I can share my time with all of you
Declining invitation


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