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The correct word is. . .
a. Mother
b. Father
c. Brother

2. Y-e-n-o-m-k
The correct word is. . .
a. Yellow
b. Sunday
c. Monkey

3. Elephant in Indonesian language is . . .

a. Kerbau
b. Domba
c. Gajah

4. One-two-three-four- . . . .. – six – seven

a. nine
b. five
c. ten

5. The number before nine is . . .

a. Ten
b. Seven
c. Eight

6. The number after ten is . . .

a. Eleven
b. Nine
c. Twelve

7. Saya punya apel merah

The english sentences is. . .
a. I have green apple
b. I have white apple
c. I have red apple

8. We have two ears

The Indonesia language is . . .
a. Kita punya dua mata
b. Kita punya dua kaki
c. Kita punya dua telinga

9. My mother is teacher
The Indonesian language is . . .
a. Ibukku adalah guru
b. Nenekku adalah guru
c. Kakakku adalah guru
10. Saudara laki-laki ini english is. . .
a. Sister
b. Brother
c. Grandfather
11. Aunt in Indonesia is . . .
a. Paman
b. Keponakan
c. Bibi
12. The colour of tooth is . . .
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
13. Ini adalah kamat tidur
The english sentences is . . .
a. This is kitchen
b. This is bedroom
c. This is living room
14. What is mangga in English?
a. Mango
b. Pineapple
c. Grape
15. Rudi : Hai Maya, how are you?
Maya : ....... ..........
a. Fine, and you?
b. This is mine
c. It`s okay
16. We can listen using. . ..
a. Eye
b. Ear
c. Head

17. Seven – have – I - books

The correct sentences is. . .
a. I seven have books
b. I have seven books
c. Seven books have I

18. Cow have . . . legs

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four

19. Small – ant – is – very.

The correct sentences is. . .
a. Ant is small very
b. Ant is very small
c. Very small ant is
20. The girl is. . .
a. Beautiful
b. Handsome
c. Ugly

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