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CHEST Translating Basic Research Into Clinical Practice

COPD as a Disease of Accelerated

Lung Aging*
Kazuhiro Ito, PhD; and Peter J. Barnes, MD, FCCP

There is increasing evidence for a close relationship between aging and chronic inflammatory
diseases. COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs, which progresses very slowly and
the majority of patients are therefore elderly. We here review the evidence that accelerating
aging of lung in response to oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis and progression of
COPD, particularly emphysema. Aging is defined as the progressive decline of homeostasis that
occurs after the reproductive phase of life is complete, leading to an increasing risk of disease or
death. This results from a failure of organs to repair DNA damage by oxidative stress
(nonprogrammed aging) and from telomere shortening as a result of repeated cell division
(programmed aging). During aging, pulmonary function progressively deteriorates and pulmo-
nary inflammation increases, accompanied by structural changes, which are described as senile
emphysema. Environmental gases, such as cigarette smoke or other pollutants, may accelerate
the aging of lung or worsen aging-related events in lung by defective resolution of inflammation,
for example, by reducing antiaging molecules, such as histone deacetylases and sirtuins, and this
consequently induces accelerated progression of COPD. Recent studies of the signal transduction
mechanisms, such as protein acetylation pathways involved in aging, have identified novel
antiaging molecules that may provide a new therapeutic approach to COPD.
(CHEST 2009; 135:173-180)

Key words: aging; COPD; corticosteroid; emphysema; histone deacetylase; lung function; oxidative stress; sirtuin

Abbreviations: DNA-PK = DNA-dependent protein kinase; HDAC = histone deacetylase; IL = interleukin; MMP = matrix
metalloproteinase; NF-KB = nuclear factor-xb, PI3K = phospho-inositide 3 kinase; ROS = reactive oxygen species;
SMP30 = senescence marker protein-3D; TNF = tumor necrosis factor

C OPD is a major and increasing global health

problem with enormous amount of expenditure of
developing countries. There is still a fundamental lack
of knowledge about the cellular, molecular, and genetic
indirect/direct health-care costs.' COPD now affects causes of COPD, and current therapies are inadequate
> 10% of the world population over the age of 40 because no treatments reduce disease progression or
years,I and the burden of disease is particularly high in mortality. COPD is caused by long-term inhalation of
noxious gases and particles, such as cigarette smoke,
and a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower airways
"From Airways Disease Section, National Heart and Lung Insti-
tute, Imperial College London, UK. and lung parenchyma, which is enhanced during exac-
The authors have no financial relationship with a commercial erbations.s The pathologic characteristics of COPD are
entity that has an interest in the subject of this article.
Manuscript received June 5, 200H; revision accepted August 8,
destruction of the lung parenchyma (emphysema),
2008. inflammation of peripheral and central airways, and an
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission increase in mucus-producing cells. Airflow limitation,
from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal.
orglmisclreprints.shtml). measured by reduced FEVl , progresses very slowly
Correspondence to: Kazuhiro Ito, PhD, National Heart and Lung over several decades, so that most patients with symp-
Institute, Imperial College School tif Medicine, Dooehouse St,
London SW3 6LY, UK; e-mail:
tomatic COPD are in late middle age or are elderly.
DOl: lO.1378/chest.08-1419 Thus, the prevalence of COPD is age dependent, CHEST/135/1/ JANUARY, 2009 ·173

suggestingan intimate relationship between the patho- lation of which accounts for progressive deleterious
genesis of COPD and aging. changes called aging or senescence. This hypothesis is
called the free radical theory of aging and has later
been extensively supported by numerous in vivo and
AGING PROCESS AND ITS MOLECULAR in vitro studies7- 10 showing that age-related changes
MECHANISM is accelerated under the influence of oxidative stress,
while various antioxidants slow aging. This oxidative
Senescence or aging is defined as the progressive stress causes DNA damage and increases risk of
decline of homeostasis that occurs after the reproduc- cancer, as documented for the role of mammary
tive phase of life is complete, leading to an increasing gland senescence and the increased risk of breast
risk of disease or death. Kirkwood" has advanced the cancer.
concept of "disposable soma," in which aging, rather
than being programmed and determined by selected Antiaging Molecules: Recent advance in aging
genes, results from the stochastic interaction between research is identification of antiaging molecules.
injury and repair, as the result of the energy devoted by Sirtuins are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-
an individual to maintain organ integrity and protect dependent histone/protein deacetylases and display
DNA againstoxidative injury. In this model, the failure differential specificity toward acetylated substrates,
of organ/cell maintenance/repair results from the inte- which translates into an expanding range of physio-
grated action among genes, environment, and intrinsic logic functions, such as gene expression, cell cycle
defects of the organism. Underlying the aging process regulation, apoptosis, metabolism, and aging. II
is a lifelong, bottom-up accumulation of molecular Seven molecules have been identified in the human
damage. Kirkwood- also makes the point that cellular sirtuin family (SIRT1-SIRT7). As well as sirtuins
defects often cause inflammatory reactions, which can (type III histone deacetylase [HDAC]), HDAC-2 (a
themselves exacerbate existingdamage, so that inflam- type I HDAC) is also reported to be an antiaging
matory and antiinflammatoryfactors can playa part in molecule as knock-down of HDAC-2 induces cellular
shaping the outcomes of the aging process. Thus, senescence by enhancing p53-dependent transrepres-
aging-associated inflammation/structural change is the sion and transactivation of a subset of target genes.12
results of failure of reactive oxygen species (ROS) Homozygous mutant klotho (KL -1-) mice have a
elimination, failure of repair of damaged DNA, and short lifespan and have pulmonary emphysema as well
telomere shortening, as shown below. as some other aging phenotypes, such as arteriosclero-
sis, osteoporosis, skin atrophy, and ectopic calcifica-
Telomere Shortening tions'" (Table 1). The secreted Klotho protein can
In many human somatic tissues and cells such as regulate multiple growth factor signaling pathways,
fibroblasts, there is a decline in cellular division including insulin/insulin-like growth factor and Wnt,
capacity with age or a limited division potential and the activity of multiple ion channels. Klotho pro-
before undergoing so-called replicative senescence. tein also protects cells and tissues from oxidative stress,
This appears to be linked to the fact that the yet the precise mechanism underlying these activities
telomeres, which protect the ends of chromosomes, remains to be determined. The development of em-
get progressively shorter as cells divide. Oxidative physema in KL-/- mice is due increased expression
stress has been found to have an even bigger effect of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9.
on the rate of telomere loss," and telomere shorten- Senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30), a 34-kd
ing is greatly accelerated (or slowed) in cells with protein originallyidentified from the rat liver, is a novel
increased (or reduced) levels of oxidative stress. molecule that decreases with age in an androgen-
independent manner. SMP30 is widely expressed in
vertebrates and highly conserved. The SMP30 out
Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage
(SMP30Y/-) mouse has a shorter life span, and has
Somatic mutations can occur in any of the cells of had senile lung with age-related airspace enlarge-
the body, and this somatic mutation and other forms ment and enhanced susceptibility to harmful stimu-
of DNA damage have been demonstrated to be li14 (Table 1). Cigarette smoke exposure generates
increased age dependently. Promislow" reported a marked airspace enlargement with Significant paren-
general relationship between longevity and DNA chymal destruction in the SMP30Y/- mice.P Protein
repair. Thus, the capacity for DNA repair may be an carbonyl, a marker of oxidative stress that increases
important determinant of the rate of aging at the cell with aging, was also Significantly increased after 8
and molecular level. weeks of exposure to cigarette smoke. Thus, SMP30
Harman" suggested that ROS, formed during nor- protects mice lungs from oxidative stress associated
mal oxygen metabolism, induce damage, the accumu- with aging and smoking.

174 Translating Basic Research Into Clinical Practice

Table I-Aging and Emphysema in Gene-Modified Mice
Target Molecule Lifespan Emphesema
(Knockout, Mutant) Shortening Emphysema (Plus Cigarette Smoke) Other Aging Phenotype

SIRT6 Yes Unknown Unknown Profound lymphopenia, loss of subcutaneous fat, lordokyphosis,
severe metabolic defects
Klotho Yes Yes Enhanced Osteopenia, atrophic skin, hepatocellular degeneration
SMP30 Yes Yes Enhanced More susceptible to TNF-Q:- and Fas-mediated apoptosis,
deposition of lipofuscin
Ku86 (Ku80) Yes Unknown Unknown Osteopenia, atrophic skin, hepatocellular degeneration
DNA-PK Yes Unknown Unknown Telomere shortening, lymphoma, intestinal atrophy, loss of
bone density, spine convexity
Nrf2 No No Enhanced Sensitive to oxidative stress

The molecules responsible for DNA repair, such from COPD were related to an accelerated decline
as DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and in lung function with time, with a loss of 50 to 100
Ku86 (or Ku80), are also a sort of anti aging mole- mL in FEV1 per year, but even in healthy volunteers
cules. As shown in Table 1, DNA-PK knockout mice there is a loss of 20 mL per year with aging (Fig 1).
showed telomere shortening and intestinal atrophy, Janssens and coworkers-" demonstrated that physio-
which are seen as aging phenotypes, Ku86 knockout logic aging of the lung is associated with dilatation of
mice also showed the early onset of age-specific alveoliwith an enlargement of airspaces and a decrease
changes characteristic of senescence in mice.!" In in gas exchange surface area, together with a loss of
either DNA-PK knockout or Ku-86 knockout mice, supporting tissue for peripheral airways ("senile em-
structural change in lung and lung function have not physema"), resulting in decreased static elastic recoil of
been evaluated. FOXO transcription factor belongs the lung and increased residual volume and functional
to the large Forkhead family of proteins, a family of residual capacity. This age-dependent loss of elastin
transcriptional regulators characterized by a con- fibers is similar to the loss of skin elasticity and wrin-
served DNA-binding domain termed the forkhead kling of the skin that occurs with age. However,
boxI? They are important transcriptional factors for Verbeken and coworkers.s' proposed that the changes
DNA repair and production of antioxidants, such as in structure and functional characteristics caused by
mononuclear superoxide dismutase and catalase. isolated airspace enlargement that are seen in the
FOXO factors promote longevity and reduce age- elderly lung be differentiated from emphysema by the
dependent diseases in invertebrates. The role of absence of alveolar wall destruction.
FOXO in lung disease has not yet been evaluated. Functionally, vital capacity is reduced with aging,
although the total lung capacity remains quite con-
Defective Protein Turnover: Protein turnover is stant. 22 Respiratory muscle strength also decreases
essential to preserve cell function by removing pro- with aging. 23 Expiratory flows decrease with a char-
teins that are damaged, mistranslated, or redundant. acteristic alteration in the flow-volume curve sug-
Age-related impairment of protein turnover is indi- gesting small airway disease. Decreased sensitivity of
cated by the accumulation over time of damaged respiratory centers to hypoxia or hypercapnia results
proteins, and there is evidence that an accumulation in a diminished ventilatory response in cases of
of altered proteins contributes to a range of age- aggravated airway obstruction. Thus, aging lungs
related disorders, including cataract, Alzheimer dis- exhibit both structural and functional alterations. IS
ease, and Parkinson disease. Protein turnover in-
volves the functions of chaperones, which help to
sequester and, if possible, restore denatured pro- AGING AND INFLAMMATION
teins, and of proteasomes, which degrade proteins
Most age-associated diseases, such as Alzheimer
via ubiquitination. With aging, there is evidence for
disease, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis,
functional decline in the activities of both protea-
somes and chaperones. IS and cardiovascular disease as well as COPD, involve
chronic inflammation, including infiltration of in-
flammatory cells and higher circulating or local
concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines. In-
creased production of oxygen-derived free radicals is
a primary driving force for aging and activate redox-
The classical epidemiologic studies of Fletcher sensitive transcriptional factors, such as activator
and Peto!? demonstrated that death and disability protein-l and nuclear factor-reb (NF-KB), which CHEST/ 135 / 1 / JANUARY, 2009 . 175

FIGURE 1. Hypothesis of development of COPD by an accelerating lung aging. Aging is defined as the
progressive decline of homeostasis, and this is the result of failure of organ maintenance from DNA
damage, oxidative stress, and telomere. shortening. During aging, pulmonary function deteriorates
progressivelyand pulmonary inflammation is increased with structural changes in the lung parenchyma
and small airways. Environmental exposure. for example cigarette smoke, may accelerate aging-
dependent defective lung function.

switch on multiple genes encoding proinflammatory (TNF)-a are also found in plasma and mononuclear
molecules.w The regulation of NF-KB is greatly blood cell culture from elderly subjects as well as
influenced by the intracellular redox status and plays serum.!" It is also reported that the immune system
a major role in the regulation of inflammation pro- is impaired with aging, and this may lead to a
cess during aging. Increased NF-KB activity during reduction in the adaptive immune response. In
aging is due to hyperphosphorylation of inhibitory contrast to IL-6 and IL-B, IL-2 production is de-
KBa. Activation of signal transducer, signal trans- creased with aging, suggesting a decrease in the
ducer and activator of transcription-3, and signal clonal expansion of T cells leading to a decrease in
transducer and activator of transcription-5, which are the specific immune response.!" This situation cre-
downstream of IL-6 Signaling, is also reported in ates an imbalance between the adaptive and innate
T-cells from elderly subjects.P Stress kinases also immune responses.
play important roles in aging process. Phospho- The number of neutrophils in the lower respira-
inositide 3 kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated pro- tory tract of healthy elderly individuals is increased.w
tein kinase are known as aging kinases (Fig 2). and there is increased release of neutrophil elastase,
As the results of transcriptional factors activation which could contribute to the loss of elastic recoil
by ROS, several genes are known to be regulated and of elastin fibers in the aging lung, which in turn
with aging process.l" Cyclooxygenase is an enzyme would reduce interdependence between the airways
responsible for prostaglandin synthesis, and cycloox- and parenchymal structures, thus contributing to de-
ygenase messenger RNA level and cyclooxygenase terioration oflung function. Glucocorticoid sensitivity is
activation increase with aging. This prostaglandin reduced during aging as well as in COPD. For exam-
synthesis pathway contributes to ROC accumulation ple, dexamethasone-induced tyrosine aminotransferase
during aging. Nitric oxide is also increased with age and tryptophan oxygenase activities as the markers of
by increase in inducible nitric oxide synthase expres- steroid-induced transactivation are decreased with
sion. Nitric oxide interacts with oxygen radicals to age,27 and several reports I8 ,2Il show a decline in glu-
form peroxynitrite, which induces nitration of ty- cocorticoid receptor expression during aging.
rosine residues of proteins. Accumulation of nitroty- Reactive oxygen species-induced stress kinase activa-
rosine deposits is found in age-related diseases such tion is also one of age-related process. PI3K is known as
as COPD and Alzheimer disease, and nitration alters aging kinase29 and is activated by oxidative stress. We
enzyme activity and protein stability. Increased lev- also found cigarette smoke to be a strong stimulant of
els of interleukin (IL)-lJ3, IL-6, IL-B, IL-IB, IL-l PI3K, and this involves in HDAC-2 inactivation seen
receptor antagonist, and tumor necrosis factor under oxidative stress (in preparation),

176 Translating Basic Research Into Clinical Practice

FIGURE 2. Molecular mechanisms of aging and development of COPD. Accumulation of endogenous
ROS induce DNA damage, NF-KB activation via phosphorylation of IKBa, activates oxidative stress
responsible kinases (MAPK [mitogen-activated protein kinase], PI3K), reduced sirtuin activity, and
proteasome inhibition. This result in chromatin structure instability and amplified inflammation as well
as structural change by apoptosis and hyperplasia. Cigarette smoking enhances all of these mechanisms
and also decreases HDAC expression and antioxidant/nitrosant activity, resulting in further amplifica-
tion of inflammation and accumulation of oxidatedlnitrated proteins. Lung image is from http://

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN AGED LUNG AND capo There are several similarities in inflammation be-
LUNG tween aging and capo, such as neutrophil accumu-
lation, NF-KB activation.P? and increase in IL-6/IL-
It is not clear how the aging process is involved in
8/fNF-a. capo patients are also corticosteroid
the decline of lung function and inflammation in
capo. However, there are a lot of similarities insensitive as similar to healthy aged people.
between aged lung and capo lung (Table 2). At the molecular level, there is also evidence that
Especially, there have been important advances in capo lungs have shortened telomeres as compared
understanding the molecular mechanisms of ages, with age-matched nonsmoker lungs. Telomere length
and several of these pathways are relevant to accel- has been demonstrated to be significantly shorter in
erated lung aging in COPD patients. patients with emphysema than in asymptomatic non-
As shown in the model in Figure 1, lung function smokers in alveolar type II cells and endothelial
is declined in capo quicker than normal aged lung. cells,3I peripheral blood mononuclear cells,32 and
The lung function/age curve looks to be shifted fibroblast.33
leftward in capo patients. Thus, we hypothesized As suggested in "the free radical theory of aging"
that emphysema/chronic obstruction may be one of by Harman," ROS accounts for progressive deleteri-
the phenomena underlying accelerated lung aging ous changes called aging or senescence. There is
process resulting from a failure of lung maintenance ample evidence that oxidative stress plays a major
and repair due to significant and sustained lung role in COPD,34 with increased expression of mark-
injury by exposed cigarette smoke, air particulates, ers of oxidative stress in patients with capo system-
and pollutants (Fig 1). ically and in diseased lung. DNA damage is induced
Functionally, vital capacity is reduced with aging by oxidative stress and cigarette smoke, and these are
as well as in capo, although the total lung capacity risk factors for carcinogenesis. In fact, patients with
remains constant. Respiratory muscle strength also capo have an increased risk for lung cancer,
decreases in capo as similar to aging process. suggesting cellular senescence could also explain the CHEST /135/ 1 / JANUARY, 2009 177

Table 2-Comparison of Aged Lung With COPD tural change of lung, such as emphysema. Inter-
Lung* estingly COPD patients show exaggerated skin wrin-
Variables Aging COPD kling compared to normal smokers, and this has been
associated with increased MMP-9 expression by
Lung function
keratinocytes.P SIRT6 loss leads to abnormalities
Alveolar spaces r t t , with alveolar
in mice that overlap with aging-associated degen-
wall destruction
Neutrophils r rr erative processes, and SIRT6 is a nuclear, chromatin-
Basophils t Unknown associated protein that promotes resistance to DNA
IL-6 t t damage. It is unknown whether SIRT6-deficient mice
IL-B, TNF-a, t t r
IL-2 --+ have emphysema or not, but at least we preliminarily
showed that SIRT6 expression is also reduced in
iNOS t rr COPD lung.26 We have already shown that HDAC-2
Hemoxygenase-l t t is markedly reduced in COPD in activity and expres-
Manganese superoxide sion in peripheral lung tissue and alveolar macro-
dismutase, catalase
phages, especially in more severe disease, and that
Adhesion molecules r t this reduction is involved in enhancing inflammation
(E-selectin, P-
selectin, L-selectin, and corticosteroid insensitivity.40,41 Furthermore,
VCAM, ICAM) preliminary studies have found that Klotho and
NF -KB activation r t t SMP-30 levels are also decreased in COPD lung
Histone deacetylase 2 Slight
(unpublished data; October 26,2006).
Corticosteroid sensitivity
Reactive oxygen species r tt
Nitrated and oxidized t rr THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS
*VCAM = vascular cell adhesion molecule;iNOS = inducible nitric oxide Greater understanding of the molecular mecha-
synthase; ICAM = intercellularadhesion molecule;VEGF = vascular en- nisms of aging has revealed several novel targets for
dothelial growth factor; t indicates increase, enhance; indicates
drug development, and since these processes are
decrease;--+ ?
indicates no change; indicates unknown.
involved in the pathogenesis of emphysema this may
lead to new treatments for COPD. From the oxida-
tive stress/aging theory and the fact that oxidative
significantly increased rate oflung cancers in emphy- stress is major risk factor of COPD, antioxidants are
sematous patients by DNA damage. Increased in likely to be effective antisenescence drugs or anti-
nitrotyrosine deposition is also a feature seen in COPD COPD drugs. Currently available antioxidants, such as
lung as well as aged tissue. This is the evidence of an N-acetyl cysteine, are not very potent and may not
increase in nitrativeloxidative stress, and reduction of sufficiently reduce oxidative stress in the lungs. Novel
antioxidant/nitrosant activity may contribute to this and more potent antioxidantsare needed in the future,
accumulation of nitrated and oxidizedprotein. Further- and there are several drugs in development, including
more, defect of protein degradation system in COPD new glutathione and superoxide dismutase analogues.
or aging cannot be ruled out. Nrf2 (nuclear factor-E2-related factor-2) and FOXO
Antioxidant enzyme and activity is also decreased are the transcription factors to induce endogenous
in COPD, like aging, Superoxide dismutase enzyme antioxidant molecules and potential target to increase
activity is reported to be lower in long-term healthy antioxidant activity. In fact, sulforaphane, which is
smokers and in stable COPD patients than in healthy extracted from brocolli, is reported to be a Nrf2
adults,35 although this is still controversial." COPD activator.42
patients also have reduced total antioxidant capacity. Sirtuins are antiaging molecules and control oxi-
Furthermore, ferric-reducing antioxidant power is dative stress resistance, DNA repair, and inflamma-
lower in COPD patients, and it had a positive tion. Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red wine
correlation with the severity of airways obstruction and the skin of red fruits, which has antioxidant
(FEV 1 percentage of predicted). effects. Resveratrol is also a sirtuin activator, and this
Furthermore, expression of antiaging molecules property has been proposed to account for its anti-
are reduced in COPD. We already reported that .aging effects.v' Recently a SIRTI-specific activator
SIRTI was selectively reduced in lung tissue and that is 1,OOO-times more potent than resveratrol has
peripheral blood mononuclear cells in COPD,37 in been developed and examined possibility as therapy
agreement with a recent report." We also found for diabetics." Theophylline is also reported to inhibit
that SIRTI is a major inhibitory regulator of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumption by
MMP-9, and reduction in SIRTI may cause struc- poly (adenosine diphosphate ribose)-polymerase-l ac-

178 Translating Basic Research Into Clinical Practice

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