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Bikube Software

Automated Software Testing

RQ 1 How to implement automated testing in Bikube 2011?


 Determine the automated testing's aims and objectives. This should specify what sorts of
tests must be automated (e.g., unit tests, functional tests, and so on) as well as the
intended outcome of the testing (e.g. improved efficiency, reduced costs, etc.).
 Make a test strategy. This should contain information on how the testing will be carried out
(e.g., manual versus automated), what tools and techniques will be utilised, and who will be
in charge of each part of the testing.
 Evaluate and choose the best test automation tools and frameworks. This will be
determined by the software's unique requirements and testing objectives. Selenium,
Appium, and Test Complete are some common solutions for automated testing.
 Create and execute test cases. This should contain both positive and negative test cases
and be done in coordination with the development team to ensure that the test cases are
thorough and accurate.
 Set up and customise the testing environment. This should comprise configuring the test
tools and frameworks, as well as configuring the test data and any test environments that
may be required.
 Run the test cases and examine the results. To achieve accurate and consistent findings,
both automated and manual testing should be performed in a systematic and repeatable
 As needed, review and update the test strategy, test cases, and test environment.

RQ 2 How is the performance of automated testing comparing to manual testing?

Answer:- Automated testing and manual testing have different strengths and weaknesses, and the
performance of each method will depend on the specific circumstances of the software being tested.
In general, automated testing can offer several advantages over manual testing:
 Speed: Automated tests may be done significantly faster than manual tests, saving
substantial time in the long run.
 Repeatability: Automated tests may be conducted repeatedly with the same findings,
ensuring consistency and reducing the possibility of human mistake.
 Coverage: Automated tests may cover a significantly bigger amount of the software than
manual testing, allowing for more defects and edge situations to be identified.
 Consistency: Automated tests can be executed consistently in the same way, which reduces
the possibility of human errors.
 Scalability: While human testing might be difficult to keep up with as the product develops
and changes, automation tests can readily scale.

On the other hand, manual testing can offer some advantages over automated testing, such as:

 Flexibility: Manual testing allows testers to explore the product in ways that automated
tests may not allow, which can help find flaws that automated tests may overlook.
 Usability: Manual testing allows testers to assess the software's usability and user
experience, which can be difficult to automate.
 Exploratory testing: Manual testing allows testers to explore the product and uncover
potential issues in ways that automated tests cannot.

RQ 3 Which benefits could automated testing give in the design and implementation of new
functionality in Bikube 2011?

Answer:- Automated testing can provide several benefits in the design and implementation of new
functionality in Bikube 2011, including:

 Improved efficiency: Automated tests can be executed much faster than manual tests,
which can save a significant amount of time and resources during the development
 Increased coverage: Automated tests can cover a much larger portion of the codebase than
manual testing, which can help to identify more bugs and edge cases, and ensure that the
new functionality is working as intended
 Early bug detection: Automated tests may be conducted early in the development process
to help uncover problems and issues before they become more difficult and expensive to
 Improved code quality: Automated tests can help to ensure that the code is written in a
way that is easy to test and maintain, which can improve the overall quality of the code.
 Increased confidence in code changes: When making changes to the code, automated tests
may provide a safety net, giving developers greater confidence in their modifications and
lowering the chance of introducing new defects.
 Cost Savings: Automated testing can assist to decrease the expenses associated with
manual testing, such as the time and resources needed to manually test new features.
 Improved collaboration: Automated testing can help to improve collaboration between the
development and testing teams, as automated tests can be easily shared and reviewed.
 Scalability: Automated tests can be easily scaled as the software grows and changes, which
can help to ensure that new functionality is thoroughly tested as the software evolves

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