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01.1 Rewrite the following sentences to create the present tense by choosing the correct form of the
VERB TO BE in parentheses.
1. The girl (am, is, are) pretty.
2. I (am, is, are) ready.
3. She (am, is, are) my friend.
4. They (am, is, are) twins.
5. The flowers (am, is, are) yellow.
6. The fridge and counter in the kitchen (am, is, are) dirty.
7. The microwave oven (am, is, are) in the kitchen.
8. The ribbons in my hair (am, is, are) pink.
9. The vacuum cleaner (am, is, are) in the closet.
10. He (am, is, are) nice.

01.2 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the VERB TO BE.

1. My aunt __________nice. 8. I_________ tall.

2. The clouds ________white. 9. The man _________happy.
3. Kathy ________sick. 10. The vacuum________ red.
4. The ribbons________ yellow. 11. The tent ________blue.
5. We_________ twins. 12. The juice ________cold.
6. The windows____________ open. 13. She_________ a student.
7. Colton and Cody___________ brothers. 14. The moon _________bright.
15. The furniture ___________old.
01.3 Rewrite the following sentences to express the negative form. Write the sentence once
using am not, is not, or are not and once using the contraction isn’t or aren’t.

1. The cheese is on the table.

2. She is my sister.
3. My neighbors are Spanish.
4. My sister-in-law is Italian.
5. Diane is pregnant.
6. The limes are sour.
7. The bus is empty.
8. The kids are early for class today.
9. The drawers are empty.
10. It is a nice city.
01.4 Rewrite the following sentences to create questions by placing the VERB TO BE before the
subject. Don’t forget to include a question mark (?) in your answer.
1. The wheels are in the garage.
2. The sharpener is on my desk.
3. The toothbrush and toothpaste are in the bathroom.
4. My bathing suit is on the clothesline.
5. I am in your English class.
6. It is cold outside.
7. He is a policeman in the city.
8. The coats are on the floor.
9. The toys are in the box downstairs.
10. The cow and calf are brown.
11. The orange juice is sweet.
12. The frogs are in the pond.
13. The goldfish is in the bowl.
14. You are serious.
15. Marie is French.
01.5 Complete the following past tense sentences using was or were.

1. My slippers _________in the bedroom. 6. We _______at the library.

2. The whale _____huge. 7. The pool __________small.
3. We _______ downtown yesterday. 8. The printer _________broken.
4. Chris __________in the cafeteria with Cory. 9. My pockets _________full.
5. It_________ in my locker. 10. The teachers __________in the office.

01.6 Rewrite the following sentences to express the negative form. Write the sentence once using
was not or were not and once using the contraction wasn’t or weren’t.

1. The dress was blue.

2. The couch in the living room was dirty.
3. They were very fast.
4. It was a good joke.
5. The raccoons were in the tree.
6. The slippers were purple.
7. We were at the play last night.
8. The plates were in the dishwasher.
9. Karen was a waitress for three years.
10. My name was on the list.
01.7 Rewrite the following sentences to create questions in the past tense by placing was or were
before the subject. Don’t forget to include a question mark (?) in your answer.
1. It was free.
2. The airplane was very low in the sky.
3. The mall was empty.
4. They were in kindergarten together.
5. It was bitter.
6. You were angry at Susan.
7. The recipe was easy.
8. The nail clippers were in the drawer.
9. The curtains were velvet.
10. The tablecloth was dirty.
01.8 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb to be.
1. He ashamed of you. (past tense, negative)
2. they cold at the beach? (past tense, affirmative)
3. She right. (present tense, negative)
4. We wrong. (past tense, affirmative)
5. Sharon twenty-two years old today. (present tense, affirmative)
6. It hot last summer. (past tense, affirmative)
7. Mark afraid of needles. (present tense, negative)
8. I hungry all the time. (present tense, affirmative)
9. The baby thirsty. (present tense, negative)
10. He wrong. (present tense, affirmative)
11. she right? (past tense, affirmative)
12. It cold in Canada in the winter. (present tense, affirmative)
13. you scared of sharks? (present tense, affirmative)
14. it hot in your class yesterday? (past tense, affirmative)
15. it cold outside? (past tense, affirmative)
16. They wrong. (past tense, negative)
17. She ashamed of her son. (present tense, negative)
18. you cold? (past tense, affirmative)
19. I twenty-two years old. (past tense, negative)
20. They ashamed of her. (present tense, negative)
21. Marcel right. (present tense, affirmative)
22. Ben thirsty? (past tense, affirmative)
23. The boys hungry. (present tense, negative)
24. I scared of jellyfish. (present tense, affirmative)
25. The girls thirsty. (present tense, affirmative)
26. they ashamed of me? (past tense, affirmative)
27. It afraid of you. (past tense, negative)
28. Lucy usually right. (present tense, affirmative)
29. He scared of crows. (present tense, negative)
30. It cold downstairs. (past tense, affirmative)
01.9 Complete the following sentences using has or have to form the present tense of the VERB TO
1. I ________heartburn.
2. He_______ a black helmet.
3. Karina_______ long braids.
4. We_________ rats in the basement.
5. The monkey ________a banana.
6. I _________a mirror in my purse.
7. Jay _________a fast motorcycle.
8. My cat_______ two orange kittens.
9. My sister________ a boyfriend.
10. I _________a clock radio in my bedroom.
01.10 Rewrite the following sentences to create the negative form of the verb to have. Write the
sentence once using do not or does not and once using the contraction don’t or doesn’t.
1. My cat has fleas.
2. We have a satellite dish on the roof.
3. I have a surprise for you.
4. Jimmy has a fast bike.
5. We have many good books about antique jewelry.
6. She has a lot of customers.
7. My brother-in-law has a screwdriver.
8. The clown has a big red nose.
9. I have long straight hair and bangs.
10. She has fantastic news.

01.11 Rewrite the following sentences to create questions by placing do or does before the subject.
Don’t forget to include a question mark (?) in your answer.
1. You have a pink eraser.

2. He has my phone number.

3. They have everything they need.

4. We have the same scarf.

5. I have rights.

6. Marissa has green flip-flops.

7. You have a huge turkey for Thanksgiving.

8. They have a lease until next year.

9. It has a funny taste.

10. You have two important appointments today.

02.1 Match the sentences with the functions. Write a letter in each box. You can use some
letters more than once.
a = asking for advice b = giving advice c = making a request
d = making a suggestion e = making an offer f = asking for permission
g = refusing permission h = criticizing

0 May I borrow your calculator for a moment? (F)

1 Shall we go to a Chinese restaurant this evening?
2 Would you help me get the dinner ready?
3 You shouldn’t get upset so easily.
4 You ought to have gone to the doctor.
5 Do you think I should go and complain to the manager?
6 I’m sorry, you can’t hand in the assignment a month late.
7 Could I close the door?
8 Can I get you anything from the shops?
9 You shouldn’t have spoken to your mother like that!
10 You ought to talk to Peter about this.

02.2 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I've been having swimming lessons and now I can /could swim really well.
2. Please could / should I use your mobile phone? Mine doesn't have any power.
3. Sam could / ought to get a job instead of complaining about having no money.
4. Okay, yes - you can / should leave five minutes early today.
5. Do you think I must I should tell Michael the truth about what happened?
6. I can't / couldn't read until I was five years old.
7. I'm sorry, but you can't / couldn't leave your car there.
8. If you want to pass the exam, you can / ought to do some revision.
9. I know John lived in Tokyo, but I don't think he can / may speak Japanese.
10. Tracy can / could sing really well now that she's had a few lessons.

02.3 Circle the correct word or phrase. If both are correct, circle both.

1. You can’t/ couldn’t really talk when you were one year old, can/ could you?
2. We can/ could give you a lift home tonight, if you want.
3. I wish I can/ could speak Russian, then I’d be able to/ I could read Tolstoy in the original.
4. Excuse me, could / may you tell me how to get to the leisure centre from here?
5. I’m afraid we can’t/ won’t be able to come to the wedding after all.
6. Thankfully, we could/ managed to get to the airport just in time so we didn’t miss the plane.
7. Dawn couldn’t go/ have gone to the barbecue as she had to work.
8. Would you like to could / be able to buy the flat you’re renting?
9. In a thousand years, can humans/ will humans be able to travel faster than the speed of light?
10. “Mum, can I watch TV and do my homework later?” “No, you may/ might not!”
11. We could catch/ have caught the last train after all, but of course we didn’t know that at the
12. Mayn’t / Can’t I at least stay up till the end of the film?
13. Everyone could / was able to tell that Julie was upset about something.
14. May/ Can I open the window, please? It’s a little stuffy in here.
15.Because we had guests last Saturday, the kids could/ were allowed to stay up till midnight.

02.4 Put a cross (X) by the questions or sentences that do not belong.

1 Requesting
May 1 use your phone? □
Not at all, any time. □
Could you close the door? □
What about pizza for lunch? □
2 Offering
Would you like some cheese? □
Would you mind giving me that file? □

Let's join the tennis club.
Shall 1 book the holiday? □
3 Inviting
May 1 have another cake? □
Would you like to come round this evening? □
Let me take you out. □
Could you tell me the right answer, please? □
4 Accepting offers and invitations
Good idea. □
I'm sorry, I'm busy. □
Let's not do that. □
I'd love to □
02.5 Rewrite the sentences using should or ought to and the words in brackets. You may
have to use some negative forms.

1 'I need to earn more money.' (a, get, job, new, you)

2 'Brenda is angry about what I said.' (are, say, sorry, you, you)

3 'Tom doesn't understand his homework.' (about, ask, it, he, his, teacher)

4 'I'd like to learn to play the piano.' (having, lessons, start, you)

5 'Tina is often tired at work .' (at, late, night, she, TV, watch)

6 'I don't seem to have much energy at the moment.' (exercise, get, some, you)

02.6 Put each sentence into the correct order.

1. can / help / your / project / with / I / you / ?

2. towel for / do / need / beach / you / the / a / ?
3. washing-up / let / do / me /the / .
4. orange / about / what / a / glass / of / ?
5. afternoon / you / like / would / come / swimming this / to / ?
6. mind / you / me / helping / homework / with / my / would / ?

02.7 Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. You're expecting David to ring. The phone rings. Must

2. Anna is a better runner than Rula. You think Anna will probably win the race tomorrow.

3. A letter arrives. It's possible that it's from your cousin, Janice. could

4. There's a knock at the door. Your mum says it might be Colin, but you know Colin is on
holiday. can't

5. You see someone wearing a costume. You think there's a strong probability that she's going
to a fancy-dress party. must

6. Your sister is looking for her hairbrush. You think it's possible that it's in the living room.

7. You're waiting for Harriet to arrive. You think she'll probably be there in half an hour.
02.8 Choose the correct word.
1 I've tried and tried, but this key won't / shan't fit in the lock.
2 These boxes are very heavy. Shall / Will you help me carry them?
3 I've asked Mum to lend me some money, but I don't know if she won't / will.
4 If your clothes won't / will fit in that suitcase, you can use this bigger one.
5 You will / shall tell me all about your trip, won't you?
6 Shall/Will we do the washing-up for you?


02.9 Fill in the gaps with would rather, prefers or (would) prefer.
1. Do you prefer reading magazines or books?
2. She _______ go to a disco than go to the theatre.
3. Jack _______ listening to music to watching television.
4. He ________ study History than Maths.
5. I ________ the piano to the violin.
6. ________ you ________ to have spaghetti or steak for dinner tonight?
7. I_________ see a comedy film than an adventure film.
8. ______ you _______ going to the cinema or going to the theatre?

02.10 Make sentences using “I prefer (something) to (something else).”

1. (driving/ travelling by train)

2. (calling people/ writing letters) I prefer

3. (going to movies/ watching movies on TV)

02.11 Now write the above sentences “I prefer to do (something)….”


02.12 Answer these questions using I’d rather….Use the words in parentheses (…) for your answers.

0. Would you like to walk? (go by car)I’d rather go by car.

1. Would you like to play tennis? (go for a swim)

2. Do you want to watch television? (read a book)

3. Shall we leave now?(wait for a few minutes)

4. Would you like to go to a restaurant? (eat at home)

5. Should we decide now? (think about it for a while)
02.13 Now make sentences using “I’d rather … than…”
1. (walk/ go by car)
2. (go for a swim/ play tennis)
3. (wait for a few minutes/ leave now)
4. (eat at home/ go to a restaurant)
5. (think about it for a while/ decide now)
02.14 Use “I’d rather you (did something).” You are talking to a friend. You say you’ll do
something, but really you want your friend to do it.
0. I’ll cook the dinner if you really want me to, but I’d rather you cooked it.
1. I’ll call Tom if you really want me to, but I’d rather_______.
2. I’ll do the dishes if you really want me to, but _________.
3. I’ll go to the bank if you really want me to, but_________.
4. I’ll tell Ann what happened if you really want me to, but_______.
02.15 Use your own ideas (one or two words) to complete these sentences.
1. “Shall I tell Anna what happened?” “No, I’d rather she didn’t know.”
2. You can stay here if you want to, but I’d rather you ______ with us.
3. I don’t like this programme. I’d rather not _________ it.
4. I’d rather work outdoors _______ work in an office.
5. This is a private matter. I’d rather you ______ tell anybody else.
6. The weather here isn’t bad, but I’d rather it _____ a little warmer.
7. I don’t want to go to the match. I’d prefer _______ it on TV.
8. “Do you mind if I open the window?” I’d rather you _____. I’m feeling cold.
9. I hate doing the shopping. I’d rather somebody else _____ it.
10. I’d prefer to go to the beach ________ go shopping.
02.16 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. A: I’m going out in a minute.
B: So am I. So you’d better take (take) your keys with you.
2. A: Do you watch much television?
B: No. I prefer (read) books to (watch) television.
3. A: I didn’t enjoy the concert much.
B: Nor did I! I would rather they (play) more modern music.
4. A: Shall we go to that new restaurant this evening?
B: Good idea. We had better (book) a table.
5. A: Shall I tidy your bedroom for you?
B: I’d rather you (not/tidy) it. I’ll do it later.
6. A: Shall we go for a walk this afternoon?
B: No. I would prefer (stay) here and read a book.
7. A: My brother prefers (play) computer games to (do) his homework.
B: So does mine.
8. A: Did you enjoy the play last night?
B: No. I’d rather (go) to the cinema.
9. A: I’d rather you (not/make) so much noise.
B: Sorry. I’ll try to be quiet.
10. A: You had better (work) hard at your new job.
B: I will. I want to make a good impression.

02.17 Read each situation and write a sentence with had better.
0.You’re going out for a walk with Tom. You think you should take an umbrella because it might
rain. What do you say to Tom?
-We’d better take an umbrella.
0.Tom doesn’t look very well. You don’t think he should go to work today. What do you say to
-You’d better not go to work today.
Mary suddenly begins to feel sick. You think she should sit down. What do you say to her?

You and Tom are going to the theatre. You’ve just missed the bus. You think you should take
a taxi. What do you say to Tom?

Ann wants to play the piano late at night. You know that she’ll wake up the people next door.
What do you say to Ann?

You and Sue are going to a restaurant for a meal. You think you should make a reservation
because the restaurant might be crowed. What do you say to Sue?

Joe has just cut himself. You think he should put a Band- Aid on the cut. What do you say to

You are going to take your car on your vacation. You think you should have the oil changed
before you go. What do you say (to yourself)?

You are by a river. It’s a hot day and your friend suggests going for a swim. You don’t think
you should because the river looks dirty. What do you say?


02.18 Choose the correct word or words.
1. You really ought not / should not to eat so much chocolate.
2. If you have problems with maths, you should / better talk to your teacher.
3. I'd better not / better not to stay much longer.
4. Ought we / Should we to knock if the door is closed?
5.There's always a long queue, so you'd ought / better get there early.
6.Should / Ought I take her some flowers?

02.19 Choose the correct word or words.

Mum gets angry

You and your sister really ’should / ought to do more to help at home! At your age, you Shouldn't /
better not still expect me to do everything for you. For a start, you 3 ought / should make your own
beds in the morning, and clear up your dirty clothes.
In fact, you 4 ought / should to do your own washing and ironing by now. And you'd 5 oughtn't /

better not let me find any more dirty plates and cups in your bedrooms! If you don't want me to

stop your pocket money, you'd 6 better / should start helping me!

02.20 Put the correct words in each gap.

'd better not try | ought to ask | shouldn't go / should rest | ought to wear | shouldn't do

Dear Diana,
I heard that you fell off your bike. You really 1_________________________ so fast on it, and
I told you that you 2__________________________a helmet! You are lucky that you only hurt
your arm. You 3__________________________your arm for a couple of weeks, but then you
4________________________ the doctor for some exercises, so that it doesn't get too weak.
You5________________________ too much though, and you
6__________________________ to ride your bike until your arm's completely better.


02.21 Choose the correct word or words.

1.You must / have to / need not walk on the grass. It's wet.
2.Fluffy has to / needs / must a drink - he's very thirsty!
3.You need / must / have remember your sports kit tomorrow.

4.He needs to / mustn't / has got wear a hard hat for work.

5.Visitors need / must / have leave their shoes outside.

02.22 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. 'Smoking isn't allowed in the airport.' You mustn't / don't have to smoke in the


2. It's not necessary to come to the train station to meet me.' You have to / don't have to meet her

at the train station.

3. 'We were forced to wait for over two hours in the rain!' They had to / didn't need to wait for

over two hours in the rain.

4. 'The instructions tell you to write in pencil.' You must / needn't write in pencil.

5. 'You can contact us by either phone or e-mail.' You mustn't / don't have to phone them.

6. 'In my country, you can carry your passport with you if you want, but it's not necessary.'

7. In her country, you don't need to I mustn't carry your passport with you.

8. 'My grandfather was made to start work when he was just fourteen years old.'

9. He had to / must start work when he was just fourteen years old.

10.'It's not necessary to book a hotel; you can stay in our spare room.'

11.You mustn't/ don't have to stay in a hotel.

02.23 Write one word in each gap.

When I broke my arm a week ago, I guess it (1) _______ to have hurt. But it didn’t! We were
doing PE at school, and we were making a pyramid. We (2)______ to stand on each other’s
shoulders. I was right at the top. We (3)_______ have been doing it properly because suddenly
the pyramid collapsed and we all fell. I landed on my arm.
Mr Jenkins (4)_______ have known immediately that I’d broken my arm because he sent
someone to call an ambulance. “Sit still, and don’t move your arm at all until the ambulance
comes,” he said. I (5)_____ still remember the feeling- my arm was numb, and looked very
strange, but there was no pain at all. I remember thinking: “It (6)_______ be broken. If it was
broken, I’d be in agony.” I suppose not feeling any pain (7) _______have been because I was in
shock. The plaster (8) _____ come off in about three weeks but it (9)_______ have to stay on
longer. It depends on whether the break has healed properly or not. The next three weeks may
(10)____ be the best three weeks of my life- no basketball, no playing in the playground, no
swimming- but I’m counting my blessings. It (11)______ have been a lot worse!
02.24 Choose the correct word or words.
School rules
At Philip's school, all the pupils 1 have to / must to wear a strict uniform. The boys wear red

jackets, white shirts and black trousers. They 2 be able to / can wear brown or black shoes, and

they 3must / must not clean them every evening.

The girls wear skirts, which 4must not / have not be too short. If it is very hot, the boys don't 5

must / have to wear their jackets. Once a year, the school has a special day when pupils are 6 can /

able to wear what they like.

02.25 Put in expressions from the box with must (not), have/has (got) to or don't have to.
answer come round do military service find out get go to bed go to work hit
your opponent pay taxes take off throw out turn down vote

0.In some countries, both men and women have (got) to do military service.
1. I'm really tired. I ________________________________________________.
2. Sophie hasn't been in touch for days. I __________________________ why.
3. You _____________________________ the question if you don't want to.
4. In my country, everybody _____________________________ in elections.
5. You really __________________________________ that old coat. Please!
6. In boxing, you _________________________________ below the belt.
7. We haven't had a talk for ages. You really __________________ one evening.
8. You ____________________________ a licence to watch TV.
9. When you go through airport security you ____________________ your coat.
10. Harry- you ___________________________ that music. We're all going deaf!
11. We all ________________________________, one way or another.
12. Saturday tomorrow: I _____________________________, thank goodness.

02.26 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. We needn't have hurried / didn't need to hurry - we got there much too early.
2. I needn't have watered / didn't need to water the flowers: Emma had already done it.
3. We needn't have bought/ didn't need to buy the encyclopedia. The kids never open it.
4. We had enough petrol, so I needn't have filled up / didn't need to fill up.
5. Luckily we had plenty of food, so I needn't have gone / didn't need to go shopping.
6. I needn't have studied / didn't need to study Latin at school; it hasn't been any use to me.
7. I needn't have bothered / didn't need to bother to get her a birthday present. She didn't even
thank me.
8. Where I grew up we needn't have locked / didn't need to lock our doors; there was no crime.
02.27 Make sentences with be supposed to, using expressions from the box. Different answers may be

be efficient be good communicators be good with figures forget things go to mass on

Sundays have a lot of imagination like children make us laugh serve the people

1. Comedians are supposed to make us laugh.

2. Politicians ________________________________________.
3. Teachers __________________________________________.
4. Business people ________________________________________.
5. Artists ___________________________________________________.
6. Mathematicians ____________________________________________.
7. Linguists ______________________________________________.
8. Catholics _______________________________________________.
9. Old people ________________________________________________.


03.1 Choose the correct answer.
1. I couldn't ___________ the programme so I turned the TV up.
A hear B heard C hearing D to hear

2. My brother ___________ write when he was just three years old.

A can B could C might D should

3.___________ I use your computer to check my e-mail?

A Will B Ought C May D Would

4. My teacher thinks I ___________ to pay more attention in class.

A might B may C ought D would

5. All compositions ___________ be handed in to me by Friday at the latest.

A must B need C have D ought

6.That ___________be my mobile - mine is silver and that one is black.

A mustn't B shouldn't C wouldn't D can't

7. I sent the letter yesterday, so it ___________get there tomorrow.

A can B need C should D ought

8. Did you ___________ to pay to send the package back?

A must B should C ought D have
03.2 Rewrite these sentences using must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t, have to or don’t have to.
1. Parking in this street is prohibited.
You mustn’t park in this street.

2. It’s not a good idea to swim immediately after a meal.

3. (Doctor to patient) It’s really important to take this medicine three times a day.
4. Is it necessary for me to do this exercise?
5. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so it’s not necessary for me to get up early.
6. It’s a good idea to listen to the weather forecast before you go hill walking.
7. I can recommend this book to you- I think you would like it a lot.
8. It’s a good idea to have a medical check-up every two years.
9. It’s very important not to drink the water there. It will make you ill.
10. Is it really necessary for us to finish the work today?
11. Did the teacher tell you to see him tomorrow?

03.3 Complete the sentence with an appropriate modal verb.

1. She speaks with a London accent, so she must be from England.
2. She ______ be a model, but I don’t think so. She’s not really tall enough.
3. That _____ be John. He always calls when we’re having lunch!
4. She ______ be a teacher. I know she has long holidays.
5. Young children ______ be quite difficult to control.
6. We ______ go to New York this summer, but It’s not certain.
7. He ______ run a hundred metres in 11 seconds.
8. It ______ be difficult to find somewhere to park sometimes.
9. I _______ understand a word he said.
10. He _____ be fourteen. He’s got a beard!
11. You ______ leave early if you finish all the exercises.
04.1 Complete the sentences with should have ...., could have..., might have...., or would have..... More
than one answer may be possible.

0.He should have paid me last week. (paid)

1. When he said that to me I ___________________ him. (hit)
2. You ____________________ somebody, driving like that. (kill)
3. I ________________________ you, but I didn't have your number. (phone)
4. If my parents hadn't been so poor, I _____________________ to university. (go)
5. It's his fault she left him; he ______________________ nicer to her. (be)
6. I _____________________ more garlic in the soup. (put)
7. If you needed money, you _______________________ me. (ask)
8. "We got lost in the mountains." "You fools- you __________________ a map."
9. It's a good thing they got her to hospital in time. She ____________________ (die).
10. You _______________________ me you were bringing your friends to supper! (tell)

04.2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word in
capitals. Do not change the word in capitals.

1. I'm certain that he didn't see me. CAN'T

He ______________________ me.
2. I'm not sure she believes me. MIGHT
She ________________________________ me.
3. I'm positive that John broke it. No one else was here. MUST
John _______________________ it. No one else was here.
4. Maybe the instructions fell behind the wardrobe. MAY
The ________________________ behind the wardrobe.
5. I'm convinced there's no life on other planets. CAN'T
There ______________________on other planets.
6. I'm sure he is satisfied with the results of his research. MUST
He _________________________with the results of his research.

04.3 Rewrite the sentences using may/ could/ might have.....

0.Perhaps she's got lost. She may have got lost (or) She could/might have got lost.
1. Perhaps Peter forgot to lock the door. _________________________________.
2. Perhaps your mother sent these flowers. _______________________________.
3. It's possible that the builders have finished. _____________________________.
4. There's a chance that I've found a new job. _____________________________.
5. It seems possible that Alex has changed her mind. _______________________.
6. Somebody has been in my room, possibly. _____________________________.
7. Perhaps we've come to the wrong house. _______________________________.
04.4 Put in must have......, had to....., can't have...... or may not have ........
1. Shakespeare ___________ to Australia, because Europeans didn't know about it. (go)
2. King Arthur _____________-nobody's sure. (exist)
3. Castles in the Middle Ages _________________ cold in the winter. (be)
4. Poor people five hundred years ago ______________ easy lives. (have)
5. Sorry I'm late. I _______________ for a phone call. (wait)
6. She didn't answer. She __________________ what I said. (understand)
7. I ____________________ two years' military service- a complete waste of time. (do)
8. You _____________________ pleased when you heard you'd won the prize. (be)
9. "My ankle really hurts." "Well, you ___________________ it if you can still walk." (break)
10. I'm very sleepy. I _________________ at four this morning. (get up)
04.5 Write one word in each gap.
My cousin Tina
My cousin Tina is a professional dancer. Her mum - my aunt - says that Tina (1)
___________dance really well even before she was able to walk!
When Tina was ten, she could (2) ________ gone to a special school for dancers in New York, but
she decided not to because she didn't want to leave her friends. Even today, Tina's mum thin that
Tina (3)__________ have gone to the school. I'm sure it (4) __________have been a very difficult
decision for Tina to make, but she says that she doesn't regret not going. she carried on dancing in
her spare time, often getting up at five o'clock in the morning for a dance lesson before school .
That can't have (5) _______ much fun!
Today, she's really successful. She's been in lots of shows and she's even appeared on TV a few
times. In fact, she (6)_______ have got the main part in a new show in London. She's not sure yet.
They (7)_______ to have contacted her yesterday about it, but they didn't. Hopefully, she'll hear in
the next few days. Whether she gets the part or not, I'm really proud of my cousin!
04.6 For each question, сomplete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no
more than three words. Contractions count as one word.
0.I’m sure you dropped your wallet at the bus stop.
You ____________________ your wallet at the bus stop.
2. Мaybe Joanna missed the last bus.
Joanna ______________ the last bus.
3. Petеr knew how to skate when he was twelve.
Peter __________________ skate when he was twelve.
4. Еmma was wrong not to tell you the answer.
Еmma _______________________you the answer.
5. It wasn't necessary for us to pay to get in. 10.It was a bad idea for us to be rude
We ______________________ pay to get in. to thе policeman!
We _____________________ been
6. I’m sure that Diana didn’t take your books.
rude to thе policeman!
Diana ____________________your books.
7. Perhaps David didn’t notice you.
David ______________________ noticed you.
8. Terry arrived early, but it wasn’t necessary.
Terry ______________________________arrived early.
9. It wasn’t necessary for me to buy any food yesterday.
I didn’t __________________ any food yesterday.
05.1 Make sentences about past and present habits and situations.
0. Penny/ play badminton/ golf. Penny used to play badminton. Now she plays golf.
1. Anna/ have lots of boyfriends/ be married.______________________________
2. John/ study mathematics/ physics.____________________________________
3. Marry/ climb mountains/ cycle.______________________________________
4. Joe/ be a builder/ driver.__________________________________________
5. Gary/ work in Germany/ England.___________________________________
6. Claire/ live in Scotland/ Ireland._____________________________________
7. I/ like meat/prefer fish.____________________________________________
8. We/go to the cinema/ watch TV._____________________________________
05.2 Make sentences with used to and didn't use to about how people lived hundreds of years ago. or write. Most people didn't use to read or write.
1. travel/ by horse ______________________________________________
2. cook/ on wood fires ______________________________________________
3. live so long ____________________________________________________.
4. fight/ spears ___________________________________________________.
5. hunt/ bows and arrows ____________________________________________.
6. believe/ ghosts and devils _________________________________________.
7. be able/ vote ___________________________________________________.
8. think/ earth was flat ______________________________________________.
9. have/ bigger families _____________________________________________.
10. children/ work __________________________________________________.
05.3 Complete using the correct form of used to. You may have to use some negative forms.
1. When I was younger, I ................................................ eat pizza almost every day!
2. .......................... there .......................... be a supermarket on the corner?
3. Bradley is a teacher, but he ................................................ want to be a train driver.
4. I ....................................................... like eating cabbage, but now I love it!
5. .......................... Rick .......................... have blond hair when he was a little boy?
6. I know Lily ....................................................... cook much, but now I think she makes dinner
every day.
05.4 Complete the text with would + verb from the box.
come exchange find go go make swim skate take
When I was a child we lived by a lake. It was a beautiful place. On summer evenings we
(1)_____________ in the lake, or take a canoe out, and in winter we (2) _____________ across
to the other side. School was boring, but weekends were fun, especially when Dad was home.
Sometimes he (3) ______________ us fishing; or we (4) ______________ exploring in the
woods. We always got lost, but we (5) _____________ our way home again somehow. On
Sundays Mum (6) _______________ us pancakes for breakfast, and then we (7)
_______________ to the little village church for the Sunday service. We had a lot of relations
living in the same part of the country, and we saw a lot of them. At Christmas everybody (8)
_____________ to our house for dinner, and then we (9) __________ presents. It was a good
05.5 Choose the correct answer.
1.Sharon looks different now, doesn't she? Yes. She B to have long dark hair, didn't she?
A is used B used C would
2. I have never driven an automatic car before. "You will soon _____ to it."
A get used B be used C used
3. "How is Sarah?" " She's fine. She _____ to life in the countryside."
A got used B used C is getting used
4. "Have you always worked as a nurse?" "No. I ____ a childminder."
A was used to being B used to be C am used to being
5. "Do you remember when we were little?" "Yes. Dad ____ always read us a bedtime story.
A was used to B would C got used to
6."Aren't you tired?" "No. I ____ to walking long distances.
A am used B got used C used
7."Jane had trouble with her job at first." "Yes, She ____ to working on her own."
A used B got used C wasn't used
8. "Did you find your degree course difficult?" "Yes, but I soon _______ to it."
A used B got used C was used
9. "Do you remember Uncle Danny?" "Yes. He _____ always bring us presents."
A would B was used C used
10. "Have you ever lived in a flat before?" "No. but I will _______ to it."
A be used B get used C used
11. "Why are you so tired?" "Because I ______ to getting up early in the morning."
A am used B used C am not used
12. "Do you know that man?" "Yes. He _____ to work for me."
A was used B used C is used

05.6 Read these situations and write three sentences with used to, as in the example.
Jane is American. She went to Britain and found driving on the left difficult.
a) At first she wasn’t used to driving on the left.
b) But soon she got used to driving on the left.
c) Now she has no problems. She is used to driving on the left.

1. Juan came to the United States from Spain. In Spain he always had dinner late in the evening.
But in the United States dinner was at 6:00. Juan found this strange at first.
a) At first he wasn’t ____________________________________________.
b) But after some time he got __________________________________________.
c) Now he finds it normal. He _____________________________________________.

2. Diana is a nurse. She starts working nights two years ago. At first she found it strange and
didn’t like it.
a) At first she____________________________________________.
b) But after a while____________________________________________.
c) Now she doesn’t mind at all. She_________________________________________.
05.7 Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or infinitive (I am used to doing or I used to do).
1. Jane had to get used to __________ on the left. (drive)
2. Bill used to ________ in good shape. Now he’s in terrible shape. (be)
3. When I was a child, I used to_______________ swimming every day. (go)
4. It took me a long time to get used to _______________ contact lenses. (wear)
5. There used to _____________ a café on this corner, but it was torn down. (be)
6. I’m the boss. I’m not used to ______________ told what to do. (be)
7. You’ll have to get used to _____________ less if you want to lose weight. (eat)
8. I used to _____________ Ann, but now she gets on my nerves. (like)
9. Ron got tired very quickly. He wasn’t used to _____________ so fast. (run)
10. Tom used to ______________ to a lot of parties when he was a student. (go)

05.8 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. When she was a girl, my mum would/ used to live in a village.
2. I really can't be/get used to having a new baby brother.
3. People would/ are used to die of diseases in the past that we can cure today.
4. There would/ used to be a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it down.
5. It was strange at first, but I'm used to play/ playing the bagpipes now.
6. Didn't you use to/ be used to have blonde hair?
7. Christopher was being/ getting used to the idea of joining the army.
8. People never would/ used to be so worried about crime in this area.
05.9 Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1.People walked more fifty years ago than they do now. (would)
Fifty years ago, ______________________________________ than they do now.

2.My parents wouldn't let me stay out late when I was young. (used)
My parents _______________________________________ let me stay out late when I was young.

3.Did you know that Carol played basketball for her country? (to)
Did you know that Carol _________________________________________ basketball for her country?

4.Sending messages around the world instantly is no longer unusual. (got)

We_____________________________________ messages around the world instantly.

5.When he was a teacher, my dad often used to get home quite late. (would)
When he was a teacher, my dad______________________________________ quite late.

6.Do you think you could learn to live without your mobile phone? (used)
Do you think you could _____________________________________without your mobile phone?
06.1 Mark whether each verb is an action or state verb.

One day, I want to be famous.

5. This cheese tastes a bit strange.
1.We play soccer after school.
Action 6. Chiara wants to study art history.
State Action
2.I like your new blouse, Katie. State
7. Rob takes the bus to work.
3. Liam goes home at 4:30pm. Action
Action State
4. Fay cooks wonderful meals

06.2 Complete the sentences by writing a word or phrase in each gap.

are smelling | think | are knowing | smell | are feeling | are thinking | know | belong
1 Patrick and Carol_________________ happy because they've just had a baby.
2 A lot of people__________________ where I live.
3 Most of my friends __________of going to college next year.
4 Fresh bread and coffee both_________________ delicious.
5 My parents_________________ I should accept the job offer.
6 Those DVD s ___________ to me.

06.3 Cross out the incorrect words in each sentence.

Chrissy doesn't want/ isn't wanting to go to work today.
1. Fatima writes/ is writing a book about her childhood.
2. It rains /is raining outside. Let's watch something on TV.
3. Marco plays/ is playing guitar on stage now.
4. Rosita has /is having two sisters, who live in the United States.
5. Clauda hates/is hating all salad and vegetables.
6. I read/ am reading a travel guide to Los Angeles.
06.4 Rewrite the sentences, correcting the errors.
e.g. I'm having a cold at the moment.
I have a cold at the moment. 5. Chris is understanding Spanish.
1. We are knowing Jenny very well. 6. I was recognizing that man.
2. This soup is tasting well. 7. My son is having vegetables.
3. Chris is wanting an ice cream. 8. Dom's pie was smelling great.
4. Our vacation was costing a lot of money. 9. Your book is sounding interesting.
07.1 Here are some exchanges from an interview between an American journalist and a French film
star. Can you complete them with the correct tenses?

1. “How do you start work on film?” “I (read) the script and (make) notes.”
2. “I (make) notes of our interview. I hope you don’t mind.” “No, that’s OK.”
3. “What languages (you speak) “English, French and Spanish.”
4. “I’m glad we (do) this interview in English. My French isn’t very good.”
5. “Who (play) that guitar?” “My son, when he has time.”
6. “Who (play) the piano upstairs?” “My sister. She’s got a concert tomorrow.”
7. “What (she play)?” “I think it’s a piece by Mozart.”
8. “(she play) anything else?” “The violin. She’s very musical.”
9. “Your daughter’s very keen on sport, isn’t she?” “She (play) tennis.”
10. “Where is she now?” “She (play) tennis, as usual.”
11. “What’s that delicious smell?” “My husband (cook).”
12. “Is that usual?” “Yes, normally I (shop) and my husband (cook).”
13. “What a lovely clock!” “It (not work), I’m afraid- it’s been broken for years.”
14. “Could I use your phone?” “I’m afraid it (not work) at the moment.”

07.2 Write the correct present tense form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence.
1 Do you see what that man is doing now? He_________________ (taste) the cheese before he buys it.
2 I _______________(not understand) what's wrong with this car.
3 Sam____________ (not think) about his work today, so he's making lots of mistakes.
4 I'm sure everyone____________(know) where New York is.
5 Cathy____ (not like) fish, so she's having an omelette instead.
6 I ____ (not believe) everything I read on the Internet.

07.3 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) That can’t be right. I don’t bеlieve /I’m not believing it!
b) Caroline can’t swim today. She has/is having a cold.
с) See you in thе morning' I leave/I’m leaving now'
d) What do you do/аre you doing? If you drop it, it will explode!
е) Stop doing that, Bill! You’re/You’re being very sillу.
D I drive/I’m driving! You can sit in the back with Martin.
g) What do we eat/ are we eating this evening? I’m really hungry!
h) You’re a great cook! This cake tastes/is tasting wonderful.
i) Where do уou go/are you going? I haven’t finished speaking to you!
i) Сhemistry is hard. I don’t understand/I’m not understanding it.
08.1 Write the present continuous form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence, as shown.
1 Next weekend we (visit) my sister in Brisbane.
2 I (see) Rachel on Saturday.
3 Jane and I (go out) tonight.
4 Martha(swim) this afternoon.
5 We(have) a Halloween party on Saturday.
6 I (take) Sophie out for a birthday dinner tonight.
08.2 Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
You may have to use some negative forms.
1 Gordon? I think he .................................................. (write) a letter at the moment.
2 Yes, the match is on TV now, but we .................................................. (lose).
3 Right now, Margaret .................................................. (have) a shower. Do you want to ring later?
4 Sally .................................................. (stay) with her aunt for a few days.
5 I .................................................. (lie)! It's true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.
6 Josh .................................................. (always / use) my bike! It's so annoying.
7 We .................................................. (have) lunch, but I can come round and help you later.
8 .................................................. (you I play) music up there? It's really noisy!


09.1 Write each verb in its other forms.

Base form Present participle

walk walking










10.1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. We (visit / always) my grandparents at weekends but Aunt Roberta (come / never) with us.
2. I(use / never) my mobile phone if I(drive).
3. I (get) lots of emails every day but I (seem / never) to have the time to reply!
4. The heroine (prefer) to be with Paul because James (argue / always).
5. Maria (forget / always) what time the soap (start).
6. You (moan / always) about the state of the flat but you (help / never)me tidy it up!
7. She (criticise / always) people! That’s why she (not have) any friends!
8. Whether he (go out) or not (depend / always) on how busy he is.
9. I (shop / never) here - they (be / always) so rude!
10. We (smell / always) food cooking when we (pass) her house.
11. He (borrow / always) money! And he (pay / never) me back!

10.2 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Elizabeth usually goes/ is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.
2. Dan talks/ is talking on the other phone right now.
3. We don’t eat/ aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.
4. Does air travel get/ Is air travel getting increasingly safe?
5. My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.
6. How much do babysitters generally earn/ are babysitters generally earning?
7. You always come/ You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.
It’s so annoying!
8. I don’t go/ I’m not going out much during the week but I always try / I’m always trying to go
out somewhere on Saturday night.
9. No, the train does stop/ is stopping at Cirencester on Saturdays.
10. My mum takes/ is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend.

10.3 Complete the sentences with the correct present form of the verbs in brackets. Explain your choice
of tense. Then tick the sentences that are true for you.
1. I (think) coffee (taste) bitter. I (not like) it.
2. My grandma (bake) a lot. She (probably/ make) a cake right now.
3. My dad (not see) why young people (love) fast food so much.
4. I (never/ be) on a diet in my life.
5. I (think) of giving up chocolate.
6. I (do) some cooking. That’s why I (smell) of onions!
10.4 Complete the email. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in the box.
cost depend go have look love make stay still/study taste write
Hi Rosa,
I am writing to you from an Internet café in the city centre. I (1)............. in a cheap hotel near
Plaza Catalunya. I t (2).............just forty euros a night - hot bad! Barcelona is a really exciting city
and I (3)............. a wonderful time! This morning I visited the Sagrada Familia - a famous
Catholic church in Barcelona. It’s really weird - it(4).............
like a wedding cake! Later today I might go to the beach - it (5).............on the weather.
The food’s great. Crema Catalana is my favourite - 1 ju st(6)! It’s a dessert they
(7) with cold custard and sugar on top. I t (8).............. absolutely delicious! So,
everything (9)............. well here. What about you? Is everything OK back in rainy Milan?
(10).............(you) for your exam next week?
See you soon!
10.5 Underline the сorrect phrase in each sentence.
a) What time go уou/do yo go to bed on Saturdays?
b) Why are you waiting/do you waiting outside the door?
с) Don’t ask Tim. He doesn’t know/not knows thе answer.
d) I having/I’m having my lunch at the moment.
е) When you leave/do уou leave the house in the morning?
f) I don’t understand. What is happening/is happen?
g) Еxcuse me, does уou know/do уou know the time?
h) This is a great partу. I’m having/Am I having a lovely time.

10.6 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Could you explain what “antidisestablishmentarianism” means/ is meaning, please?
2. Each song only costs/ is only costing 50 cents at the moment because they’re on special offer.
3. It doesn’t matter/ isn’t mattering which of the books we’ve studied this term you do your essay
4. It’s only a quick call as I ring/ I’m ringing from my mobile.
5. I think I recognize / I’m recognizing that woman over there. Wasn’t she on that quiz show last
6. Excuse me, does the nut cake contain/ is the nut cake containing walnuts? I’m allergic to them.
7. I really don’t agree/ I’m really not agreeing that capital punishment deters people from
committing murder.
8. Why don’t you play/ aren’t you playing football, Mark? I thought you had a match this
9. Stay out of this, Simon, it doesn’t concern/ isn’t concerning you at all.
10. You really resemble/ are resembling your father when you frown like that.
11. If you’re not watching/ you don’t watch TV, turn it off!
12. The number you have dialed does not exist/ is not existing. Please try again.
13. I want everyone to do exercise H, and that includes/ is including you too, Anne!
14. We’re having/ We have the living room repainted so it’s probably best if we go into the kitchen.
15. Right now, my job involves/ is involving a huge amount of foreign travel.
11.1 Here are some sentences from radio news broadcast. Put in the correct verbs.
Arrest arrive close delay die disappear discover give leave marry set fire

e.g England footballers (have arrived) back in Britain after their match in Rome.
1. Singer Alex Haverty _________ his long-time girlfriend Katy Bowen.
2. Charles Blackstock, Member of Parliament for East Chilbury, _________at the age of 57.
3. Once again, bad weather ___________ the tennis final.
4. The Foreign Minister ___________ London for a two-day visit to berlin.
5. Heavy snow ___________ hundreds of roads in Scotland.
6. Demonstrators ________ to cars in a suburb of Paris.
7. A plane with 150 passengers ____________ over the Indian Ocean.
8. A Birmingham businessman __________ $10m to cancer research.
9. A Northamptonshire farmer ___________ hundreds of Roman coins in a field.
10. Customs officers ___________ three suspected drug smugglers at Luton airport.

11.2 Put each verb into a form of the present perfect simple.
a) What’s thе matter? (you cut) Have you cut yourself?
b) I (have) a headache ever since lunchtimе.
с) Nadia (never see) any Chinese films.
d) Someone (steal) Мr Grant’s bike.
e) The passengers arе tired because they (not sleep) all night.
f) I'm afraid we (just break) your window. Sorry!
g) David (not win) a prize this time, I’m afraid.
h) (you ever eat) Spanish food? It’s great!

11.3 Complete using the words in the box.

already before ever for just rarely since so still yet

1. Have you _________ dreamt of winning the lottery?

2. I haven’t worked out how to set the timer on the video______.
3. My dad’s lived in the same house ______ he was born.
4.The film’s only been on _______ a couple of minutes.
5. Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition ________ far.
6. I ______ get the chance to get any exercise- I’m just too busy.
7. He’s only _______ got home.
8. It’s eleven o’clock and Todd _______ hasn’t come home. Where could he be?
9. I’ve never met Ruth ________. What’s she like?
10. Have you finished _________? That was quick!
12.1 Put in since or for.
1. _______ two weeks. 4. _______ eight years 7. _______ a long time 10. _______ last week
2. _______ Monday 5. _______ yesterday 8. _______ two minutes 11. _______ a day
3. _______ 2006 6. _______ lunchtime 9. _______ August 12. _______ this afternoon
12.2 Make present perfect progressive sentences. Use for or since.
e.g. Oliver started learning the piano in January. Now it’s May. (for)
Oliver has been learning the piano for 4 months.
e.g. It started snowing on Wednesday. It’s still snowing. (since)
It’s been snowing since Wednesday.
1.My father started repairing his car on Sunday. Now it’s Friday. (for)
2. We started travelling at 6:00. Now it’s 11:00. (for)
3.We started waiting for the train at 7:30. (since)
4. Mr Andrews started making violins when he was 20. Now he’s 50.(for)
5. Prices started going up fast last year. (since)
6. I started writing my great novel in January. (since)
7. The water started rising at midnight. Now It’s 8:00 a.m. (for)
8. The people next door started playing loud music at 9:00 p.m. Now It’s 2:00 a.m. (for)
9. I started trying to explain things to her an hour ago. (for)
10. The dog started barking at six o’clock. (since)


13.1 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box. Use the present perfect progressive.
Cry learn live play(twice) rain wait(twice) walk work
1. It ________ all day.
2. I ____________ English since I was six.
3. She _____________ tennis professionally for ten years.
4. We ___________n’t _____________ in this house for very long.
5. That man ___________ up and down the street for ages.
6. I _____________ very hard this week.
7. She ________ non-stop since she got his letter.
8. He ___________ that music for hours. I wish he’d stop.
9. ___________ you_________________ long, sir?
10. They call him the waiter, but we __________________ for our coffee for half an hour.

13.2 Complete using the correct present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use short
forms where possible.

Mandy: Hi Matt. How are you? What (1) (you / do) recently?
Matt: Oh, hi Mandy! Well, (2) (I / study) for my exams.
Mandy: That sounds boring! (3) (you / work) hard?
Matt: Very! Basically, (4) (I / just / sit) at my desk in my bedroom for the past three weeks and (5)
(I / not / go) out at all.
(6) (I / work) with Michael, my best friend, some of the time, though, so at least I've had some
company. How about you?
Mandy: Well, my. mum and (7) (I / paint) my bedroom for the last few days.
That has been fun! And (8) (we / also / plan) our summer holiday.
Matt: Great! Where are you going?
Mandy: Well, we haven't decided yet. (9) (We I look) at different places to see which we like best.
Matt: I'm sure you'll have a great time, wherever you go. Oh, by the way,
(10) (1 / think) of having a party when I finish my exams. Would you like to come?
Mandy: Sure! That would be great!


14.1 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box.

Analyse assume create design ensure predict run substitute want

1. Our statistics department has recently _______ the last year’s marketing performance. (progressive)
2. Right through human history, people ________ works of arts based on the natural world.
3. As far back as our records reach, people ________ the end of the world. (progressive)
4. My friend Ali _________ always _______ that he is right and everybody else is wrong. (simple)
5. For the last ten years, I ______ advanced computer systems. (progressive)
6. It seems that for a long time some wine producers __________ cheap wines for more expensives
ones- It’s a very profitable business. (progressive)
7. The same family _______ always _________ this business. (simple)
8. Parliament _________ the question for three days now without reaching a conclusion. (progressive)
9. For nearly 1,000 years, Britain’s island situation __________ its freedom from invasion. (simple)
10. Since I first met her, I _______ to ask her out, but I’m too shy. (progressive)

14.2 For each question, сomplete thе seсond sentence so that it means the same as the first using no
morе than three words. Use present perfect or present perfect continuous.
a) I came tо live here three months ago.
I’ve been living here for three months.
b) Sophie is out at the shops at thе momеnt.
Sophie .............. to the shops.
с) I’ve had Frenсh lessons since Мarсh.
I ................ ....... French since Мarсh.
d) I’m still reading this book.
I ................ ....... reading this book yet.
e) Paul left the room a moment ago.
Paul has .... the room.
f) It's ages since I last went to the cinema.
I ................ ....... to the cinema for ages.
g) This is the first time I’ve eaten snails.
I ................ ....... snails before.
h) I don’t remember Helen’s phone number.
I’ve ............ Helen’s phone number.

14.3 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.
Use contractions where possible.
1. (I/ send off) over 18 press releases this morning so far.
2. Is it the first time (you/ ever/eat) squid?
3. (we/ wait) for you for the past two hours. Where (you/be)?
4. (you/ just/ receive) an e-mail from Ruth?
5. I’m afraid (we/ get) any milk. (we /expect) a delivery for the past four hours but (they/ show up)
6. (I/draw up) a list of people to invite to the wedding but (I/get) very far so far. (you/have) any
thoughts about it?
7. Oh, Clair, my (mum/mean) to ask you for a while. Would you like to come with us to
15.1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There is one extra verb.
do have involve lose make propose put
1. We stood at the store waving goodbye to the newlyweds until we ________ sight of their yatch.
2. My older sister has just bought her own flat and is planning to ______ on a housewarming party.
3. It’s great that Jane wants to get _______ in organizing a hen party for her younger sister. She
always has loads of ideas.
4. I’d like to ________ a toast to the bridge and groom. May they have a long life together.
5.When I got home after travelling for a year, my family ________ a fuss of me. Everyone was
super nice to me.
6. The bride’s father _______ a lump in his throat when he walked his daughter down the aisle on
her wedding day.

15.2 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, past simple.
1.When I heard the phone ring, I (stop) writing to answer it.
2.I (have) piano, lessons every week from the age of six onwards.
3. Since the hotel had a pool, ________ you (swim) every day?
4. The Industrial Revolution (attract) many people from the country to the city.
5. By the time we (arrive), the party was almost over.

15.3 Write the verb in the correct form: Regular or Irregular Simple past.
Last month 1(be) very special. I 2(fly) by myself for the first time! I 3(be) a little nervous but it
4(be) exciting. First, I 5(take) a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I 6(check-in) at the
check-in counter and 7(walk) to the depature lounge at Gate B64. I 8.(be) early, so I 9(have) to
wait a long time to go through immigration and security. Then I 10(wait) in the depature lounge
for about 25 minutes before I 11(get) on the plane. After 12(board) the plane, I 13(walk) along the
aisle and 13b.(find) my seat. Then I 14(sit) down and 15(fasten) my seatbelt. I 16(be) lucky
because my seat 17(be) a window seat, so I 18(can) look outside as the plane 19(take) off. After a
few hours, the flight attendents 20(serve) us dinner and then I 21(talk) to the passenger next to me.
His name 22(be) Eduardo and I 23(be) surprised to find out that he 24(be) also travelling to
Vancouver to study English for the summer. Finally, I 25(watch) an action movie and then our
plane 26(land) soon after that. I 27(have) a wonderful time in Canada. It 28(be) really fun and I
29(make) lots of new friends from all over the world. Next week, I will fly back to Mexico but I
will never forget my time here.
16.1 Complete the sentences about annoying habits with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
check chew lose talk tell
1.Before, Time _____________ the end of his pen. Now he _______________.
2. Before, Julie ___________ her make –up. Now she _______________ her phone.
3. Before, Sam _____________ about himself. Now he _______________ about his girlfriend.
4. Before, Dave ____________ his temper. Now he ___________ his keys.
5. Before, Mary ____________ lies. Now she _____________ people what to do.

16.2 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, past continuous, in each gap. you may have to use
the passive form.

1. When the explosion happened, hundreds of people (pass) through the airport.
2.Amy (read), so she didn’t see me walking past.

3. We decided to leave the beach because it (get) dark and we wanted to get home while there was
still some light.

4. ________ Jessica already (think) of leaving university before she failed her first year exams?
5. Sorry I couldn’t come on Friday, but I (work) on my project.
6. While she (prepare) dinner, he (wash) the dishes.
7. Sam (wait) for us when we arrived the olane.

8. I don't like them because they (always complain).

9. We (have) lunch at 2:00 p.m yesterday.

10. I (drive) car when she called me.

11. When I entered the house, the chef (cook) the meal and kids (watch) cartoons.

12. They (play) basketball after school.

13. The rain (rain) tonight.

14. I (cry) while he (laugh).

15. (I wash) the dishes when the phone rang?

16. (she read) the book when they came?

17. I (not learn) German last year.

18. As she (read) the book, Alice came.

19.What (you do) ten minutes ago?

20. What (our teacher say) a few minutes ago?

17.1 Circle the correct word or phrase.
1 When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing almost every day.
2 About four years ago, I decided / was deciding to become a chef.
3 Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the door.
4 Holly and I ran from the house to the taxi because it rained / was raining heavily.
5 Two men argued / were arguing outside, so I went to see what was happening.
6 Daniel called / was calling you at one o'clock yesterday, but you were here with me.
7 We ate I were eating breakfast when a letter came through the letter box.
8 As I walked past the window, I saw that Paula made/ was making a cake.
9 I dreamt/ was dreaming about my favourite band when the alarm clock went off.
10 While I practised / was practising the trumpet late last night, a neighbour came to complain.

17.2 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I saw/ was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray’s birthday party.
2. Richard watched/ was watching TV when the phone rang.
3. When we were on holiday, we went/ were going to the café almost every day,
4. Denise practiced/ was practicing the song every day until she could sing it perfectly.
5. The phone was engaged when I called. Who did you talk/ were you talking to?
6. Mr Connors owned/ was owning two houses and a villa in the south of France.
7. I did/ was doing my homework as soon as I got home from school.
8. A car came round the corner and I jumped/ was jumping out of the way.
9. When my dad met my mum, he worked/ was working as a bus driver.
10. I got/ was getting up at six o’clock every morning last week!
11. My cousin and I played/ were playing on the computer when there was a power cut.
12. No, that’s not right. I did pass/ was passing test. I got a B

17.3 Underline the сorrect word or phrase in each sentence.

1. While I washed/was washing my hair, the phone rang/ringed.
2. How did you felt/did you feel yesterday afternoon?
3. When I got/was getting home I received/ was receiving a phone call.
4. Last summer I was going swimming/went swimming every weekend.
5. When the dog bit/was biting Laura’s leg, she screamed/was creaming.
6. We sang/sung some songs and then ate/eat some sandwiches.
7. When уou fell/felt over the cliff, what happened/was happening neхt?
8. While Matу washed-up/was washing-up, she broke/was breaking a cup.
9. I didn't see/saw where the bus stop was, so I was missing/missed the bus.
10. What did уou do/were уou doing when I phoned/wаs phoning you last night?There was no
17.4 Combine the pairs of sentences using the correct form of the verbs and the time expressions in
bold. Do not change the order of the sentences.
1. I (swim) in the sea. I (get) stung by a jellyfish. While

2. I (not experienced) extreme cold temperatures. I (go) to Siberia. Until

3. The plane’s engine (make) a strange noise. It (take) off. As

4. We (never go) to Italy. We ( go) to Naples last year. Before

5. She (meet) her fiancé. They (train) to climb Everest. While

6. The storm (start). The ferry (leave) the port. not long after

7. I (taste) some wonderful food. I (travel) in India. when

17.5 Put in the correct tenses.

e.g. This time yesterday I was running (run) in a half-marathon.
e.g. We were having a great time yesterday evening, but then the neighbours came round and
complained about the noise. (have, come, complain)
1. I __________ my girlfriend while we __________ in Italy. (meet, work)
2. When I walked in they ___________ cards (all play)
3. When I __________ to work this morning I __________ to buy a new raincoat. (go, stop)
4. Oliver ________ his arm while he _________ (break, ski)
5. I can’t remember what I __________ when I __________ the news about the crash. (do, hear)
6. While we _________ TV upstairs, somebody ___________ into the house and ________ my
mother’s jewellery. (watch, break, steal)
7. I _________ in a rock group when I was at school. (sing)
8. He __________ to find that three policeman ________ by his bed. (wake up, stand)
9. When I was a child, we _________ our own amusements. (make)
18.1 write the sentences below in the past simple.
1. He goes to bed early.
2. We don't like onions.
3. Does she exercise?
4. Where do you live?
5. He has a car.
18.2 write the sentences below in the present perfect.
1. I saw a penguin.
2. Did they eat breakfast?
3. Jennifer didn't finish her homework.
4. It didn't rain for a long time.
5. Who finished the homework?
18.3 Complete these sentences to score your knowledge of Present Perfect and Simple Past grammar.
1. It's a great movie. I (see) that movie many times.
2. (you eat) really strange or interesting food?
3. My sister (never ride) a bicycle. She is afraid that she will fall off.
4. I'm sorry, but I (finish) my homework yet.
5. Eva, Thomas and Robert (be) Hong Kong many times.
6. I (clean) the kitchen, but I(clean) the living room yet.
7. (you finish) answering all the questions yet?
8. My family and I (live) in London when I was young.
9. (you take) lots of interesting photos on your holidays?
10. We (have) a great time and we did (do) lots of fun and exciting things.
11. He (have to) see a dentist yesterday because he had a toothache.
12. John Cabot (sail) to America in 1498.
13. The thief (steal) the diamond crown.
14. I often (play) football when I was a young man.
15. I (eat) cereal for breakfast this morning.
18.4 Complete the story.
Hi! my name is Julia. It (snow) a lot in my town.
J: Hi! Eric. How are you? (you play) in the snow before.
E: Yes, I (play) many times.
J: Hey Milly! How about you? (you see) the snow before?
M: I (see) the snow before. This is my first time.
Milly (move) here two months ago. And she (see) the snow yet.
19.1 Make sentences using the past perfect.
e.g. a) Jack finished his lunch. b) He sat down to watch a film. (when)
When Jack had finished his lunch, he sat down to watch a film.

e.g. b) I went on a trip round America. a)I finished my exams. (after)

I went on a trip round America after I had finished my exams.

1. a) He tried on six pairs of shoes. b) He decided he liked the first ones best. (after)
2. a) Mary did all the shopping. b) She took a short walk round the park. (when)
3. a) I washed and dried the last plate. b) Paul came in and offered to help. (after)
4. b) He went to the café in the square for a cup of coffee. a) He said goodbye to the visitors. (after)
5. b) I started on the dark chocolate. a) I ate all the milk chocolate. (when)
6. a) Peter did his karate training. b) He phoned his mother. (when)
7. b) Mike had a long hot shower. a) He went for a run. (after)
8. b) Sandra went to bed. a) She phoned the office to say she was ill. (after)

19.2 Past Perfect. John loses things. Here are some of the problems he had on a visit to London.
Complete the sentences using words from the box.
address appetite glasses key luggage memory money ticket.
e.g. He couldn’t change clothes at his hotel because he had lost his luggage.
1. He couldn’t see very well because ______________________________________.
2. He couldn’t get into the theatre because __________________________________.
3. He couldn’t buy another ticket because __________________________________.
4. He had trouble finding his hotel again because _____________________________.
5. He couldn’t get into his hotel room because _______________________________.
6. He couldn’t eat much in the hotel restaurant because ________________________.
7. He didn’t get home the next day because _________________________________.

19.3 Write sentences using the prompts. One of the verbs must be in the past perfect simple.
1. we / just / hear / the news / when / you / ring
2. I/ already / think of / that / before / you / suggest / it
3. when / I / turn on / the TV / the programme / already / start
4. she / be / hungry / because / she / not / eat / anything / all day
5. by the time / I leave / school / I / decide / to become / a musician

19.4 In pairs, put the underlined verb into the Past perfect. Discuss how this changes the meaning. Then
tick the sentences that are true for you.
1. I started walking when I was eighteen months old.
- I had started walking when I was eighteen months old.
2. When I was four, I learned how to ride a bike.
3. I had swimming lessons when I started primary school.
4. When I started playing for the school, they didn’t win a game.
5. At 7 o’clock this morning I left my house.
6. This lesson started when I arrived in class.
20.1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box (past or past perfect). Use a dictionary if
affect apply check enclose obtain participate publish select
1. I __________ for the job, although I wasn’t sure I wanted it.
2. David & Davis rejected Martin’s new book, although they ___________ three of his novels
3. Jones ___________ in two earlier expeditions, and was clearly the best person to lead the group.
4. I sent off the form, and then realized I ____________ the wrong photograph.
5. We did not think we would have an opportunity to see the match, but Penny told us she
_____________ some free tickets and invited us to go with her.
6. The committee interviewed six of us for the job, but I was sure they ______________ the
person they wanted already.
7. The fire started because nobody ______________ the electrical wiring for years.
8. The doctor told my father that working with chemicals all his life ______________ his eyesight.

20.2 Choose the best way of completing each sentence.

1. After I tried/ had tried to phone her six times, I gave up and went out.

2. As soon as he saw/ had seen me he gave me a big smile.

3. Once the dogs went/ had been for their walk, they settled down quietly.

4. When I called/ had called Annie, she pretended not to hear.

5. After I painted/ had painted the kitchen ceiling I decided to stop for a rest.

6. When everybody voted/ had voted, the results were announced almost immediately.

7. When Lucy came in / had come in, everybody stopped talking.

8. When I sent / had sent the email, I realized I had made a terrible mistake.

9. Once I telephoned/ had telephoned everybody, I wondered what to do next.

10. When I got/ had got home, I went straight to bed.

11. When I opened/ had opened the door, the children ran in.

12. When they mapped/ had mapped the whole territory, they returned to their headquarters.
20.3 Grammar in a text. Choose the correct tense (simple past or past perfect).

I (go) went to Paris last spring for a job interview; I (1 not be) there for five years. I (2 arrive) the

evening before the interview, and (3 decide) to go for a walk. I (4 spend) a happy hour strolling

round, thinking about the good times I (5 have) there as a student. As I was walking by the Seine, I

suddenly (6 see) a familiar face- it was Nedjma, the woman I (7 share) a flat with when I was a

student, and whose address I (8 lose) after leaving Paris. I could tell she (9 not see) me, so I (10

call) her name and she (11 look) up.

As she (12 turn) towards me, I (13 realise) that she (14 have) an ugly scar on the side of her face.

She (15 see) the shock in my eyes, and her hand (16 go) up to touch the scar; she (17 explain) that

she (18 get) it when she was a journalist reporting on a war in Africa.

She (19 not be) uncomfortable telling me this; we (20 feel) as if the years (21 not pass), as if we

(22 say) goodbye the week before. She (23 arrive) in Paris that morning, and she (24 have) a

hospital appointment the next year. The doctors (25 think) that they could remove the scar, but she

would have to stay in Paris for several months. Both of us (26 have) the idea at the same time; if I

(27 get) the job, we could share a flat again. And we could start by having a coffee while we (28

begin) to tell one another everything that (29 happen) to us in the past five years.

20.4 Circle the correct word or phrase.

Dear Lisa,
Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left/ had just left for school when I saw the postman and he (2)
gave/had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read/had read it during maths and it (4) made/
had made me laugh. I almost (5) got/ had got in trouble!
Anyway, I’m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was/ had
been late for the lesson because when I (8) got/ had got there, I suddenly realised I (9) left/ had left
my judo suit at home! So I (10) went/ had gone all the way home and when I (11) got/ had got
back, the lesson (12) already began/ had begun. The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13)
learned/ had learned how to do some basic throws, Can’t wait till next time!
What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke/ had spoken to you, you (15)
talked/ had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide/ had you decided?
I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.
Speak to you soon.
21.1 Complete the sentences with present perfect or past perfect.
1. We 1. have played (play) football on the ground.
2. He 2. has written (write) a letter to her friend.
3. They 3. have worked (work) in the field.
4. She 4. has sung(sing) a song in the classroom.
5. I 5. have planted (plant) some plants in my garden.
6. I 6. have woken (wake) early in the morning.
7. Harry 7. has brushed (brush) her teeth.
8. My baby 8. has slept (sleep) since all night.
9. Alex 9. has studied (study) at home for an hour.
10. We 10. haven't received (receive) any mail since we were retired.
11. The match 11. had finished (finish) when I reach the stadium.
12. The players 12. had lost (lose) heart before the match finished.
13. I 1. had drafted (draft) my plan before I started work.
14. Julia 14. had tidied (tidy) the room before Mona came.
15. Ann understood that she 15. had missed (miss) the train.
16. Nick said that he 16. had given (give) his book to Lisa.
17. She 17. had made (make) a cake before Tim arrived.
18. Paul wasn't hungry because he 18. had eaten (eat) his dinner.
19. Tim's wallet was empty because he 19. had spent (spend) a lot of money on dinner.
20. Zuzi was happy because her students 20.had done (do) their homework.
22.1 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box, using the past perfect continuous.
Carry hope lie live lose miss queue sit snow
1. I got sunburned because I’d been lying in the sun for too long.
2. His back was aching because he _______________ a heavy rucksack for several hours.
3. Last year, we moved out of the house that we _____________ in for the previous twenty years.
4. I was disappointed with my exam results. I _____________ for a higher grade.
5. The police found the escaped prisoner they ____________________ for.
6. The book that ______________ for several months mysteriously reappeared on the shelf.
7. I needed to stretch my legs because I ____________ still for a long time.
8. He closed the business as it ________________ money for a few years.
9. It was the middle of winter and it ________________ all night.
10. We were fed up because we ______________ for ages.
22.2 Here are some sentences from books and newspapers. Complete them with verbs from the boxes,
using the past perfect progressive. Use a dictionary if necessary.
cry expect hold see sit think wait
1. She fetched herself a packet of sandwiches from the counter and then came back to where she
2. My next call was to the company that ____________________ some of my things in storage,
just to warn them that I was coming round.
3. And since her birthday, she _________________ more of Dionne than she had for years.
4. Olive _____________ so many horrors that hearing the question she almost laughed with relief.
5. It was the music that brought me in from the hall where I ____________________.
6. For a long, long time I ______________ of getting out of that awful place.
7. Everybody was looking at me. And I simply couldn’t explain why I _____________________.

carry carry go on knit look photograph play watch

8. Police said that the two men arrested in Ireland ___________________ several addresses of safe
houses in France.
9. I ________________ tennis for about five minutes when there was a very loud explosion very
close at hand.
10. At the big house I met the officer who _______________ for me earlier on.
11. She couldn’t really remember anything, only that she ___________________ a sweater and
then she had woken up in this bed with her nosy, bossy sister sitting beside her.
12. The rucksack and the rifle I ________________ since yesterday evening seemed like a ton
13. Their affair __________________ for years before she decided to tell her husband.
14. Believe it or not, he was arrested because he __________________ the Houses of Parliament.
15. When her escape was discovered, it turned out that everybody thought somebody else
_______________ her.
23.1 Complete using the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous of the verbs in the box. You may
need to use a negative form.
eat stay wait know see listen get have run
1. By the time he died, Beethoven ______________ nine symphonies.
2. We chose the Hotel Rio because we _________________ there before.
3. We ___________________ for over an hour when the train finally arrived.
4. I was completely out of breath because I _____________________.
5. I _________________ the film before, so I knew how it ended.
6.When he got married, I _______________ Chris for about two years.
7. Johnson ____________ ready for the race for six months and finally the big moment came.
8. Vivian ______________ computer lessons for very long so she wasn’t sure how to use the
9. Holly _______________ oysters before, so she wasn’t sure what to do with them.
10. I _______________ to my new CD for a few minutes when the CD player started making a
funny noise.
23.2 Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.
1. Joshua (already/be) married twice before he met Carol.
2. I asked Martha and Sue to organize my wedding because they (prepare) quite a few before.
3. Stewart was really exhausted because he (look) after the twins the whole afternoon.
4. Dad, how long (you/date) Mum before you got engaged?
5. I split up with my girlfriend because we (have) a serious quarrel for the third time that week.
6. When I saw Jane the other day, I could see she (cry) but I didn’t know why.

23.3 Complete the sentences with past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. They (know) each other for a year before they got married.
2. He was exhausted because he (drive) all night.
3. She was in a panic because she (lose) her passport.
4. He (have) the car for just a month when someone crashed into it.
5. The alarm didn’t go off because I (forget) to set it.
6. My eyes were hurting because I (stare) at the computer screen all day.
7. I was sorry that the trip was cancelled. I (look) forward it.

23.4 Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The roads were wet this morning. It (rain) all night.
2.Yesterday I was tired. I (not sleep) well the night before.
3. I went to the doctor last week because I (not feel) well.
4. I (have) the same phone for ages, so I got a new one last month.
5. I didn’t understand yesterday’s homework because I (not listen) to the teacher in class.
6. BY the time I arrived, the lesson (aleady/ start).
24.1 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in the box.
break never beat not bring score skate train
1. Tom slipped on the ice and broke his leg when he __________.
2. It was 2-2. Then Joe _______ the winning goal in injury time.
3. Beth couldn’t do PE because she _______ her PE kit.
4. Jack was ecstatic. He ________ his brother before.
5. Tess couldn’t believe she _______ the school record!
6. Lucy _______ for a triathlon when she twisted her ankle.

24.2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of past continuous and past perfect continuous.
1. She (practice) verbs for two weeks,
2. Cool breeze (blow) since morning.
3. I (study) at this college for many years.
4. Hana (sleep) for 8 hours when her mother woke hwr up.
5. He (suffer) from fever for three months.
6. I (have) a shower when you phoned.
7. Andrew (walk) in the park when I saw him.
8. I (clean) my room when you called me.
9. I (choose) a present when Jim saw me.
10. Suzi (listen) to music when the delivery came.

24.3 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate past form.

One fine morning, a man 1 was fishing (fish) in a river. The sun 2(shine) and the man 3(sit) on the
river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man 4(wait) patiently for several hours
when suddenly he 5 (feel) something pulling on the fishing line. He 6(stand up) quickly and
7(begin) to take in the line. He 8(just/lift) the huge fish he had caught out of the water when there
was a loud splash and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what 9(happen).
Then, he 10(look) carefully at his fishing line. It 11(snap). The poor man was so disappointed that
he 12(pack) away all his things and went home.
25.1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
1. My mother (watch) TV all afternoon.
2. They (watch) the Lord of the kings.
3. My grandfather (eat) her breakfast.
4. (he, play) computer game since Monday?
5. I (travel) to this country for four days.
6. The mechanic (repair) our refrigerator.
7. He (bath) in the rain since morning
8. Ami (write) essay for two hours.
9. (her daughter, eat) anything all day?
10. I (cook) any meal when she came to my home.
26.1 Circle the correct word or phrase.
1.Oscar says he is doing / will do the washing-up after dinner.
2.Shall you tell / Will you tell Rupert I'm sorry about yesterday?
3. I am remembering / will remember this day for the rest of my life!
4. I'm sure you are passing / will pass your driving test. Don't worry.
5. If you want me to, I will comp lain / am going to complain to the manager about it.

26.2 Put the verbs in the right places to complete the sentences. Use going to.
Note: There are too many verbs.
1. Jane is going to study music in Vienna. She’s ______________ to become a
professional pianist. This summer, she’s ____________ three months studying German.
(spend, try, work, study)
2. Max is ___________ maths and science for his school-leaving exams.
Then he’s __________ the summer learning to fly. In the autumn, he’s ___________ a
two-year training course for airline pilots. (start, spend, go, do)
3. Jennifer’s eight, and she doesn’t know what she’s ___________. One day she says
she’s _________ a dancer, and the next she says she’s __________ with animals. This
summer, she’s ____________ with her aunt in America. (take, work, do, stay, be)
4. Annie is _________ the house this summer. Then she’s ___________ two weeks
walking in Scotland. In the autumn, she’s ___________ a new job as a translator. (start,
decorate, spend, play)
26.3 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of verb.
1.I (close) the window. It's starting to rain.
2. Don't worry! I (help) you solve this problem.
3. It (rain) in a moment.
4. When you arrive tonight, we (go) out for dinner.
5. (have) some time for me tomorrow/
6. Promise you (never. leave) me again.
7.I think England (win) the world.
8. The meeting (take) place at 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.
9. I (go) for a hike this weekend.
10. If you eat too much candy, you (feel) sick.
11.What (you, do) tomorrow?
12. She (not go) to their party because they didn't invite her.
13.What (watch) tonight?
14. (you study) English next year?
15. look at that driver! He (have) an accident.
16. Can you take me to the airport tonight? Of course, I (take) you. I'd be happy to.
17. Do you want me to take you to the airport? No thanks, John (take) me.
27.1 Complete the sentences. Use be going to, will, the present simple or the present continuous and the
verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
0 .So, what time are you leaving (you / leave) tomorrow?
1 Look! That car over there (crash)!
2 I (not come) with you tonight. I have to stay in and finish my project.
3 You look tired. Sit down and I (make) you a cup of tea.
4 The film (start) at half past eight.
5 Do you think Jim (mind) if I use his computer?
6 What’s wrong? You look as if you (cry).
7 The library (close) at half past seven this evening.
8 Look - is that Harry over there? (go) and say hello.
9 Hurry up! Our train (leave) in half an hour!
10 Laura and Ben (have) a party next week.

27.2 Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.
1. We aren’t/ We’re not going to miss the train, are we?
2. I think I’m going to do/ I’m doing really badly in the English test tomorrow.
3. Josh is going to sing/ is singing a song in the school talent contest next week.
4. I’m going to buy/ buying a big yacht if I can when I’m older.
5. Sports Day is going to be/being held on the last day of term.
6. Does/ Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?
7. Are they going to broadcast/ Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?
8. Do they broadcast/ Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?
9. According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves/ is leaving at 10.15.
10. Does the restaurant open/ Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?

27.3 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. Sometimes both are possible.
1. I’m starting/ going to start a new online course in a few weeks.
2. I’m going to study/ studying web design, but I’m not sure where yet.
3. However much things change, we are always going to need/ will always need teachers.
4. Jobs of the future will need/ are needing technological skills.
5. The course is going to start/ starts next week.
6. I hopes I’ve passed my course. I get/ am getting my results tomorrow morning.
7. Apparently a successful app designer can earn thousands a day! I think I’ll change/ change my
8. I think my job will change/ is changing in the future.
28.1 Complete the sentences with expressions from the box.
was going to happen was going to ring was going to say was catching was leaving
was to change was to regret would be terrible would be married would spend
1. Carola and I hardly noticed each other that first evening. Two weeks later we
2. He __________________________ that conversation for many years to come.
3. I __________________________ you yesterday, but I forgot.
4. She __________________________ in two hours, and she still hadn’t started packing.
5. So this was the school where I __________________________ the next five years.
6. The letter that __________________________ my life arrived one Friday morning.
7. I couldn’t decide what I __________________________ to Mary.
8. I knew that the party __________________________, and it was.
9. I got up early because I __________________________ the 7.50 train.
10. John was the only person who realized what __________________________.

28.2 Complete the text with expressions from the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.
was going was going to be was going to do something was going to say was joining
was starting was to was to get was to report were going to do
would become well known would come back would sometimes envy would marry

It was the last night at university; the last party. The mood kept changing from happy to serious to
sad and back again. We talked about the past, remembering good and bad times; and we talked
about the future and what we 1______________ David 2___________ into the theatre; we were all
sure he 3_____________ a star. I saw him years later in a James Bond film; one of those
anonymous bad guys who get killed in the first ten minutes. Alistair 4_________________ the
army; he 5________________ to his regiment the following Monday. And he 6______________
killed for real, a few years later, in a stupid and unnecessary war. Chris Homer 7______________
in finance, he said, though it was not entirely clear what. He 8 _____________ into my life in a
couple of years, walking into my office in torn jeans, smelling of drink and asking for money. The
other Chris- the one we called “egghead”- 9 _______________ post-graduate work the following
year. He 10_____________ become an eminent research scientist with an international reputation.
Two others 11______________ in years to come: Keith as a prize-winning film director,
and Robbie as a politician involved in a series. My closest friend, Nigel, 12 _____________ his
university girlfriend, have three children, and enjoy a quiet and happy life. Later I 13
____________ him. I 14_____________ at university and become an academic- I thought. (Do
you know how to make God laugh? Tell him your plans.) I emptied my glass, said an emotional
good-bye everyone, and walked out into the future.
29.1 Mr. Collins is a teacher. Look at the pictures and say what he will be doing at different times
tomorrow. Use expressions from the box.
cook supper correct papers drive to work have a shower have breakfast
have coffee teach French teach maths train the football team watch TV

0. At 8:00 he will be having breakfast.

2. _______________________________________

29.2 Complete the sentences with future continuous tense.

1. I (write) the letter tomorrow.
2. The baby (play) the whole night.
3. I (help) my mother to make breakfast.
4. Shelly (eat) the cake later.
5. Penny (run) the marathon tomorrow.
6. She (take) her dog for a walk.
7. Riz (come) to our place soon.
8. I (not watch) this series this month.
9. My mother (not work) tomorrow.
10. Who (wait) for John at the railway station?
30.1 If the phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, write the correct form on the line so that
the sentence is in the future perfect.
1. I think we’ll have sold out of these by the end of the day.
2. On Tuesday, Toby will have been being with the company for exactly for exactly 35 years.
3. We’ll have been becoming the market leader by the end of the summer.
4. At the end of the summer, I’ll have taking the same train to work every morning for 15 years.
5. When we meet tomorrow afternoon, will you already have a chance to look at the sales figures?
6. You’ll have driven for hours without a break when we get there, so you’ll need a rest before we
go out.
7. A Managing Director will have appointed by the end of the month.
8. Sandra won’t have been finished the reports by then, but she should at least have started.
9. Ron’s going to be very surprised when he hears the news. He definitely will have been
expecting it.
10. Will you have managed to put something down in writing by the end of the day?
11. Why will they have been waiting for hours? I thought you’d told them we were going to leave
12. It sounds like the invitations won’t all have delivering by next Friday.

30.2 Complete using the future perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (cook) dinner by the time you get home.
2. They (not/finish) painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.
3. This time next month, you (probably/ pass) your driving test!
4. (you/do) all your homework by bedtime?
5. We (probably/ not/ leave) by the time you get home.

30.3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of verb.

1.They(play) football in that field before you reach.
2. April (go) to the coffee shop before she comes here.
3.Bob (go) to the library before he comes to the class.
4.I (arrange) all the necessary materials before the program starts.
5. I (help) him to do the task before the presentation starts.
6. I (be)here for six months on June 23rd.
7. By the time you read this I (leave).
8. You (finish) your report by this time next week.
9. (not,arrive) by 5:00?
10. (eat) when I pick you up?
31.1 Complete using the future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1.In a few minutes, I (wait) here for Craig for over two hours. Where can he be?

2. We’ll be halfway through the sponsored swim in one hour so we (swim) for forty-eight hours
non-stop by then.
3. If she’s still on the phone at eight o’clock, (Jan/ talk) to Melissa for over two hours.
4. At six o’clock this evening, we (not/ climb) for five hours but for seven hours!
5. Tomorrow (Emma/ work) on the project for ten days.

31.2 Complete the sentences with future perfect continuous.

1. By the time my mother comes home at 3, we (play) computer games for two hours.
2. By next year, they (go) to England for five years.
3. (we, work) in the company for two years?
4. (I learn) French for ten years when I finish this school?
5. She(sleep) at home for two hours when she arrives.
6. Richard (study) at the library for six hours by nine o'clock.
7. (Moses, feel) sad by the time I make a surprise for him?
8. He (play) the guitar for ten years when he turn twenty.
9. (it, rain) for three hours?
10. At 4 o'clock, we (wait) you for one hour.
11. How long (you, live) here?
12. By the time they come home, I (cook) for an hour.
13. Jimmy (attend) the business meeting by the end of this year.
14. The farmers (sow)crops by the end of this year.
15. By the end of this year, I (teach) French for two months.
16. By the next week, we (enjoy) vacations at a hill station.
17. By the end of this years, he (travel) around the world for many years.
18. (you, speak) for two years by the end of the this year?
19. (they, play) tennis since morning?
20. When I am at school, my family (fly) to New York.
21. By afternoon, I (hike) for four hours.
22. The gardener (water) the plants since 4 o'clock.
23. The artist (make) a painting for two weeks by this Sunday.
24. The people (leave) the party by midnight today.
25. The kids (watch) cartoons for two hours by 8 p.m.
32.1 Complete the letter extracts with the future perfect or the future perfect continuous of the verbs in

A: It's great to hear that you are coming home. I (wait) for you at the airport at 10 o'clock as we
agreed. Pete can't come with me because he (do) an exam at that time. He (finish) the exam by
midday so we can meet him then.
B: The flat I'm living in now is really small and horrible but (find) a better place before you arrive.
I expect I (share) a flat with one of my cousins.
C: The next time you visit me I (be) in Australia for nearly 3 years. I (improve) my English by
then so I (probably, work) as a translator.

32.2 Complete the sentences with the future perfect or the future perfect continuous of the verbs in
1. Next Thursday, I (work) on the project for three years.
2. They (talk) for over an hour by the time Steve arrives.
3. How long (you, study) when you graduate?
4. By the time next year, John and his wife (live) together for 30 years.
5. Ali will be very tired when he gets home because he (jog) for over two hours.
6. We will be making a rest stop in half a hour because you (drive) the car for 4 hours by then,
and feeling very tired.
7. Susan (have) her driver's license for over two years.
8. By the end of this year, I (work) here for 12 years.
9. Bob (paint) the doors by the time you come home.
10. By midnight, they (dance) for five hours.
11. By next week, we (earn) lots of money.
12. They (not, be) married by next year.
13. My mother (not, prepare) breakfast by the time my father and brother wake up.
14. She (not, see) you if do not apologize.
15. You can call me at work at 8 a.m. I (arrive) at the office by 7.
16. You (finish) your report by this time next week.
17. (the concert, start) by 20 minutes?
18. When (be) in France for three months?
19. In 10 years' time, they (travel) all continents?
20. They (prepare) the documents by next Saturday?
33.1 Write one word in each gap.
The office of the future

What (1) ------- the office of 2025 be like? By then, it’s highly likely that most of the western

world will (2)------- been connected to a WiFi network. As (3)----- as that (4)-----, the physical

restriction of phone lines (5) ----- disappear. Some people will (6) ----- have to commute to the

office each day, but for many others their office will (7) ------ wherever they are. More and more

people will be (8) ----- from home several days a week. It’s no exaggeration to say that many

businessman and women will (9) ------ sending e-mails and (10) ------ business with clients (11) ---

----- they (12) ------- lying on a beach or flying across the Atlantic.

In terms of technology, mobile phones and laptops will have (13) ------ even more lightweight and

portable than they are now, and many new pieces of communication technology will have (14) ----

-- introduced to make our working lives easier. Indeed,

(15)----- 2025, it’s quite possible that your mobile, camera, laptop and MP3 player will have been

combined into one very small, but extremely powerful, business communications unit.

33.2 Fill in the future simple, the present simple or the present perfect.

A. My car is being repaired and I don’t know when it 1 will be (be) ready.

I doubt whether I 2 (be able to) collect it before the weekend. I wonder if John 3 (give) me a lift to

the party on Saturday. I’ll ask him when he 4 (come) home.

B. I was calling to ask if you’d like to go out after we 1(finish) work tomorrow or

if you 2(want) to watch a video instead. Call me back as soon as you 3(get) in.

I’ll wait until I 4(hear) from you.

C. I will leave the hotel early in case there (be) a lot of traffic. I don’t know how long the journey

2(take) or what time the plane 3(land), but I 4(call) you as soon as I 5(arrive) at the airport. Then, I

will wait until you 6(come) to collect me.

D. Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he 1(be) late as usual. She

will wait until the clock 2(strike) five and then she will call him in case he 3(forget).
33.3 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form (future perfect simple, future perfect continuous or
future continuous) in each gap. If more than one form is correct, write all the possibilities.
1. By the end of today (Ed/ apply) for over 17 jobs!
2. This time next year (I/ hopefully/ run) my own business.
3. In three days’ time (we/live) here for exactly two years.
4. (Gemma/ already/ arrive) by the time we get there?
5. (you/ travel) all day, will you? Surely. (you/have) several stops on the way, won’t you?
6. (we/ wait) for you at reception when you arrive.
7. At the end of this sponsored jumpathon, (1,000 people/ jump) up and down on the spot non-stop
for 48hours!
8. (the boys/ sign) autographs all morning, so they’ll need a couple of hours’ break before the
recording session.
9. How many people (you/ interview) for the position tomorrow?
10. (Terry/ see) the e-mail as he’s only just got here so we’d better discuss that first.
11. What (you/do) this time next week.
12. (we/see) Ken and Tricia when we go to the States as they’ll be away at the time, unfortunately.

Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.
1. They’re so excited. This time next week they (move) into their new home.
2. How many more places do you want to view today? By teatime we (view) six flats!
3. (you/put) in new bathroom fittings next weekend?
4. I hope that by the time Olivia starts living on her own, she (learn) to cook.
5. I’m truly exhausted. By next week (renovate) our house for a month.
6.By tomorrow the plumber (fix) the dripping tap.

33.5 Complete each pair of sentences. Use the phrases in brackets.

(Will you take, Will you be taking)
1. _Will you take us to the airport, please?
Will you be taking Ben to the airport tomorrow?

2. (will be, will have been)

I London next year, still doing the same job.
I London for ten years by next June.
3. (will finish, was going to finish)
I book, but I had to work late.
If I don’t have too much work this year, I ....................all of Marquez’s books.

4. (will sunbathe, will be sunbathing)

This time tomorrow, Maria....................on a beach in Majorca.
I expect she....................until she gets badly burnt!

5. (will be sleeping, will have slept)

At midnight, I ....................soundly - I hope!
Wake me up at nine - I ....................long enough by then.

6. (will be flying, were flying)

We went to bed early as London the next day.
We Australia later this summer.

7. (will drive, will be driving)

I’ll give you a lift to the station. I ....................that way anyway.
You’ll be late - I to the station if you like.

33.6 Complete the conversation. Use the future simple, future continuous or future perfect of the verbs
in brackets.
Rosa; So, when shall I come round? Is Thursday still OK?
Maria; Yes, but don’t come at six - I (0).will be working (work) then.
Rosa; What time do you think you (1) (be) free?
Maria; Let’s see. As I said, I (2) (work) on the manuscript all day, and I expect I (3) (complete) the
second chapter by about seven.
Rosa; Good, because I (4) (be) quite busy at about six tomorrow as well.
I’ve got an appointment with my dentist and I don’t think she (5)(finish) much before seven.
Maria; Well, we really must be getting on with the book, you know. By the end of this month, we
(6) (spend) a whole year on this project! It’s taking too long.
Rosa; Yes. I (7) (jump) for joy when it’s finished!
Maria; Me too! By the way, (8) (you / go) near the post office?
Rosa; Probably. It’s not far from the dentist.
Maria; I’ve been expecting an important parcel and I think it (9) (arrive) by
Thursday. Could you collect it for me?
Rosa; Sure, no problem. So, I (10) (see) you later. Bye for now. Answer:
34.1 Write the zero conditional sentences.
1. If you (heat) ice, It (melt).
2. The grass (get) wet if it (rain).
3. If you (freeze) water, it (become) a solid.
4. Plants (die) if they (not get) enough water.
5. If my husband (have) a cold, I usually (catch) it.
6. If public transport (be) efficient, people (stop) using their cars.
7. If you (mix) red and blue, you (get) purple.
8. If John (phone) me,(tell) him to meet me at the cafe.
9. (meet) me here if we (get) separated.
10. It you (want) to come, (call) me before 5:00.

34.2 Write the present simple or will form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence.
1 If I _________________ (need) to ask Johnny for help, I usually call him.
2 It's simple. If you_________________ (work) a bit harder, you'll fail your exams.
3 My parents_________________ (buy) a new car soon if they can save up enough money.
4 Most food burns if you_________________ (cook) it for too long.
5 You_________________ (have) time for your homework if you go to the cinema.
6 If Lisa wins the competition, the newspapers_________________ (want) to write about her.

34.3 Are the bold words correct or incorrect in this text?

Jaime is really nice to share a flat with. I'm sure you'll like him. If he borrows something, he
always gives □ it back, and he always washes the dishes if he'll make □ a meal. Also, if he
cooks □ something good to eat, he often makes some for Isabel and me too, which is really nice.
In fact, if we're tired after studying, he sometimes offers □ to cook for us! If he comes home late
at night, he be □ always very quiet, so that he doesn't wake us. Anyway, if you come to our party
next week, you meet □ him.
34.4 Fill in the gaps with “if or when” and a verb in the present tense, as in the examples.
1. We might go for a walk tomorrow. If we go, we will take the dog with us.
2. The guests will arrive soon. When they arrive, we will greet them at the door.
3. I am going to phone Sam in a minute. _____________ him, I want you to leave the room.
4. I might visit Pamela tomorrow. _______________ her, I will buy her a present.
5. The bus comes at eight o’clock. ____________. We will all get on it.
6. She might invite us to her party. ______________ us, we will go.
7. The film will start soon. ___________, I will record it.
8. Mark may lend me some money. ___________ some money, I will buy that jacket.
34.5 Write two sentences for each item. First and second conditional
e,g. we / leave at eight, we / arrive on time
Likely: If we leave at eight, we will arrive on time.
Less likely: If I left at eight, we would arrive on time.

1 I / not be busy, I / pick you up

less likely:....................................................................
2 you / fall, you / break your leg
less likely:....................................................................
3.we / not leave now, we / be late
less likely:....................................................................
4. you / get the job, we / have a party
less likely:....................................................................
5. I lie questions / be easy, everyone / pass the test
less likely:.............................................................................

34.6 Write third conditional sentences.
0 I felt tired. I went to bed early.
If I hadn’t felt tired, I wouldn’t have gone to bed early.
1 I didn’t have enough money. I didn’t take a taxi.
If ............................................................................................................................... .
2 I wasn’t interested in the film. I didn’t go to the cinema.
If ............................................................................................................................... .
3 We took the wrong turning. We arrived late.
If ............................................................................................................................... .
4 Romeo thought Juliet was dead. He committed suicide.
5 Oliver lied. He was punished.
Oliver...................................................................................................................... ..
6 I didn’t go to the wedding. I wasn’t invited.
I ...................................................................................................................................
7 I was afraid of the dark. I didn’t go downstairs.
If .................................................................................................................................
8 You didn’t train hard enough. You didn’t win.
If .................................................................................................................................
9 He didn’t apologise. She didn’t forgive him.
If .................................................................................................................................
10 She didn’t have a car. She had to take a taxi.
If ............................................................................................................................... .

34.7 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 If you had c o m e (come) to the theatre yesterday, you would have enjoyed (enjoy) the play.
1 If I ..............(come) to Athens last year, I..............(visit) you.
2 If we..............(know) you already had tickets, we..............(not get) any for you.
3 If you..............(not destroy) my computer, I..............(not need) a new one now!
4 If you..............(not leave) the party so early on Saturday, you..............(might / meet) Joe.
5 If you..............(not spend) all your money,your father..............(not be) angry now.
6 I ..............(could / become) an accountant if I ..............(be) good at maths.
7 If she..............(try) harder, she................(get) that promotion last year.
8 H e ..............(not get) the job if he ................(miss) his interview.
9 If I ..............(meet) you before, my life..............(be) different now.
10 If he ..............(not see) that car, there................(be) an accident. Answer:
34.8 Match to make sentences.
1. If you stay with us for three days, A we might get served a bit more quickly.
2. If you decide not to vote in the election, B give us a call and we’ll come to pick you up.
3. If you didn’t eat your lunch so fast, C very few people would obey the law.
4. If there were a few more people working, D you wouldn’t get hiccups, would you?
5. If you forget to take your passport, E They have to go through a complicated procedure.
6.If the hire car isn’t there when you arrive, F we’d be happy to give you a good reference.
7.If the city continues to expand, G I’m pretty sure they won’t let you check in.
8.If the police didn’t fine people, H more areas of natural beauty will be destroyed.
9. If you did decide to leave the company, I we’ll have enough time to see a few sights.
10.If MPs wish to resign, J you can’t really complain about the government.

34.9 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) If you phoned/ had phoned me yesterday, I had given/ would have given you the news.
b) If you took/would have taken more exercise, you might feel/had felt better,
с) If Tim drove/had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed/didn’t crash.
d) If you had сome/came to see the film, уou had enjoyed /would have enjoyed it.
e) |f I’d known/I would know it was your birthday, I would send /would have sent you a card.
f) If people had helped/helped onе another more often, the world might be/was a better plaсe.
g) If our team had scored/scored more goals, we had won/could have won.
h) If you would have worn /wore a coat, you wouldn’t get/ didn’t get wet.

35.0 Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense.

1. She would have come to dinner if we (had invited) her.
2. If you had locked the door, the burglars (not/get) in.
3. Were I you, I (put on) some warmer clothes.
4. Joan (be able to) come to the party if she wasn’t working.
5. Had I heard any news, I (tell) you immediately.
6. Paul (ruin) his shirt if he climbs that tree.
7. If Mark (be) younger, he could join the army.
8. She would have stayed at home if she (know) there would be so much traffic.
9. Should he (get) this job, he will be able to buy his own flat.
10. If you (put) your keys in your pocket, you wouldn’t have lost them.
11. She will be here at eight unless she (lose) her way.
12. If I were you, I (not/go) out in this weather.
13. Emily (call) me if she had changed her mind.
14. If you like Tom Cruise, you (love) this film.
15. Dave (be) home at six o’clock, provided he catches the five o’clock bus.
35.1 Rewrite the following as mixed conditional sentences.
1. She didn’t study hard. She won’t pass the exams.
If she had studied hard, she would pass the exams.
2. You didn’t wake me up. Now I’m late for my appointment.

3. She isn’t well-qualified. She didn’t get the job.

4. We didn’t go to the restaurant. We don’t like fast food.

5. She didn’t bring her umbrella. Now, she’s getting wet.

6. I don’t know them very well. So I didn’t go to the party.

7. He isn’t at the lecture because he wasn’t told about it.

8. They didn’t take a map with them. They’re lost now.

9. The driver isn’t careful. He crashed his car into a wall.

10. I didn’t buy tickets. We can’t go to the theatre tonight.

11. He didn’t reserve a table. He has to wait for an hour.

12. Sue forgot to go to the bank. Now she can’t go shopping.

13. They missed their flight. They won’t arrive until tomorrow.

35.2 Rewrite using an appropriate conditional form, starting with the words given.
1. Sue didn’t get me a birthday present, which is why I didn’t get her one.
If Sue
2. We didn’t pay them on time because they made a mistake with our order.
If they
3. The climate is undergoing such radical changes that scientists are worried.
4. Did California become an important area because they found gold there?
5. It’s the sunset that attracts tourists to that place.
If it
6.There was a traffic jam on the motorway so I was late for my interview.
If there
7. I suggest you use a sunblock, and then you won’t go red.
If I were
8. The accident happened as a result of the driver’s not paying attention to the road.
If the driver

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