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The role of education is to prepare children for the

modern world. Schools should cut art and music

out of the curriculum so that children can focus
on useful subjects such as information
technology. To what extent do you agree

Education plays its vital role in the students for getting preparation and facing
with the challenges in the modern era. It is suggested that schools should
remove art and music out of the program of study in order that students can
concentrate on the other subject such as technology information. I totally
disagree with this statement and this essay will discuss the reasons for it.

It is undeniable that all subjects are essential and have its own benefits, of
course art and music are no exception. Learning art enables students not only to
enhance their creativity but also stimulate the imagination.For instance,
students have opportunity to show their individual personality through the
artwork. In this modern times, students who are regularly under academic
pressure and the fact that music is believed to heal people soul, therefore,
learning this subject is considered a effective way to relieve stress. In addition,
music and melody is comfortably felt, consequently we can educate students by
sending the meaningful messages into it. Last but not least, art and music is an
integral part of mental development of the adolescent = the teenager

Furthermore, by teaching art and music or other subject like that, which assist
students to seek and identify their interest in the journey to orient themselves.
For instance, several students who do not good at educational subjects, on the
contrary they are outstanding talented in the field of art and music. Hence, it is
indispensable = necessary to keep art and music in the curriculum.

In conclusion, cutting art and music out of the syllabus (= curriculum= program
of study ) is definitely a wrong decision due to the benefits which these
subjects bring in is enormous.

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