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The Royal 2021 Constitution

February 2 2021

The Sovereign People of The United Supreme Arce Royale,
Trust and agree that Unity and Democracy
Is the foundation of the continued growth, Prosperity, And wealth of the Nation.
In Order to nurture the unit we must institute this Constitution.
To warrant the continued evolution, Welfare, and security
To is constituents.

Article I
The National Territory

I. The National Territory comprises the landmass the Spans 14,580,000

square kilometers. The State reserves full sovereignty and jurisdiction in
its subsoil, domains, sea beds and territorial seas.

Article II
The Royale declaration State Policies

I. The United Supreme Arce Royale is a Democratic and Monarchial State.

The sovereignty resides in the people and all Government and
Monarchial authority emanates from them

II. The United Supreme Arce Royale renounces war as an instrument of

national policy, adopts the Core Principles of an Arcean that adheres to
Neutrality, Prosperity, Security, Peace, justice, Freedom and
Cooperation amongst all nations.

III. Civilian authority is at all time, superior over the military. The Royale
Defense Forces of USAR is Vanguard of the people and of the state. It
aims to secure the freedom, sovereignty of the States and its territory
IV. The United Supreme Arce Royale remains a Neutral Armed Nation and
shall not participate in any conflicts and war unless provoked/ or
attacked by the opponent.

V. The United Supreme Arce Royale shall not join military alliances and
sign military treaties. USAR shall only sign treaties that promotes
peace, protection and security.

State Policies

VI. The Prime duty of the Government and the Monarchs is to ensure the
security, protection, development and welfare.

VII. The Nation mandates all citizens aged 18-40 yrs to enlist unto the
military conscription and train for a period of (4) months.

VIII. The Nation values the hard work of our dearly teachers and farmers.
Therefore the State Mandates training of citizens to teach and farm for a
period of (2) months

IX. The Maintenance of Peace and order, the outmost protection of lives
including the unborn, the liberty and property and to promote the
general welfare for the enjoyment of people by the blessings of

X. The Nation shall forever pursue an independent foreign policy. In its

relations with other states the paramount consideration shall be
National Sovereignty, Territorial integrity and the interests of the

XI. The State Shall only use Nuclear weapon in times of threat by
aggression and conflicts. It will be only allowed when detrimental
damage and loss of lives is inflicted unto the country.

XII. USAR must sustain and promote a dynamic social order that will ensure
the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from
poverty through policies that will provide the basic social services, full
employment, raise the standard of living and continue to improve the
quality of life.

XIII. USAR Values the dignity of every living thing and has full respect for all
the rights and obligations its citizens enjoy

XIV. The State recognizes the Sanctity of family life and shall respect and
protect the families as a basic autonomous social institution.

XV. USAR recognizes the vital role of Senior Citizen, Pwd’s and Youth in
Nation-building and shall protect and promote their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual and social well being.
XVI. The Nation shall Guarantee and promote the autonomy of Federal
Governments, local Governments and Community Governments to
ensure their fullest development as self reliant communities

Article III
Royal Citizenship

The following are citizens of the Philippines:

I. The citizens of USAR are the ones residing by the time of the adoption
of this constitution.

II. Those whose fathers and mothers are citizens of USAR

III. Those who elect USAR citizenship by the provision under the
citizenship law.

IV. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

Section 2:

V. A female citizen of USAR who marries an alien shall retain her USAR
citizenship, unless by her act of omission she is deemed, under the law,
to have renounced her citizenship

VI. USAR citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by


VII. A natural-born citizen is one who is a Citizen of USAR from birth

without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect his citizenship.

Article IV.
The Royal Bill of Rights

I. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due

process of law, nor shall any person be denied equal and free protection
of the laws.

II. Private property shall not be taken for public with just compensation
and due process stated in the laws.

III. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and
effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature
and for any purpose shall not be violated with Search and arrest

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