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APROB: __________
dr., conf.univ.
EVALUATOR: Colodeeva L.
Numele, prenumele studentului(ei): Fulger Alexia
Data:03.06.2021 Nota __________________

GRUPA: BA/C 1901

1. Read the article and answer the questions below by encircling the correct answer. 20p
The original social network: How global diasporas can mean big business
When Kenyan-American Jacob Maaga moved to the United States, he realized he arrived
with a unique and valuable gift: the knowledge of his homeland that could one day make him a
successful entrepreneur.You see, Maaga knows a lot about Kenya, and about his new home, the
United States. Crucially, he also knows about coffee.
Maaga began to notice important trends in the global coffee trade. The world drinks over
2.25 billion cups daily. This means farmers need to sell a lot of beans, and roasters in turn need
to buy them. How can a farmer access the buyers all over the world and know she’s getting a fair
price? And how can buyers find the right farmer to get the beans they need?
From this unique vantage point, Maaga proposed a solution: He founded Pan Africa
Exchange(PANEX), which helps East African farmers and U.S. buyers exchange the information
they need to negotiate an agreeable price for coffee beans and other commodities.
Maaga believes his experience as part of a diaspora gave him an edge.
“For me, being from Kenya, it’s easy to talk to the local farmers in Kenya, Uganda and
Ethiopia and also talk to the U.S. counterparts here because they do not know who to talk to.
Maybe there is sometimes a language barrier. So we facilitate that and we make it transparent in
such a way that everyone can see the pricing, they can get information,” he says, adding that
PANEX can also arrange for the transportation of the coffee.
Like many who have rebuilt their lives in a new land, Maaga understands how to
communicate and do business with strangers from a different culture. And the relationships he’s
built along the way — whether with African coffee farmers or members of the African diaspora
in the U.S. who want to build a coffee bar — are valuable to him, and to the people he connects
with one another.
“I think one of the biggest things that we are looking to create is transparency in trade,”
Maaga adds. “Every person will want to be paid a fair price, and no one can determine that other
than an open market system.”
Immigrants like Maaga often carry an important, if sometimes overlooked, asset:
Diaspora populations like his may need to adjust to their new communities, but they know a lot
about their old ones. And that knowledge can translate into opportunity.
In the end, businessmen like Maaga promote trade while they build trust and personal
connections around the world by building the original social — and business — network!
a. Where was Jacob Maaga born?

1) the USA 3) Uganda

2) Kenya 4) Ethiopia

b. What is Maaga's job?

1) coffee bean farmer 3) founder of PANEX

2)coffee roaster 4) all three

c. What services does PANEX provide? Check all that apply.

1) Helps connect coffee bean farmers in Africa with retailers in the US
2) Provides translation services and explanations of pricing structures
3) Arranges transportation of coffee from supplier to retailer
4) Helps African people immigrate and find jobs in the United States

d. The title of this article refers to the "original" social network. What does this mean?
1) personal connections among people who have known each other since birth
2) personal and professional connections around the world
3) personal connections among Africans and the African diaspora
4) personal connections in real life as opposed to on social media

2. Write the main idea of the article above (The original social network). 20p
The main idea of this article is to build friendly, personal and professional relationship with
other nationalities. It is important to get to know others: their culture, lifestyle, values and
share ours with them as well, it helps us better adjust to new communities and gives us a lot
of opportunities. I think friendly relationship is a key to success in business and personal
life, with this attitude we make our world a little better. Diplomacy and communication
skills help us make new connections.

3. Write a simple business plan for your new business idea in Moldova. Consider the following
aspects: product/service description, market research, business description, marketing,
financials, executive summary. 60p

I would like to offer Medical courier service as a business idea for Moldova. Medical courier
service will make delivery of prescriptions and medicals right to your house. With our pandemic
situation I think this will be a good solution to the problem, because a lot of people need medical
supplies or specific item delivered to them daily . Even old people who have problems with
health or have trouble with walking, this will make their life easier. For this business plan we
will need a couple of licensed employees , a good reliable vehicle and a communication, or
management skill. Employees should wear special uniforms and maintain proper hygiene
throughout their work: wash their hands with soap or sanitizers whenever they handle medical
packages. They should have drivers license, to follow the rules of the road. Vehicles should
always be clean inside and outside. We need to be in contact with a local hospital or pharmacy
to know if someone need help right now. I think this idea is really useful and healthy and would
help a lot of people.

Nota 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3-2
Puncte 91-100 81-90 71-80 66-70 61-65 51-60 41-50 0-40

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