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Holy Pinkie

Once upon a time, in a village in the Riau Archipelago, there

lived a husband and wife who were very poor. They have
three sons named Salimbo, Ngah, and Kelingking. When
Little Finger was 5 months old, his mother died. Since then
they lived four of them.

Time is ticking. Pinkie is an adult. He also intends to wander,

and conveys this intention to his father. Despite the heavy
heart, his father allowed it. The next day, armed with seven
diamonds, Kelingking set off to wander. During the trip, he
ate fruit and leaves that he met so that his ketupat provisions
were still intact. One afternoon, the little finger arrived in a
dense forest. Then he fell asleep under a shady tree. In his
sleep, he heard a voice saying, if he wanted to marry a
princess, he had to tie his ketupat with tuba roots and put it in
the river that flows in this forest. If the river water is frothy, it
means that the big fish in it is dead. Then, take the fish. When
he woke up, Little Finger carried out all the orders in his
dream. Until finally he got a fish which he then burned and
ate himself until only the head of the fish was left. After that,
the little finger was confused because there was no sign of a
princess. Finally, in annoyance, he kicked the fish's head so
that it soared high and paid him no more attention. He
continued his wanderings until he reached a village.
Apparently, in that village, a king held a competition to
remove the fish head that was disturbing the view of the
palace. If it's a boy, he will marry his daughter, and if it's a
girl, he will be adopted as his child.

2. Princess Pandan Thorns

One day the leader of the Sampan people or sea tribe people
on Bintan Island named Inner Lagoi brought home a baby girl
he found among the pandanus bushes. The baby was then
named Putri Pandan Berduri. When Putri Pandan Berduri
grew up, Inner Lagoi wanted her daughter to be the wife of a
king's child or megat's child.

Meanwhile, on Galang Island, there is a megat who has two

sons. The old child was named Julela and the young one was
named Jenang Perkasa. Megat wants Julela as a soul in
Galang. This then made Julela become arrogant and act
arbitrarily towards Jenang. Unable to stand it, Jenang Perkasa
left the house and sailed aimlessly until he finally arrived at
Bintan Island. Since his arrival, Inner Lagoi has been secretly
watching Jenang.

One time, after the dinner banquet, Inner Lagoi approached

Jenang Perkasa and asked Jenang's willingness to marry his
daughter. Politely Jenang also expressed his willingness. The
difference is, Inner Lagoi has forgotten his dream of marrying
a princess to a king's child or megat. Even though Jenang
Perkasa is actually the son of a megat, Inner Lagoi doesn't
know about it.

A week later, Jenang Perkasa was married to Putri Pandan

Berduri. Not long after, Inner Lagoi appointed Jenang Perkasa
as Inner in Bintan to replace him. Jenang Perkasa leads the
people of Bintan wisely according to the customs prevailing
in Bintan.

Jenang Perkasa lived happily with Putri Pandan Berduri and

their three sons named Inner manggag, Inner Mapoi, and
Inner Kelong. Jenang Perkasa educates the three of them well,
so that one day they can become responsible leaders. After
growing up, the three children led their respective tribes. Until
now, Jenang Perkasa and Putri Pandan Berduri are always
remembered because it was from them that the tribe in Teluk
Bintan was born. The Sea Tribe or the Sampan Tribe are still
commonly found silent in the waters of Bintan Island.

3. The Origin of the Nasi Strait

In Natuna there is an island called Pulau Subi which is ruled

by a rich family, namely Datuk Kaya, his wife Cik Wan, and
their beautiful and beautiful daughter Nilam Sari. All the
inhabitants of the island often talk about the beauty and
splendor of the Nilam Sari war.

The Empress of the King of Palembang also wanted to make

Nilam Sari her daughter-in-law. The next day, the king
appointed several people to marry Putri Nilam Sari. Arriving
on Subi Island, the family of Datuk Kaya Pulau Subi accepted
the proposal and decided that the wedding day would fall on
the tenth day of the month of Syafar.

Entering the tenth day of the month of Syafar, everything

needed to welcome the groom's entourage is ready, including
all kinds of food for the banquet. However, until midday, the
groom's entourage had not yet arrived. It was only on the
thirteenth day of the month of Syafar that the groom's
procession arrived on Subi Island. Without waiting any
longer, the bride and groom were immediately married off and
sat side by side on the aisle.

Seeing the group of guests arriving, Datuk Kaya's wife was

confused about serving her guests because the food was stale.
Datuk Kaya firmly told his wife to continue to entertain the
group properly so that the guests would know that they had
broken their promise. Ms. Wan kept on persuading him to
replace the banquet dish with a new right. In fact, she
threatened that if her husband disobeyed her it would mean
one divorce for her.

Datuk Kaya still ignored Ms. Wan. Increasingly annoyed, Ms.

Wan screamed, "That means one divorce for me!" Datuk
Kaya shouted back, "I'll make not one, but three divorces for
you!" While scattering the stale rice to form a line and he
shouted again, "We are separated by this stale rice!" Soon, the
sea air rolled up to reach the mountain that hit Subi Island,
splitting it in two. Pulau Subi Kecil (in the north) belonged to
Cik Wan, while Pulau Subi Besar (in the south) belonged to
Datuk Kaya. The strait was named the Nasi Strait, because its
existence was caused by the scattering of Datuk Kaya's rice
from Pulau Subi.

1. The origins of Lake Maninjau
In a village at the foot of Mount Tinjau, there are ten brothers
who are usually called Bujang Sembilan. The eldest named
Kukuban and the youngest named Sani. They had an uncle
named Datuk Limbatang. Datuk Limbatang also had a son
named Giran.

One day, Datuk Limbatang visited Bujang Sambilan's house

and it was then that Sani and Girang realized that they had
feelings for each other. Over time, when the harvest season
arrived, the village held martial arts fights.

Village youths registered Kukuban and Giran to join. At the

event Kukuban faced Giran, both of whom were equally
strong. However, on one occasion Giran managed to fend off
an attack from Kukuban and was declared defeated. This
made Kukuban feel annoyed and resentful towards Giran.

A few days after the event, Datuk Limbatang came to propose

to Sani. But out of spite, Kukuban refused the proposal by
showing his broken leg scars because of Giran. This also
makes Sani and Giran sad.

Later, Sani and Giran are reluctant to meet in the fields to find
a way out. While he was talking, a bit of painful scolding got
stuck in Sani's sarong and hurt his thigh. Giran immediately
treated him with the medicinal leaves he had concocted.

Suddenly dozens of people appeared and accused them of

having committed forbidden acts, so they had to be punished.
Sani and Giran tried to defend themselves but in vain and they
were immediately paraded to the top of Mount Tinjau.

Before being punished, Giran prayed that if they were indeed

guilty, his body was destroyed in the crater of the mountain.
However, if innocent, let this mountain and the curse of
Bujang Sembilan become a fish. After that, Giran and Sani
immediately jumped into the crater.

In the last few moments, the mountain erupted very violently

and destroyed everything around it. Nine Bujang was
transformed into a fish. The eruption of Mount Tinjau left a
large crater which turned into a lake and was eventually
named Lake Maninjau.

2. 2. Legend of Roro Jonggrang

In the past, there was a kingdom called Prambanan led by
Prabu Baka. He has a daughter named Roro Jonggrang. The
people feel prosperous under the kingdom.

Unlike the Prambanan Kingdom, the Pengging Kingdom has a

bad king. He likes to fight and expand his territory. King
Pengging also had a knight named Bandung Bondowoso.

Not only strong, he is also powerful. One day he was ordered

to conquer the Prambanan Kingdom. Conquest efforts were
successful. King Baka died, the Kingdom of Prambanan fell
to the Kingdom of Pengging.

Remaining Roro Jonggrang who was liked by Bandung

Bondowoso. After losing, he was instead proposed by
Bandung Bondowoso to become his empress.
Roro Jonggrang actually didn't want to accept it, but on the
other hand she felt sorry for the people of the Prambanan
Kingdom. As a result, Roro Jonggrang gave conditions to
build 1,000 temples and 2 wells overnight. Apparently,
Bandung Bondowoso agreed. With his army, he almost
managed to build the temple overnight.
But, he failed to build the 1,000th because his troops thought
it was already morning after hearing the sound of a rooster
crowing. Apparently, Bandung's attempt was thwarted by
Roro Jonggrang. Knowing that Roro Jonggrang had cheated
her, the king's daughter was eventually cursed to become the
1,000th temple.

The moral message that can be learned is that there is no

achievement that can be achieved instantly. Everything needs
process. Then, don't do bad, later the bad will turn on

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