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Table of Contents

Drawing image .................................................................................................................. 1

Create structure .................................................................................................................. 2
Find coordinates for trial ..................................................................................................... 2
Histogram for values in Red-channel for fixation points ............................................................ 2
Histogram for values in blue-channel for fixation points ............................................................ 3
Histogram for values in green-channel for fixation points .......................................................... 3
Histogram for values in lila-channel for fixation points ............................................................. 3
Cut border from image ........................................................................................................ 3
Second subplot ................................................................................................................... 3

Drawing image
im = imread('img.bmp'); %RGB Matrix
fig1 = figure
subplot(1,1,1) % First subplot

fig1 =

Create structure
s = struct();
s.x = randi(1000,[6, 1]);
s.y = randi(1000,[6, 1]);
s.trial = [1,2,3,1,2,3];


% Create labels
xlabel({'cols-dimension pixels'});
ylabel({'rows-dimension pixels'});
title({'all subjects fixations'});

Find coordinates for trial

t1 = s.x(s.trial==1);
t2 = s.x(s.trial==2);
t3 = s.x(s.trial==3);

Histogram for values in Red-channel for fixa-

tion points

tmp_im = im(:,:,1);
fix_indx = sub2ind(size(tmp_im), s.y, s.x);
tmp = tmp_im(fix_indx);
fix_hist = hist(tmp(:),0:50);

Error using sub2ind (line 52)

Out of range subscript.

Error in HM2 (line 29)

fix_indx = sub2ind(size(tmp_im), s.y, s.x);

Histogram for values in blue-channel for fixa-

tion points
tmp_im = im(:,:,2);
fix_indx = sub2ind(size(tmp_im), s.y, s.x);
tmp = tmp_im(fix_indx);
fix_hist = hist(tmp(:),0:50);
bar(fix_hist)%% Histogram for values in blue-channel for fixation points

Histogram for values in green-channel for fixa-

tion points
tmp_im = im(:,:,3);
fix_indx = sub2ind(size(tmp_im), s.y, s.x);
tmp = tmp_im(fix_indx);
fix_hist = hist(tmp(:),0:50);
bar(fix_hist)%% Histogram for values in green-channel for fixation points

Histogram for values in lila-channel for fixation

tmp_im = im(:,:,4);
fix_indx = sub2ind(size(tmp_im), s.y, s.x);
tmp = tmp_im(fix_indx);
fix_hist = hist(tmp(:),0:50);
bar(fix_hist)%% Histogram for values in lila-channel for fixation points

Cut border from image

im = im(200:size(im,1)-200,300:size(im,2)-300,:);

Second subplot
figure(fig1) % Continue working on the first figure


Published with MATLAB® R2013a

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