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One role of prophets is to teach those in the community about how the Almighty is
omnibenevolent. For example, Jonah told the people of Nineveh on behalf of God
that they had one final chance to repent for their actions or their city would be
2. Another role of prophets is to remind Jews that God is omniscient, and you should
always obey the almighty. For example, in the story of Jonah he tried to escape from
God on a ship and immediately ran into a storm created by God thst would have
killed him and the ship’s members if he hadn’t jumped off to obey the almighty.
3. One reason why Maimonides is important for Jews is because he wrote the Mishnah
Torah. This is very significant as it allowed Jews of the time to be able to understand
how to follow Jewish law during a period where religious books were very difficult to
understand yet alone follow. Another reason why Maimonides is important for Jews
is because he was a very influential figure during the time he was alive with many
different people listening to his ideas and monastic teachings. This meant that he
provided a very positive outlook on the Jewish community during a period of
significant oppression to his fascinating writings which were read and appreciated
across the world. Finally Maimonides is important for Jews as he teaches the lesson
that Jews should always try and help others as much as they are possibly able to
which promotes good moral action. This is seen when he was alive himself and it was
said that at the end of each evening he was too tried too even move as he’d spent
the day as a physician for the Sultan and the night healing the sick and writings his
texts. Thirteen principles
4. One feature of Yad Vashem is that it contains records of everyone recorded who died
in the holocaust. This is essential for making sure that the memoryof the people who
died are never forgotten. Yad Vashem is the Jewish holocaust museum in Israel. It
contains detailed accounts of the persecution of the Jews from the Nazis. At yad
Vashem there is an avenue dedicated to righteous gentiles. This is a row dedicated to
the non jews who helped fight the holocaust and ensures that they will never be
5. One reason Channukah is important for Jewish people is because it allows them to
remember the power of the almighty in providing for the Jews. This is seen on
Channukah as jews do special prayers which are not said on any other time of the
year which remember the miracle of the oil in the temple. Another reason why
Chanukkah is important for Jewish people is because it teaches Jews never to give in
when things look dire as the almighty is always at your side. For example on
Channukah we read the story of the Maccabees who had a tiny force fight off then
huge amounts of Greeks for the temple and by reading this we can remember when
times look impossible we should never lose faith. Another reason why Channukah is
important is because it reminds less observant Jews to keep in touch with their faith.
This is because on Channukah less observant jews who wouldn’t go to synagogue will
often remember to light candles as it is an important tradition and helps them to stay
connected to their roots.
6. One way Synagogues are used by Jews is for group prayer. For example Jews go to
Synagogue on shabbat to make a minyan so everyone is able to pray and worship
God on the day of rest.
7. Synagogues are also used by Jews to educate younger members of the community to
teach them of their faith. For example Synagogues may run a Sunday school teaching
Hebrew and spiritual lessons which allow young members of the community to learn.
8. One feature inside a synagogue is the Ark which contains the scrolls of the Torah. The
Torah is the most holy object in Judaism so holding it is very important and means it
should be treated with the utmost care. Another internal feature of the synagogue is
ner tamid (the everlasting light). This is important for jews as it allows them to
remember the miracle of Chanukkah whenever they are inside of the Synagogue and
remember its importance. The Bimah is another feature of the Synagogue and it is
often where the Torah is read from. This is important as it allows the Rabbi or
member of the community to lead a service which is important for all to be able to
9. Yes: Yes as they celebrate Jews becoming adults which only happens once in a
lifetime. Yes as they
10. One role of the Beth Din is to provide genealogical research to those who need it. For
example, someone wishing to have a jewish marriage but have no proof of their
religion can go to a Beth din to find documents that to prove their religion.
11. Another role of the Beth Din is to settle civil cases. For example, a Beth Din might
handle a divorce between two jewish people if both parties are not working well
together and arguing. They might provide a Get if the husband is unwilling to do so.
Other civil cases may also be settled in a Beth Din without the needing of a court
under the arbitration act of 1996.
12. One reason Moses is important for Jews is because he received the ten
commandments and the Torah from God on Mount Sinai. These are the fundamental
rules for being a moral Jew and if they did not exist then the whole religion would be
completely different. Another reason Moses is important is because he led the Jews
out of Egypt and away from slavery. This makes him remembered as a very important
figure as he stopped the persecution of the Jews and lead them to the promised land
where they could work and do as they please without being under control from the
Egyptians. Finally Moses is also important as he showed that any physical incapacities
Jews could have they can overcome it and still achieve great things. For example
Moses had a stutter and could not speak well yet he still managed to lead the Jews
out of Egypt and was arguably the most importantl figure in Jewish history.
13. One feature of Rosh Hashannah is to eat lots of sweet foods. This is done to
remember the sweet new year and celebrate the jews escape from Egypt
14. Another feature of Rosh Hashannah is to place your finger in red wine and place a
drop every time each plague is read aloud. This is done to remember the plagues
sent by moses to Egypt to conivince pharaoh to let the jews go.
15. At Rosh Hashanah the shofar is blown the hundered notes start the 10 days leading
up to Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is an occasion for jews to think about the past
behaviour. It is also a time to ask for forgiveness for their wrong actions.
16. One reason why Masada is important for Jews is because it was the scene of
rebellion against roman rule. This means that it is an important symbol of opposition
that should be remembered. When faced with capture at Masada almost 100 Jews
commited suicide. This can be seen as a sign of courage and an act of martyrdom.
Finally Masada is an important place as it reminds jews of the need to fight against
oppression and preserve their rights to a homeland.
17. In Brit Milah wine ismput in the babies mouth, this is to calm him down during the
18. ‘I will put his words in my mouth Deuteronomy 18:18
19. Maimonides was an important and respected Jewish philosopher who contributed to
Jewish scholarship on a range of issues, including medicine and cosmology •
Maimonides wrote widely on aspects of Jewish law and ethics, and helped the Jewish
community to interpret and understand the practical demands of the Torah • He is
respected by many Jews for the formulation of his Thirteen Principles of Faith, in
which he explained the key beliefs that were essential for someone who espoused
20. Some might consider Moses to be most important to Jews because he was the leader
who took the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt, and parted the Red Sea to
escape from Pharaoh’s army • Moses is important because it was to him that the
Almighty gave the Ten Commandments, and he is therefore understood as the
bringer of the Torah (the Law) to the Jewish people • Orthodox Jews consider Moses
to be the ‘Father of all the Prophets’ who received from God all the written and oral
teachings which established the distinctive character of Judaism • Some Jews may
consider Abraham to be the most important figure because he led the Jewish people
to faith in one God, since they lived at a time of polytheism. He is therefore
considered the first Patriarch of the Jewish people • Abraham is a model of faith and
of obedience to the Almighty, because he was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac at the
Almighty’s command, and this example may cause some Jews to consider him the
most important figure • Some Jews might say that Judaism has many important
figures, and that each of them plays an important role in the understanding and
development of their religion, and that there is no value in the idea that one is more
important than another.

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