You are on page 1of 126

Timestamp Score Nama No.

12/1/2021 7:35:00 35 / 100 . 45
12/1/2021 8:25:38 76 / 100 Achmad Dwi nur Huda 01
12/1/2021 8:22:25 79 / 100 AGIL DANUARTA L 02
12/1/2021 8:25:09 82 / 100 AMIRUL HUDA 03
12/1/2021 8:23:28 76 / 100 Andri yanuar 04
12/1/2021 8:21:59 76 / 100 CICIKJARWANTO 05
12/1/2021 7:52:56 59 / 100 DAVA ARDIANSYAH 06
12/1/2021 7:53:40 49 / 100 EKA DIAN WAHYUDI 07
12/1/2021 8:20:27 40 / 100 FAISAL TANTOWI 8
12/1/2021 8:13:22 28 / 100 Fidi kastro 09
12/1/2021 8:09:11 22 / 100 GAYUH KALAMAS HUDA 10
12/1/2021 8:06:03 28 / 100 Mirhanfamustanto 11
12/1/2021 8:25:45 54 / 100 NUR CAHYO 12
12/1/2021 8:17:58 36 / 100 pandu pamuji 13
12/1/2021 8:24:04 61 / 100 QORI'ATUL RIZKY 14
12/1/2021 8:27:01 71 / 100 Raditya Revaldo Permana 15
12/1/2021 8:08:25 18 / 100 rehan rahardian 14
12/1/2021 8:26:00 60 / 100 Reyvaldo Suseno 16
12/1/2021 8:24:17 45 / 100 Ridwan Nugroho Saputra 17
12/1/2021 8:27:08 61 / 100 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 18
12/1/2021 8:25:28 55 / 100 Trisna Ahmad al-muthoriq 19
12/1/2021 8:19:26 25 / 100 Vemas febrian kusuma 20
12/1/2021 8:33:40 78 / 100 ALISIA PRISKA KARISMA 01
12/1/2021 8:29:28 72 / 100 AMARTA SINDHI PRATIWI 2
12/1/2021 8:28:30 93 / 100 ARIK CITRA DINATA 03
12/1/2021 8:27:59 71 / 100 Ayu Rahmita Nurul Hidaya 04
12/1/2021 8:28:48 87 / 100 BERLIAN OKTAVIA RAMA 5
12/1/2021 8:29:11 83 / 100 CHARLIA NUR FAUZI 6
12/1/2021 8:28:12 73 / 100 CHINTYA MAHARANI 07
12/1/2021 8:29:21 67 / 100 Dewi nur Halimah 08
12/1/2021 8:29:00 45 / 100 HEGAR ROSI SAHPUTRA 09
12/1/2021 8:29:10 77 / 100 HERLINA OKTAVIA 20
12/1/2021 8:26:55 66 / 100 IDA KURNIAWATI 11
12/1/2021 8:28:17 67 / 100 INDRI ERIYA SELVITA 12
12/1/2021 8:28:52 81 / 100 INTAN SAPUTRI 13
12/1/2021 8:28:53 81 / 100 juni kurniia watu 14
12/1/2021 8:28:40 80 / 100 KARIMA NAJIYAH 15
12/1/2021 8:28:40 80 / 100 KHARISMA ELSA RAMAD 16
12/1/2021 8:28:06 78 / 100 Maliza agustin e 17
12/1/2021 8:28:07 75 / 100 NISRINA HARIANI 18
12/1/2021 8:28:07 56 / 100 Novita Pitriani 19
12/1/2021 8:27:20 56 / 100 Rima tri martha feriani 20
12/1/2021 10:36:09 84 / 100 Amelia Puspita Anggraeni 2
12/1/2021 10:36:12 71 / 100 Dhavy suprihatin 3
12/1/2021 10:37:29 94 / 100 Dinar Yulian Lifian TikaSari 04
12/1/2021 10:35:56 94 / 100 Indun Royanatul Afifah 5
12/1/2021 10:44:01 94 / 100 KHOIRUNNISA AZZAHRO 06
12/1/2021 10:36:56 87 / 100 MEILINDA DWI NINGTIYA 07
12/1/2021 10:39:17 90 / 100 Rahmad Wahyu Saputra 8
12/1/2021 10:33:56 87 / 100 Retno wulan 09
12/1/2021 10:34:04 86 / 100 Ridho Bima Aji wijaya 10
12/1/2021 10:41:11 94 / 100 septiana 11
12/1/2021 10:33:09 90 / 100 Sherly maharani 12
12/1/2021 10:33:00 90 / 100 YANTI DWIYANI 13
12/1/2021 10:35:55 87 / 100 Yuna Puspita Sari 14
12/1/2021 8:12:43 55 / 100 Adit candra pratama 01
12/1/2021 8:17:23 76 / 100 ADITH TRY NOER CAHYO 03
12/1/2021 8:12:56 55 / 100 Aditya chandra permana 2
12/1/2021 8:16:04 68 / 100 Ardivan Aditya Pratama 4
12/1/2021 8:05:11 38 / 100 Bagus Dwi Setiawan 5
12/1/2021 8:14:36 61 / 100 Bahrul Adam Mustofa 06
12/1/2021 8:24:18 97 / 100 CANDRA NUR HIDAYAT 7
12/1/2021 8:17:23 58 / 100 Dhavin Mey Ardianto 8
12/1/2021 8:13:24 52 / 100 DHERIL RAMADHANI PR 9
12/1/2021 8:04:07 36 / 100 DIDA YOGA PRATAMA 10
12/1/2021 8:10:54 54 / 100 EDO SATRIO WICAKSON 11
12/1/2021 8:09:10 52 / 100 Fajri Yahya Aswin Andara 12
12/1/2021 8:09:22 52 / 100 fauzan bagus nugraha 13
12/1/2021 14:18:35 35 / 100 Ferry Ramadhan Alexsaput 14
12/1/2021 10:42:07 94 / 100 Habil nur firmansyah 15
12/1/2021 10:41:49 69 / 100 HENDRIK DEVIN PERMA 16
12/1/2021 10:43:16 97 / 100 ILHAM ENDRO PRASTIYO 17
12/1/2021 10:44:52 64 / 100 IMAM MAHMUDI 18
12/1/2021 10:34:19 39 / 100 INDRA RIZKI SAPUTRA 19
12/1/2021 10:42:14 90 / 100 IPUNK RIA NANDA 20
12/1/2021 10:46:03 75 / 100 IRVAN KURNIAWAN 21
12/1/2021 10:40:29 61 / 100 JUJUN ISMAIL MARJUKI 23
12/1/2021 10:33:28 88 / 100 Kevin brilliant febrianto 24
12/1/2021 10:38:34 94 / 100 KHAYSAPURNA GYMNAST 25
12/1/2021 8:11:14 61 / 100 Mahesa Putra Restu Kurni 01
12/1/2021 8:04:49 53 / 100 MEI EKO SAPUTRO 02
12/1/2021 8:25:37 29 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:23:08 25 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:29:07 16 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:28:04 51 / 100 Muhammad Athyril Ardan 05
12/1/2021 8:28:39 36 / 100 MUHAMMAD ILHAM SAPU 06
12/1/2021 8:25:56 19 / 100 MUHAMMAD IRFAN MUZA 7
12/1/2021 8:21:42 34 / 100 Muhammad jauharil fuad 03
12/1/2021 8:33:35 61 / 100 Muhammad jauharil fuad 03
12/1/2021 8:13:41 37 / 100 Qoirul mustofa 08
12/1/2021 8:16:54 71 / 100 RENDYKA MAULANA 9
12/1/2021 8:13:44 32 / 100 REVANO FAJAR RAMA D 13
12/1/2021 8:04:18 40 / 100 RIVALDHI AGUS SAPUTR 10
12/1/2021 8:13:54 30 / 100 Rivaldho agus saputra 11
12/1/2021 10:47:22 58 / 100 Rizky Bagus Ramadhan 13
12/1/2021 10:46:56 55 / 100 Rizky Eka Nur Ichwan 14
12/1/2021 10:36:52 61 / 100 Saiful Abi J 13
12/1/2021 10:37:48 84 / 100 Sarah nabila nurkhasanah 16
12/1/2021 10:30:44 81 / 100 Syaiful Dwi ardiansyah 17
12/1/2021 10:30:22 84 / 100 TAUFIK QUR ROHMAN 18
12/1/2021 10:47:07 58 / 100 TEGAR TRI PUTRA 19
12/1/2021 10:49:16 58 / 100 Teguh satrianto 20
12/1/2021 10:47:21 55 / 100 Verijunyanto 21
12/1/2021 10:33:11 84 / 100 WHENDI OKTAVIAN 22
12/1/2021 10:32:57 84 / 100 WIDODO PAMUNGKAS 23
12/1/2021 10:49:01 58 / 100 YOGA PRATAMA 24
12/1/2021 10:06:41 13 / 100 . .
12/1/2021 8:29:04 56 / 100 Achmad khoiri 01
12/1/2021 8:27:10 65 / 100 Ahmad nur yasin 2
12/1/2021 8:27:43 19 / 100 Akbar Sofyan Pratama 3
12/1/2021 8:12:15 45 / 100 ALFAN RISKI ARIYO FAU 4
12/1/2021 8:29:14 37 / 100 Ali faturrosihan 05
12/1/2021 8:26:32 93 / 100 ALVIANDO DESTA PRADI 06
12/1/2021 8:26:33 68 / 100 Alvinda dwi firmansyah 7
12/1/2021 8:29:03 49 / 100 Amelia prasytia ningsih 8
12/1/2021 8:33:46 74 / 100 Andini Monica Putri 09
12/1/2021 8:28:26 57 / 100 Anita Tri Lestari 10
12/1/2021 8:27:01 77 / 100 ANNIMAS WULANDARI 11
12/1/2021 8:33:19 71 / 100 ASHIFA NUR'AINI 12
12/1/2021 8:10:56 61 / 100 AURA.ASSABILLA.M 13
12/1/2021 8:16:09 50 / 100 Awal Makmur Saktiawan 14
12/1/2021 8:29:02 49 / 100 Bagus miftah abdurrohman 15
12/1/2021 8:26:49 67 / 100 Bayu Adi Saputra 16
12/1/2021 8:27:59 92 / 100 BHAKTI SAPUTRA 17
12/1/2021 8:31:07 56 / 100 CHINTYA KUKUH PLASE 1-18-5005/127
12/1/2021 11:05:41 60 / 100 Cristian Na Galileo 19
12/1/2021 10:48:59 93 / 100 DAFA ALFHIN SYAHERU 20
12/1/2021 11:04:03 42 / 100 DAVID BIMA MAHENDRA 21
12/1/2021 10:56:11 67 / 100 DENY PRASTYO 22
12/1/2021 11:02:56 54 / 100 DESIANA ANDRIYANI 23
12/1/2021 11:11:02 93 / 100 Dimas Dwi Prasetyo 24
12/1/2021 10:54:47 83 / 100 DIO AFRIZAL YONA SAP 25
12/1/2021 11:01:58 51 / 100 Diva ayu febrianti 26
12/1/2021 11:00:38 47 / 100 DWI CHOIRUL HANAFI 1-27-5014/128
12/1/2021 10:54:06 100 / 100 Efa Agustina 28
12/1/2021 10:54:10 94 / 100 ERLINA PUJI SETIYO N 29
12/1/2021 11:03:21 51 / 100 ERWIN KARTIKO 30
12/1/2021 10:47:22 39 / 100 FAREL BIMA ARIANTANA 31
12/1/2021 11:09:25 64 / 100 Febian Tri Laksana Mulia 32
12/1/2021 11:09:49 49 / 100 FELIKADEPURA 33
12/1/2021 11:01:52 41 / 100 fikhie andhieka mulyana 1-34-5021/129
12/1/2021 10:53:38 54 / 100 Gilang Yusuf Saputra 35
12/1/2021 8:29:14 48 / 100 HAAFIZ FAZLI 1
12/1/2021 8:33:33 73 / 100 HERFIRA MARLIANA 02
12/1/2021 8:30:27 54 / 100 HIDRAN ADIYANSAH 3
12/1/2021 8:40:06 36 / 100 Iftak Dwi Setio s 4
12/1/2021 8:20:52 88 / 100 Imam nur huda 5
12/1/2021 8:36:04 63 / 100 IQBAL CAHYA ITANG FUN 6
12/1/2021 8:38:21 53 / 100 LAELA PUTRI RAMADHAN 7
12/1/2021 8:35:44 54 / 100 Luru Estu Pernadi 8
12/1/2021 8:34:07 65 / 100 LUTFIAN ADE SULISTYO 9
12/1/2021 8:22:25 78 / 100 MAWADDATUL ASLAMIY 11
12/1/2021 8:31:17 74 / 100 Mohammad Riva Fahrezi P 12
12/1/2021 8:20:29 77 / 100 Muhamad yodoyono 13
12/1/2021 8:46:59 75 / 100 MUHAMMAD FAKHRIL HIZ 13
12/1/2021 8:19:34 51 / 100 Nanang Nur Hidayat 14
12/1/2021 8:24:33 57 / 100 NOVA ANDRIANTO KUSU 15
12/1/2021 8:42:35 53 / 100 Noven Ardiansyah Putra 16
12/1/2021 8:33:38 49 / 100 NUR ALIF PERMATA DEV 17
12/1/2021 10:49:29 87 / 100 One adam.syahwahida fard 18
12/1/2021 10:34:34 23 / 100 PUJASARI KARUNIA WAT 19
12/1/2021 10:40:28 58 / 100 PUTRI DWI LESTARI 20
12/1/2021 10:30:41 42 / 100 Raehan Anggara Saputra 21
12/1/2021 10:37:58 45 / 100 READE ROFI'UDDIN AL Q 22
12/1/2021 10:52:15 94 / 100 READE ROFI'UDDIN AL Q 22
12/1/2021 10:57:54 86 / 100 RENDI BAGUS SAPUTRA 23
12/1/2021 11:16:51 81 / 100 Reni Setia Agustin 24
12/1/2021 11:02:28 97 / 100 RIFAI WAHYU ADI SAPUT 25
12/1/2021 10:50:12 15 / 100 RIYAN PRATAMA RAHMA 26
12/1/2021 11:00:48 86 / 100 RIYAN PRATAMA RAHMA 26
12/1/2021 10:30:42 24 / 100 Rizal al farut 10
12/1/2021 10:56:41 94 / 100 Shefa adi pertama 29
12/1/2021 10:45:40 91 / 100 Shefa adi pratama 29
12/1/2021 10:59:48 94 / 100 Surya aditama 30
12/1/2021 10:36:14 55 / 100 Syahrul fahmi 31
12/1/2021 10:56:17 93 / 100 Syahrul fahmi 31
12/1/2021 10:58:52 91 / 100 SYAIFUL ANWAR 28
12/1/2021 10:48:42 57 / 100 VIONA NOVA SAPUTRI 32
12/1/2021 10:40:03 13 / 100 Wahid Rendy Juniardika 33
12/1/2021 10:58:00 86 / 100 Wahid Rendy Juniardika 33
12/1/2021 10:52:15 51 / 100 Yongki Ramadhan Oksandi 34
12/1/2021 10:58:43 94 / 100 Yongki Ramadhan Oksandi 34
12/1/2021 8:30:26 69 / 100 ADHITYA KURNIA SAPUT 01
12/1/2021 8:12:18 40 / 100 Adin bagus santoso 02
12/1/2021 8:18:25 34 / 100 ADITAMA FIRMANSAH 3
12/1/2021 8:27:37 40 / 100 Afandi Rizki Setiawan 04
12/1/2021 8:18:22 36 / 100 Afrizal akristianto 05
12/1/2021 8:27:14 63 / 100 Aghal krida pamungkas 06
12/1/2021 8:22:58 44 / 100 Agil ridho nur.w 7
12/1/2021 8:09:17 30 / 100 AGIL SETIA SAPUTRA 08
12/1/2021 8:25:23 55 / 100 Agung eka p 09
12/1/2021 8:27:26 55 / 100 ahmad maskuri thohir X TKR 1-10-4888/205
12/1/2021 8:27:14 59 / 100 AHMAD RIFA'I FERDIANT 11
12/1/2021 8:24:51 61 / 100 Alan Adittya 12
12/1/2021 8:24:34 39 / 100 ALDHI ANANTHA PUTRA 1-13-4891/205
12/1/2021 8:29:09 45 / 100 Aldhi Anantha Putra 13
12/1/2021 8:30:28 75 / 100 ALDI RAFIF ARYA PUTRA 14
12/1/2021 10:19:55 97 / 100 ALFIN PRADANA 15
12/1/2021 10:16:12 94 / 100 Alif agung kurniawan 16
12/1/2021 10:25:29 97 / 100 Alvin wahyu saputra 17
12/1/2021 10:21:59 97 / 100 Ananta Devran Prabowo 18
12/1/2021 10:09:52 94 / 100 ANAS PERDANA DINATA 19
12/1/2021 10:21:17 97 / 100 ANDHIKA ARSYA RAMAD 20
12/1/2021 10:31:45 86 / 100 ANDHIKA RISKI SAPUTRA 21
12/1/2021 10:28:47 100 / 100 ANDIRA YUSRON HAFIFI 22
12/1/2021 10:23:27 94 / 100 ANDREAN DIVA KURNIA 23
12/1/2021 10:21:10 91 / 100 ANDRIS TRI SAPUTRA 24
12/1/2021 10:19:01 94 / 100 ANGGER RICO ARDIANS 25
12/1/2021 8:14:29 94 / 100 Anjas Pratama Dinata 26
12/1/2021 8:04:48 17 / 100 Apriya Riski setia bima 27
12/1/2021 8:31:52 94 / 100 ARDIANSYAH ZHOLIQIN 28
12/1/2021 8:40:58 91 / 100 ARIANTO 1
12/1/2021 8:36:18 88 / 100 ARIS KHOIRUDIN 02
12/1/2021 8:31:13 94 / 100 BAGAS AGUNG SAPUTRA 3
12/1/2021 8:28:23 91 / 100 Bagas Setyo wicaksono 04
12/1/2021 8:20:18 33 / 100 BAYU SATRIA UTAMA 05
12/1/2021 8:31:10 34 / 100 CATHUR SETIAWAN 06
12/1/2021 8:30:10 90 / 100 CELVIN ABHTA ALFIDZA 10
12/1/2021 8:25:16 24 / 100 Cikal Wahyu virgianto 11
12/1/2021 8:42:16 88 / 100 DAFA ADITIA PRATAMA 9
12/1/2021 7:44:19 18 / 100 deco satya yunas aqil per 16
12/1/2021 8:20:51 37 / 100 DENI ADI PRATAMA 11
12/1/2021 8:24:44 94 / 100 DENMAS YUSUF NUGRO 11
12/1/2021 10:36:40 90 / 100 Deva prasetio 16
12/1/2021 10:18:42 94 / 100 DHAMAS SUBANDRIYO 14
12/1/2021 10:23:12 91 / 100 DHIO HARISH PRATAMA 15
12/1/2021 10:32:43 94 / 100 DIFA ANJAS PRAMANA 16
12/1/2021 10:23:14 10 / 100 DIMAS BINTANG PRAMU 17
12/1/2021 10:37:09 51 / 100 Dimas Kurnia Putra 18
12/1/2021 10:51:52 80 / 100 FAHRI FADILLAH 19
12/1/2021 10:14:59 42 / 100 Fandy dwi afriansyah 20
12/1/2021 10:34:25 88 / 100 FATKHUR ROHIM 21
12/1/2021 10:07:14 23 / 100 FERDIAN ANDIKA PRATA 22
12/1/2021 10:31:21 94 / 100 FERDY REYANDRA AGUN 23
12/1/2021 10:47:53 94 / 100 FIKRI SYAHRON MAFTUH 24
12/1/2021 10:40:52 72 / 100 FIRZA RIZQI RAMADANI 25
12/1/2021 8:28:46 40 / 100 GALIEH SATRIYO 26
12/1/2021 8:17:55 49 / 100 GALIH ARI SYAHPUTRA 27
12/1/2021 8:21:15 56 / 100 GALIH CAHYO NUGROHO 28
12/1/2021 7:58:42 24 / 100 16
12/1/2021 8:18:43 55 / 100 GANGSAR RACHMAD F 1
12/1/2021 8:27:17 71 / 100 GESIT ARIFIN WIBOWO 02
12/1/2021 8:22:29 51 / 100 GILANG ADI PRASETYO 6
12/1/2021 8:20:39 71 / 100 Gilang Agusti Pramudika 07
12/1/2021 8:32:49 78 / 100 GILANG RAMADHAN 08
12/1/2021 8:00:52 63 / 100 GUNAIDI KUSDIANSYAH 09
12/1/2021 8:21:07 78 / 100 HARIYANTO TEGUH UTO 10
12/1/2021 8:20:33 74 / 100 HENDRI 11
12/1/2021 8:22:46 50 / 100 Hery setiawan 12
12/1/2021 8:07:59 54 / 100 ILHAM DWI PANGESTU 10
12/1/2021 8:20:40 25 / 100 ILHAM FAUZAN TAUFIQU 11
12/1/2021 8:15:22 48 / 100 ILHAM WIDI PRASETIYA 15
12/1/2021 10:10:41 94 / 100 ILHAM YOGA PRADANA 13
12/1/2021 10:39:15 86 / 100 ILYAS SETIAWAN 14
12/1/2021 10:43:55 27 / 100 INGGAR ARI ARDANA 15
12/1/2021 10:24:54 94 / 100 IRVAN BAGUS FIRMANS 16
12/1/2021 10:22:23 85 / 100 IVAN NURROQIM 17
12/1/2021 10:51:57 51 / 100 khoirul huda 18
12/1/2021 10:29:28 94 / 100 KHOIRUL MUSTOFA 19
12/1/2021 10:28:32 86 / 100 MARCELLENO 20
12/1/2021 10:40:03 94 / 100 Marlo pramana Putra 21
12/1/2021 10:17:35 38 / 100 Mohammad Wildan f 22
12/1/2021 10:11:52 94 / 100 Muhammad dhani Nur kholi 24
12/1/2021 10:18:05 87 / 100 Muhammad Zaky Ferdiyan 23
12/1/2021 10:33:25 94 / 100 Muhhamat danes d 25
12/1/2021 10:24:16 94 / 100 NIKO ADE FIRMANSYAH 26
12/1/2021 8:25:34 39 / 100 NOVA DANIEL BUDIYONO 01
12/1/2021 8:19:05 68 / 100 PAMUJI IKHSAN 2
12/1/2021 8:10:10 59 / 100 PILAR Pratama putra 3
12/1/2021 8:15:50 70 / 100 Raditya putra purnama 04
12/1/2021 8:31:08 52 / 100 RAFIAN ALDI NUGRAHA 5
12/1/2021 8:05:28 42 / 100 RAFLI MIKY BONEKA 7
12/1/2021 8:18:03 79 / 100 RAFLI NOVAN SETYARK 06
12/1/2021 8:12:51 43 / 100 RAGIL MAULANA 8
12/1/2021 8:18:25 78 / 100 Rahma Khoirul Rizky 9
12/1/2021 8:18:12 78 / 100 Revaldi setya Wardana 10
12/1/2021 8:18:37 60 / 100 richardorobbyansyah 11
12/1/2021 8:19:29 65 / 100 RICKY FATHURAHMAN 12
12/1/2021 10:16:12 91 / 100 RISKIAPRIAWAN 16
12/1/2021 8:20:32 77 / 100 RIVALDO ARENDRA HADI 13
12/1/2021 8:19:34 78 / 100 RIZAL MAULANA IFANDY 14
12/1/2021 10:15:15 91 / 100 RIZAL PRAYUDA X TKR 4-15-4975/214
12/1/2021 10:17:07 91 / 100 Rosy Fandy Riskyanto 17
12/1/2021 10:18:03 91 / 100 ROVI ALIKA PRATAMA 18
12/1/2021 10:28:33 94 / 100 Saifudin 19
12/1/2021 10:16:40 94 / 100 Seno niti wibowo 20
12/1/2021 10:15:38 87 / 100 TRI SUKMA SUCI AVAN 21
12/1/2021 10:14:49 91 / 100 Wahidverbian 22
12/1/2021 10:25:42 97 / 100 Yusuf bagas p 23
12/1/2021 10:23:29 67 / 100 YUSUF EKA RAHARJA 24
12/1/2021 10:39:36 83 / 100 YUSUF EKA RAHARJA 24
12/1/2021 10:22:27 94 / 100 ZAINAL ARIFIN 25
12/1/2021 10:16:36 88 / 100 ZAKI NUR SHOLEH 26
12/1/2021 10:07:52 94 / 100 ZANZABIL NAQA IZDIHAR 27
12/1/2021 10:44:00 49 / 100 Jonathan AM 23
12/1/2021 8:27:05 45 / 100
2. The following sentences3.are What
the reasons
does the
KELAS 1. What kind of text is it?
X TAV c. Recount a. the views of the sea are c. Dongko moun tain resort
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
X TAV b. Procedure e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV b. Procedure b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XAKL d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XAKL c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 e. Explanation d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 b. Procedure e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are d. The prigi beach
XTBSM2 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 c. Recount b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM2 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are d. The prigi beach
XTKJ1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap e. A villa in Jetis
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 b. Procedure a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKJ2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. Procedure d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKJ2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 b. Procedure b. the people are friendly c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful d. The prigi beach
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 b. Procedure d. Ponorogo has beautiful e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 e. Explanation d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 e. Explanation c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. Explanation c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO4 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
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c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy

a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
c. Clear c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
b. Reasonable c. pretty b. That’s a pity. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you.
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear a. extraordinary b. That’s a pity. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable d. amazing b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable a. extraordinary c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear b. pure e. That’s awfu a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. pure d. That’s so sweet. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive e. soft c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable e. soft b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty b. That’s a pity. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing d. That’s so sweet. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. d. lazy and shy
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. e. careless and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. e. careless and sensitive
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed b. pure b. That’s a pity. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable a. extraordinary d. That’s so sweet. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
8. My English teacher always makes me feel exticed 10.
to study. He always h as new
11.jokes every day. It means he is a ....
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. c. gone c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. d. has d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent c. You must be very upset. b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
b. shy b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
e. talkative e. Not at all. a. go a. is
d. lazy c. You must be very upset. a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go d. were
b. shy a. Please accept my condob. goes d. were
e. talkative e. Not at all. a. go a. is
b. shy e. Not at all. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. a. go d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
b. shy c. You must be very upset. b. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
d. lazy a. Please accept my condoc. gone c. am
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. b. goes d. were
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
b. shy d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. e. went b. was
e. talkative a. Please accept my condoa. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative c. You must be very upset. d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
d. lazy b. I’m proud of your sister. d. has e. are
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
e. talkative c. You must be very upset. d. has e. are
a. humorous e. Not at all. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you. e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condod. has d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. c. gone a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
d. lazy c. You must be very upset. c. gone e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous e. Not at all. c. gone a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes d. were
b. shy a. Please accept my condoc. gone d. were
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous a. Please accept my condoa. go c. am
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes c. am
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
e. talkative a. Please accept my condob. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condoa. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
12. 13. 14. 15.

e. was walking b. take a. Is it your red dress? b. She is so ordinary.

a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking e. taken This conversation d.
is You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
a. walked a. takes e. Whose dress is it? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation c.
is The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
b. walking a. takes a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes a. Is it your red dress? e. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.

b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.

b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
c. walk c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit hc. Is it really her?
e. was walking e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
e. was walking a. takes b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking e. taken This conversation d.
is You don’t look cute wit hd. She looks awkward.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take a. Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit you.
a. walked c. tooks c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
d. walks b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation is for questions no. 14 - 16 c.
P Is it really her?
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take e. Whose dress is it? e. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation c.
is The dress doesn’t suit yob. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took d. You don’t look cute wit hc. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk c. tooks a. Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes d. You don’t look cute wit hd. She looks awkward.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. You look charming in that red dress.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
16. 17. What can be viewed through
18. Which
the diving
of statements
not “Those
true about
text? ...” (Paragraph three)

c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles

c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big wavec. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur e. island
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a very famous beach in Nusa Dua
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
a. welcome e. The turtle island a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. The view of Tanjung Benoa a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
a. welcome b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verye. island
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur e. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
e. wish T his text is for qu c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude e. The turtle island b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the turtle island which is used to b
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
a. welcome b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m any kinds of water sports in
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
a. welcome e. The turtle island a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divee. island
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate e. The turtle island b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divee. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude d. The view of the big wavea. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
20. What does paragraph 21.
is Serangan Island
The turtle
to the
.... get
are able

b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
a. it is used to trade many ka. To meet the education ca. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tod. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the most favorite water sport in b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt d. To get the free chance od. All students and their n
e. The turtle island is used e. it is used to hunt turt b. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used d. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education ce. Student who is the best in class XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta e. it is used to hunt turt a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousaa. To meet the education ca. All students
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final examination
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education ca. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toe. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, surf, and so on in Tanjung c. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and toc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt e. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousaa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oe. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta a. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oa. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
d. Tourist can swim, dive, e. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, e. it is used to hunt turt a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education ce. Student who is the best i
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final e. Student who is the best i
e. The turtle island is used a. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtles. c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education cd. All students and their n
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi b. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final d. All students and their neighbours
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
24. “To reserve your seat,25.
The word
the “reserve”
26. do
in meaning
we know
ity? to....
.... text is written to ....

a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about the activity on sc
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activd. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
b. Buy c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for two days
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit e. To visit principal’s housed. The holidays won’t be exd. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
is the best in class XII b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl d. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
a. Book e. To visit principal’s houseb. The students should brind. To announce the school
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl b. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
d. Sit c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
b. Buy b. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl b. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book e. To visit principal’s housec. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam e. To persuade students on
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam c. To remind students about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmastere. All student will be exam a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t c. To meet the headmastere. All student will be exam e. To persuade students on
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
and their neighbours a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam c. To remind students about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor activity on school h
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activd. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
28. What is the present perfect
29. They
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d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought

mation about the activity on school hol b. known b. buyed
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math right now. a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now d . will buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math b. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math right now. c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. e. had known b. buyed
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. e. had known b. buyed
b. They have been studyingb. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now e. would buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now b. buyed
b. They have been studyinge. had known a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. c. K now e. would buy
e. They had studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyinge. had known b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
d. They have studied math d. K nowing c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew e. would buy
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math d. K nowing c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing b. buyed
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew d . will buy
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
e. They had studied math a. knew e. would buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing e. would buy
d. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known e. would buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
d. They have studied math c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
e. They had studied math a. knew d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
c. They has studied math. b. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
d. They have studied math d. K nowing b. buyed
b. They have been studyinge. had known a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math d. K nowing e. would buy
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
c. They has studied math. b. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
e. They had studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
e. They had studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known d . will buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
e. They had studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingb. known e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
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Timestamp Score Nama No. Absen
12/1/2021 7:35:00 35 / 100 . 45
12/1/2021 7:44:19 18 / 100 deco satya yunas aqil per 16
12/1/2021 7:52:56 59 / 100 DAVA ARDIANSYAH 06
12/1/2021 7:53:40 49 / 100 EKA DIAN WAHYUDI 07
12/1/2021 7:58:42 24 / 100 16
12/1/2021 8:00:52 63 / 100 GUNAIDI KUSDIANSYAH 09
12/1/2021 8:04:07 36 / 100 DIDA YOGA PRATAMA 10
12/1/2021 8:04:18 40 / 100 RIVALDHI AGUS SAPUTR 10
12/1/2021 8:04:48 17 / 100 Apriya Riski setia bima 27
12/1/2021 8:04:49 53 / 100 MEI EKO SAPUTRO 02
12/1/2021 8:05:11 38 / 100 Bagus Dwi Setiawan 5
12/1/2021 8:05:28 42 / 100 RAFLI MIKY BONEKA 7
12/1/2021 8:06:03 28 / 100 Mirhanfamustanto 11
12/1/2021 8:07:59 54 / 100 ILHAM DWI PANGESTU 10
12/1/2021 8:08:25 18 / 100 rehan rahardian 14
12/1/2021 8:09:10 52 / 100 Fajri Yahya Aswin Andara 12
12/1/2021 8:09:11 22 / 100 GAYUH KALAMAS HUDA 10
12/1/2021 8:09:17 30 / 100 AGIL SETIA SAPUTRA 08
12/1/2021 8:09:22 52 / 100 fauzan bagus nugraha 13
12/1/2021 8:10:10 59 / 100 PILAR Pratama putra 3
12/1/2021 8:10:54 54 / 100 EDO SATRIO WICAKSON 11
12/1/2021 8:10:56 61 / 100 AURA.ASSABILLA.M 13
12/1/2021 8:11:14 61 / 100 Mahesa Putra Restu Kurni 01
12/1/2021 8:12:15 45 / 100 ALFAN RISKI ARIYO FAU 4
12/1/2021 8:12:18 40 / 100 Adin bagus santoso 02
12/1/2021 8:12:43 55 / 100 Adit candra pratama 01
12/1/2021 8:12:51 43 / 100 RAGIL MAULANA 8
12/1/2021 8:12:56 55 / 100 Aditya chandra permana 2
12/1/2021 8:13:22 28 / 100 Fidi kastro 09
12/1/2021 8:13:24 52 / 100 DHERIL RAMADHANI PR 9
12/1/2021 8:13:41 37 / 100 Qoirul mustofa 08
12/1/2021 8:13:44 32 / 100 REVANO FAJAR RAMA D 13
12/1/2021 8:13:54 30 / 100 Rivaldho agus saputra 11
12/1/2021 8:14:29 94 / 100 Anjas Pratama Dinata 26
12/1/2021 8:14:36 61 / 100 Bahrul Adam Mustofa 06
12/1/2021 8:15:22 48 / 100 ILHAM WIDI PRASETIYA 15
12/1/2021 8:15:50 70 / 100 Raditya putra purnama 04
12/1/2021 8:16:04 68 / 100 Ardivan Aditya Pratama 4
12/1/2021 8:16:09 50 / 100 Awal Makmur Saktiawan 14
12/1/2021 8:16:54 71 / 100 RENDYKA MAULANA 9
12/1/2021 8:17:23 58 / 100 Dhavin Mey Ardianto 8
12/1/2021 8:17:23 76 / 100 ADITH TRY NOER CAHYO03
12/1/2021 8:17:55 49 / 100 GALIH ARI SYAHPUTRA 27
12/1/2021 8:17:58 36 / 100 pandu pamuji 13
12/1/2021 8:18:03 79 / 100 RAFLI NOVAN SETYARK 06
12/1/2021 8:18:12 78 / 100 Revaldi setya Wardana 10
12/1/2021 8:18:22 36 / 100 Afrizal akristianto 05
12/1/2021 8:18:25 34 / 100 ADITAMA FIRMANSAH 3
12/1/2021 8:18:25 78 / 100 Rahma Khoirul Rizky 9
12/1/2021 8:18:37 60 / 100 richardorobbyansyah 11
12/1/2021 8:18:43 55 / 100 GANGSAR RACHMAD F 1
12/1/2021 8:19:05 68 / 100 PAMUJI IKHSAN 2
12/1/2021 8:19:26 25 / 100 Vemas febrian kusuma 20
12/1/2021 8:19:29 65 / 100 RICKY FATHURAHMAN 12
12/1/2021 8:19:34 78 / 100 RIZAL MAULANA IFANDY 14
12/1/2021 8:19:34 51 / 100 Nanang Nur Hidayat 14
12/1/2021 8:20:18 33 / 100 BAYU SATRIA UTAMA 05
12/1/2021 8:20:27 40 / 100 FAISAL TANTOWI 8
12/1/2021 8:20:29 77 / 100 Muhamad yodoyono 13
12/1/2021 8:20:32 77 / 100 RIVALDO ARENDRA HADI 13
12/1/2021 8:20:33 74 / 100 HENDRI 11
12/1/2021 8:20:39 71 / 100 Gilang Agusti Pramudika 07
12/1/2021 8:20:40 25 / 100 ILHAM FAUZAN TAUFIQU 11
12/1/2021 8:20:51 37 / 100 DENI ADI PRATAMA 11
12/1/2021 8:20:52 88 / 100 Imam nur huda 5
12/1/2021 8:21:07 78 / 100 HARIYANTO TEGUH UTO 10
12/1/2021 8:21:15 56 / 100 GALIH CAHYO NUGROHO 28
12/1/2021 8:21:42 34 / 100 Muhammad jauharil fuad 03
12/1/2021 8:21:59 76 / 100 CICIKJARWANTO 05
12/1/2021 8:22:25 79 / 100 AGIL DANUARTA L 02
12/1/2021 8:22:25 78 / 100 MAWADDATUL ASLAMIY 11
12/1/2021 8:22:29 51 / 100 GILANG ADI PRASETYO 6
12/1/2021 8:22:46 50 / 100 Hery setiawan 12
12/1/2021 8:22:58 44 / 100 Agil ridho nur.w 7
12/1/2021 8:23:08 25 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:23:28 76 / 100 Andri yanuar 04
12/1/2021 8:24:04 61 / 100 QORI'ATUL RIZKY 14
12/1/2021 8:24:17 45 / 100 Ridwan Nugroho Saputra 17
12/1/2021 8:24:18 97 / 100 CANDRA NUR HIDAYAT 7
12/1/2021 8:24:33 57 / 100 NOVA ANDRIANTO KUSU 15
12/1/2021 8:24:34 39 / 100 ALDHI ANANTHA PUTRA 1-13-4891/205
12/1/2021 8:24:44 94 / 100 DENMAS YUSUF NUGRO 11
12/1/2021 8:24:51 61 / 100 Alan Adittya 12
12/1/2021 8:25:09 82 / 100 AMIRUL HUDA 03
12/1/2021 8:25:16 24 / 100 Cikal Wahyu virgianto 11
12/1/2021 8:25:23 55 / 100 Agung eka p 09
12/1/2021 8:25:28 55 / 100 Trisna Ahmad al-muthoriq 19
12/1/2021 8:25:34 39 / 100 NOVA DANIEL BUDIYONO01
12/1/2021 8:25:37 29 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:25:38 76 / 100 Achmad Dwi nur Huda 01
12/1/2021 8:25:45 54 / 100 NUR CAHYO 12
12/1/2021 8:25:56 19 / 100 MUHAMMAD IRFAN MUZA 7
12/1/2021 8:26:00 60 / 100 Reyvaldo Suseno 16
12/1/2021 8:26:32 93 / 100 ALVIANDO DESTA PRADI06
12/1/2021 8:26:33 68 / 100 Alvinda dwi firmansyah 7
12/1/2021 8:26:49 67 / 100 Bayu Adi Saputra 16
12/1/2021 8:26:55 66 / 100 IDA KURNIAWATI 11
12/1/2021 8:27:01 71 / 100 Raditya Revaldo Permana 15
12/1/2021 8:27:01 77 / 100 ANNIMAS WULANDARI 11
12/1/2021 8:27:05 45 / 100
12/1/2021 8:27:08 61 / 100 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 18
12/1/2021 8:27:10 65 / 100 Ahmad nur yasin 2
12/1/2021 8:27:14 63 / 100 Aghal krida pamungkas 06
12/1/2021 8:27:14 59 / 100 AHMAD RIFA'I FERDIANT 11
12/1/2021 8:27:17 71 / 100 GESIT ARIFIN WIBOWO 02
12/1/2021 8:27:20 56 / 100 Rima tri martha feriani 20
12/1/2021 8:27:26 55 / 100 ahmad maskuri thohir X TKR 1-10-4888/205
12/1/2021 8:27:37 40 / 100 Afandi Rizki Setiawan 04
12/1/2021 8:27:43 19 / 100 Akbar Sofyan Pratama 3
12/1/2021 8:27:59 71 / 100 Ayu Rahmita Nurul Hidaya 04
12/1/2021 8:27:59 92 / 100 BHAKTI SAPUTRA 17
12/1/2021 8:28:04 51 / 100 Muhammad Athyril Ardan 05
12/1/2021 8:28:06 78 / 100 Maliza agustin e 17
12/1/2021 8:28:07 75 / 100 NISRINA HARIANI 18
12/1/2021 8:28:07 56 / 100 Novita Pitriani 19
12/1/2021 8:28:12 73 / 100 CHINTYA MAHARANI 07
12/1/2021 8:28:17 67 / 100 INDRI ERIYA SELVITA 12
12/1/2021 8:28:23 91 / 100 Bagas Setyo wicaksono 04
12/1/2021 8:28:26 57 / 100 Anita Tri Lestari 10
12/1/2021 8:28:30 93 / 100 ARIK CITRA DINATA 03
12/1/2021 8:28:39 36 / 100 MUHAMMAD ILHAM SAPU06
12/1/2021 8:28:40 80 / 100 KARIMA NAJIYAH 15
12/1/2021 8:28:40 80 / 100 KHARISMA ELSA RAMAD 16
12/1/2021 8:28:46 40 / 100 GALIEH SATRIYO 26
12/1/2021 8:28:48 87 / 100 BERLIAN OKTAVIA RAMA 5
12/1/2021 8:28:52 81 / 100 INTAN SAPUTRI 13
12/1/2021 8:28:53 81 / 100 juni kurniia watu 14
12/1/2021 8:29:00 45 / 100 HEGAR ROSI SAHPUTRA09
12/1/2021 8:29:02 49 / 100 Bagus miftah abdurrohman 15
12/1/2021 8:29:03 49 / 100 Amelia prasytia ningsih 8
12/1/2021 8:29:04 56 / 100 Achmad khoiri 01
12/1/2021 8:29:07 16 / 100 MUHAMMAD ADNAN SIFA 4
12/1/2021 8:29:09 45 / 100 Aldhi Anantha Putra 13
12/1/2021 8:29:10 77 / 100 HERLINA OKTAVIA 20
12/1/2021 8:29:11 83 / 100 CHARLIA NUR FAUZI 6
12/1/2021 8:29:14 48 / 100 HAAFIZ FAZLI 1
12/1/2021 8:29:14 37 / 100 Ali faturrosihan 05
12/1/2021 8:29:21 67 / 100 Dewi nur Halimah 08
12/1/2021 8:29:28 72 / 100 AMARTA SINDHI PRATIWI 2
12/1/2021 8:30:10 90 / 100 CELVIN ABHTA ALFIDZA 10
12/1/2021 8:30:26 69 / 100 ADHITYA KURNIA SAPUT01
12/1/2021 8:30:27 54 / 100 HIDRAN ADIYANSAH 3
12/1/2021 8:30:28 75 / 100 ALDI RAFIF ARYA PUTRA 14
12/1/2021 8:31:07 56 / 100 CHINTYA KUKUH PLASE 1-18-5005/127
12/1/2021 8:31:08 52 / 100 RAFIAN ALDI NUGRAHA 5
12/1/2021 8:31:10 34 / 100 CATHUR SETIAWAN 06
12/1/2021 8:31:13 94 / 100 BAGAS AGUNG SAPUTRA 3
12/1/2021 8:31:17 74 / 100 Mohammad Riva Fahrezi P 12
12/1/2021 8:31:52 94 / 100 ARDIANSYAH ZHOLIQIN 28
12/1/2021 8:32:49 78 / 100 GILANG RAMADHAN 08
12/1/2021 8:33:19 71 / 100 ASHIFA NUR'AINI 12
12/1/2021 8:33:33 73 / 100 HERFIRA MARLIANA 02
12/1/2021 8:33:35 61 / 100 Muhammad jauharil fuad 03
12/1/2021 8:33:38 49 / 100 NUR ALIF PERMATA DEV 17
12/1/2021 8:33:40 78 / 100 ALISIA PRISKA KARISMA 01
12/1/2021 8:33:46 74 / 100 Andini Monica Putri 09
12/1/2021 8:34:07 65 / 100 LUTFIAN ADE SULISTYO 9
12/1/2021 8:35:44 54 / 100 Luru Estu Pernadi 8
12/1/2021 8:36:04 63 / 100 IQBAL CAHYA ITANG FUN 6
12/1/2021 8:36:18 88 / 100 ARIS KHOIRUDIN 02
12/1/2021 8:38:21 53 / 100 LAELA PUTRI RAMADHAN 7
12/1/2021 8:40:06 36 / 100 Iftak Dwi Setio s 4
12/1/2021 8:40:58 91 / 100 ARIANTO 1
12/1/2021 8:42:16 88 / 100 DAFA ADITIA PRATAMA 9
12/1/2021 8:42:35 53 / 100 Noven Ardiansyah Putra 16
12/1/2021 8:46:59 75 / 100 MUHAMMAD FAKHRIL HIZ 13
12/1/2021 10:06:41 13 / 100 . .
12/1/2021 10:07:14 23 / 100 FERDIAN ANDIKA PRATA 22
12/1/2021 10:07:52 94 / 100 ZANZABIL NAQA IZDIHAR 27
12/1/2021 10:09:52 94 / 100 ANAS PERDANA DINATA 19
12/1/2021 10:10:41 94 / 100 ILHAM YOGA PRADANA 13
12/1/2021 10:11:52 94 / 100 Muhammad dhani Nur kholi 24
12/1/2021 10:14:49 91 / 100 Wahidverbian 22
12/1/2021 10:14:59 42 / 100 Fandy dwi afriansyah 20
12/1/2021 10:15:15 91 / 100 RIZAL PRAYUDA X TKR 4-15-4975/214
12/1/2021 10:15:38 87 / 100 TRI SUKMA SUCI AVAN 21
12/1/2021 10:16:12 94 / 100 Alif agung kurniawan 16
12/1/2021 10:16:12 91 / 100 RISKIAPRIAWAN 16
12/1/2021 10:16:36 88 / 100 ZAKI NUR SHOLEH 26
12/1/2021 10:16:40 94 / 100 Seno niti wibowo 20
12/1/2021 10:17:07 91 / 100 Rosy Fandy Riskyanto 17
12/1/2021 10:17:35 38 / 100 Mohammad Wildan f 22
12/1/2021 10:18:03 91 / 100 ROVI ALIKA PRATAMA 18
12/1/2021 10:18:05 87 / 100 Muhammad Zaky Ferdiyan 23
12/1/2021 10:18:42 94 / 100 DHAMAS SUBANDRIYO 14
12/1/2021 10:19:01 94 / 100 ANGGER RICO ARDIANS 25
12/1/2021 10:19:55 97 / 100 ALFIN PRADANA 15
12/1/2021 10:21:10 91 / 100 ANDRIS TRI SAPUTRA 24
12/1/2021 10:21:17 97 / 100 ANDHIKA ARSYA RAMAD 20
12/1/2021 10:21:59 97 / 100 Ananta Devran Prabowo 18
12/1/2021 10:22:23 85 / 100 IVAN NURROQIM 17
12/1/2021 10:22:27 94 / 100 ZAINAL ARIFIN 25
12/1/2021 10:23:12 91 / 100 DHIO HARISH PRATAMA 15
12/1/2021 10:23:14 10 / 100 DIMAS BINTANG PRAMU 17
12/1/2021 10:23:27 94 / 100 ANDREAN DIVA KURNIA 23
12/1/2021 10:23:29 67 / 100 YUSUF EKA RAHARJA 24
12/1/2021 10:24:16 94 / 100 NIKO ADE FIRMANSYAH 26
12/1/2021 10:24:54 94 / 100 IRVAN BAGUS FIRMANS 16
12/1/2021 10:25:29 97 / 100 Alvin wahyu saputra 17
12/1/2021 10:25:42 97 / 100 Yusuf bagas p 23
12/1/2021 10:28:32 86 / 100 MARCELLENO 20
12/1/2021 10:28:33 94 / 100 Saifudin 19
12/1/2021 10:28:47 100 / 100 ANDIRA YUSRON HAFIFI 22
12/1/2021 10:29:28 94 / 100 KHOIRUL MUSTOFA 19
12/1/2021 10:30:22 84 / 100 TAUFIK QUR ROHMAN 18
12/1/2021 10:30:41 42 / 100 Raehan Anggara Saputra 21
12/1/2021 10:30:42 24 / 100 Rizal al farut 10
12/1/2021 10:30:44 81 / 100 Syaiful Dwi ardiansyah 17
12/1/2021 10:31:21 94 / 100 FERDY REYANDRA AGUN 23
12/1/2021 10:31:45 86 / 100 ANDHIKA RISKI SAPUTRA 21
12/1/2021 10:32:43 94 / 100 DIFA ANJAS PRAMANA 16
12/1/2021 10:32:57 84 / 100 WIDODO PAMUNGKAS 23
12/1/2021 10:33:00 90 / 100 YANTI DWIYANI 13
12/1/2021 10:33:09 90 / 100 Sherly maharani 12
12/1/2021 10:33:11 84 / 100 WHENDI OKTAVIAN 22
12/1/2021 10:33:25 94 / 100 Muhhamat danes d 25
12/1/2021 10:33:28 88 / 100 Kevin brilliant febrianto 24
12/1/2021 10:33:56 87 / 100 Retno wulan 09
12/1/2021 10:34:04 86 / 100 Ridho Bima Aji wijaya 10
12/1/2021 10:34:19 39 / 100 INDRA RIZKI SAPUTRA 19
12/1/2021 10:34:25 88 / 100 FATKHUR ROHIM 21
12/1/2021 10:34:34 23 / 100 PUJASARI KARUNIA WAT 19
12/1/2021 10:35:55 87 / 100 Yuna Puspita Sari 14
12/1/2021 10:35:56 94 / 100 Indun Royanatul Afifah 5
12/1/2021 10:36:09 84 / 100 Amelia Puspita Anggraeni 2
12/1/2021 10:36:12 71 / 100 Dhavy suprihatin 3
12/1/2021 10:36:14 55 / 100 Syahrul fahmi 31
12/1/2021 10:36:40 90 / 100 Deva prasetio 16
12/1/2021 10:36:52 61 / 100 Saiful Abi J 13
12/1/2021 10:36:56 87 / 100 MEILINDA DWI NINGTIYA07
12/1/2021 10:37:09 51 / 100 Dimas Kurnia Putra 18
12/1/2021 10:37:29 94 / 100 Dinar Yulian Lifian TikaSari04
12/1/2021 10:37:48 84 / 100 Sarah nabila nurkhasanah 16
12/1/2021 10:37:58 45 / 100 READE ROFI'UDDIN AL Q 22
12/1/2021 10:38:34 94 / 100 KHAYSAPURNA GYMNAST 25
12/1/2021 10:39:15 86 / 100 ILYAS SETIAWAN 14
12/1/2021 10:39:17 90 / 100 Rahmad Wahyu Saputra 8
12/1/2021 10:39:36 83 / 100 YUSUF EKA RAHARJA 24
12/1/2021 10:40:03 13 / 100 Wahid Rendy Juniardika 33
12/1/2021 10:40:03 94 / 100 Marlo pramana Putra 21
12/1/2021 10:40:28 58 / 100 PUTRI DWI LESTARI 20
12/1/2021 10:40:29 61 / 100 JUJUN ISMAIL MARJUKI 23
12/1/2021 10:40:52 72 / 100 FIRZA RIZQI RAMADANI 25
12/1/2021 10:41:11 94 / 100 septiana 11
12/1/2021 10:41:49 69 / 100 HENDRIK DEVIN PERMA 16
12/1/2021 10:42:07 94 / 100 Habil nur firmansyah 15
12/1/2021 10:42:14 90 / 100 IPUNK RIA NANDA 20
12/1/2021 10:43:16 97 / 100 ILHAM ENDRO PRASTIYO 17
12/1/2021 10:43:55 27 / 100 INGGAR ARI ARDANA 15
12/1/2021 10:44:00 49 / 100 Jonathan AM 23
12/1/2021 10:44:01 94 / 100 KHOIRUNNISA AZZAHRO06
12/1/2021 10:44:52 64 / 100 IMAM MAHMUDI 18
12/1/2021 10:45:40 91 / 100 Shefa adi pratama 29
12/1/2021 10:46:03 75 / 100 IRVAN KURNIAWAN 21
12/1/2021 10:46:56 55 / 100 Rizky Eka Nur Ichwan 14
12/1/2021 10:47:07 58 / 100 TEGAR TRI PUTRA 19
12/1/2021 10:47:21 55 / 100 Verijunyanto 21
12/1/2021 10:47:22 39 / 100 FAREL BIMA ARIANTANA 31
12/1/2021 10:47:22 58 / 100 Rizky Bagus Ramadhan 13
12/1/2021 10:47:53 94 / 100 FIKRI SYAHRON MAFTUH 24
12/1/2021 10:48:42 57 / 100 VIONA NOVA SAPUTRI 32
12/1/2021 10:48:59 93 / 100 DAFA ALFHIN SYAHERU 20
12/1/2021 10:49:01 58 / 100 YOGA PRATAMA 24
12/1/2021 10:49:16 58 / 100 Teguh satrianto 20
12/1/2021 10:49:29 87 / 100 One adam.syahwahida fard 18
12/1/2021 10:50:12 15 / 100 RIYAN PRATAMA RAHMA 26
12/1/2021 10:51:52 80 / 100 FAHRI FADILLAH 19
12/1/2021 10:51:57 51 / 100 khoirul huda 18
12/1/2021 10:52:15 51 / 100 Yongki Ramadhan Oksandi 34
12/1/2021 10:52:15 94 / 100 READE ROFI'UDDIN AL Q 22
12/1/2021 10:53:38 54 / 100 Gilang Yusuf Saputra 35
12/1/2021 10:54:06 100 / 100 Efa Agustina 28
12/1/2021 10:54:10 94 / 100 ERLINA PUJI SETIYO N 29
12/1/2021 10:54:47 83 / 100 DIO AFRIZAL YONA SAP 25
12/1/2021 10:56:11 67 / 100 DENY PRASTYO 22
12/1/2021 10:56:17 93 / 100 Syahrul fahmi 31
12/1/2021 10:56:41 94 / 100 Shefa adi pertama 29
12/1/2021 10:57:54 86 / 100 RENDI BAGUS SAPUTRA 23
12/1/2021 10:58:00 86 / 100 Wahid Rendy Juniardika 33
12/1/2021 10:58:43 94 / 100 Yongki Ramadhan Oksandi 34
12/1/2021 10:58:52 91 / 100 SYAIFUL ANWAR 28
12/1/2021 10:59:48 94 / 100 Surya aditama 30
12/1/2021 11:00:38 47 / 100 DWI CHOIRUL HANAFI 1-27-5014/128
12/1/2021 11:00:48 86 / 100 RIYAN PRATAMA RAHMA 26
12/1/2021 11:01:52 41 / 100 fikhie andhieka mulyana 1-34-5021/129
12/1/2021 11:01:58 51 / 100 Diva ayu febrianti 26
12/1/2021 11:02:28 97 / 100 RIFAI WAHYU ADI SAPUT 25
12/1/2021 11:02:56 54 / 100 DESIANA ANDRIYANI 23
12/1/2021 11:03:21 51 / 100 ERWIN KARTIKO 30
12/1/2021 11:04:03 42 / 100 DAVID BIMA MAHENDRA 21
12/1/2021 11:05:41 60 / 100 Cristian Na Galileo 19
12/1/2021 11:09:25 64 / 100 Febian Tri Laksana Mulia 32
12/1/2021 11:09:49 49 / 100 FELIKADEPURA 33
12/1/2021 11:11:02 93 / 100 Dimas Dwi Prasetyo 24
12/1/2021 11:16:51 81 / 100 Reni Setia Agustin 24
12/1/2021 14:18:35 35 / 100 Ferry Ramadhan Alexsaput 14
2. The following sentences3.are What
the reasons
does the
KELAS 1. What kind of text is it?
X TAV c. Recount a. the views of the sea are c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO2 b. Procedure d. Ponorogo has beautiful e. A villa in Jetis
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 e. Explanation d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 b. Procedure b. the people are friendly c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
X TAV b. Procedure b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM1 c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 e. Explanation d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
X TAV b. Procedure e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 c. Recount b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 e. Explanation c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 c. Recount b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful d. The prigi beach
X TAV a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. Explanation c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTBSM2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
X TAV c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are c. Dongko moun tain resort
X TAV d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
X TAV e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
X TAV c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap e. A villa in Jetis
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XAKL c. Recount d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XAKL d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are d. The prigi beach
XTBSM2 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are d. The prigi beach
XTKRO1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XAKL c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable e. A villa in Jetis
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XAKL d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly e. A villa in Jetis
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable d. The prigi beach
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 b. Procedure e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 d. Descriptive c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO4 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. Procedure d. Ponorogo has beautiful c. Dongko moun tain resort
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 d. Descriptive d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XBDP d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 b. Procedure a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM2 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 b. Procedure c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKRO2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKRO3 a. Narrative b. the people are friendly a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are a. The beautiful place
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 c. Recount c. the prices are cheap b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative d. Ponorogo has beautiful a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 a. Narrative c. the prices are cheap a. The beautiful place
XTKJ2 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 c. Recount a. the views of the sea are b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 d. Descriptive e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ1 e. Explanation e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTKJ2 c. Recount e. the villa is comfortable b. The trip to Ponorogo
XTBSM1 a. Narrative
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c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy

b. Reasonable a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. e. careless and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty b. That’s a pity. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. e. careless and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
b. Reasonable e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing d. That’s so sweet. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed e. soft a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive e. soft c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing c. Happy birthday. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable a. extraordinary d. That’s so sweet. d. lazy and shy
c. Clear a. extraordinary b. That’s a pity. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable a. extraordinary c. Happy birthday. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. pure d. That’s so sweet. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable d. amazing b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear b. pure e. That’s awfu a. lazy and sensitive
b. Reasonable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed b. pure b. That’s a pity. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing d. That’s so sweet. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
e. Comfortable e. soft b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you.
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. b. stupid and lazy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
c. Clear c. pretty b. That’s a pity. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. a. lazy and sensitive
e. Comfortable c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
b. Reasonable c. pretty b. That’s a pity. a. lazy and sensitive
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive a. extraordinary a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
d. Fixed d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive d. amazing a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. d. lazy and shy
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive b. pure a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
a. Expensive c. pretty a. I’m so proud of you. c. friendly and cheerful
8. My English teacher always makes me feel exticed 10.
to study. He always h as new
11.jokes every day. It means he is a ....
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. c. gone c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone c. am
b. shy a. Please accept my condoc. gone d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous a. Please accept my condod. has d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. d. has d. were
a. humorous a. Please accept my condoa. go c. am
c. diligent c. You must be very upset. b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. b. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. d. has e. are
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. a. go d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has d. were
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes d. were
e. talkative e. Not at all. a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
e. talkative e. Not at all. a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you. e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
b. shy b. I’m proud of your sister. a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
b. shy a. Please accept my condob. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
d. lazy a. Please accept my condoc. gone c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go d. were
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
d. lazy c. You must be very upset. a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
b. shy d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has a. is
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous c. You must be very upset. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went d. were
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
b. shy e. Not at all. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
e. talkative a. Please accept my condoa. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
b. shy c. You must be very upset. b. goes d. were
d. lazy c. You must be very upset. c. gone e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. c. gone a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative c. You must be very upset. d. has b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous c. gone b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
c. diligent b. I’m proud of your sister. e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative c. You must be very upset. d. has e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous e. Not at all. c. gone a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative a. Please accept my condob. goes b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condoa. go e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes c. am
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
d. lazy b. I’m proud of your sister. d. has e. are
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro a. go b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous e. Not at all. e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
c. diligent d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous a. Please accept my condob. goes a. is
e. talkative d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes e. are
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went
d. lazy d. Congratulations! I’m pro b. goes a. is
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro e. went b. was
a. humorous d. Congratulations! I’m pro c. gone c. am
12. 13. 14. 15.

e. was walking b. take a. Is it your red dress? b. She is so ordinary.

d. walks e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
b. walking e. taken This conversation d.
is You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
a. walked a. takes e. Whose dress is it? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.

a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?

c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
b. You look charming in that red dress.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation d.
is You don’t look cute wit hd. She looks awkward.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
d. walks a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes a. Is it your red dress? e. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked e. taken This conversation c.
is The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes d. You don’t look cute wit hd. She looks awkward.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking a. takes b. You look charming in thae. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took d. You don’t look cute wit hc. Is it really her?
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
e. was walking c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit you.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit hc. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
c. walk c. tooks d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thab. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. You don’t look cute wit ha. She is so pretty.
b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked c. tooks b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking e. taken This conversation is for questions no. 14 - 16 c.
P Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
d. walks b. take a. Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk c. tooks a. Is it your red dress? d. She looks awkward.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take a. Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation a.
is Is it your red dress? a. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took c. The dress doesn’t suit yod. She looks awkward.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation c.
is The dress doesn’t suit yob. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking c. tooks b. You look charming in thad. She looks awkward.
c. walk b. take b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoc. Is it really her?
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked b. take e. Whose dress is it? e. She looks nervous.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked a. takes b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking a. takes b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked e. taken This conversation b.
is You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thac. Is it really her?
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
d. walks b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking a. takes c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
e. was walking b. take b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
b. walking b. take d. You don’t look cute wit hb. She is so ordinary.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
a. walked d. took b. You look charming in thaa. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. take c. The dress doesn’t suit yoa. She is so pretty.
16. 17. What can be viewed through
18. Which
the diving
of statements
not “Those
true about
text? ...” (Paragraph three)

c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles

e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big wavec. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
b. gratitude b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur e. island
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
b. gratitude e. The turtle island b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur e. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome e. The turtle island a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divee. island
b. gratitude d. The view of the big wavea. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate e. The turtle island b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a very famous beach in Nusa Dua
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
a. welcome b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anyb. water sport
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divee. island
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate e. The turtle island e. Tourists can visit the tur c. turtles
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the turtle island which is used to b
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
a. welcome b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m any kinds of water sports in
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verye. island
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anye. island
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot diveb. water sport
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu d. The view of the big waveb. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate b. The beauty of the Merta b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryc. turtles
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anyd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome e. The turtle island a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beace. island
b. gratitude a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be d. Tourists who cannot divea. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur d. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
d. thank b. The beauty of the Merta c. Tourists can enjoy m anya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot dived. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a veryd. swimming and diving
e. wish T his text is for qu a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin a. Tanjung Benoa is a beaca. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate c. The view of Tanjung Be a. Tanjung Benoa is a beacd. swimming and diving
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin d. Tourists who cannot divec. turtles
a. welcome c. The view of Tanjung Be e. Tourists can visit the tur a. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. congratulate a. The beauty of the marin b. Tanjung Benoa is a verya. Tourists
c. The view of Tanjung Benoa a. Tourists
20. What does paragraph 21.
is Serangan Island
The turtle
to the
.... get
are able

b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta a. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oe. Student who is the best i
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final d. All students and their neighbours
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tod. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousaa. To meet the education ca. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t a. All students
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
e. The turtle island is used d. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education ce. Student who is the best in class XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used a. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
a. it is used to trade many ka. To meet the education ca. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education cd. All students and their n
d. Tourist can swim, dive, e. it is used to hunt turt c. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used e. it is used to hunt turt b. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtles. c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt d. To get the free chance od. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the most favorite water sport in b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and toa. To meet the education ce. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t e. Student who is the best i
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousae. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi b. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance oa. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final d. All students and their n
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
a. The water sports of Ta d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and toe. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
e. The turtle island is used c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education ca. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
d. Tourist can swim, dive, surf, and so on in Tanjung c. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta e. it is used to hunt turt a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
b. it is a place where thousad. To get the free chance ob. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activi b. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, e. it is used to hunt turt a. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving ared. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t b. Mr. Budi Umar
e. The turtle island is used b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final e. Student who is the best i
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and toc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving aree. it is used to hunt turt e. To be a presenter in tha a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final b. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
c. Surfing beco mes the mos
d. it is used to breed and tob. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final a. All students
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlese. To be a presenter in tha c. Students of cla ss XII
a. The water sports of Ta b. it is a place where thousaa. To meet the education cb. Mr. Budi Umar
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, c. it is used to breed turtlesd. To get the free chance oc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final examination
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesa. To meet the education cc. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousac. To teach strategies for t c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
d. Tourist can swim, dive, b. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving area. it is used to trade many kb. To prep are for the final a. All students
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesb. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving areb. it is a place where thousab. To prep are for the final c. Students of cla ss XII
b. Snorkeling and diving arec. it is used to breed turtlesc. To teach strategies for t d. All students and their n
24. “To reserve your seat,25.
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a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t c. To meet the headmastere. All student will be exam e. To persuade students on
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
and their neighbours a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam c. To remind students about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for two days
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
e. Confirm The following t c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit e. To visit principal’s housed. The holidays won’t be exd. To announce the school
is the best in class XII b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor activity on school h
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy c. To meet the headmastere. All student will be exam a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam c. To remind students about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brinc. To remind students about
c. Get c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about the activity on sc
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl b. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
d. Sit d. To bring the changing cl d. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book e. To visit principal’s houseb. The students should brind. To announce the school
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activd. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl b. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 active. To persuade students on
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get e. To visit principal’s housea. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for c. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for b. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activd. To announce the school
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam b. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip b. The students should brina. To give information about
c. Get b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exc. To remind students about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t a. To pay for the trip d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam e. To persuade students on
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brind. To announce the school
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmastera. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit c. To meet the headmasterb. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
c. Get d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy a. To pay for the trip c. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
d. Sit a. To pay for the trip e. All student will be exam a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy c. To meet the headmasterc. The holiday will last for a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
d. Sit b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
e. Confirm The following t d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. The students should brinb. To describe an outdoor a
a. Book d. To bring the changing cl a. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
b. Buy b. To go to the teacher’s ofb. The students should brina. To give information about
a. Book c. To meet the headmasterd. The holidays won’t be exa. To give information about
a. Book a. To pay for the trip a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofe. All student will be exam a. To give information about
a. Book b. To go to the teacher’s ofa. There are at least 5 activa. To give information about
a. Book e. To visit principal’s housec. The holiday will last for d. To announce the school
a. Book d. The holidays won’t be exb. To describe an outdoor a
28. What is the present perfect
29. They
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it to them

d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought

b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math right now. a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known d . will buy
c. They has studied math. c. K now e. would buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now d . will buy
d. They have studied math d. K nowing b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew d . will buy
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing b. buyed
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. e. had known b. buyed
d. They have studied math d. K nowing c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew d . will buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew a. buys
an outdoor activity on school holiday a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew b. buyed
c. They has studied math. c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
e. They had studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known e. would buy
d. They have studied math b. known d . will buy
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known e. would buy
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
a. They have studied math b. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinge. had known d . will buy
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math d. K nowing e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
b. They have been studyinge. had known a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
e. They had studied math c. K now a. buys
mation about the activity on school hol b. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
b. They have been studyinge. had known b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math e. had known d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
e. They had studied math a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
c. They has studied math. b. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
c. They has studied math. a. knew b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known e. would buy
d. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew e. would buy
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingd. K nowing e. would buy
d. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math b. known b. buyed
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now d . will buy
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
e. They had studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyingc. K now b. buyed
d. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
e. They had studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known d . will buy
a. They have studied math d. K nowing c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinge. had known a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingc. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math right now. c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew e. would buy
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
e. They had studied math a. knew d . will buy
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now b. buyed
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known b. buyed
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
b. They have been studyinga. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
d. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. b. known e. would buy
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math e. had known a. buys
d. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
d. They have studied math c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now c . Bought
c. They has studied math. a. knew d . will buy
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
c. They has studied math. a. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
a. They have studied math a. knew a. buys
b. They have been studyinga. knew c . Bought
a. They have studied math c. K now a. buys
b. They have been studyingb. known a. buys
a. They have studied math b. known c . Bought
b. They have been studyingb. known c . Bought
c. They has studied math. e. had known b. buyed

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