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--------- beginning of main

05-06 14:14:57.135 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.135 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.151 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.152 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.156 11357 11357 D InsetsController: onStateChanged: InsetsState:
{mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0,
45 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0}
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(272, 0 - 448, 45), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720
displayHeight=1600 physicalDisplayWidth=720 physicalDisplayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M 0,0 H -88 V 45 H 88 V 0 H 0 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=60,
center=Point(60, 60)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=60,
center=Point(660, 60)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=60,
center=Point(660, 1540)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=60,
center=Point(60, 1540)}]} mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(637, 0 - 720,
45) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR,
mFrame=[0,1510][720,1600], mVisible=false, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true,
mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES,
mFrame=[720,0][720,1600], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][720,68],
mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,1510][720,1600], mVisible=true,
mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[0,0][-100000,1600], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,45], mVisible=true,
mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[100000,0][720,1600], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,100000][720,1600],
mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,1510][720,1600], mVisible=true,
mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false} } host=Toast
05-06 14:14:57.162 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: setView =
android.widget.LinearLayout@79343e2 TM=true
05-06 14:14:57.168 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.168 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: performTraversals
params={(0,120)(wrapxwrap) gr=BOTTOM CENTER sim={adjust=pan} ty=TOAST
fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030004
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: fl=1000098
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: pfl=12000000
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: bhv=DEFAULT
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]:
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: fitIgnoreVis
05-06 14:14:57.184 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: sfl=20000}
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: performTraversals
mFirst=true windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false
mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,120)(wrapxwrap) gr=BOTTOM CENTER
sim={adjust=pan} ty=TOAST fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030004
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: fl=1000098
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: pfl=12000000
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: bhv=DEFAULT
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]:
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: fitIgnoreVis
05-06 14:14:57.186 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: sfl=20000}
05-06 14:14:57.192 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.193 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.207 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.207 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.207 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]:
updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=null isSameSurfaceControl=false
05-06 14:14:57.207 11357 11357 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:2c5d00000007,api:0,p:-
1,c:11357) connect: controlledByApp=false
05-06 14:14:57.209 11357 11357 I BLASTBufferQueue: new BLASTBufferQueue, mName=
ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast] mNativeObject= 0xa3f9b2c0 sc.mNativeObject= 0x9b9661c0
caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909
android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:923 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:852
05-06 14:14:57.209 11357 11357 I BLASTBufferQueue: update, w= 271 h= 73 mName =
ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast] mNativeObject= 0xa3f9b2c0 sc.mNativeObject= 0x9b9661c0
format= -3 caller=<init>:84
05-06 14:14:57.212 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Relayout returned:
old=(0,45,720,1510) new=(224,1317,495,1390) req=(271,73)0 dur=21 res=0x3 s={true
0xbd8ca400} ch=true seqId=0
05-06 14:14:57.215 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]:
mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0xbd8ca400}
05-06 14:14:57.215 11357 11544 D BufferQueueProducer:
[ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]#6(BLAST Consumer)6]
(id:2c5d00000007,api:1,p:11357,c:11357) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
05-06 14:14:57.216 11357 11544 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface
05-06 14:14:57.221 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: reportNextDraw
05-06 14:14:57.221 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Setup new sync id=0
05-06 14:14:57.222 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Setting
05-06 14:14:57.222 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
05-06 14:14:57.227 11357 11558 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
05-06 14:14:57.227 11357 11558 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Setting up sync and
05-06 14:14:57.231 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.232 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.239 11357 11544 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.239 11357 11544 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.239 11357 11544 I BLASTBufferQueue: [ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]#6]
(f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
05-06 14:14:57.240 11357 11544 D BLASTBufferQueue: [ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]#6]
(f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=271x73 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true
mTimestamp=821111450710009(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0
graphicBufferId=48777943580717 transform=0
05-06 14:14:57.241 11357 11544 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
05-06 14:14:57.242 11357 11544 D OpenGLRenderer: CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 11357 Tid :
05-06 14:14:57.244 11357 11544 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null!
05-06 14:14:57.244 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: onSyncComplete
05-06 14:14:57.247 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: setupSync seqId=0
mSyncId=0 fn=1 caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11.accept:6
05-06 14:14:57.249 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@f1ce230[Toast]: reportDrawFinished
seqId=0 mSyncId=-1 fn=1 mSurfaceChangedTransaction=0x90470600
05-06 14:14:57.253 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.254 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.269 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.269 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.287 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.287 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.309 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.309 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.322 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.322 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.336 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.336 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.347 11357 11357 I Ads : Ad failed to load : 3
05-06 14:14:57.359 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.360 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.375 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.375 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.389 11357 11357 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
05-06 14:14:57.389 11357 11357 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 231004600
05-06 14:14:57.389 11357 11357 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
05-06 14:14:57.394 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.394 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.406 11357 11357 I Ads : Use
50B2D3E1F1BF")) to get test ads on this device.
05-06 14:14:57.410 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.410 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.426 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.427 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.442 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.442 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.460 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.460 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.474 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.474 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.489 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.489 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.508 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.508 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.523 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.523 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.546 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.546 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.560 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.560 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.567 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@556bc7[]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
05-06 14:14:57.589 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.589 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.605 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.605 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.618 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.618 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.633 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.633 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.650 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.650 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.660 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@556bc7[]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
05-06 14:14:57.672 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.672 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.687 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.687 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.700 11357 11357 V Toast : show: caller =
05-06 14:14:57.709 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.709 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.725 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.726 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.738 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.738 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.752 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.752 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.769 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.769 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.785 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.785 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.802 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.802 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.818 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.818 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.833 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.833 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.851 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.851 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.866 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.866 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.883 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.883 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.901 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.901 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.916 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.916 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.934 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.934 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.950 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.951 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.968 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.968 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:57.983 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:57.983 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.001 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.001 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.017 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.017 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.032 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.032 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.050 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.050 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.067 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.067 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.082 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.082 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.100 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.100 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.116 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.116 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.134 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.135 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.150 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.150 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.168 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.168 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.182 11357 11357 I Ads : Ad failed to load : 3
05-06 14:14:58.184 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.184 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.189 11357 11614 W Inneractive_warning: It is recomended to add the
READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the manifest for better targetting
05-06 14:14:58.197 11357 11716 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning
read-only value.
05-06 14:14:58.200 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.200 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.203 11357 11716 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning
read-only value.
05-06 14:14:58.220 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.220 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.235 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.235 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.250 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.250 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.257 11357 11797 W ConnectionStatusConfig: Dynamic lookup for intent
failed for action:
05-06 14:14:58.269 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.269 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.285 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.285 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.304 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.304 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.319 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.319 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.335 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.335 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.353 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.353 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.370 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.370 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.386 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.386 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.404 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.404 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.420 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.420 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.437 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.437 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.454 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.454 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.471 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.472 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.487 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.487 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.505 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.505 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.521 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.521 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.537 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.537 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.555 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.555 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.572 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.572 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.586 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.587 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.597 11357 11357 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
05-06 14:14:58.597 11357 11357 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 231004600
05-06 14:14:58.597 11357 11357 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
05-06 14:14:58.605 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.605 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.608 11357 11357 I Ads : Use
50B2D3E1F1BF")) to get test ads on this device.
05-06 14:14:58.619 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.619 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.629 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@556bc7[]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
05-06 14:14:58.636 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.636 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.650 11357 11785 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
05-06 14:14:58.651 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.651 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.654 11357 12083 W ConnectionStatusConfig: Dynamic lookup for intent
failed for action:
05-06 14:14:58.671 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.671 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.681 11357 11357 I ViewRootImpl@556bc7[]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
05-06 14:14:58.688 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.688 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.704 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.704 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.719 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.719 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.739 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.739 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.754 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.754 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.783 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.783 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.798 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.798 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.807 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.807 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.821 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.821 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.839 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.839 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.859 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.859 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.875 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.875 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3
05-06 14:14:58.891 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type SMPTE2086
05-06 14:14:58.891 11357 11583 E IMGMapper: set:488 set: Unset optional value from
type CTA861_3

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