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GRAMATYKA PVT DLA GIMNAZJALISTOW Czesé 3 Olivia Johnston Gilay Kiraili Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the World. Visit our website at © Pearson Education Limited 2001 The right of Olivia Johnston and Gillay Kiratli to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2001 Set in Rotis and Helvetica CE Printed in Spain by Mateu Cromo ISBN 0-582-47972-X Prepared for the publishers by AMR Illustrations by Celia Hart and Bill Piggins Project managed by Magdalena Szewczyk Acknowledgements Special thanks to Monika Galbarezyk for translating the rubrics and the grammar boxes, as well as to Joanna Podsiadly for proofreading the Polish text. »Gramatyka angielska dla gimnazjalistow” pomoze Ci zrozumieé i opanowaé materiat gramatyezny z zakresu gimnazjum. Gramatyka podzielona jest na trzy ezesci, Zaczynajac od poziomu poczatkujacego, poprzez Srednio Zaawansowany i koniczgc na zaawansowanym. Materiat gramatyczny poszczegdinych pozioméw odpowiada materiatowi podrecznikow ,Snapshot Starter”, ,Snapshot Elementary” i ,Snapshot Pre-Intermediate”. Gramatyki mozesz takze uzywaé bez wzgledu na to, z jakiego podrecznika korzystasz w szkole. W kolejnych czeSciach znajdziesz nie tylko opis nowych struktur i problemow, ale réwniez rozwiniecie wielu zagadnien opisanych w poprzednich ksigzkach. Mozesz wigc rozpoczaé nauke od poziomu podstawowego lub, jesli tylko czujesz sig na sitach, od razu przejsé do poziomu drugiego, a nawet trzeciego. Aby utatwi¢ Ci rozwigzywanie éwiczen, kazdy problem gramatyczny zostat opisany w okienkach, ktdére tatwo zauwazysz, gdyz nazwane zostaly ,,Zapamietaj”. Musisz jednak wiedzie¢, ze wszystko, co w nich opisano jest jedynie wstepem, ktory w naturalny sposob prowadzi do éwiczen. Zrozumienie ,,reguiek” nie moze byé celem samym w sobie. Sprawdz, czy potrafisz zastosowac je w praktyce. Ksiazka ta, dzieki duzej rozmaitosci éwiczen (uzupetnianie luk i zdan, transformacje zdan, éwiczenia wyboru, tworzenie krétkich wypowiedzi na podstawie podanych zwrotéw oraz wiele innych) umozliwi Ci doskonate przygotowanie do wszelkiego rodzaju testow, klaséwek, kartkéwek, sprawdzianow i egzaminéw. Spis tresci (zar6wno w jezyku angielskim, jak i polskim) oraz indeks pomogg Ci w szybkim odnalezieniu danego problemu gramatycznego. Tabele gramatyczne umieszczone na koricu podrecznika ulatwia Ci usystematyzowanie Twej wiedzy. Tam réwniez znajdziesz klucz, dzieki ktéremu sam bedziesz mogt sprawdzié i ocenié swoje postepy w nauce. Zyozymy zadowolenia ze zdobywanej wiedzy i udoskonalenia umiejetnosci postugiwania sie jezykiem angielskim oraz licznych sukces6w na egzaminach i olimpiadach. Autorzy Contents (Spis tresci) 1 Mixed tense practice: present (Cwiczenia mieszane: czasy terazniejsze) ‘+ Present simple and Present continuous 2 Past simple:regular and irregular (Past simple: czasowniki regularne i nieregularne) + Past simple: positive and negtve (2dania twierdzace | przeczace) * Past simple: questions (pvtania) + Past simple: positive, negative and questions (ania twierdzace, przeczace | pytania) 3. Past continuous with while, as, when + Past continuous with while, as, when + Past co fous and Past simple 4 Clauses of purpose (Zdania podrzedne celu) * Infinitive of purpose and so’as not to (Bezokolicznik celui so as not to) + so that, $0 that... not * Infinitive of purpose, s0 as not fo or s0 that, ‘50 that ... not (Bezokolicznik celu, ‘80 a8 not to lub so that, so that ... not) 5. Defining and non-defining relative clauses (Zdania przydawkowe ograniczajace i nieograniczajace) '* Defining relative clauses with who, which, where, that (Zdania przydawkowe ograniczajace z who, which, where, that) * Non-defining relative clauses with who, which, where (Zdania przydawkowe nieograniczajace 2 Who, which, where) * Defining and non-defining relative clauses (Zdania preydawkowe ograniczajace \ nieograniczajace) 6 Mixed tense practice: future (Cwiczenia mieszane: czasy a wyrazanie przyszlosci) + Present simple for future (Present simple dla wyrazenia preysziosci) + Present continuous and wil/ won't for future (Present continuous i wil/ won't dla wyrazenia przysziosci) 10 4 2 2 4 16 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 22. 22. 23 + Present simple, Present continuous, will and going to for future (Present simple, Present continuous, willi going to dla wyrazenia przysziogci) 7 Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs (Stopien wyzszy i najwyzszy przymiotnikow i przystowkéw) + Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs (Stopien wy2szy inalwacszy przymiotnik6w i prayskiwkw) + Comparison of adjectives and adverbs with intensifiers (Poréwnanie przymiotnikéw i preysi6wkow: siowa wemacniajace) ‘+ Comparison of adjectives with almost, just and not as ... as (Poréwnanie przymiotnikéw: Uuzycie almost, justi not as ... as) 8 Present perfect continuous * Present perfect continuous: positive and negative (edania twierdzace I przeczace) * Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) * Present perfect continuous with for and since + Present perfect continuous and Past simple + Present perfect simple and Present perfect, ‘continuous: questions and answers (pytania i odpowiedzi) + Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (2dania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) 9. Prepositions (Przyimki) + Prepositions of motion (Prayimki uch) ‘+ Prepositions of place and motion (Prayimki miejsca i ruchu) + Prepositions of time (Przyimki czasu) 10 Phrasal verbs (Czasowniki wieloczionowe) * Phrasal verbs (Czasowniki wieloczlonowe) 24 26 27 28 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 37 37 38 39 40 40 11 Future with may / might and will / won't (Czasowniki may / mighti wil /won't dla wyrazenia przyszlosci) + may / might will / won't + might and will /won't “1 4“ 2 43 eo 12 Modal verbs (Czasowniki modaine) a4 ‘+ Modal verbs: must, can'tfor deduction Be i Sicoinc ae (Czasownilt a ae en a | wyotagania wnioskéw) + can, could and be able to 45 * could and was / were able to 46 16 The passive (Strona bierna) 64 + should and ought to a7 + The passive: Present simple and Past simple = asst hav (08) 1 sé (Girona bierna: Present simple i Past simple) 64 AN Hie (yas) a ‘= The passive: Present perfect simple (Strona bierna: Present perfect simple) 66 + mustn't, don't have to 51 ! + Modals wil, should, must, can and could + passive sem cont nave fo; don't need ate noadirtap se infinitive (Czasowniki modalne will, should, must, 48 Question tags and echo questions ean i could + bezokolicznik strony bierne)) 67 (Konstrukcja Question tags i pytania 47 Mixed practice: active and passive stanowlgee echo wypowledz/) 58. (Cwiozenia mieszane: strona czynna i bierna) 69 + Question tags: positive statement negative tag + Active and passive: Present simple, Past simple, CN aguas larg Se Present perfect simple (Strona czynna i bierna: screech be Present simple, Past simple, Present perfect + Question tags: negative statement, positive tag simple) 69 Peeeeeete en eae + Active and passive: mixed tenses ueion 1968) ey (Gtrona czynna i bietha: ezasy mieszane) 70 + Question tags: positive and negative (formy twierdzace i przeczace) 55 18 Negative questions * Echo questions: positive and negative (Pytania, w,formie pezeezacel ue (Pytania stanowigce echo wypowiedzi: formy + Negative questions: showing surprise twerdzace | przeczace) 56 (Pyrania w formie preeczace): wyrazanie zdziwienia) 72 : a + Negative questions: expecting agreement 14 Question tags and echo questions (Pytania w formie praeczqce): oczekiwanie zgody) 78 with modals (Konstrukoja Question tags em eee op) | pytania stanowigoe echo wypowiledz! + Negative questions: correcting politely (Pytania Craenanl rocekeral @ w formie przeczacé}: uprzelme poprawianie) ” + Question tags with modals: positive statement, 19 Articles (Przedimki) 5 yeas tg Cusetion age z acowpiam! +The indefinite article (Przedimek rieokresiony): modalnymi: 2dania twierdzace z forma przeczaca a oo question tags) 87 + The definite article (Przedimek okreslony): the 76 + Question tags with modals: negative statement, positive tag (Question tags z czasownikami nish beggin 0 uf ‘modalnymi: zdania preeczace z forma twierdzacq + Mixed practice: articles question tags) 58 (Cwiezenia mieszane: przedimk’) 80 : auton tags with models: positive eu negative do Sauter (Question tags z czasownikami modalnymi: formy (assum Gravee sonenbave) A ‘wierdzace i preeczace) 59 Ee ah + Causative have: present tense (Gzasownik Bia ene wens cen cou SOU, preyozynowy have: czas teradéniejszy) at ‘must (Pytania stanowigge echo wypowiods! s 2 czasownikami modalnymi: can, could, + Causative have: present tense, imperative, infritv, hostdimust en gerund (Czasownik prayczynowy have: czas teraz niejszy, tyb rozkazyacy, bezokolicank, forma -ing) 82 15 Modal verbs: must, can’t for deduction (Czasowniki modaine: must, can't dla dedukeji i wyciggania wnioskow) et + Causative have: questions and answers (Czasownik przyezynawy have: pytania i cdpowiedzi) 83 Contents 21 Conditionals (Zdania warunkowe) 84. 28 used to (opisywanie przesziosci) 108 + First conditional ‘+ used to: positive, negative and questions (Zdania warunkowe pierwszego typu). a4, (zdania twierdzace, przeczace | pytania) 106 * First conditional with going to, Present continuous, imperatives (Zdania warunkowe pierwszego typu: going to, Present continuous, tryb rozkazujacy) 85 ‘+ Second conditional (Zdania warunkowe drugiego typu) 86 29 so + adjective / adverb, such a/an+ noun (so + przymiotnik / przysiéwek, ‘such a /an+ rzeczownik) 110 * so, such a /an in exclamations (80, such @/anw zdaniach wykrzyknikowych) 110 22 Past perfect simple 88 * 0+ adjective / adverb... that, such a/an-+ noun... Ee fec neers 88 that (so + przymiotnik / preystéwek ... that, ‘+ Past perfect simple: positive and negative pores eats eaceownik 2. Wath a (edania twierdzace i przeczqce) 89 30 Reported speech (Mowa zalezna) 113, * Past perfect simple: positive, negative and questions 1+} Reported requests end, commands (2dania twierdzqce, przeczqce | pytania) 90 Rea cecoaa se cpaaaetel, 418 * Past periect simple: after, before, '* Reported statements (Zdania w mowie zaleznej) 115 as soon as, when 9 * Reported questions (Pytania w mowie zalezne)) 117 23 Time clauses with future meaning (zaanaesnstre Sane sie 31 too + adjective / adverb + to and (not) + adjective / adverb + enough to do przysztosci) 92 . eee (too + preymiotnik / przystéwek + toi (not) + + Time clauses with when, as soon as, before, after, przymiotnik / preystowek + enough fo) 110 until (2dania czasowe z when, as s00n as, before, + 00 adjective / adverb + to aftr, until 82 : (too + przymiotnik / przystéwek + to) 119 24 Joining sentences (Laczenie zdar) 984 + (nol) + adjective / adverb + enough 10 “after and before + present participle ((not) + przymiatnik / przystowek + enough fo) 120 (alteri botore+-imiesi6w czynny) 84 * 100. t0/not... enough to 120 souter and beers %5 32 Verbs followed by the gerund / the * soand because 96 infinitive (Czasownik + forma -ing ezasownika i czasownik + bezokolicznik z to) 121 * Verbs followed by the gerund 25 too much, too many and not enough 97 * 100 much and too cy ey e (Czasownik + forma -ing czasownika) 121 ot 5 1nd not enough esa snoe oe be + Verbs followed by the infinitive 26 Third conditional (Czasowmik + bezokoliczrik 2 10) 122 (ania warunkowe trzeciego typu) 99 + Verbs followed by the gerund /the infinitive «This candhional (Czasownik + forma -ing ezasownika, ire ee es vitae 8 i czasownik + bezokolicznik 2 to) 123 LSfifet! baoohd and third conditional Itregular verbs (Lista czasownik6w nieregulamnych) 124 (Zdania warunkowe pierwszego, drugiego Grammar tables (Tabele gramatyczne) 127 | trzeciego typu) 102 Key (Kiucz) 130 27 I wish /If only + Past perfect Index (Indeks) 143 (wyrazanie Zalu) 3 103 + wish + Past perfect 103 * only + Past perfect 104 + [wish /1f only + Past perfect 105 Mixed tense practice: present e Present simple and Present continuous Zapamietaj! Present simple i Present continuous Czasu Present simple uzywamy wtedy, gdy mowimy o sytuacjach statych i ezynnogciach rutynowych: He works ina shop. He usually goes to work at eight o'clock. Czasu Present continuous uzywamy wtedy, gdy mawimy o czynnosciach majacych miejsce w chwili méwienia: It’s eight o'clock but he isn’t going to work. He’s staying at home today. Czasu Present continuous uzywamy rowniez wtedy, gdy méowimy o przysztych wydarzeniach, ktore zostaly wezesniej zaplanowane: We're flying to London on Sunday. 1 Uzupetnij zdania, wybierajac poprawna forme: czasownika w nawiasie. Examples Quick! Shut the window. ('s raining / rains) , It be My parents usually (are going / go) ...g9..... to bed at midnight. 1 It (isn't raining / doesn’t rain) .. ... in Egypt in the summer. They (are playing / play) .... _ tennis at the moment. we _. my homework tonight. _ out very often 1.('m not doing / don’t do) ..., They (aren’t going / don't go) . during the week. + wu Where (are you having /.do you have) .. ... your party this year? Listen! Jack ('s singing / sings) ... 7 What (are you doing / do you do) ,, enormous box? a in the shower again. with that 8 How often (are you going / do you go) .. to the doctor? 9 We sometimes (are staying / stay) with my aunt in Edinburgh. 10 You can tum off the TV. 1 (‘m not watching / don’t watch) it. e Present simple and Present continuous 2 Napisz zdania w czasie Present simple lub Present continuous, uzywajac stow w nawiasach. Examples | (write) to my grandparents once a month. | to my grandparents once a month. Why {you / wear) sunglasses when it's raining? Why | .. Sunglasses when it's raining? | (eat) my supper at the moment. Can you ring later? 2 When (your mother / get up) in the mornings? (your parents / leave) for Paris this weekend? w a (you / ever / leave) your bag on the bus? 7 Who (you / take) to Silvia’s New Year's Eve party? o, My sister and 1 (usually / sit) at the front of the bus. 1 (not / often / play) tennis in the winter. © 10. Take Mario's bike. He (not / use) it today. 11. (you / ever / have) barbecues on the beach? 12 Tony (help) me with my art project tomorrow afternoon. i d tense practice: present e¢ Present simple and Present continuous 3. Napisz czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present simple lub Present continuous. Dear Carol T (have) ... a good time here in Rome. At the moment I (sit) ., (1) outside a café and I (drink) "2 : wn QA lovely glass of fresh orange juice. The sun (shine) .. (8) but it’s __not too bright for me becatise I (wear) ..., (4 my sunglasses and a hat. Hats are the fashion in Rome this summer, The women usually (wear) = _, (5) straw hats with flowers in them and the men often (have) .. us: (6) baseball caps. All the young people here (go) (7) around on little _ (8) helmets. Salvatore _.. (9) it’s dangerous but I (know) motorbikes. Often they (not / wear) .. (not / think) .. (10) he’s wrong. Peter (take) .. sometimes (get up) light is best then, He often (go) . and (take) ,. morning light. He (not / like) .. Rome is quite empty at six in the morning. I (not / get up) before nine. I (ike) , _ (11) a lot of photos at the moment. He 12) at six in the morning because the wo. (18) to the Piazza Navona . (14) pictures of the fountains in the early (15) crowds of people and 16) ., 7) my sleep! What time (you / get up) .. (18) on work days? (you / have) ., raining? (Mark / work) and Rod / get married) ‘You know we usually (stay) a. (19) good weather in England or is it | 20) hard for his exams? When (Kate .. 21)? (22) at the Serena Hotel. Well ... (23) there, But our room here at this year, we (not / stay) .. the Minerva is excellent. It (aot / have) , | (@4) avery good view but somebody (clean) (25) it every day and it’s very comfortable. That’s all I have time for. Write to me if you have time! Lots of love Sandra ° Past simple: positive and negative (zdania twierdzace i przeczace) Zapamietaj! Past simple: zdania twierdzace i przeczace W zdaniach twierdzacych czasu Past simple bezokolicznik czasownikow regularnych przyjmuje konicéwke ed lub a: a She walked to work this morning. She arrived at eight forty-five, Pamietaj, ze czasem konieczna jest zmiana w pisowni czasownika, np. stop — stopped. Formy czasownik6w nieregularnych dla czasu przesztego podane sq na stronach 124-126. W zdaniach przeczacych czasu Past simple bezokolicznik czasownikow regularnych i nieregularnych poprzedzony jest czasownikiem positkowym didn’t; ! didn’t like that film. We didn't see the TV programme about British cooking. 4 Napisz zdania twierdzace i przeczace w czasie Past simple tak, Jak to pokazano w przyktadzie. Example We (not / meet) any friends last night. We (meet) one of our teachers. 1 (not / buy) a bike last weekend. 1 (buy) a surfboard. nv We (nut / play) tennis at my old school. We only (play) basketball. w They (not / make) pasta last night. They (make) pizza. ie thief (not / stea ) her bag’ on Saturday. He (steal) her camera. ast summer we (go) to Spain. je (not / go) to Italy. oa Three years ago I (Fall) off a horse. x You (choose) the blue tent. You (not / choose) the green one. © 1 (not / wake) up at three this morning. 1 (wake) up al four. 9 We (walk) to school yesterday. We (not / walk) to school this morning. 10 She (leave) the house at ten o'clock. She (not / leave) at eleven. 2 Past simple: regular and irregular 5 Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi w czasie Past simple. Example A: Where (you [ sleep) last night: B: We all (sleep) on ‘the bes A: What time (you / arr cris last night? B: 1 (get) back about one in the morning. My brother (tell) them, of course. (you / run) well in the race this morning? 1 (ran) OK at the beginning but 1 (not / win) because 1 (fall) over! i Who (win)? : What (you / draw) in the art class yesterday? B: B: A A: B: Martin (come) first. B: A: A B: B : 1 (draw) a vase of flowers and then 1 (paint) a Past simple: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) Napisz czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past simple. Sue: Why (you / be) were you. late for school this morning? Ben: I (lose) (1) my glasses. 1 (look) ... (2) everywhere but | (cannot) ..... (3) find them. Sue: So what (you / do) Ben: First, 1 (look) ,, .. (5) in the sifting. room. They (nat / he) 6 there. So then I (go) ... (7) into my bedroom (8) a look on my desk. .. (9) on your desk? Ben: No. Then 1 (think) ... 10) for a long time and 1 (decide) 11) to look in the kitchen. 1 (open) _ (12) all the kitchen cupboards and (begin) (13) to look through them. 1 (get) . (14) bored with that after five minutes and also | (feel) .. (15) really tired and fed up. So 1 (sit) (16) down and (drink) .. ... (17) a glass of orange ... (18) an apple. “That (give)... (9) me a bit of energy and 1 (start) (20) looking again. Sue: Well, where (you / search), .,.. .. (21) next? Ben: 1 (not / know) ,. _ (22) where to look. 1 (not / have) (23) any ideas. So 1 and 1 (have) , Sue: (they / be) (go) ... (24) to the bathroom to wash my hands. Sue: And (they / be) ... (25) in the bathroom? Ben: Sort of. Sue: Where (you / find) Ben: Well, 1 (look) .... of course | (notice) . then | (run out) ,, to school. Sue: What (Mrs Chandler / say)... (31) when you (arrive) . (32) late? (she / be) .. (33) angry with you? (34) her about my lost glasses and she (35) it was a very bad excuse. _ (26) them? at myself in the bathroom mirror and 28) them on my head! So and (come) ... GO) straight Ben: 1 (tel) (say) Past continuous with while, as, when ¢ Past continuous with while, as, when Zapamietaj! Past continuous: while, as, when (podezas gdy, kiedy) Czasy Past continuous i Past simple moga wystepowaé w tym samym zdaniu. Wtedy Past continuous opisuje to (czynnosé, ktora trwata dtuzej), a Past simple stuzy do relacjonowania krétkich wydarzen. While | was making a cake, a bird flew in through the kitchen window. A bird flew in. oe se ee | was making the cake. As she was standing at the bus stop, somebody stole her wallet. He was playing football when he pulled a muscle. Gdy zdanie zawierajace while, when lub as wystepuje jako pierwsze, oddzielamy je przecinkiem od zdania nastepnego. While we were eating lunch, the phone rang. lub: The phone rang while we were eating lunch. 7 Wkazdym zdaniu napisz jeden czasownik w nawiasie w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past continuous, a drugi w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past simple. Example Philip (fix) his watch when his friend Frank (ring) at the door. Philip. was. fixing his. watch when_his. friend. Frank. the. door... 1 What (you / think) about when the teacher (ask) you that question? 2.1 (find) a £20 note under my bed while | (clean) my room. 3 As we (run) around the track, 1 (get) a terrible pain in my leg. 4 Luckily, he (not / drive) very fast when the car (hit) the tree. 5 1 (not / see) any of my friends while 1 (shop) in town. 6 When | first (meet) you what (you / wear)? a x ° © ee eee Past continuous with while, as, when Uzupeinij zdania. Wybierz wiasciwy czasownik i napisz go w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past continuous lub Past simple. Example (find, camp) Were... you camping, when you found. the snake in your shoe? (steal, wait) As Barty .. for the bus, a thief his wallet. (do, have) Jack the washing up when he ms .. a brilliant idea, (not / listen, call) Thomas 1 him in from the garden. ... When (work, hear) While 1 Te (not / make, tell) We in the sitting room, loud crash upstairs. .. Much noise when she hs us to be quiet. (fall, paint) While Miguel .,. .. the house, he off the ladder. (not / look, hide) My little brother ...... the sofa while 1 ,, (fall, watch) .,.. while you .... (push, get off) As Agnes... ... My keys under you that boring video? _ the bus, a horrible man .. asleep ne, her. (wear, push) ..., watch when she (buy, stay) While they .. you into the pool? in Istanbul, they a beautiful carpet. ., the shopping out of the bag, (drop, take) As 1 IS). . the eggs. (walk, see), interesting birds while you , (send, not / do) We teacher... pone. any by the river. anything wrong when the s both out of the classroom. ¢ Past continuous and Past simple 9 Napisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past continuous lub Past simple. .. at home in front of the TV. (1) the news because she (paint) . (2) her nails, drinking tea and eating chocolate biscuits. suit she (hear) ... (3) the name Betty Marks. She (look) (4) up at the TV and (see) (5) her best Last night Angela (relax) .w: She (not / watch) friend, Betty. ‘Betty Marks (stop) .. ... (6) two bank robbers outside the First Savers Bank in Bridge Street today, the TV presenter said. ‘How (you / stop) ..... (7) the thieves, Betty?’ the TV presenter asked her. ‘It (be) . (8) a lucky accident, Betty- answered. ‘I (drive) . (9) up Bridge Street slowly when suddenly these two ee . (10) down it in a black car. 1 (not / know) . (11) it but they were bank robbers. 1 was in the middle of the toad, turning right, and they (go) w=. (12) very fast. They (crash) (13) into my car and (start) (14) to shout at me. They (tell) ... me to move my car immediately, but 1 didn’t. While they (shout) ... (16) at me, 1 quietly (phone) ... orice on my mobile phone. You see, 1 (not / think) the crash was my fault. And 1 (not / like)... they were shouting at me. ‘(the robbers / still shout) .. (20) at you when the police (arrive) 21)?’ the presenter asked. ‘No, Betty answered. “They were out of the car and they (run) ......... (22) down the hill with a bag of money from the bank. One of the police officers ran after them and (catch) .. (23) them? ‘What (the police / say) ... bs (04) to you?’ the presenter asked Betty. “They (be) men (come) ,, .. (15) (17) the .. (18) (19) the way .... (25) angry with me because 1 (not / wear) (26) my seatbelt when the robbers crashed into my car!’ 4 Clauses of purpose (Zdania podrzedne celu) ¢ Infinitive of purpose and so as not to (Bezokolicznik celu i so as not to) 10 Potacz ponizsze zdania, uzywajac bezokolicznika z to lub so as not to. Example He always arrives early. He has to open up the office. H fice... 1 He tumed on the TV. He wanted to watch the news. nett 2 She is on a:diet. She doesn’t want to put on weight. 3 We are saving money. We want to go abroad this summer. 4 She looked at the ground. She didn’t want to start laughing. 5 I'm going to the hospital. 1 want to give my aunt some chocolates. ° 6 Can you take your shoes off? Then you won't make a noise. 7 Paul went to Canada. He wanted to visit his relatives. 8 My mother needs some flour and eggs. She wants to make a cake. 9 Let’s leave early. Then we won't arrive in the dark. Zi Clauses of purpose N w a Przepisz zdania, uzywajac so that lub so that... not. so that ee that... not Example The police have stopped the traffic. They want everyone to cross the street. (can) The He has taken his mobile phone with him. He wants me to call him when he’s out. He i is working hard. He wants to have the weekend free. Julia has sent the children out because she wants to have a rest. fi draw a map for you. 1 don’t want you to get lost. Infinitive of purpose, so as not to or so that, so that ... not (Bezokolicznik celu, so as not to lub so that, so that ... not) Potacz zdania w pary za pomocga to lub so as not to tam, gdzie to mozliwe. W pozostatych przypadkach uzyj so that lub so that ... not. I'm hiding. He always tells lies. Change the channel. 1 put the letters away carefully. He usually wears a hat. She goes running every day. She called me. 1 need some change. He's fixing the boat. Write this phone number down. Get here early. He's put bars on the windows. They're talking in whispers. Tum the volume down. a) He doesn’t want to get sunburnt. b) He wants to impress people. ¢)_1 didn’t want to lose them. d)_1 don’t want George to see me. e) | want to buy a newspaper. f} 1 want to see the news. g) She wanted to invite me to dinner. h) They don’t want us to hear them. i) We can use it this weekend. j). 1 want to see you alone first. k) He doesn’t want thieves to get in. 1) 1 don’t want you to wake my little sister. m) She wants to keep fit. n) You don’t want to forget it. 13 CRIN FFA WN R= Defining and non-defining relative clauses (2dania przydawkowe ograniczajace i nieograniczajace) Defining relative clauses with who, which, where, that (Zdania przydawkowe ograniczajgce z who, which, where, that) Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac who, which / that \ub where. Examples | don't like people iho... tell lies. Where's the mone) was in my bag? The club we met is called Fizz. What's the name of the girl works at the cinema? The shop .. ... | buy most of my clothes is called Atlantic. 1 don't like books .. have sad endings. The place . he works is in Seaview Street. People ae talk at the cinema are very annoying. Do you know anyone has got a computer like mine? Where are the cakes ... ‘were on top of the fridge? ~ Is there a place near here .. we can get a sandwich? She wants to buy the red dress .. . is in the shop window. Here are some tapes ... . will help you with your English. The beach . .. we Went last weekend was really fantastic. The girl . came with me to John’s party was called: Nadia. Let’s go to a restaurant ..... ... we can sit outside. My favourite ice creams are the ones .. have nuts on top. What's the name of the actor ww Starred in the Terminator films? Tike ice cream s.escessssssssseeeee NAS. raspberry sauce and cream on top. Do you know anyone can help me with my Physics? 1 don't like clubs . you have to wear really smart clothes. People ..... don’t tell the truth really annoy me. She wants to go to a beach .... .. She can windsurf. Defining and non-defining relative clauses [Ey * Non-defining relative clauses with who, which, where (Zdania przydawkowe nieograniczajace z who, which, where) 14 Polacz dwa zdania w jedno, wstawiajac przecinki w odpowiednich miejscach. Examples My aunt Nora still rides a bike. She is seventy-five. N ii is in the Pacific Ocean. It is part of the United States. S Dieta: Stallone is a very rich man. He starred in the Rocky films. London. The Lawn Tennis Championships take place there. wu Wimbied lon is &: Titanic was a very sad film. It starred Leonardo DiCaprio. a Palermo is a very interesting city. | studied Italian there last summer. x 8 My friend Leila wants to be a pop singer. She has a | ible voice. =) Ustka is a beautiful fishing town in Poland. Tomek was born there. 10 Pandas live in the forests of China. They are very rare animals. 20 L5¥ Defining and non-defining relative clauses 15 WRwD a xo 15 16 17 18 19 20 Defining and non-defining relative clauses (Zdania przydawkowe ograniczajace i nieograniczajace) Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac who, which / that lub where. Wstaw przecinki tam, aie to konieczne. Examples Give me the glasse: Maryo.... are on the top shelf. its next to me in class@ has problems with her eyes. My cousin Rob is only eighteen already has a car of his own. Liverpool ,,. my mother was bom stands on the River Mersey. The pool ..,. we usually go swimming is called The Water Hole. The teacher . gives us the most homework is Mrs Birkett. Albert Bridge is one of the nicest bridges in London is pink and white. Do you like books Florida wildlife, The disco My sister Lucy ., with a French boy. The hotel ,., The Hiphop Club ... The man ,., My cousin George March. The Rex Cinenia’,, films. Is your jacket the one ..,,, .. is on the sofa? She doesn’t like films make her cry. Are you going to stay in the village .. you stayed last year? Do you know that girl ., . lives in the flat opposite yours? My mother bicycle. New York ., safer city. make you laugh? we're going for our next holidays is full of interesting opened here last month always has terrible music. ., doesn’t speak a word of French is going out we stayed last year was not very expensive. .. opens at nine is a good place to meet. wrote. this book lived in Poland for ten years. _ lives in Canada is coming to stay next .. the tickets cost about £5 usually has good ... has failed her driving test again is going to buy a .. | lived for six months has recently become a much Defining and non-defining relative clauses [iq ¢ Defining and non-defining relative clauses (Zdania przydawkowe ograniczajace i nieograniczajace) Zapamietaj! Opuszezanie zaimkow wzglednych Gdy who, which lub that sa dopeinieniem w zdaniu przydawkowym ograniczajqacym, mozemy je opuscié: I can't find the letter which / that | got yesterday. lub | can’t find the letter | got yesterday. Did you like the girl who(m) we met in the park? lub Did you like the girl we met in the park? Gdy who, which lub that sa podmiotem w zdaniu przydawkowym ograniczajacym, nie mozemy ich opuscic: Did you like the girl whe talked to us in the park? (not Die-you-tike-the-gir-tatkee_to-us-in-the-park2) W zadnym ze zdan przydawkowych nieagraniczajacych nie wolno nam opuscié who ani which: oath epic I visited ee ae has fantastic cafes and clubs. (not 8 : he e) WwW dadnym 2 Ze zdan przydawkowych ie wolno nam opuscié where: The shop where | bought this poster is called Art Attack. (not The-shep-tbeught this pestoris cated Ad Attack) 16 Potacz dwa zdania w jedno, uzywajac za kazdym razem zaimkéw wzglednych. Jezeli istnieje mozliwos¢ opuszezenia zaimka wzglednego, napisz go w nawiasie. Examples We had a teacher last year. She was great. The teacher (who) we had last year was great. Our local cinema is the most expensive in town. | don't like it. Qur local cinema, which | don't like, is the most expensive in town. 1 That’s the strange man. We saw him outside the school. 2 He didn’t see the thief. He took Pedro’s wallet. 3 ‘Can | have the tapes? | lent them to you last week. 4 Let’s go to the new park. You can swim in the lake there. 5. Let’s look at the photos. You got them last week. 6 He broke all the glasses. They were on the kitchen table. 7 The painter Picasso lived in France for many years. He was born in Spain. . 8 War and Peace is a very long book. | read it last summer. 22 Mixed tense practice: future (Cwiczenia mieszane: czasy a wyrazanie przysztosci) ¢ Present simple for future (Present simple dla wyrazenia przysziosci) Zapamietaj! Present simple dla wyrazenia przysziosci Czasu Present simple uzywamy wtedy, gdy méwimy 0 rozktadach jazdy i programach wydarzen kulturalnych w przysztosci: The bus leaves Victoria Coach Station at 10.30 and arrives in Brighton at 12.30. What time does the concert begin? It doesn’t start until 8.30 p.m. 17 Jestes cztonkiem druzyny koszykarskiej. Pytasz kolege o rozktad zaje¢. Uzupeinij pytania i odpowiedzi. Example A: Where do we meet? - B: We meet in front of the school. Basketball A Team against New Haven High School Saturday 2nd February AS. aum, Meet in front of the school. * 10,00 am, The game starts. (Please do NOT be lat!) 1230 pum, Have hunch in New Haven 8.00 aim, Leave by bus. school refectory 9.15 am, Arve at New Haven High 2.00 p.m. The bus leaves New Haven School High School 9.30 am, Get changed in the Junior Changing Room (Room 442). Laura MeDernct (Captain B: At 7.45 a.m. 2 A: .. at New Haven High School? B: We arrive at 9.15 a.m. 3. 3A: B: At 9.30 a.m. 4 A: Where . changed? B: It’s the Junior Changing Room. 5 A: What time .., c B: It starts at 10 o'clock. Ba B: in the school refectory. 7 A: What time Be at 2.00 p.m. MBC En SE Ete ee ¢ » Present continuous and will / won't for future (Present continuous i will / won't dla wyrazenia przyszlosci) Zapamietaj! Present continuous Czas Present continuous jest uzywany do opisywania wydarzen, ktore bedg mialy miejsce w przysztosci i czynnosci, ktére zostaly zaplanowane wozesniej. W tego typu zdaniach czesto okreslamy czas zdarzenia: We're going to Paris next month. She isn’t coming to lunch next week. Are you wearing your new dress to Silvia’s party on Sunday? will / won't Czasownika will / won't uzywamy: 1 gdy przepowiadamy przysztosé: They'll probably be back by ten thirty. It won't be easy to mend the tent. 2 gdy podejmujemy decyzje w chwili méwienia: /’ll phone the Tourist Information Office. 3 gdy formutujemy propozycje, obietnice i ostrzezenia: Il get you a glass of water. ! won't do it again. 1 won’t forget this. 18 Napisz czasowniki w nawiasach, uzywajac czasu Present continuous lub will. Example Come on! We (give) _ will give, you a lift home. 1. Stephanie (meet) .. ... her boyfriend at eight o'clock. 2 It’s only a little injection. It (not / hurt) much. 3. This is Mariah Carey’s best single. It (go) , traight to the top. 4 That homework looks difficult. 1 (help) _ you with it. 5. 1 (play) .. ... termis with Lucy on Saturday. 6 Roxanne phoned. There is a problem, so she (not / come) .. tonight. 7 Sadly, 1 think our team (not / win) ... .. tomorrow's match. 8 Have you heard the news about Mike? He (go) .... on holiday with Cathy and her parents, 9 1 think | (take) ... .. the bus to school today. 10. Phil (not / eat) ,. __with us tonight. He (go) .. to Annie’s. 11 It (not / be) ..., . a sweater. cold tonight. You (not./ need) ... 12 We (have) ,. a little party on the 16th. Would you like to come? 169) Mixed tense practice: future ¢ Present simple, Present continuous, will and going to for future (Present simple, Present continuous, will i going to dla wyrazenia przysztosci) Zapamietaj! Will / won't stuzy do wyrazania opinii po czasownikach be sure (by¢ pewnym), think (myslec, sadzi¢), know (wiedzie¢) i hope (mieé nadzieje): |'m sure Judy's party will be fun. How long do you think you'll stay at the party? Going to stuzy do wyrazania zamiarow / intencji: A: There's no coffee left. B: I know. I'm going to buy some when | go to the supermarket. Going to stuy réwniez do przewidywania przyszlosci na podstawie przesianek widocznych obecnie: John is wearing his white shorts. He’s going to play tennis. 19 Wybierz i napisz wlasciwe odpowiedzi dla kazdego zdania. 1 When are you getting married? 2. What time does this shop close today? a) Oh, really, What are they going to call it? b) At 6.00, Sir. c) Yes, of course | am. Thanks for all your help. d) Some time in Septemb: e) Don’t worry. I'll be there on time. f) 1 know. But will there be any tickets left? g) That's a pity. 24 20 au AnawNd 10 " 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 (Mixed tense pra ture ey Present simple, Present continuous, wil! and going to for future (Present simple, Present continuous, willi going fo dla wyrazenia przysztosci) Zakres| poprawng forme czasownika. Example The next train to Oxford is leaving /(eaves) from Platform 12 at 16.32. 1 think it is snowing / is going to snow tomorrow. You can go out to the shops. | am answering / will answer the phone for you. I’m so happy. My brother is coming / will come home. Does / Willyour plane leave from Heathrow Airport or Gatwick Airport? Bill isn't going to / doesn'tlike that present. Don't give it to him. 1 think they‘!/ win / are winning the next game. She starts her course on Monday. She isn’t going to find / isn’t finding it easy. Leave your car with me. | try/ will try to fix it. You are enjoying / are going to enjoy the trip at the weekend. Do you have / Are you having a party on Friday? 1 know Tuesday's exam isn’t / won't be very easy for you. Do you want some help? 1’// lend /‘m lending you some money. This car sounds terrible. It isn’t going to / doesn't get there. What time does the film begin / is the film beginning? I'm looking forward to university. 1'm going to make /'m making lots of new friends. What time does the match end / is the match ending? | would like to watch something else. 1 think she will pass /is passing the driving exam this time. 1 know that you have a lot of homework so 1‘! do/'m doing the washing up for you today. The holiday in the USA should be great. I'm going to take /'m taking a lot of photos. Don’t worry about the CD player. 1 repair / will repair it. Does he go | Is he going to Spain next weekend? Even if you ask me one hundred times, / won't tell | 'm not telling you the truth. 26 Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs (Stopien wyzszy i najwyzszy przymiotnikow i przystowkéw) ¢ Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs (Stopien wyzszy i najwyzszy przymiotnikow i przystowkéw) Zapamietaj! Stopien wyzszy i najwyzszy przymiotnikow i przystwkow Przymiotnik | Stopien Stopien Przystéwek | Stopien Stopien wyzszy najwyzszy wyaszy najwyzszy long longer (the) longest |) fast faster (the) fastest nice nicer (the) nicest. |} hard harder (the) hardest big bigger (the) biggest |} carefully more carefully | (the) most funny funnier (the) funniest carefully important more (the) most well better (the) best important | important || badly worse (the) worst good better (the) best much more (the) most bad worse (the) worst |} litle less (the) least far further (the) furthest 21 Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac konstrukeji as + przymiotnik / przystowek lub formy stopnia wyzszego lub najwyzszego. Dear Nadia My holiday job this summer is at the zoo. It's ..._. th ... (strange) work I've ever done. The good thing about the job is that the pay is (good) (2) than most other jobs. The bad thing is that I have to . (2) than everyone else in my family 8) get up much (early) . . ~at four in the morning, in fact! Also the work is (tiring) than any other job I've done. Yesterday I cleaned out the lions’ cage. It didn’t smell (bad) sesseusees 4) a8 the wolves’ cage but it was (frightening) ., thing I've ever done. The monkeys are (fanny) , (6) and (intelligent) , Re .. (7) of all the animals. One of the baby monkeys is (friendly) .. (8) than the others. I usually feed him first because he waits for his food (patiently)... .... Q) than the other monkeys. The penguins can be almost (interesting)... (10) to watch as the monkeys. They're strange birds. They can't fly but they swim almost (well) (11) as fish. I think the penguins eat their food (fast) 12) of.all the animals. The fish disappears down their throats in seconds! They remind me of my brother. Write to me soon. Lots of love, Patsy ( Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs Ie ¢ Comparison of adjectives and adverbs with intensifiers (Poréwnanie przymiotnikéw i przyst6wkéw: stowa wzmacniajace) Zapamietaj! much i far (znacznie, duzo) Aby wzmoonié znaczenie przymiotnika lub przystowka w stopniu wyzszym, mozemy uzyé st6w o tym samym znaczeniu, much lub far: Leila is a far better singer than Silvia. These jeans are much more expensive than the ones in the last shop. Steve drives much faster than Richard. She speaks far more clearly than Jim. a bit (troche) a bit jest stabszym wzmocnieniem w poréwnaniu z much i far: The weather's a bit better today. I'm afraid he’s feeling a bit worse today. 22 Uzyj konstrukeji much lub a bit + stopien wyzszy przymiotnika i przystowka. Zastosuj czas Present simple. Examples Today (0° C) / yesterday (14° C) = be / cold I Stan (150 kph) / Ricky (147 kph) - drive | fast Stan, drives a bit faster than Rick My car (1985) / your car (1999) / old Nv Your car (180 kph) / my car (100 kph) - go / fast Andrea (6 a.m.) | Serena (6.15 a.m.) - get up / early w 4 The silver bracelet (£30) / the gold bracelet (£180) - be / cheap wo Jim (28 km from York) / Mick (25-km from York) - live / far from York Your watch (£50) / Judy’s watch (£48) - be / expensive a Martha (11 p.m.) / Annabel (10.45 p.m.) - go to bed / late x Titanic (10 prizes) | The Bad Bird (0 prizes) - be / a successful film o ¥ 4 Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs ¢ Comparison of adjectives with aimost, just and not as ... as (Poréwnanie przymiotnik6w: uzycie almost, just i not as ... as) Zapamietaj! almost i just Aby uscislié poréwnanie (z konstrukcja as ... as) mozemy uzyé almost lub just: He's almost as tall as his father. (On jest prawie taki wysoki jak jego ojciec.) She is just as clever as her sister. (Ona jest réwnie zdolna jak jej siostra.) 23 Pordwnaj ponizsze osoby i rzeczy, uzywajac almost, justi not as ... as. Examples Today (30° C) / yesterday (30° C) (hot) Today.| Today (29° C) / yesterday (30° C) (hot) Today Today (20° C) / yesterday (30° C) (hot) Sue (1 m 82 cm) / Linda (1 m 82 cm) (tall), Bob (92 kg) / Ray (93 kg) (heavy)... My cat (2.5 kg) / your rabbit (2.5 kg) (light) 4 Ann’s camera (£188) / Rita’s (£190) (expensive) Nv wo 5 The Foxy nightclub (£6) / Shivers Disco (£6) (cheap) 6 Ben (100 metres in 30 seconds) / Tom (100 metres in 20 seconds) (fast) 7 My parrot (12 words) / your parrot (33 words) (talkative) 8 The Amazon River (6,400 km) / The Nile River (6,650 km) (long)... 9 Mont Blanc (4,807 metres) / Mount Everest (8,848 metres) (high)... 10 The North American desert (1million square kilometres) / The Sahara (8 million square kilometres) (big) 11 Alex (1 m 75 cm) / Peter (1 m 76 cm) (tall), 28 re} Present perfect continuous e Present perfect continuous: positive and negative (zdania twierdzace i przeczace) Zapamietaj! Present perfect continuous Uwaga! Czasu Present perfect continuous * Czasu Present perfect continuous uzywamy wiedy, gdy mowimy mozemy uzyé wtedy, gdy mowimy (© czynnoégciach, ktére miaty sw6j © czynnosei, ktora miata miejsce poczatek w przesztosci i nadal trwajq. w przeszlosci, a ktérej skutki sq Taka czynnos¢ mogta: widoczne obecnie 1 wiagnie sie zakoriczyé: My hands are dirty. I’ve been I’ve just been talking to Patricia on the phone. planting tomatoes. 2 zakoriczyé sie w momencie méwienia: We've been thinking about you. 3. nadal trwaé: My watch hasn’t been working for several days. My father has been cleaning the windows all morning. 24. Napisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present perfect continuous. Example | need a new pair of shoes. | (wear) ,have been wearing, these for two years now. Mrs Turner (teach) ._. . at our school for 20 years. He (not / feel) ... Well for two weeks. Let’s have a rest. We (cycle) . .. for an hour. It’s been so hot. That's why 1 (not / play) .. tennis. Turn the TV off now. You (watch) This radio (not / work) ... some time. Let’s throw it away. 7 What's wrong with the baby? He (cry) ... for an hour. 8 Jeff is tired. He (drive) ... 9 I'm putting on weight because 1 (not / go) .... 0 .. to the gym for a while. 10 Those children (make) the street for an hour. 11 We (listen) .... morning. 12 John (paint) .... DuURWN .... terrible noise in . to all my old cassettes this .. the sitting room all morning. ee Fs Present perfect continuous 30 ¢ Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) Zapamietaj! Present perfect continuous: pytania i krétkie odpowiedzi How long have you been going to Trimmits Gym? Have you been going there long? Yes, | have. / No, | haven't. 25 Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi, uzywajac stow w nawiasach i odpowiedniej formy czasu Present perfect continuous. Example A: (what | Laura / do today / 2) B: (talk / on the phone a lot (not / work) 1 A: (who | she / talk to / 2) . B: (talk to / Sarah) ,.. (she / not / talk to / Sam) ,... 2A: (what / the children / do / all day / B: (play / football) (they / not / do / their homework) , (where / they / play / ?) B: (play / in the park) ., (they / not / play / in the garden) A: (what / you / do / all day / ?) B: (write / letters) ..... 5 A: (who / you / write to / ?) B: (write to / my grandparents, my uncle and my friend Kate what / you / plant / ?) . B: (1 / not / plant / anything) (1 / build / a shed in the garden Seer een ° Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) 26 Napisz czasowniki w odpowiednigj formie czasu Present perfect continuous. Examples A; (you | sit) B: (V) Yes, A: (she / work) n sitting, in front of the TV all day? ing hard this term? T'm tired. 1 (run) ..., 2 Paul and Sally (not / go out) for a while. They've had a fight. A: (you /. use) ...., There isn’t much left. B: (X) ,, 4 The floor is filthy! Who (walk) .... the house in muddy shoes? She (not / sleep) ... She’s worried about her exams: Dan (get up) ...... this week to go for a run. How long (we / swim) Isn’t it time to get out? We (not / wait) , Let’s wait another five minutes. 1 (expect) ,, l hope she’s OK. 10 A: (you / wear) It smells of cigarettes. Bi secre 11 My brothers (help) ,... shop this afternoon. 12 Somebody (write) Who was it? 13 Why (you / cry) upset about? 14 1 (not / cry) ..., and my eyes are sore. around all day. ... together Ww .. my perfume? a sas Well recently. a wa. at Six every moming x .. in this pool? ~ .... for them for very long. © a call from her all day. wa. My jacket? . Sorry! .. my parents in their with my pen. sass SUSY? What are you actually. I've got a cold Segre reentiperiocticontinuoss |) Present perfect continuous with for and since Zapamietaj! for (od, przez) Fortaczy sie z wyrazeniami okreslajqcymi czas trwania ezynnoéci: I've been reading this for three hours / for three days / for three weeks. For nie wystepuje w potaczeniu z wyrazeniami czasowymi zawierajacymi stowo all, np. all morning, all day, all week, all month, all year: I've been thinking about you all day. since (od) Since taczy sie z wyrazeniami okreslajqcymi moment rozpoczecia ozynnosci: I've been reading this since 9 o’clock / since Monday / since January 12th. 27 Napisz odpowiedzi, uzywajac odpowiedniej formy czasu Present perfect continuous oraz for lub since tam, gdzie to konieczne. Example A: Why are you tired? (run / two hours) B: Because _ I've i : Why are her eyes red? (cry / all moming) : Because : Why isn’t he hungry? (eat / chocolates / all day) : Because... Can she speak Italian? (study / it / the last five years) Wes. j Do you know this area? (live / here / months) Wes, /.. : Damny looks tired. (not / sleep well / weeks) : 1 know. He : | haven't seen Alice all day. Where is she? (talk / phone / breakfast) : In her room. . : Aren't you and Lewis living at home? (live with our cousin / December) No, ., : Has Adam passed his driving test? (take lessons / March) : Not yet. But | : Where have they been? (stay at Nina’s cottage / the past two weeks) They : Why are you so dirty? (paint the kitchen / 7 o’clock this morning) 1 OPO rP orm rrarrarrararar a> “OO ¢ Present perfect continuous and Past simple 28 Napisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past simple lub Present perfect continuous. Tony: Judy, 1’m sorry I’m so late. How long (you / wait) iting for me? Judy: About forty minutes. 1 (arrive) arrived at four. We (agree) .. (1) to meet at four, didn’t we? Tony: Yes, but ... Judy: 1 (stand) . 5 Look at me. I’m soaking wet. It (rain) , since 1 got here. Tony: I'm really sorty. Let’s go into this café and have a drink. You see, Judy, 1 (not / leave) .. .. (4) the office until four fifteen. Judy: Why not? Tony: At four o’clock Mr Black (come) my office and (give) ... type. 1 (manage) in fifteen minutes and then 1 (run) the stairs and (stop) ... Judy: Why (it / take) .. Tony: The traffic was bad. Judy: You should get a bike. You (have) ..... once, didn’t you? Tony: Yes, a long time ago. How long (you / get) ... . (12) around town on a bike? Judy: nett six months. 1 (buy) .. .. (2) around here for forty minutes. .. B) _ (5) into (6) me three letters to (7) to type all three of them (8) down 9) the first taxi 1 saw. .. (10) you so long to get here? .. (11) one .. (13), my bike in July. Anyway, tell me about your job, Tony. iw long (you / work) (14) for Mr Black? (15) working for him ... (16) it ever (17) the job at all. Tony: About a year. | (start) . last November. And 1 (regret) since! | (not / enjoy) .. Judy: Can’t you find another job? Tony: | (look) .... far, no luck! .. (18) for one for two months, but so F59] Present perfect continuous e Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous: questions and answers (pytania i odpowiedzi) 29 Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi, uzywajac How many? i How long? Example pages / he / type / ?// eight; an hour A: How many pages has he typed? N wv - wo letters / he / write / ? / seven; three-thirty A: 34 30 31 Se ee eee Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) Napisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present perfect simple lub Present perfect continuous. Example She (look) has been looki (not / find) ... for her glasses for an hour but she still them. 1 (work) ,, (not / finish) How long (she / learn) Annie and John (never / quarrel) He (try) How many English exams (you / take) , A: What’s the problem? B:1 (think) ..., A: Why? B: Well, he (act) on this project for a week but | still _ it. Spanish? ... like this before. ... to Tepair his bike for an hour now. . 80 far? ., about my little brother. ... strangely recently. Napisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present simple, Present perfect simple lub Present perfect continuous. Rose: Hi, Linda. You (look) 09k... hot and tired, what (you / do) ay (2) tennis with Paul. Linda: 1 (play) Rose: Who (he / be) . Linda: He (be) with) .. Rose: (he / be) ... Linda: Yes, (he / be) Rose: (1 / not / meet) .. Linda: Because he usually (get) pasa (4) my new boyfriend. | (go out . (5) him for a month. . (6) at this college? . (7) here for a year now. (8) him yet. Why is that? (9) to college late 10) eatly in the afternoon. (11) that ? (12) a long way away and 13) problems with the buses. and (leave) ... Rose: Why (he / do) ,. Linda: Because he (live) he often (have) Rose: _ I'd like to meet him sometime. Es} Present perfect continuous 36 * Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous: positive, negative and questions (zdania twierdzace, przeczace i pytania) 32 Potacz pytania i odpowiedzi. Napisz peine odpowiedzi, uzywajac czasownikéw w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present perfect simple lub continuous. OOO Questions Interview with Relle M. 1 Is Space Girl your first big hit? ....0)..... 2 Why aren’t you going to sing in the concert at Wembley next Saturday? 3 Are you and Robbie going to get married? 4 Are you ever going to sing with Piers Lebon again? 2 3 Is it true that you and Robbie are buying a house in California? 6 Has your Space Girl album made you rich? 7 One last question. What’s that silver stuff in your hair? —.....s0 Answers a) Quite. I (just / buy) a Porsche for me and a big house for my mum. ) Yes, it is. I (not / have) any songs in the Top Ten before. c) Probably. We (go out) together since we were both sixteen. ) Paint, probably. I (paint) my room silver all morning. e) The doctor says I mustn’t. I (feel) very tired for the past month, f) Yes. We (already / start) recording another album together, 8) We want to. We (look) at houses in Beverly Hills but we (not / find) the right one yet. TB) Ns 9 Prepositions (Przyimki) ¢ Prepositions of motion (Przyimki ruchu) 33 Jakich instrukcji udziela motocyklista dha numer 4 motocykligcie numer 8? piper. gown into out of over past Na podstawie mapki uzupetnij luki w tekécie, wybierajgc wiasciwy przyimek | through to under up z ramki. ay ‘First you ride wa. (1) the black and white flag. That’s the fastest part. Then you turn right and go ,., .. (2) Cooper's Ilill. After that you must go all the way _.. 3) Bumem Wood. Keep your head down as you go (4) the low wooden arch. Ride carefully ¥ .. (5) Devil's Hill. Go ... (6) the Old Field and ride, 7) the pool in the middle. Make sure that you ride slowly .. (8) the Old Field because the gate is very narrow. Finally ride... wooden bridge .., .. (10) the finish line? _... the railway line and , 37 ES) Prepos 1S 38 ¢ Prepositions of place and motion (Przyimki miejsca i ruchu) 34 Uzupetnij zdania przyimkami z ramki. Petrol Station across behind between in in inthe corner into near on on opposite outof past through under up Example The college is . the supermarket. .. the college. . the college. the car park. There is a sports field 1 2 The gate of the car park is 3 A car is driving . 4 There are two cars and a motorbike .. 5 The motorbike is ... 6 Z 8 2: .» the car park. Aman with a dog wants to walk There are two horses .. the park and one A group of cyclists is going .. the tunnel. A little girl is standing the horses in the park. 10 Some people are standing . ... the bridge. 11 A little boy is climbing ww. a tree, 12 A bus is driving .. the park. 13 An old man is sitting .. a bench. 14 The bench is ... 15 A lomy is driving . a Tubbish bin and a tree. ..»» the petrol station. 35 OYA RWD = oe a) 12 36 (Prepositions Jz] Prepositions of time (Przyimki czasu) Uzupeinij wyrazenia przyimkami in, on lub at tam, gdzie to konieczne. Examples Come and stay Jin... Let's go 9! We saw him They are coming .......... three o'clock. See you You weren't here ,........, last Sunday. We go there . twice a year. He was born 1987. The film ends They'll be at home ,, We stay in New York You say the same thing .......... every day. ‘Where were you ... 4th June |. 8.30 a.m? We're having a party Take a taxi if you’re coming back late night. Zakresl poprawne przyimki. Dear Patrick Lam meeting your brother ‘Alan @n)/ in Wednesday, I haven’t seen him for / since(1) three years. We used to be good friends at / during (2) our time at college. But from / since (3) your big eighteenth birthday party we haven’t even spoken on the phone. What did Alan do from / after (4) college? I know he went to Japan in /on (5) 1999. Oh, well; I suppose I can wait to / until (6) Wednesday to find out. Can you help me with my computer? I have to finish this report by / until (7) the end of the month, and the computer is giving me trouble. If I use it for / during (8) more than an hour, it goes wrong. Can you come round and look at it until / before (9) the weekend? Phone me and we’ Il talk about it. But please don’t phone during / after (10) eleven o’clock as I go to bed early these days. ‘Yours Rebecca Phrasal verbs (Czasowni locztonowe) ¢ Phrasal verbs (Czasowniki wielocztonowe) 37 Utwérz Phrasal verbs, ktérych znaczenie podano ponizej, wybierajac odpowiedni przyimek z ramki. down for on out up up down ‘on out up Example | gave up... smoking. | stopped smoking. The car broke = — It stopped working. 1 2 1 always wash : = | always wash the dishes. 3 Please tum the music. = Make it quieter. 4 Hang vccssuns @ minute. . = Wait a minute. 5 Let's look . the key. = Let's try to find it. 6 Be careful! 7 ; Continue. 8 I'll pick you = I'll come and get you in my car. 9 1 wake ,, =" Tstop sleeping. 10 He's going ,. .. With Sarah. = He’s Sarah’s boyfriend. 38 Uzupeinij zdania, uzywajac odpowiednich Phrasal verbs podanych w ramce. tidy up take off put on go on get on with switch on look up get out of Example If you don't now, you'll be late for school. I her very well, but | don’t like her mother. 1 2 . something warm. Have you got a jacket? 3 another light. 1 can’t see to read this. 4 Can someone help me in here? It’s a mess. 5 I'm too tired. 1 can’t working tonight. 6 We'd better , .. our dirty shoes. 7 Why not . that new word in the back of the book? 8 You'll feel cold when you . the car. Future with may / might and will / won't (Czasowniki may / might i will / won't dla wyrazenia przysztosci) © = may/ might Zapamietaj! May / might uzywamy, méwiac o mozliwych, prawdopodobnych wydarzeniach Ww przyszlosci: A: What time will you be back tonight? B: I'm not sure. We might be quite late. Nie ma réznicy miedzy may a might. Might uzywane jest czesciej niz may. Formy przeczace might not i may not oznaczaja, ze nie jest pewne, czy dane zdarzenie bedzie mialo miejsce. Mightn’t jest forma skrécona przeczenia might not. Nie ma formy skréconej przeczenia may not. A: Can | borrow your shoes? B: Yes, you can but they mightn’t / may not fit. I’ve got tiny feet. 39 Teresa pakuje sie na wakacje. Co ze soba zabiera? Potacz potowy zdan i napisz petne zdania, uzywajac because ... might / might not. 1a thick sweater 4). a) Alex / not remember to bring one 2 a raincoat ,.... b) 1 / not like Sandy’s taste in music 3 some cassettes ,, c) 1 / want to read on the train 4 a good book .. | be very cold at 5 my swimming things e) it/ rain a lot 6 7 8 films for my camera a can opener ._.. g) there / not be any at the shop a torch h) we / go for walks at night f) there / be a pool in the village “d), ..lim.taking.a, thick sweater because it might be very cold at night, OaNOUAWNH 41 42 Future with may / might and will / won't © will / won't Zapamietaj! Willi will not / won't uzywamy, przewidujac wydarzenia, ktére na pewno beda mialy miejsce w przysziosci. Forma skrécona willto ', np. It'll take a long time. Formy skréconej ‘lI nie mozemy uzyé w krotkich odpowiedziach. Will Tim be at the party? Yes, he will, (not-Yes-He4,) 40 Jak bedzie wygladato zycie w roku 2500? Potacz potowy pytari i napisz petne wersje pytan, uzywajac will. Nastepnie napisz odpowiedzi, uzywajgc I’m sure ... will (W) lub I’m sure ... won’t (xX). 1 men (have) 4), a) a computer? X 2 rich couples (pay) other people ...._b) all over Europe 3 everyone (take) .. c) and arms if they need them? X 4. people (record) their dreams on .... @ babies instead of women?) x 5. there (be) a cure .... e) machines called sleepcorders? X 6 most people (live) .... f) pills instead of eating food? YW 7 malaria (be) a serious disease .... g) for cancer? W 8 people (be able to) grow extra h) to have their babies? ¥ legs... i) to 13074 9 the President of the USA (be) .... 1), ..Will.m stcad.of women?.'m.suce.they.won't.. Future with may / might and will / won't iii] © might and will / won't 41 Uzupetnij dialogi, uzywajac will, ‘il, won’t lub might. Tam gdzie mozliwe jest wystapienie will i ‘, uzyj ‘I. A Sally: . my camera be ready? Jose: .. (1) take very long, It ..........., (2) definitely be ready by three. Sally: How Frith (3) it cost? Jose: It ., (4) probably be £30. But it ... J can’t tell yet. 1... sure, if you like. Sally: No, don’t worry. 1... . (7) be at home this afternoon so you can’t phone me there. And my mobile phone is broken at the moment. Jose: Well, the camera repair certainly . (8) cost more than £50. Sally:"OK.1 . (9) bring £50 with me when 1 come to collect it. But I’m (10) be able to come and collect it at three. I've got a meeting with a teacher at my college at exactly that time... (11) it be OK if 1 come at four instead? Jose: That .. (12) be fine. Sally: Good. Then 1 .. 13) see you at four this afternoon. And ee (14) have £50 with me! Jose: 1 hope the repair a. (15) be as expensive as that. As | was saying, it. sees (16) only cost £30. Sally: Oh well! I'm prepared for the worst. See you later. ..... (5) Cost a little more. ... (6) phone you and tell you when | know for B Marina: (1) lan be at the rehearsal tomorrow? Andrew: He ,............. (2), but 1 don’t know for sure. He’s got a sore throat and a temperature today and he ..,,.......... (3) still be in bed tomorrow. Marina: How , .. (4) we do the balcony scene without him? Andrew: I'm ea we ,, ..... (5) be able to do it if he doesn’t come. We |. sh (6) do another scene instead. Marina: I’m worried that we . (7) be ready for this play by Saturday. Andrew: Don’t worry - we . (8) be. 1 know it. Everything _... be fine by Saturday. 1 y) Modal verbs (Czasowniki modalne) ° canand could Zapamietaj! can i could (umieé / potrafié, méc) Can wystepuje tylko w dwoch czasach: can (czas terazniejszy) i could (czas przeszty): He can speak Arabic but he can’t write it. | couldn't sleep last night. They could see the sea from their old house, but they can’t from this one. Can moze sie odnosié do przysztosci: Sheila can come tomorrow but Stella can’t. We can go bowling after school. 42 Uzupeinij zdania, uzywajac can / can’t, could / couldn’t oraz czasownikow z ramki. play hear swim (at) live drink leave sing get speak park Example Jane was feeling sick yesterday. She .couldn't eat... anything all day. When he lived bythe sea James |... .... before breakfast every day. 2 This. coffee is too hot. | j 3 Maria . in the match on Saturday because she had a bad cold. 4 Don’t wony, The meeting is over now. You .., _, When you like. 5 We ., . anything at the play yesterday because the people in front were talking so much. 6 Fish |. .. out of water. 7 We saw Susie this moming but we were in.a hurry so we ... ork . to her. 8 There is nowhere to park in the street so you .,, our yard. 9 She was a great singer. She ,., ... beautifully. 10 Dan _. to work yesterday because he broke his ankle playing football on Saturday. Modal verbs * can, could and be able to Zapamietaj! be able to (byé w stanie) Wyrazenia be able to uzywamy, zastepujac can w innych czasach: !'ve got a bad knee. | haven't been able to cycle to work for two weeks now. (Nie istnieje forma can w czasie Present perfect.) !'m not going to be able to play in the match, I'm afraid. (Musimy uzyé be able to po going to wyrazajacym przyszlos¢.) My father might be able to give us a lift to the airport tomorrow. (Nie ma formy bezokolicznika czasownika can.) You should be able to finish your project by Friday. 43 Uzupetnij zdania. Uzyj can lub can’t tam, gdzie to mozliwe, a w pozostatych przypadkach odpowiedniej formy be able to. Examples My grandmother broke her leg in February and she hasn't to. go out since then. When can. you give me a driving lesson? ] can’t help you this week but 1 might ... next week. She hasn't . work since her illness. you stand on your head? _ lend us some moncy next month. .. help you He says he might ..,, upwn Most animals see everything in black and white only. They see colours. iy 6 If you want a job as a flight attendant, you have to .... speak two or three languages. 7 Thave never ., ... dive, I'm scared of putting my head under water. 8 You must swim before you .. do a scuba diving course. 9 He's got a terrible memory. He name. va. Temember anybody's Lol: .. you going to .... dinner? 11 We're looking for some people to act in the school play. You don’t have to .. sing but we prefer it if you ..,, 123 ... you guess the number of sweets in this jar? www help me cook a“ _ =D aR * could and was / were able to Zapamietaj! Could stuzy do wyrazania umiejetnosci w sensie ogdInym: | could read when | was four. (=Wiedziatem, jak to robi¢.) Was / were able to stuzy do opisywania sytuacji szezegdtowych: 1 had nothing to do this summer so | was able to read two long books a week. (= Zdotatem to zrobié w tych okolicznosciach.) (not teoule-read-twe-long-beoks-aweel:) Forma przeczqca couldn't uzywana jest do opisywania sytuacji ogdlnych i szczegétowych: ! couldn’t swim until | was ten. 1 had a lot of work to do this summer so | couldn't read any long books. 44 Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac was / were able to. Example There wasn't any gas or electricity but we were able.ta,. cook on the fire. Although there was a terrible queue, in the end we .... get tickets for the Jennifer Lopez concert. 2% you 3 The first time 1 tried windsurfing, 1 on the board for about three minutes. 4 The car skidded on the ice but the driver... avoid the other cars, 5 How many trees ... bee finish your project on time? .. Stand up .. plant this afternoon? 45 Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac could, couldn’t lub was / were able to. Examples She didn't buy the designer jacket because sh Although the box was very heavy, we were. abl My mother is English but she was born in Japan. She .... speak Japanese and English when she was a child. They looked everywhere for the necklace but they .., find it anywhere. 3 At first nobody wanted to help but in the end we ... persuade them. nN 4 lTonce had a parrot which Es There was a power cut but he .. book by candlelight. ... Speak. say about twenty different words. .. finish reading his a Modal verbs [Pe ¢ should and ought to Zapamietaj! should i ought to (powinienem, powinienes, powinien ...) Czasowniki should ought to stuza do udzielania rad lub wyrazania opinii. Maja takie samo znaczenie. You've got a bad cold. You should go to bed. You've got a bad cold. You ought to go to bed. There’s a No Parking sign so we shouldn’t park here. There's a No Parking sign so we oughtn't to park here. W pytaniach should wystepuje czeSciej niz ought to: How much money should I bring on Saturday? 46 Uzupetnij drugie zdanie, zachowujac znaczenie zdania pierwszego. Za kazdym razem uzyj poprawnej formy czasownika w nawiasie. Example _ It's a bad idea to stay up late the night before an exam. (should) You ‘t stay.up. late... the night before an exam. ] think this is a good place for us to put our tents up. (should) 1 think we... .... our tents up here. 2 It’s best if you wash those grapes before you eat them. (ought) You ., . those grapes before you eat them. 3. It’s unhealthy the way Sam smokes so much. (ought) Sam ..,.. .. So much, 4 It’s very bad the way people leave drinks cans on the beach. (should) People .... .. drinks Gans on the beach. Is ita good idea to invite Kim and Terry to our party? (should) .... Kim and Terry to our party? Do you think it would be better if they made public transport cheaper? (should) Do you think they .. public transport cheaper? It’s really stupid the way people light fires in these woods. (ought) a a x People .... .. fires in these woods. Where is the best place for Gina to study Economics next year? (should) Where .. Economics next year? Do you think it would be sensible to phone to say we'll be late? (ought) Do you think we... .. to say we'll be late? 10. Slow down! It’s dangerous to drive so fast near a school. (ought) Slow down! You . so fast near a school. ° © 47

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